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jimbrit 23 January 2002 11:55 PM

The girlfriend loves my scoob and actually convinced me I could afford it and then very kindly gave me some money so I could buy the one I wanted. Now I've got it she loves it even more and is trying to make me get a scoobysport exhaust so it sounds better.

Bliss pure bliss :D:D

AJbaseBloke 24 January 2002 04:03 AM

Other half likes it alot. She does not mind the performance of the car at all. More comfortable than her car too - the only things that stop her from loving it are the number of tweaks I keep doing (= very scared placcy card thingy ;) ) and the fact that its a manual (i.e. she can't drive it <phew> :p ).

But then again, she has a Skyline GT-t to keep her entertained <thankfully>

Seamus 24 January 2002 07:35 AM

My girlfriend cancelled an ordered 320 Bimmer convertible to buy an RB5. Nuff said!

Gridlock Mikey 24 January 2002 08:54 AM

My ex didn't really like it so she went :D Me current one won't stop asking stuff about it :D Shows a real passion and genuine interest in it............Which is nice :D

She's also strangley horny after a few b roads ;) i take it that it must be the car cos my driving sucks :D:D:D:D

Mikey :cool:

Lunchie 24 January 2002 09:16 AM

My wife likes my Scoob :D - I won't go as far as saying she loves it, but that's close enough. After casually mentioning some upgrades, she's the one who encouraged me to go ahead.

The only thing she doesn't like is roundabouts....don't know why ;)


CaptainBeakie 24 January 2002 09:17 AM

My g/f loves it (the scooby) and certainly does give it a good blast when she drives it. Though not too sure if she can see past the scoop!!

I used to own a Pug 306 GTI-6 and she used to call that a 'matchbox car', go figure!!

fast bloke 24 January 2002 09:28 AM

Better half is a petrol head as well. She used to ride bikes, took every chance at a traffic light GP in the scoob and is now subliminally trying to get me to buy another one. Emma (3) is also a petrol head. We were watching WRC on Sunday when we spotted an old shape Scoob in the background. Conversation went like this

Emma: Dad - Thats your scoppy
Me: No it isn't
Emma: Would you like another scoopy?
Me: Yes
Emma: If you are really really really good Santa might bring you one

Cool - how good do I have to be, and does he do finance? :D

kav 24 January 2002 09:29 AM

...with a passion!

Trout... 24 January 2002 09:35 AM

Her indoors loves it.

She also likes the Scoob - fnarr, fnarr - wants one of her own. Also - given Scoob is bonkersly fast by any standard she drives it like a loon too - you should check out her single digit fuel consumption!!!!! :o


Trout... 24 January 2002 09:36 AM


This is her coming around the corner!


[Edited by Trout - 1/24/2002 9:36:31 AM]

MATTeL 24 January 2002 09:36 AM

FB - Awww your daughter sounds brilliant :D

My friend likes the car, the only one apparently to make her scream with joy! Her words not mine, but she has found her favourite seat is the rear passenger side. Something to do with the exhaust vibrations... :rolleyes: I haven't told her about he HKS Hiper that is coming! :D Her only the critism is the spoiler (MY01 standard)... she thinks that car would look better without it... doesn't like spilers on cars! Hmmmmm


Trout... 24 January 2002 09:41 AM

.....and forgot to say - her indoors' mother likes it too - says she wants first option if I ever sell it.

I mean this is a bonkersly mad tuned STi for gawds sake - can't get them out of it....

....maybe I should hide the keys or take the ECU out when I am not there ;)

Trout :D

Trouser 24 January 2002 09:48 AM

i am one of the lucky ones with a scooby mad chick... pretty fortunate really, bearing in mine what i do for a living!! ;):D

however, i REALLY, REALLY want to see Salsa's answer on this one ;).... i'm saying nothing but his missus is VERY well acquainted with the interior of his scoob apparently..... particularly certain seats....:rolleyes: :p:D

he he


mattski2 24 January 2002 09:52 AM

She likes how quick it is but also complains that it makes her head go back! sigh... she also thinks it's noisy ( 'sounds like a lorry' ), she don't hate it but she don't really appreciate it either.


Jolly Green Monster 2 24 January 2002 10:01 AM

My wife isn't mad about the Scooby, but is very happy with it as my previous car was a two seater... which was anti social according to her... no complaints about noise or ride though. :)
Although I have to drive it slowly, but that would be the case with any car as she gets car sick if I drive how I want too. :D
She wasn't overly chuffed when I bought this last Scooby as we were out and I just pulled into the dealers and left her in the car and looked over the Scooby and struck a deal. Went back to the car and said "Just bought it" ... you can imagine the reaction... "you what" :)
Her view of a car is a plain A to B view..
She is insured to drive it and in a year hasn't even sat in the drivers seat.. although I have offered on a number of occassions.
We live out in the middle of no where and my only fear is the same bush scrap marks down the near side that her car is littered with.
Personally it is the best all round car I have ever owned.. quick, reliable and large enough to carry the family and all the luggage etc.. :)

Cheeky Jim 24 January 2002 10:13 AM

My wife used to tolerate the car, but since she is now 6 months pregnant and that I recently put a magnex backbox on, she has gone right off it.

Its too hard on the suspension, it's too noisy (i'm not putting our baby in this car) (Quote "You think it sounds really good, but really everyone thinks your a Max Power Wanker, drawing attention to yourself" unquote). I'm now too harsh on acceleration and braking etc

So now, I have to buy her a new car, and one that if we go any long distances on we can use practically on a motorway. She is adamant that the baby will not go in the Scoob.

Any suggestions? I am thinking Focus 1.8 Estate for her (and occasionally me) and the Scooby for me exclusively..

Jamie :D

carpet 24 January 2002 10:16 AM

lose the biatch

Richard Askew 24 January 2002 10:19 AM

Mel absolutely loves the scooby, even if she insists of winding me up by calling it an estate car :rolleyes: ITS A FCUKING WAGON!!! :D ...she's pleading with me not to get rid of it but she'll love the next heap I'm sure...

Gridlock Mikey 24 January 2002 10:29 AM

Mr A, you got a bird!!! :eek: ;)

Mikey :cool:

Richard Askew 24 January 2002 10:36 AM

[churchill dog]
...oh yes...
[/churchill dog]'ll meet her on Sunday if you turn up... :D

ScoobyJawa 24 January 2002 12:17 PM

Emma absolutely loves it :D She's the one that made me buy it in the first place ;) I liked them, but we'd moved, my pug was playing up and she told me to buy the scoob - so I did :D Haven't looked back :D

She drives it in empty car parks at the mo now and then as shes not insured. However, since upping the power from standard to almost 270bhp :eek: she's not sure she wants to now ;) lol!!!

Mum loves the car, but is scared silly of it and wears brown trousers whenever we go out even though I drive like a grandad with her in the car ;) :rolleyes:

Lunchie 24 January 2002 12:30 PM

Cheeky Jim - your lady needs to have a chat with mine. We bought a Scoob wagon cos she was pregnant, and now we have the wee one in the back. The SS backbox helps put her to sleep and the suspensions also rocks her to sleep.... everyone's a winner.


P.S. And of course I drove a lot slower when we're all aboard!

Steve001 24 January 2002 12:33 PM

Er in doors LOVES it!

Its the ONLY car i have ever had that she said she liked it from the word go. In the past ive had comments like 'its not as good as the last one'.

Took her for a quick spin on the 1st day, pottering down the 30 road down towards the 60 at the bottom of the street. She says 'not very sporty is it!' turn onto the main road foot down, i had to smile as all i could hear was a continuous scream for about 10 seconds! I just love it :D

Last night i asked the daughter 'were's mum?' oh she says she's just nipped out in the scoob. enough said.....


Tractor 24 January 2002 01:05 PM

Oh my Gawd, my Girlfriend HATES it!!!!! This is of course an enormous pain in the arse. She thinks its ugly, noisy, has appalling ride, too fast, too uncomfortable, embarrassing to be seen in, makes her feel sick every time she goes in it etc, etc, this despite me driving like a pansie when she's in it!!!!!!!

This is not a good thing, and yes she wants me to get a Volvo.... Will I? Will I fcuk!! Probably serves me right for buying an Sti Type R with a noisy exhaust but, oh well....

Little Miss WRX, now you sound like my kind of girl!! Fancy a drink sometime? ;)

ScoobyLoobyLou 24 January 2002 01:11 PM

I have a VTR and I would have to say, I would much rather drive the Scoob. We had a VW Corrado before the Scoob and I just hated driving it. I dont think MW minds me driving it, but I do think he gets pi55ed off cos I want to drive it all the time!!!

I love the Scoob and so does the Black Lab!


Ole Grey Beard 24 January 2002 01:13 PM

Never asked the misses, It's mine all mine...
Seriously she loves it.
daughter & her m8's love it..
"Take us for a scobby ride, no music apart from the growl"
Get all upset if anyone gets in our way!

Katana 24 January 2002 01:46 PM

Hang on a minute guys, didn't most of us bought a scooby to pull women in the first place? Something is definately wrong here....

Cheeky Jim 24 January 2002 03:06 PM

Scoob Wagon ;) well I hadn't really considered that...

I think I'll just keep it for meself and she can have what she wants...that way everyone is happy....aprt from me having to fork out extra wedge on a car that we don't really need...

"Oh the things we do for love" :D

Jim :D

MyDreamCar 24 January 2002 08:17 PM

My Scoob is like a magic spell on my other half - it miraculously turns my quiet respectable stereotypical accountant girl friend into a loony - she red lines it at every opportunity and when I ask her how fast she thinks shes going she just looks all innocently at me and goes "Oh Yes - Whoops" - Brilliant!!!!!

Trout... 24 January 2002 11:32 PM

Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecccccccccchhhh hhhhhhhhhhh!

Here she is around another bend!

Trout :D:D:D:D:D

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