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Jen 25 February 2002 11:59 AM

Oi - Chris, you're ment to be in bed ill!! And you never told me you'd been racing my scoob ;)


mattski2 25 February 2002 12:01 PM

a friend had his Rover Coupe written off by a post-office truck on the M25. My mate indicated in (from the fast lane in crawling 20mph traffic), plenty of space and the truck driver accelerated and pushed him down the road sideways for about 30 seconds!

be careful!


Mungo 25 February 2002 12:07 PM

- People who don't indicate
- People who have poor lane discipline
- People who drive at 45 everywhere
- People who only clear a 2 sq. inch window through the frost on a winter's morning

peccy 25 February 2002 12:11 PM

ME! Last night!

Showing my mates what it can do, 5 of is in car touching 140 mph! in the WET!

Jerry B 25 February 2002 12:11 PM

I have read it. I also got carved up last week by a **** in a subaru. He obviously wanted to prove something.
I didn't. It made me feel tarred by the same brush by being anywhere near him.
Its threads like this that pi55 me off. Slag off bad driving by all means, just don't point the finger at everyone else with a holier than thou attitude. And as for the general implication that 'we' are better in some way than drivers of other vehicles, well it just tells me we are as ignorant and arrogant as anyone else who shares that opinion.
I certainly drive like a **** sometimes and I'm ashamed of that.

Jen 25 February 2002 12:19 PM

Nobodies perfect...think we all know that.


andys 25 February 2002 12:21 PM

It has to be the idiot who jumped a red light this morning and then proceeded to accelerate into my stationary car. Not only writing it off but also giving me whiplash in the process.

I am not a happy bunny. Still STI or and EVO 7 for a replacement.

madness 25 February 2002 12:23 PM

People that slow down first and then indicate they are turning... whats the point of indicating once you have slowed traffic down behind you ???

People who use their horns... if someone makes a mistake, fair enough, everyone does it, no need to horn...

Jen 25 February 2002 12:24 PM

Unless a woman in a Ka is coming straight at you down a narrow lane fiddling with her radio :eek:

Must get a new horn, Scooby ones sound pants :(


Jerry B 25 February 2002 12:27 PM

I'll get me coat....

Jolly Green Monster 2 25 February 2002 12:47 PM

You reminded me Jen, those lorry drivers (that'll be 99% of them)
that are sat nose to tail with another lorry and wait until you are about 2 car lengths from their rear and then decide to change lanes into your lane... They indicate as they do the manover as a "I am going to kill you sign" and then look at you as if you are strange... then proceed to do 1mph past the other lorry with loads of traffic queuing up and then a hill comes up and they cannot keep up and the other lorry takes the lead and they then move back on.. so they nearly killed you for no reason. So annoying...

Jolly Green Monster 2 25 February 2002 12:48 PM

Two corners in a row... I must be a muppet....?

mattski2 25 February 2002 12:49 PM

heh, yeh... lorries... I know why they convoy but surely if something happens it's big-mess time. Have you ever seen a lorry driver asleep? (whilst driving that is)... scary sight to behold.


Jen 25 February 2002 12:52 PM

JGM - you're clearly well practised! :D

I've seen a lorry do that, needless to say I didn't hang around ;)

Oh - and I didn't mean all ka drivers are pants, just that one I offending people ?! Maybe I'll get me coat as well :)


Jerry* 25 February 2002 12:54 PM

Ooooh what fun !! :D:D

The worst ?!

1) MPV's/4x4s on the school run.
2) Saxo VTR/S - Can the fog lights be turned off ?
3) Mercedes CLK drivers
4) People that think motorways have a 'fast lane'
5) People that pull out of junctions in front of you, causing you
to step on the brakes, and then make no effort at all to match
your speed, and then go mad when you overtake them (full beams,
flooring it, horn etc...)

Without being stereotypical, I just generally get pi55ed off with motorists that don't pay attention to what's going on around them or simply don't know the highway code !! Lets face it, there's bloody loads of 'em !!

Ho hum..:D:D:D:D


Dave P 25 February 2002 01:01 PM

People who on approach to a roundabout, pick the right hand lane, only to swing into the left hand lane at the last moment to make the roundabout a little smoother. This has happened to me twice in the last week, once nearly taking me and my Fiesta out.


people who drive at 44 mph on straight bits of road whith solid white lines (you know the 3 lane affairs, one lane down the hill 2 up the hill)and then accelarate on the up hill bits when the restriction is removed so that I can't get past them in my Fiesta... AND THEN they slow down again when they get to the top...


Phill 25 February 2002 01:49 PM

Probably not the worst ting people do on the roads but....

Fog lights, at night (more obviously !!) my mate swears by them he says it helps him see the curb better when he is having a thrash, but surely once doing saying the national speed limit down narrow twisty roads (all around the mole valley (boxhill etc..) he feels that he can see the roadside around his car more clearly and.....

When i'm driving quickly down a narrow road, my eyes are on the vanishing point on the road, my old bike track day instructor called it a 1000 yard stare, surely your looking in the wrong place if your eyes are concentrating at the end of your bonnet !!

Fekking dangerous driving around with needlesly bright lights i've been blinded by many a lax power boy around Dorking, not good !

MarkJackon 25 February 2002 02:11 PM

The X5 is a inflated 5 series, so along with the inflation of the vehicle, the (already big) ego/aggression gets inflated also. You know old blokes say that a car can

"Look like its doing a ton stood still"

Well a BMW X5 can look like its in full on road rage mode even when being driven normally. I mean 4X4's are bad enough but what would posess anybody to buy one of these obnoxious big dollops. I am sure they are wonderful to drive, fast, safe and comfy but I would rather drive a Fiesta than be seen dead in an X5.

My father in law has a ML320 and I alwys feel a pillock driving that, The X5 has twice the ammount of whatever winds me up so much.

I mean, why do they all have blacked out windows, is it cos the driver is busy doing what everbody calls BMW owners.

Rant over, didnt know I had so much vitriol in me.

Jolly Green Monster 2 25 February 2002 02:17 PM

Lorry drivers falling asleep!!

Remember watching in disbelief as a lorry ventured onto the hard shoulder and continued along it for about 200 yards, there was a broken down lorry on the hard shoulder up ahead and about 10metres from it the lorry driver realised and swerved back out to the inside lane.. that was a clean pair of pants required moment for both lorry drivers I think...

Mind you I don't think just lorry drivers that fall asleep...
but we won't got there... mind you I notice on the news today they are talking about checking all railway bridges to check that no car could get onto the lines... hummmm.... bit late...

tonybooth 25 February 2002 02:42 PM

Transit van drivers.
Mini-cab drivers.
Bus drivers.
Sunday drivers.


mcactive 25 February 2002 02:44 PM

Taxi's are the worst when your on a moped but in a car they are just as bad sqeezing in stupid gaps, driving on krebs etc. nova drivers are a bit wierd too. for the drivers, i hate old people who can't see but drive anyway and drive about 15-20 mph on a 30 and 25-30 on a motorway. But once your in a scooby just wizz passed and you'll feel much more cheered up!

mcactive 25 February 2002 02:48 PM

i think i must of been one of the maddest drivers around. but since have slowed down a lot since... made my 106 tyres bold in 2 months use. The whole car was brand new! Would of seen me around bournemouth at the time. It was in monsoon. but a lot of new drivers around since i last went down.

Gridlock Mikey 25 February 2002 03:54 PM

OLD PEOPLE [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Not elderly oap types, but OLD

You know the people that physically can hardly talk, let alone be in charge of a car.

Before you start, i know they might rely on thier car, i'm not anti gran and grandpa, just i think, much like my mate wanted to be a fighter pilot but couldn't because he didn't have perfect eyesight (He's 22 and doesn't wear glasses! ) why should these "really" old people be allowed to drive when they, due to age deterioration, can hardly control themselves.

We've all been in situations when the old guy or gal has done summat TOTALLY unexpected. The favorite is turning right at a T-junction and stopping because they see the red traffic light that is meant for the crossing traffic [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHH

Or swinging across lanes, only slowly and gradually, but because they are not capable of being aware, they don't know they are doing it.

You dare not beep incase you frighten them into a more bizzarre action. I just am forced to put up with them.

Thems be the worst drivers ;)

Mikey :cool:

Chris_S199 25 February 2002 04:00 PM

You have to beep at them to wake them up and make them look in their mirrors at the queue of traffic building up behind them! :D

Gordo 25 February 2002 04:03 PM


CaptainBeakie 25 February 2002 04:18 PM

Kids with a car that sounds like a wet fart!

Known as 'Loudas crappus' these vehicles always hold four inhabitants and sometimes travel in packs. The 'drive errr' wears baseball cap and are normally of a spotty nature.

Caronte 25 February 2002 04:33 PM

People with hats!

saxovts2000 25 February 2002 04:35 PM

Jerry* Yes they can be turned off but it seem a lot of Saxo VTR/VTS driver out there do not seem to know how to!! It gets me mad too but it's not just Saxo Drivers it seems to be anyone that has fog lights and a new car......maybe it's just where I live!!

The worst drivers have to be BMW soz if it upsets anyone but they really do think they own the road!!

But to be honest anyone who doesn't give any thought what so ever for other drivers on the road are the worst and really should be banned!!

My rant is now over!! ;)


my2009 25 February 2002 06:40 PM

"Gotta be scooby drivers who think they have the greatest car ever known to mankind and can keep up with anything else on the road


Gotta be scooby drivers who know they have the greatest car ever known to mankind and can keep up with anything else on the road ;)

[Edited by my2009 - 2/25/2002 6:41:45 PM]

mattski2 25 February 2002 07:50 PM

people with hands, eyes or feet.

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