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DCI Gene Hunt 23 November 2007 11:22 AM

Remember that 70's/80's anti hero played by Charles Bronson.... think of it as a potential role model ;)

Leslie 23 November 2007 11:29 AM

Sorry to hear about the accident, must have been distressing for your wife.

He can be done for hit and run at least and probably quite heavily for deliberately ramming your wife's car thus using his car to attack your wife!. Pity they could find him and breathalise him.

People like that shoulld never be allowed to get away with it and he should hung out to dry, also the damage to your wife's car has to be paid for. You have even got an independent witness.

I sincerely hope he gets all he deserves.

Please keep us informed.


WRX_Dazza 23 November 2007 11:34 AM

Terrible thing to happen.

hope he gets strung up, if not by the plod, by the insurance co.

good luck :)

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt (Post 7432207)
Remember that 70's/80's anti hero played by Charles Bronson.... think of it as a potential role model ;)

David Lock 23 November 2007 11:51 AM

Obviously it's tempting to go and pour acid all over his motor but a more subtle - and legal - approach might be to find out where he works and who his boss is and write in saying you need to speak to his employee about what happened as he won't deal with you. It won't get him the sack but it could well harm his prospects and it sounds as if he deserves it. I would even pay a Private Eye if necessary to find out the details and maybe any other bits of useful information. What a sh1t. dl

skoobidude 23 November 2007 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 7432265)
....approach might be to find out where he works and who his boss is ....

Maybe he IS the boss as he drives an S Class.

f1_fan 23 November 2007 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 7432265)
Obviously it's tempting to go and pour acid all over his motor but a more subtle - and legal - approach might be to find out where he works and who his boss is and write in saying you need to speak to his employee about what happened as he won't deal with you. It won't get him the sack but it could well harm his prospects and it sounds as if he deserves it. I would even pay a Private Eye if necessary to find out the details and maybe any other bits of useful information. What a sh1t. dl

Are you serious? Far easier to just get the police to do their job than all this cloak and dagger stuff.

Zona 23 November 2007 03:47 PM

Could there be any cctv anywhere that caught it, long shot but may be worth checking into.

David Lock 23 November 2007 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by f1_fan (Post 7432705)
Are you serious? Far easier to just get the police to do their job than all this cloak and dagger stuff.

If it was me I would be really, really p1ssed off if someone did that to my pregnant wife. In that situation I would be delighted if the police could take some serious action against the guy. But they won't will they? So he bumped a car, saw no one was hurt and went home giving the car another knock as he tried to get out; that'll be his story when he sobers up. That's just an insurance job. The worst might be driving without due care I guess.

So I would think about taking another, legal, course of action which is what I suggested.

Luan Pra bang 23 November 2007 05:43 PM

If t was my family he did that to I would be hurting him already. Then I would call a soliciter first and the police second and let tem argue the toss, serve my community service then pay someone to do him over again.

f1_fan 23 November 2007 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 7433121)
If it was me I would be really, really p1ssed off if someone did that to my pregnant wife. In that situation I would be delighted if the police could take some serious action against the guy. But they won't will they? So he bumped a car, saw no one was hurt and went home giving the car another knock as he tried to get out; that'll be his story when he sobers up. That's just an insurance job. The worst might be driving without due care I guess.

So I would think about taking another, legal, course of action which is what I suggested.

My point is that with an independent witness to the event I would be hounding the police to do their job properly. One copper has said it ain't worth it, therefore escalate it until you get some sense. Of course if that doesn't work then maybe take a 'different course of action' ;)

pimmo2000 23 November 2007 08:17 PM

I'd go with stress.. assult with a deadly weapon.. leaving the scene.. dangerous driving... etc

RRH 23 November 2007 09:01 PM

Thanks guys. They are all fine, fortunately, and that is my main priority.

The rest will be dealt with.

corradoboy 23 November 2007 10:05 PM

Glad they're OK Simon, and I hope as much crap gets thrown at the tw@t as possible :mad:

RRH 23 November 2007 10:26 PM

You know me....

hutton_d 23 November 2007 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by RRH (Post 7433634)
The rest will be dealt with.

Let us know what happens (allegedly ....) ...


PS: but glad all are ok on your side!

RRH 24 November 2007 11:26 PM

Just spoke to the Police; they are waiting to get a statement off the builder as the PC investigating has been on nights, but he's spoken to him on the phone and he's confirmed it as it happened.

There was no damage apparent at the time (it was dark) and the wife has said in her statement that there was no damage- so the Police have said that technically no offence has taken place- no injury, no damage.

However, in the light of day the bumper is scratched to buggery so I've asked if they'll come and take another statement to that effect.

They are hoping that, with the statement from the builder, they can at least get him for leaving the scene, and also for careless driving, which doesn't quite tick the boxes in my mind...

They did imply that he was known to them though....

Thanks for the concern and kind words guy, girls :)

scoobynutta555 24 November 2007 11:38 PM

Originally Posted by RRH (Post 7435823)
They did imply that he was known to them though....

Probably their boss coming home from a well oiled 'do'.

gazza-uk 25 November 2007 12:22 AM

Is her neck staring to ache? maybe whiplash setting in!

Simon 69 25 November 2007 02:12 AM

Make a formal request to the DVLA for the vehicles keeper details. You have good cause for requiring them, as you will be taking action against him in the county court.

When you have his name and address, dont talk about the matter further on ScoobyNet.....

StickyMicky 25 November 2007 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by gazza-uk (Post 7435949)
Is her neck staring to ache? maybe whiplash setting in!


Leslie 25 November 2007 11:51 AM

Trouble is, it will be the cause of all that paperwork for the police!

Les :(

gazza-uk 25 November 2007 11:56 AM

off topic slightly.

The police should be allowed to fill in paperwork and take statemenets using a computer, this would save thousands man hours.

astraboy 25 November 2007 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Simon 69 (Post 7436016)
Make a formal request to the DVLA for the vehicles keeper details. You have good cause for requiring them, as you will be taking action against him in the county court.

When you have his name and address, dont talk about the matter further on ScoobyNet.....

Exactly. In this situation, the worst possible thing you could do is take things into your own hands.

Like accidentally calling the local mortuary and reporting him dead, arranging to have the "body" picked up when you know he'll be there. Christmas day for example.

Or signing him up for basic training for the army, navy and air force.

Or signing him up for every devient publication (think chunky asses, aardvark love or crack whore monthly) known to man then arranging to have it delivered to the house next door in "error".

Or! or! (and this is the best one) getting some business cards printed up with his name and address on them, then going to the local red light district and handing them out (male AND female, we'll have no sexism here matey!) saying things like "You're beautiful", "Call me any time", "Make sure you bring a friend. And plenty of Amyl Nitrate"

People like this really piss me off, they think the basic rules of human decency dont apply to them. But obviously you cant do any of the above as that would make his life a living hell.

dunx 25 November 2007 05:24 PM

Put his details on here, someone will pin his S-class to a lamp-post with their HGV for you....


P.S. Only got a mini-bus myself,,,, only joking of course.

sulli 25 November 2007 07:47 PM

My missus had a similar incident a couple of weeks ago, on way home from work and a corsa went into her from behind when she was stationery at a roundabout.
She called me straightaway and said the bloke looked dodgy and to come right down (about a mile from our house). Got neighbours to look after kids and got down there, as I arrived the Corsa drove off when I was walking over. I asked if she'd got insurance details etc and no, he'd got aggressive, said there was no damage and drove off (and he also stank of booze). I gave chase but he had a minute on me and couldn't see which way he'd gone. Called Police immediately, told them off failure to give details, aggression and stinking of booze and, they said we had to report it at a station within 24 hrs.
We went to the Police station the next day, Sunday morning, and the missus spent 3 1/2 hrs giving a statement. They then proceeded to attempt to interview her under caution! I advised her not to as she was in no way a suspect, hadn't been informed she was, and had not been offered legal advice. Had a row with the copper, who sought Traffic's advice and decided to wind his neck in after they'd advised him he was out of order. She was left feeling like a criminal and spending half the day in the Police Station.
Anyway, police pursued it, got his insurance details, name and address to us (we'd got his reg. no), and also told us he'd committed another offence that night. They then wrote to us the other day saying it was not to be pursued!!!!
We are now waiting to see if the insurance claim runs smoothly, but are pretty pissed off with the old bill who can't be arsed dealing with an offence.
Good luck with your claim, keep your chin up.

skoobidude 25 November 2007 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by RRH (Post 7437380)
I spoke to the Police last night; they are waiting to get a statement off the builder as the PC investigating has been on nights, but he's spoken to him on the phone and he's confirmed it as it happened.
There was no damage apparent at the time (it was dark) and the wife has said in her statement that there was no damage- so the Police have said that technically no offence has taken place- no injury, no damage.
However, in the light of day the bumper is scratched to buggery so I've asked if they'll come and take another statement to that effect.
They are hoping that, with the statement from the builder, they can at least get him for leaving the scene, and also for careless driving, which doesn't quite tick the boxes in my mind...
They did imply that he was known to them though....
Thanks for the concern and kind words guy, girls

Is this a repeat post from earlier?

RRH 25 November 2007 09:54 PM

yes, sorry. lemsip is in control and my head's not my own...

Police came round about an hour ago, they've interviewed Mercedes driver under caution.

He says he recalls someone coming up behind him at the lights and banging on his window. Doesn't recall the wife, the accident, or driving off.

They were going straight round to the witness to take his statement, and took a supplementary statement from the wife about the damage.

They have said it will then be passed to CPS to see if / what charges can be made.

They did give the impression once again that he is known to them and his card is well and truly marked, so to speak.

Thanks again guys (and girls :))

nooobyscooby 25 November 2007 10:22 PM

Go back to the scene tomorrow and see if there are any CCTV cameras on public or private proerty.

skoobidude 26 November 2007 08:20 AM

No need to apologise mate. ;)
Let us know how you get on.



CrisPDuk 27 November 2007 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by astraboy (Post 7436536)
Exactly. In this situation, the worst possible thing you could do is take things into your own hands.

Like accidentally calling the local mortuary and reporting him dead, arranging to have the "body" picked up when you know he'll be there. Christmas day for example.

Or signing him up for basic training for the army, navy and air force.

Or signing him up for every devient publication (think chunky asses, aardvark love or crack whore monthly) known to man then arranging to have it delivered to the house next door in "error".

Or! or! (and this is the best one) getting some business cards printed up with his name and address on them, then going to the local red light district and handing them out (male AND female, we'll have no sexism here matey!) saying things like "You're beautiful", "Call me any time", "Make sure you bring a friend. And plenty of Amyl Nitrate"

People like this really piss me off, they think the basic rules of human decency dont apply to them. But obviously you cant do any of the above as that would make his life a living hell.

Are you mellowing into middle age AB:wonder:

I remember your contributions to the revenge thread (now that was an SN classic:D), those above are quite tame in comparison;)

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