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FlightMan 17 December 2008 08:26 PM

J4ckos mate, I'm with you mate, 100%.

That's a look into my life right there!

j4ckos mate 17 December 2008 09:08 PM

They just dont get the damage its causing,

they are in bed now, but she's got a bag on because she was out with her mate before and someone thought it was mother and daughter,:lol1: so naturally its my fault, hence no legover.

sometimes i think your better of on your own with no head****.

blubs 17 December 2008 09:19 PM


I also have a daughter who is 10 and a son who is 7 and this was a relief to read mate.

I reckon it is just kids pressing buttons. You will notice that your son knows exactly what to do in order to wind his sister up in the shortest possible time-scale. Our school mornings are the same - having to tell my lad 20 times to do everything and then deal with the attitude of a 10/16 year old girl.

In fairness, they are pretty good kids - but they are kids after all. I would rather have them like this with a bit of spirit than some of the 'Stepford' kids we have on the estate here. Never allowed to get dirty, or have water fights in the summer, or go camping in the garden etc etc.

If you can find something that 'hurts' them punishment wise, especially if they have been very bad, I have found this works. For my lad, it's banning from the PC/DS and he has to write the banned days on the calendar and then mark them off as they pass by, reminding him everyday of why he has been denied one of the things he likes to do.

Similar with the daughter, though on a slightly more adult scale.

Thing to remember is, many people will read what you have written and see real comparisons with their own home life, (even if they may not be ready to admit it on here!) :D


hodgy0_2 17 December 2008 09:22 PM

haha -- I have 5 (all under 11) and am just about to drive to the south of france with them all

have just bought these

you thing i'm joking

SCOsazOBY 17 December 2008 10:39 PM

And just when you think you're going to get your peaceful life back because they have grown up and moved out...........they bring the grand kids round :D

Turbohot 17 December 2008 11:20 PM

Mine did argue like hell when they lived under the same roof,and when they were younger. Now they are older, and they live apart (my girl lives with me, my boy with his dad). I think that absence must have made their hearts grow fonder of each other, so they don't really argue and fight now. But their fun banters do go on. TBH I love it so much when she calls him an insect :D (he is a slim and fit muscleman, really) and he calls her a fathead :lol1: (she is not fat at all) They just tease each other now. :D He still gets battered by her in a joke, and she screams -"Mum, look he is hitting me!" LOL they don't stress me with their real competitive arguments anymore. It all gets better with time and their growth, I suppose.

hodgy0_2 17 December 2008 11:26 PM

its all a phase anyway

Sonic' 17 December 2008 11:29 PM

I think its a phase that all kids go through that have that age gap

I havent known any kids to be any different, myself included with my Brother

We have it now with the kids, its certainly not easy with 4 of them, as at least two of them are arguing fighting etc, and just when you get them to stop, it starts with the other :lol1:

NotoriousREV 18 December 2008 07:52 AM

I'm 34 and a senior IT manager and my sister is a 39 year old headteacher. I can still get her to say "mum, tell him!" in that whiny voice within about 30 seconds of walking in the room :D

J4ckos mate, it sounds like every household with 2+ kids to me. My mrs winds me up giving in to the REVlet too easily but don't let the buggers get between you.

As for punishments, my mum once broke a wooden spoon whacking me for some extreme cheekiness and she also once cut my sister out of a pair of skintight ripped jeans that she reckoned were "obscene". She still wasn't the boss :lol1:

StickyMicky 18 December 2008 08:11 AM

i used to kick my brother to **** :D

arguing is for softies :D
never done us any harm and we still grew up to be reasonable normal :lol1:

j4ckos mate 18 December 2008 09:18 PM

Same thing tonight, got them in bed early whilst she pisses of to the trafford centre, they have been in bed for 45 mins now she gos up to start talking to them, getting them all active again. i say leave them alone let them sleeep, she tells me to shorrup, so no legover again.

oh yes and the poo fairy paid another visit

ScoobyWon't 19 December 2008 01:45 AM

Originally Posted by Markus (Post 8354894)
Siblings are meant to wind up each other, well, that's my take on it. I wound my brother up, he wound me up. The same was true with my friends and their siblings.

Myself and my brother still do it and I'm now 29 and a lot ;) and he's 28. It wouldn't be fun if you didn't :lol1:

Just wait until they are both old enough to drink, that's when the fun will start... :eek:

StickyMicky 19 December 2008 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by ScoobyWon't (Post 8359229)
Myself and my brother still do it and I'm now 29 and a lot ;) and he's 28. It wouldn't be fun if you didn't :lol1:

Just wait until they are both old enough to drink, that's when the fun will start... :eek:

LOL :lol1:

i have to say, that me and "workid" don't do the fisticuffs any more, mainly because i would kick his arse again :lol1:

but we still do the whole "trying to beat each other" in everything else, he actually let slip about something yesterday while waffling about his new job and his new pay, which proved he was lieing in his last little "argument"

will save it for christmas dinner conversation :D

Clarebabes 19 December 2008 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by j4ckos mate (Post 8354714)
this monring her hair was in her breakfast bowl, and she said its not, even though it was. she just argues about the slightest thing, it was wet for ffs but she was adamant it wasnt in it

OMG, this sounds so familiar. My daughter is 9, nearly 10 and she would swear black was white and vice versa!

When I call her to come and do something, she doesn't say "coming" or anything, so I call her again, a bit louder and she shouts "I AM!!!". How am I supposed to know, she's not moving or acknowledging I exist.

Then there's the telly. I refuse to let her have a TV in her room, I don't agree with it anyway, but when she gets in front of the one downstairs, she goes into mong mode and doesn't know what's going on around her at all. She sits there with a glazed expression on her face and if you ask her something, we have the "having to say everything 3 times" before she realises you're even there!

She is also really rude at times, so we've said to her that everytime she is rude before Christmas, one present gets put away for her birthday. She's lost 2 already this morning! (Make sure it's the crap stuff that I don't want to play with ;) )

She is generally very good company most of the time, it's just the pre-teen age I guess. She is an only child, so instead of fighting with siblings, she fights with us instead.

I do love her though! :luvlove:

Hol 19 December 2008 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by J4CKO (Post 8355402)
I sorted mine out tonight, I said you better sit there playing Call Of Duty 4, eating, crisps, drinking Coke and farting all night or there will be hell to play, :D

If he was on team death match, i probably shot him at some point - if thats any consolation.

My boys are 7 and 11 and generally get on very well together.

If I have an issue - It is with the wife always threatening them with punishment, - but never carrying them through. Occassionally if im there I have to 'blow up' and take away Computer, or games console privaledges.

But, they always do what I say when I start to get annoyed with them. With her, they just carry on until she finally starts to shout (which is only when I am not there).

I think Dads always seem to be the ones who keep kids on the straight and narrow. (Not trying to start any discussion about the link between feral kids and single mums).

If you do want to be beneficial in your punishment, give them lines to do. It helps their handwriting at the same time.

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