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Blow Dog 05 December 2000 02:19 PM


Some very nice points about the BBS.


GCollier 05 December 2000 02:42 PM



FYI - I used to have a MY99 until I sold it to buy a Ralliart Evo 6 which never materialised. I currently drive a 200SX, but am in the process of looking for a suitable replacement, which'll probably be a BMW M Coupe, 911 or something of that ilk.

In a nutshell, the point I was trying to make was that its dumb to get drawn into situations where you're competing with another driver on the roads. Part of mature driving is allowing for deficiencies in the driving and behaviour of others, and I don't see how encouraging a such a situation to develop is in any way clever.

Maybe I overreacted to the first few posts, but my initial reaction (especially to the one about flooring it into gaps on a wet dual carriageway with the 996 driver almost losing it) was that it sounded potentially dangerous.

My comments about length of BBS membership were simply general comments about posts of this type and how the BBS has changed, and not directed at anyone in particular here.


Rikki23 05 December 2000 04:00 PM


Having read the comments I think you would be well suited as a BMW driver

Maybe a 316i would be best, you wouldn't want to accelerate too fast.

GCollier 05 December 2000 04:03 PM

LOL @ Rikki

davidw 05 December 2000 04:27 PM


I agree that the BMW would be best.

It's obvious Scooby's are "better" than Diablo's, TVR's and 996's. Seeing that you want something different and P1's are crap the BMW it is

I aways liked the 200SX and you really have to watch those in the wet!


EvilBevel 05 December 2000 05:56 PM

Blubs & Cem, I actually agree with that.

For my feeling, one of the best and most informative threads is happening as we speak (MY98 engine failures).

waynelivesey 05 December 2000 07:56 PM

Just to let you all know that today i`ve swapped the engine and box out of the scoob with my hotpoint washing machine motor! I will never be able to go too fast again and will be able to wash all my f88888g clothes in under 6 seconds!

Steve_Yeowart 05 December 2000 08:30 PM

However put a half decent driver in that Diablo and you my man are talking bollocks!!!!!!

One Very wet night last year i came off a roundabout onto a piece of duel carriageway near my house and as there was no one around nailed it, approached 70 and slowed to stay around this speed looking in my rear view mirror and "F*$£ there is something catching us like we are standing still", the something was a diablo I presume from an exotic car dealer about 1/2 mile from where I was the car overtook us approaching a roundabout and I said "we'll catch it now" to my fiancee, Yeah right!!!!!! Which goes to show a half decent driver makes a hell of a lot of difference!!!!!

[This message has been edited by Steve_Yeowart (edited 05 December 2000).]

AndyMc 05 December 2000 09:36 PM


I am wondering if the different opinions expressed are age related.

As I have got older me and my mates have all become a lot more sensible.

After we passed our tests we drove like absolute a**holes and looking back I don't now how we got away with it. I can remember feeling totally invincible and felt no fear whatsoever. We would race with anybody at anytime and any place and especially with each other.We just didn't think about the consequences at all
Luckily there never was a tractor stopped just around that bend etc and we got away with it.

Now at 27 I just don't leave it to chance anymore because there have been lots of times when the tractor has been around that bend.I would never have believed my outlook would have changed by so much in such a short time and I imagine it will go on changing.

Don't get me wrong I probably drive faster now than I ever have when a safe situation presents itself and still ocasionally race people but the difference is I choose the time and place and the person I 'race' with very carefully(no young boyracers they are to unpredictible) and I never let myself get carried away in the way I used to.
I now feel there is no more danger when I 'race' somebody than there is when I go fast by myself and I think this is the context in which the above post were written.

I realize this post might be a bit to honest and not PC enough for some people on this board but I imagine it is typical of a lot of people on here


Sith 05 December 2000 10:02 PM


Sums up my feelings pretty well.


Rikki23 05 December 2000 10:44 PM


I agree with you absolutely wholeheartedly.

Well said my friend.

davidw 06 December 2000 08:26 AM


Hotpoint engine? Any chance of a quick spin?

Don't bother going for the Dyson Cylinder upgrade because I heard they suck, although there is a little tweak you can apply to make the Ariel Automatic

Mungo 06 December 2000 02:05 PM


At last, somebody with a balanced outlook. I'm glad you were able to express what I had not.

chiark 06 December 2000 02:21 PM

AndyMc: spot on. Been there, done that, got the "what tractor oh sh.. that tractor" t-shirt. Now a fully paid up member of the "able to stop in the distance you can see" club.

A small test of a cars performance on a road, where sensible, is occasionally justifiable. Difference is that experience helps to tell you when is justifiable and when isn't, I guess.

Gary Foster 06 December 2000 02:37 PM


I agree wholeheartedly, these are exactly my sentiments.

See thread below for examples of what I don't do anymore, and you thought some of the guys on here were bad ...

Mike Rainbird 06 December 2000 03:20 PM

From memory I think the police's description of "racing on the public highway" is if you exchange positions more than once e.g. he overtakes you and then you overtake him back - that's all it takes....

Obviously common sense dictates that this needs to have occurred in a reasonable short time frame to be construed as "racing".

The best thing to do is if you are making "fast progress" is NOT to overtake the car you are making "fast progress" with. I believe then that it is very difficult for the police to make "racing on the public highway" stick (although I may be wrong!

Where are the police Scooby people when you need them for some practical advice...?

With regard to jumping on Gary, I think this is a bit harsh, as at the end of the day we are all allowed to make our opinion's known one way or the other - getting personal though is what switches people off the BBS and I bet half of you wouldn't say things directly to people's faces that you would from the annonymity of your PC (except Blubs, as he is big enough to say anything to anyone .

Anyway P1s are the dog's danglies (albeit over-priced testicular appendages, but never-the-less, and 22bs are even better...
Best regards
Mike R
PS. GF you traitor - wait 'til I tell the RS boys how you grassed them up... ROFLOL

logiclee 06 December 2000 03:37 PM

Mike and others,

I think its all been said before about the driving but not about the bbs.

Have a look at the link above, do we really want to get down to that level on here? This is meant to be a driving enthusiasts forum not a boy racer, school kid dreamer forum and I'm not pointing any fingers as I don't believe we have got anywhere near that level. It has been said B4 that something are being allowed on this forum that were not allowed some months ago, I don't want to see it drop to the sort of level that we start loosing the experts from here to boy racer wannabees (again not pointing any fingers ).

A couple of months back we had Richard Burns on the Forum as he was happy to be associated with the bbs. Could you ever see McRae posting on the RS forum with those sort of threads?

Would be nice to here Webbies views, Simon?

Rant Over.


[This message has been edited by logiclee (edited 06 December 2000).]

davidw 06 December 2000 03:44 PM


Thanks for clearing things up Mike, it's been eating away at me for a while.

I never even thought about overtaking Mr Diablo, now that would have been stupid

Can you be prosecuted for "road racing" even if you've not broken the speed limit?

This reminds me of a story a few months back that I saw on the news. It concerned two lorries on a motorway trading positions going up a hill, neither letting the other one in. I don't think either one broke the speed limit but they both got stopped.

Does anyone know what happened to them, were they prosecuted? And with what?

Nightmare 06 December 2000 03:52 PM

The speed of this bbs is just amazing....first time Ive been to the bbs this week, and I intended to apologise - to David it would appear

Im fairly sure I was the driver in question, and actually got caught out by paying attention to the very excellent Apollo 440 album I was listening too rather than the road... I wanted to make some (admittedly patronising but not meant to be) comment about being careful cos its bloody wet and slippery.... My heart jumped about 300 miles.......

I tend to agree with what Garys points - road racing aint worth it IMHO.

David - if I made you jump, my apologies...cos it wasnt nearly as much as I scared myself....


EvilBevel 06 December 2000 04:31 PM

I think it's time to insert the cliché "small world" into this thread.


Mike Rainbird 06 December 2000 04:53 PM

Hello Night,
Long time no speak! Anyway I was wondering if you would like to bring your Diablo along with Harj's mate's Fireblade to go up against my Cossie at Bruntingthorpe for a magazine feature?

They will be doing in-gear acceleration tests and top speed runs (as well as standing starts for those interested in doing so).

Would you be up for this, as our cars now have an almost identical power to weight ratio...(400+bhp per tonne)..
Best regards
Mike R

sunilp 06 December 2000 04:54 PM

I disagree with all you buggers, this BBS is full of people with crap cars, crap driving skills, over inflated egos, hypocritical mindsets and under-developed willy's.



Nightmare 06 December 2000 05:07 PM

Hi Mike,

I havent been around much....fraid its gonna stay that way too...

erm...against a Fireblade? you sure?? can I bring a bike too??????!! he he

anyway - on another topic, have sent you an e-mail, but not sure if you got it...its actually [i]possibly</I> about looking after my car (the one that needs running at least weekly). Work means I will be out of the country for the best part of 4-5 months at the start of next year, and I dont really want to store it or sell it....not sure yet, but what do you think?

this should be e-mail really....if yours is working, then mins buggered...dammit.


TRIGGER 06 December 2000 05:10 PM

As an instigator of the arguments, I just wanted to say thanks to AndyMc for expressing what I couldnt too. I pick my times very carefully when I drive quickly, unlike in my youth. Crashing really scares me now. I would never tempt fate with a member of the 'REVS' brigade.

I only posted what I did as I had just watched the new Clarkson video (mostly crap) and saw how fast the Cerbera was compared to most other cars in the older video, and thought it interesting.

P.S. I would love a P1 just couldnt afford it...

Mike Rainbird 06 December 2000 05:29 PM

Have not received any e-mails from you lately. Please elaborate on what you would like me to do, the period of time that this is like to be for etc.

Surely you can bring a decent car along (I KNOW I can out accelerate the Fireblade (going from the performance figures in last month's Revs magazine) from a rolling start, as I have already achieved 60 to 100 in 3.59s (MY00 Fireblade 4.08s) and 100 to 150 in 8.99s (MY00 Fireblade 14.79s bit slow!).....

However, being a biker I know that this model 'blade is notoriously overgeared and an R1 would annialate it (and probably my times!). An earlier model 'blade might improve on the 100 to 150 time as well (which is what I think Harj's mate has).

I would prefer to have something that is a similar power to weight for a bench mark...
Best regards
Mike R

[This message has been edited by Mike Rainbird (edited 06 December 2000).]

davidw 06 December 2000 05:31 PM


If you where the Diablo in question (purple VT, private plate), very nice car indeed.

I wasn't scared just amused, the timing of the whole event was perfect as I'd just explained about the problems of traction, wet roads and 500+ bhp and you illustrated the point fantastically.


logiclee 06 December 2000 07:43 PM

Isn't the VT 4 wheel drive?


Gary Foster 06 December 2000 10:57 PM

Mike R

Uhh rather you didn't mate

Scanned this entire sodding thread to see if any RS guys were on it before 'stirring the custard' so to speak, ho hum

Luckily I haven't any views on this subject


davidw 07 December 2000 08:32 AM


You are correct, the VT is 4WD.

If my memory serves my correctly it transfers up to 17% of the power to the front wheels when the back wheels start to lose traction.

With approx 530bhp that means around 440bhp is still being transfered by the rear wheels.

Preparing to be proved completely wrong now.

sunilp 07 December 2000 08:37 AM

not quite 440bhp, how much are the transmission losses?

[This message has been edited by sunilp (edited 07 December 2000).]

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