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The Zohan 05 January 2009 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by Connor_scotland (Post 8398380)
Was that the one where they pinned him down an cut his balls off.

Serves him right

and a convicted repeat offender and at least he will not do it agian, i do hope he felt some of the pain and fear that his victims did. I would have never, ever let him out - after the first offence or lobotomised the POS if he was to be released. Crowds/teens killing people is not the answer - protesting and making changes happen is far better surely!

sarasquares 05 January 2009 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Torquemada (Post 8398389)
Lovely :freak3:

its great news for all those kids out there :thumb:

if the police or courts had done the right thing then he probably wouldn't be dead now.

Connor_scotland 05 January 2009 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by sarasquares (Post 8398399)
thats the one :D

i bet the police are secretly relieved he is off the streets for good. that sort of retribution i agree with :thumb:

i hope they don't find those who are responsible.

i am not so narrow minded that i think this should happen and is right but when it does it feels better than hearing that some sicko got early release and went out and ruined another child's life

Totally mate.

Im not narrow minded but i do find myself wanting all people that cross the barrier or being a decent human into becoming scum should get punished they way he did

These to types in particular

Kiddy filddlers all that types of scum should get that treatment.

I know gangs of teens doing that isnt the right way to go about but but you have to think what if it was your little sister or daughter.

Would a jail sentence suit the punishment - Would it ****

I would be the first to administer my own punishment to someone if they did something like that to daughter or sister.

But that comes with consequences

If scum like that knew there would be a "proper" punishment an not a jail sentence they would think twice about doing it

Massive tatoo on there head saying the crime they did, an tortured.........

The Zohan 05 January 2009 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by mrtheedge2u2 (Post 8398403)
I understand that...... if you go out carrying a weapon and are caught you should be given a mandatory and stiff penalty eg 5 years for a knife regardless of what you were doing at the time.

and this is simply not happening
Despite promises of tough sentencing from the Government, only 72 of the 1,226 suspects under the age of 18 found guilty of carrying a potentially deadly blade in 2006 were jailed, Home Office figures reveal.

Most knife offenders escape prison - Telegraph

The answer is to educate and put in place deterrants and then punish - hard and fast on those who then cghoose to break the laws beit dog fighting or knife crime!

sarasquares 05 January 2009 01:49 PM

i seem to have hijacked my own thread and took it off topic :p

sarasquares 05 January 2009 04:31 PM

is there a minimum legal age for owning a dog these days?

lem6 05 January 2009 05:09 PM

there should be a minimum IQ to own a dog!

sarasquares 05 January 2009 05:11 PM

mensa members only :D

Connor_scotland 05 January 2009 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by sarasquares (Post 8399022)
is there a minimum legal age for owning a dog these days?

I was looking at an article online saying there is NO minimum age to own a dog which is shocking

sarasquares 05 January 2009 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by Connor_scotland (Post 8399288)
I was looking at an article online saying there is NO minimum age to own a dog which is shocking

just seen the news and i felt sick at the sight of some of the dogs rescued. one dog had half the skin on its head and back ripped off, it didnt survive. these kids chain the dogs up so they can fight without running away :mad:

on the news a yob was arrested at his parents home, it looks like these idiots keep the dogs in the family home :cuckoo:

surely the parents should be arrested for allowing this to happen, its sick.

they are suggesting micro chipping all dogs and that way the dogs can be traced...............surely only the law abiding owners will do this.

and if they do confiscate the dogs used for fighting where are they going to put them all, all dog places are bursting at the seams :(

i dont think you should be able to own a dog unless you are over 18...AT LEAST!!

Connor_scotland 05 January 2009 06:21 PM

I wouldnt say age comes into play as i got my own dog when i was 14 an took it everywhere with me even when we wondered about at night but i wasnt in a gang or anything there wasonly about 20 people lived in our village lol so its not like you see on the news.....

Anyone any age can abuse a dog it just seems they show up the youngers on the news to point "blame" in their direction if that makes sense

There was a program on Bravo called Britains toughest sports. It had bare knuckle boxing an dog fighting

It was a room in a family home the mother young kids 6 years old or there about all watched it. The room had cling film all over the walls an on the floor for blood an they put 2 dogs in the room an only 1 came out

Sick ****s. I personally would love to punish the scum that think its a sport or get any entertainment from it.

sarasquares 05 January 2009 06:27 PM

the reason i said at least 18 is that the owner is then old enough to be prosecuted, under that then the parents should be done instead.

i cant bear to watch dog fighting and when it is on the tv i turn it off in a panic as i know whats coming.

we live in a very sick nation and i cant see this situation ever changing for the better.

if i ever see a dog that looks like it is being abused i would inform the police but i am not confident that they would act in the dogs best interests :(

Connor_scotland 05 January 2009 06:34 PM

I have seen people slap their dog on the arse for been bad which is fine if you do it the second it does something bad as they forget why you are hitting them if you leave it a while

If i seen someone properly beat there dog i would stop the car regardless of how many or what size they were an punch them right in the teeth or more depending on how my temper takes me. A dog would be better ina shelter than with some scummy **** owner

Yep we do live in a sick nation an there is nothing we can do about it unless you all join my vigilante gang

sarasquares 05 January 2009 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Connor_scotland (Post 8399440)
I have seen people slap their dog on the arse for been bad which is fine if you do it the second it does something bad as they forget why you are hitting them if you leave it a while

If i seen someone properly beat there dog i would stop the car regardless of how many or what size they were an punch them right in the teeth or more depending on how my temper takes me. A dog would be better ina shelter than with some scummy **** owner

Yep we do live in a sick nation an there is nothing we can do about it unless you all join my vigilante gang

as long as you are not Gary Glitter i will join your gang :thumb:

the news i watched is on in 3 parts, the first was today so hopefully it will make the public more aware that these dogs are suffering.

if i was a bloke i would give the scrotes a kicking they would not forget...god i am so angry that i cant do anything :mad:

morpheus1870 05 January 2009 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by stilover (Post 8398070)
National Service.

Be convicted of being a yob, National service.

That'll sort the feckers out. Think you're hard? Lets see how hard you are dodging bullets

Problem is here mate you give a yob a gun and what happens? well we have seen it in Basra, trigger happy yobs who kill civilians and torture captives through humiliation. Our armed forces in any division, navy, airforce or ground infrantry represent the best the UK has to offer, fair, honourable and couragous folk who risk their lives to serve us, not yobs who get a kick out of carrying a knife, god help us if these types are given the chance to carry a gun....lets not humiliate our army by filling it with loosers who should really be locked up in a prison and made to pick up the soap :lol1: that will teach them :thumb:

I saw a kid the other day must have been 15, had two of those massive dogs that look like wolves/husky's on a leash, had very little control as they were pulling him all over, naturally I crossed the road when I saw them coming :nono:

dannytwo 05 January 2009 10:11 PM

I went to park which was holding a family event,there were two groups of lad in there late teens both groups had staffy bulls,lovely dogs in the right hands! Anyway these groups came towards eachother egging the dogs to fight eachother! it was madness.there was a big police presnce at the event and they were watching,but did nothing! it total disrupted the event.

I felt like going over and having a word! but it would'nt of done any good.

Its like a status symbol the lads have bling and so does the dog,big studded collar!!!
Rant over:)

Connor_scotland 05 January 2009 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by dannytwo (Post 8400328)
Its like a status symbol the lads have bling and so does the dog,big studded collar!!!
Rant over:)

Exactly what i said mate

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sarasquares 26 August 2009 09:39 AM


Leslie 26 August 2009 12:21 PM

It is well past time that the authorities got a real grip of all this sort of thing. Young people in possession of knives and guns etc. should be punished in such a way that they don't want to experience that again. It has to be a real punishment that hurts and embarrasses them.

The dog fighting bit is new to me and is another dreadful thing to hear about. Once again the punishment when caught should be very heavy and the dogs saved from them if possible. I can't imagine how anyone can get pleasure from that sort of thing.

I also think that the parents should be made responsible for the actions of their children as well. Might just encourage a bit more responsiblity from parents. so many of whom seem to take no interest in their childrens' behaviour.


Snazy 26 August 2009 12:32 PM

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