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urban 31 January 2008 02:03 PM

You're very luck to have walked away from that!

Was there ice or was the road just greasy?
Hopefully this doesn't come across as very very cheeky, but what sort of speed do you think you were doing?
Tell me to mind my own business if you like by the way.


tarmac terror 31 January 2008 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by scooby_girlie (Post 7611719)

So the moral of the story is always wear your seatbelt cause if I hadn't been wearing mine I'd have been killed!

Two morals to your story I reckon - never lift off mid corner and wear your seatbelt :)

Main thing is you are ok, bit battered and bruised but, nothing worse. Get yourself back behind the wheel as soon as you can, it can be easy and understandable that your confidence might take a bit of a knock after a big off, dont worry though, just take it easy the first few times you are out and about and you'll be fine. I'm sure if you need anthing the guys and girls on here will be happy to help you out or offer advice. Best wishes for a swift recovery.

Agree with Brocks the roads are in bad shape at the minute, and there is a severe weather warning for this weekend folks, with a 60% risk of heavy snow fall all over NI on Friday and Saturday.

Take it easy - and enjoy the snow responsibly!!!

scooby_girlie 31 January 2008 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by fifty (Post 7613724)
we live in ballinderry,the wife was going to crumlin,she seen a car flip and hit a telegraph pole and end upside down in a ditch on the crumlin road,was this you i think it was sounds simlar,on tues about 4 o clock,anyway how you get out of it alive,wife was talking to you and trying to keep you conscious if this was you.

yeah that was me. Thank your wife, I remember a woman talking to me.:notworthy I know, I was very lucky.

Shaun, I wasn't going stupid speeds. Just lost traction cause I've lifted of going round corner. Dunno why I lifted off, I know better. Road's really greasy at min.

I know I owe the big man upstairs a huge thankyou. I definately had someone watching over me on Tuesday, everyone has said that.

gojonnyjo 31 January 2008 02:40 PM

Main thing is your ok, the big'un upstairs was looking out for you, cars can be replaced.

ulsterscooby 31 January 2008 02:48 PM

Glad your alright turbo girl

scooby_girlie 31 January 2008 02:52 PM

I'm going this afternoon to look at a 3door and a couple of other WRX's. I'm wanting to get a new one asap cause I'm really stuck without a car and I really miss Flick (my scooby), so I figured best way to get over it is to get a new one. One way or another I need to buy a car to get to work and I don't want anything other than a scooby. I've been told about a white 3door wrx that sounds lovely, but I'm toying with getting a p1 cause I love Neil's when I'm driving it, and Neil really want's me to get a p1 so I dunno.

OLLIeRB5 31 January 2008 03:07 PM

thats the way to do it!

some bloody love V5`s in the trader today. 3dr and 5 dr

davey21wagon 31 January 2008 04:29 PM

good girl, p1 or any three door is nice :thumb:

good luck with looking for a car :)

wills 78 31 January 2008 04:38 PM

:) lisa lots of thots with urself and am really plzd ur around to tell the tale, like everyones mentioned cars are just metal and can be replaced william...

dee hagan 31 January 2008 07:02 PM

hey lisa, norman told me last nite when i bumped into him.

i cant believe it! u are one very lucky woman and my thoughts are with u and hope the new scoob helps u on the road to recovery!:thumb:

fast bloke 01 February 2008 12:52 AM

Lucky girl.... have you done the lottery yet in case this is a streak?

Lift off is a complete b1tch. I managed to to a 720 with reverse 360 coming off the big roundabout on the Newry side of Dundalk before they opened the motorway ring road. Was caning round and some old duffer was walking down the verge and made a move to cross the road. I had just gone from hard right to hard left for the exit when I spotted him, lifted off, two full circles anticlockwise and a full clockwise before resuming my journey in the general direction of Newry. Mate in the passenger seat was amazed at my driving skill. Conversation went like this..

Him - Jeez - I thought we were dead - Recovering that one was pure driving class.... how did you do that
Me - Initially I thought I would steer into the skid and give it more boot, but then I decided to close my eyes and put my hands over my face.......
Him - Good call - it worked

Anyway - Glad you are OK - bet you can't take that corner at more that 10MPH in whatever replacement you get ;)

scooby_girlie 01 February 2008 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by New_scooby_04 (Post 7613169)
EEEEK. You don't do thngs by half measures do you!! :)

Lol, I know. When Neil's mom heard the story and saw how much damage I'd done to the car, the road, the tree and telegraph pole I'd smashed down, the way I cut all power to the area for half the night, the farmers fence I demolished, the fact I'd made the news and that the road was closed for 6 hours cause they had to clear up the mess and fit the electricity pole she said, 'Well if you're gonna do something, do it right':thumb:, lol.

scooby_girlie 01 February 2008 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by bekee (Post 7613170)
......(let neil look after you!!!!)......get a wee bell 2 ring when u want sumthin!!!!

bekee I like your style :thumb:

I went and looked at some cars tonight and test drove a Type R that I really liked, I've also seen an absolutely stunning P1 and another Type R that I'm considering. But it's weird, even though the cars I'm looking at are technically better cars than Flick was, I keep finding wee tiny faults with them. But I was really lucky when I found her, there wasn't a mark on her and she was a dream to drive, so when any of the cars I look at have a little imperfection, I keep thinking 'but they're not as good as her', so I think I'll be a lot pickier when choosing a car this time.

Getting back into a subaru and driving was fine - I had thought I would have been nervous and found it difficult, but it was great. I really enjoyed being back behind the wheel of a Subaru and I'm certain I wouldn't buy any other car but an Impreza, but anyone I know who doesn't have one thinks I'm mad, lol.

I tend to be quite impulsive, lol, I hadn't intended to buy a scooby before I saw Flick, I had originally been thinking about getting an Evo(don't kill me) or Skyline, and I had actually specifically said I didn't want an Impreza. But I went into a tuning company to see if they were selling any cars on the off-chance and they said 'only that navy scooby over there'. I walked over to see it, took one look at her and said 'I'll take it'. That was before I'd actually opened the door, asked what spec she was, or how much she cost, lol. I bet the guy dealing with me was well pleased. I paid the deposit there and then and picked her up the next day. I was very lucky with her. I never had any major problems with her and she turned out to be a brilliant car

I'm glad in a way that me crashing her finished her off, at least I ended her life spectacularly, :D . Plus it means I'll never have the agony of wondering whether or not to upgrade her. But the fact I survived is a testament to the sturdyness of an impreza, cause even though the out side of her is mangled, the interior wasn't affected that much, the brace/impact bar behind the dash seemed to do its job. If I'd been in any other car I'd have been dead for sure.

Three cheers for scooby's!!!! :luxhello: :notworthy

c0lin 01 February 2008 10:03 AM

I can also vouch for the impact impreza's can take! although mine wasnt half as serious as your accident lisa, before xmas when the fella drove out infront of me, i went into him at a decent enough speed, done a lot of damage to his car and to be honest, all that was wrong wit mine was a dented bonnet, paintwork and a misaligned healight!

very strong cars!! :)

scooby_girlie 01 February 2008 02:23 PM

I just spoke to the girl who was in the car behind me when I crashed. She said I hit a tree, went airborne, hit the telegraph pole 9 foot up from the ground, flipped and landed on roof. I thought I'd just slammed into the telegrah pole and knocked it over from the ground, but half of it was still standing and I hit it whilst in the air. I had no idea I was really airborne at all, I just thought I rolled on the ground. She has taken a photo of the scene with me still trapped in the car so I'll post it up as soon as I get it.
Hearing her talk about it has made me realise I am so lucky to be alive. Before I just thought 'ah well, I've had a bit of a crash', but when I actually think about the way the accident happened, I can't believe I walked away with cuts and bruises.

davey21wagon 01 February 2008 03:44 PM

ur car was nice i test drove it before u bought it, so i can understand y ur looking at other cars and findin faults,

u made ur kinda up at all about wot u want ( p1 / type r ) ?

i would be getting a type r if i had to change from the wagon :)

redeye 01 February 2008 04:01 PM

I remember when i crashed my first scooby,I was gutted.At the time i thought it was the end of the world.They are easily replaced.Im on my 3rd now.
glad your were lucky.

davey21wagon 01 February 2008 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by redeye (Post 7616950)
I remember when i crashed my first scooby,I was gutted.At the time i thought it was the end of the world.They are easily replaced.Im on my 3rd now.
glad your were lucky.

i couldn t image writing mine off would be so angry for weeks :(

hope u don t mean u wrote ur second off too.....

TurboGirl 01 February 2008 11:06 PM

Glad you are ok Lisa. Same thing happened my first classic shape, I sold it to a guy a got a phone call a week later to say the guy lifted off on a corner and she caught the bank, climbed a telegraph pole and then flipped over.

Take 'er easy and get back on the bandwagon soon...:)

71/200 05 February 2008 12:46 PM

Lisa only just seen this! Glad you walked away like others have said a car can be replaced! I remember talking to you in the rain at the Lurgan Park rally along with Neil, i dont think the manual will help you sort that out!You certainly did a good job but your ok thats the main thing.
Now get out there and sort a new one soonest good luck.

snowyEJ20 06 February 2008 12:01 AM

I'm gutted about the car but it doesn't matter. I've got you. I'm so glad I'm here today, and the reason I'm glad is that I get to spend today and every other day with you. I love you so so much honey. You'll never know just what you mean to me. xx[/QUOTE]

You're a lucky lady to be able to tell this story Lisa as i'm sure you're aware but what really struck me is your realisation that it was only a car and all you wanted was for Neil to be there with you in your hour of need. I wish you two all the best in the future. ;) This makes me wana drive the 3 and half hours to my lady and give her a big feckin' hug :luvlove:

Best of luck finding your new Scooby....

scooby_girlie 06 February 2008 05:10 PM

Thanks snowy.

I'm not having the best luck - was in another car crash today (i wasnt driving). car i was in crashed into car on nuttscorner road roundabout. not a lot of damage but the feeling of being thrown about in a car and the sound of metal crunching broughtback bits of my accident that i hadn't remembered. My nerves are shot today, lol

bekee 06 February 2008 06:40 PM

lisa best bet is buy a bike!!!!! lol........with the claim money:norty:

snowyEJ20 06 February 2008 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by scooby_girlie (Post 7630856)
Thanks snowy.

I'm not having the best luck - was in another car crash today (i wasnt driving). car i was in crashed into car on nuttscorner road roundabout. not a lot of damage but the feeling of being thrown about in a car and the sound of metal crunching broughtback bits of my accident that i hadn't remembered. My nerves are shot today, lol

Jesus...The strange thing is the same thing happened to me a few years back. I parked my car roof down into a ditch :nono: and a couple of weeks later i was asleep in the back of a car on the way home from work when I was woken by the unmistakable sound of a cars roof running along the wrong side of a hedge. Like you in both cases no one was injured. I'll never forget the sound...

c0lin 06 February 2008 10:18 PM

they must come in twos lisa!!

some1 hit me before xmas, got my car fixed an all sorted, then last week was hit again!!

wills 78 07 February 2008 11:56 AM

:thumb: lisa buy urself a tractor! be alot safer and slower! lol..

decko 07 February 2008 03:07 PM

Just keep your head down and your chin up. Stay classic type R or P1, just remember Scooby has got your back.

mark12 07 February 2008 08:28 PM

someone was looking out for you.......scary stuff
good job you walked away

scooby276blue 07 February 2008 08:35 PM

lucky girl, glad to hear you are still here

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