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eggy790 09 October 2009 10:40 AM

yeah i know i say to myself tomorrow ill go pay it and accept it, the i look at it and think this is rediculous, insurance even laughed when i asked them how much it would increase by..the lady said she didnt have an offence code for it at first

it was one copper in a marked astra who was late for an appointment and used me as an excuse

it'll be my word against his.. only thing i got is that fact of my clean history and never having been in trouble

what really annoys me is what happened..

he nearly ran me off the road

told me to switch vehicle off and get in the back of his

handed my driving license, did an identity check and vehicle check, very rudeley saying the license doesnt look like me.. (ive got long hair now)

i was like wtf have i done.. all this going though my head thinking is my car illegal or something

then he said do you know why i pulled you?

i checked my speedo when i saw flashing lights and i was no where near speeding, 25mph on 60 road! so i said no was it for going on the white line?

(not knowing it was an offence)

he says yeh you no the offence for that?

i said no. and he said well the highway code states its dangerous at certain points, so you cant pass them!

i said ok, thinking it was a warning then he goes so you went on the white line? i said yes, he said could you sign here its basically what i just asked you about not knowing the offence etc. i signed

and he said well thats 3 points and a fine

i was like wt the hell

now all i was thinking about was my insurance and he just kept saying take it and learn from it.. it wont affect ur insurance. im young etc.

stayed quiet after that , went out sat in my car and thought what the hell, why was he such an ass to me..

then i relaised what just happened.. i was neverous while in his car as ive never been pulled or anything before and didnt know what happens but i can now see why people give them a mouthful and are not polite..

he sped off on to the dual carriageway to his appointment he now has an excuse for being late

i sat thier thinking what the ****

edited: to include full convo .. i asumme he wrote all this in his book and i stupidly signed it, he tricked me i didnt read it and didnt even get a copy of it, he just said its because u didnt know the offence i explained. ****

eggy790 09 October 2009 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by mr_D (Post 8987774)
then fight it. take this script with you to court and read to the judge stating [Laws RTA 1988 sect 36 & TSRGD regs 10 & 26] and this paragraph "Double white lines where the line nearest you is solid. This means you MUST NOT cross or straddle it unless it is safe and you need to enter adjoining premises or a side road. You may cross the line if necessary, provided the road is clear, to pass a stationary vehicle, or overtake a pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle, if they are travelling at 10 mph (16 km/h) or less."

and im sure you will get let off this one. you and the police officer both know the traffic was either stopped or moving less than 10mph

had a look on peipipoo and it seems that the adjoining premises or side road bit doesnt apply to me.. this would mean if i stopped on the chevron bit to take a right before the roundabout..

does that sound right?

TimH 09 October 2009 11:17 AM

I honestly think that according to the law you are in the wrong. It may be unfair, unkind etc etc, but you probably just have to take it on the chin and get on with life.

eggy790 09 October 2009 12:36 PM

lol ok fair enough but i have a few days, let me look into road markings etc. i want to see if they have been correctly applied..

Peanuts 09 October 2009 12:37 PM

So why exactly did you do it?
So far all you have offered is that everyone else does it.

eggy790 09 October 2009 12:43 PM

no all cars were at standstill .. ive been on the road for 30 mins, it was crawling, then it stopped at the bottom, so id seen this lane empty and thought i'd go another route as the 3rd exit takes me where i wanna go anyway..

when i got to the roundabout i noticed the reason the cars were stationary was because the queue from the first exit had backlogged and were blocking anyone from pulling out.

note. here the first lane is for taking the first exit/going around to 2nd exit

the lane i was in is for 3rd and 4th exit..

so anyway got to the roundabout and it was empty, just that queue blocking everyone i indicated and thought id go second exit as this is dual carriageway so would be quicker, anyway this is when i saw copper come flying down wrong side of road.. and then on then pulled me half mile up the road for going on the white line

note my change of mind as to what route to take wasnt off concern, copper just complained about white line, i just told you that so you understand why the cars were stationary, if you look in the pic, the road curves in the first lane at bottom so you cant see the traffic has backlogged

Peanuts 09 October 2009 12:47 PM

Cannot access photobucket at work.
There used to be a WL90 code or something similar for white line offences.

DannyBoy007 09 October 2009 05:29 PM

Have a chat with a solictor, the first 1/2 hour is free. If you feel you've been hard done by fight it. Don't worry about his word against yours. Your word is just as good as his.

I fought an alledged speeding offence from the theiving camera van scum, They tried for 8 months by threatening me to try and accept the points. I spoke with a local solicitor. who gave advice and wrote a letter. I took it to court where they failed to produce any evidance. case dropped to an error on there behalf. I then asked for Compensation for time wasting. 9 months later, I received a cheque for £215!!!!

Remember to have everything at hand when you to see the solicitor, Pictures, maps etc. Don't want to have go back

eggy790 09 October 2009 06:32 PM

cheers mate

im seeeing a local one tomorrow morning, recommended by a friend

i will see what he has to say. i hope he can help

ive heard he's one of those who nsays that if they lose you pay nothing, if they win then you pay.

FLAT ERIC 10 October 2009 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by eggy790 (Post 8987832)
its single lane going down and dual lane coming in the opposite direction!

the single lane opens up to two lanes at the bottom for the roundabout

I think your problem lies with the dual lane coming towards you from the roundabout. It is so vehicles coming towards you off the roundabout can safely overtake slower moving traffic as soon as they exit the roundabout & are protected from oncoming traffic, ie you, by the double lines.

Although the road in the opposite direction was clear when you started to jump the stationary queue if a fast moving vehicle suddenly appeared coming towards you off the roundabout overtaking a slower moving vehicle you would have been close to entering it's lane. If you had met before you got to the speed camera you would have also had nowhere to pull in to get out of it's way.

You could argue that you were only "just" over the line. However a driver coming the other way would be faced with you coming towards them in their comfort zone, by however little a margin, & they could have reacted badly by swerving or braking with any number of knock on effects.

eggy790 10 October 2009 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by FLAT ERIC (Post 8989471)
I think your problem lies with the dual lane coming towards you from the roundabout. It is so vehicles coming towards you off the roundabout can safely overtake slower moving traffic as soon as they exit the roundabout & are protected from oncoming traffic, ie you, by the double lines.

Although the road in the opposite direction was clear when you started to jump the stationary queue if a fast moving vehicle suddenly appeared coming towards you off the roundabout overtaking a slower moving vehicle you would have been close to entering it's lane. If you had met before you got to the speed camera you would have also had nowhere to pull in to get out of it's way.

You could argue that you were only "just" over the line. However a driver coming the other way would be faced with you coming towards them in their comfort zone, by however little a margin, & they could have reacted badly by swerving or braking with any number of knock on effects.

ive actually got it wrong, the dual lane coming towards us starts when our lanes goes single (i.e. those coming in opposit direction are on single lane as ours is double..)

heres a pic from another angle.. as if we are standing on the roundabout and looking back at the road i came from

A6120 - Google Maps

TimH 10 October 2009 03:39 PM

Really makes no difference IMHO - you still crossed a double white line with no justification to do so in the eyes of the law :(

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