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David Lock 27 March 2007 03:15 PM

I am informed by a reliable source that giving a 4-year old locals, though the better option, could be very traumatic for the child. In that instant a GA makes practical sense. dl

Les, I note your "GAs are safe" comments but I was given a 200-1 chance of not making it through when I last had a GA. Short odds to me at the time. dl

OllyK 27 March 2007 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by David Lock (Post 6786123)
I am informed by a reliable source that giving a 4-year old locals, though the better option, could be very traumatic for the child. In that instant a GA makes practical sense. dl

Indeed - but if you refer to the document I posted, this should be done in a hospital (dental) and not at the dentist's surgery

coolcookie 28 March 2007 12:12 PM

IMHO it is very regrettable that a 4 year old child needs 2 extractions. Why? It is probably due to dental decay so the parents should take a severe bollocking as this could be viewed as child abuse. There is no need for people to experience tooth decay these days. Control of sugar intake is the key. At least there is room for hope that the decay activity could be halted before the permanent teeth come through. Lets hope the parents get a grip.

MOK79 28 March 2007 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by coolcookie (Post 6788779)
IMHO it is very regrettable that a 4 year old child needs 2 extractions. Why? It is probably due to dental decay so the parents should take a severe bollocking as this could be viewed as child abuse. There is no need for people to experience tooth decay these days. Control of sugar intake is the key. At least there is room for hope that the decay activity could be halted before the permanent teeth come through. Lets hope the parents get a grip.

How about u f*ck off instead of judging me when you obviously haven't got a clue. As i mentioned earlier he has this disease which attacks his teeth. He has just been prescribed some sort of gel which will hopefully prevent his other teeth from rotting but the other 2 have gone too far.
I brush all my childrens teeth morning and night (thats 5 kids) very thoroughly. And their sugar intake is controlled.

Janspeed 28 March 2007 07:56 PM

Any news?

dsmith 28 March 2007 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK (Post 6785859)

Scoobynet in "useful link" shocker !

DocJock 28 March 2007 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK (Post 6786136)
Indeed - but if you refer to the document I posted, this should be done in a hospital (dental) and not at the dentist's surgery

In this case a dental surgery equipped with the recovery facilities, resuscitation equipment and appropriately trained staff (as required post-Postwillo) is a 'hospital'.

If it doesn't have these it is not allowed to carry out the procedure.

Janspeed, you should get off your high horse. A local anaesthetic and extraction on a 4 year old child is never simple and can be very traumatic. It is a common cause of later dental phobia. The referring surgeon will have to state clearly in their referral exactly why they feel a GA is appropriate considering the increased risk, and the consulting colleague will have to agree with those reasons before proceeding. As you have not met the child in question and know nothing of their personality then you cannot presume to criticise the professional opinion of the OP's dentist with any authority.

Luan Pra bang 28 March 2007 11:11 PM

When I was thirteen I had a few teeth out with a local anasthetic and have pretty much avoided a dentist ever since. Its a massive needle it still hurts like buggery as the tooth is numbed but not completely and the gums hurt lots while some sick nutter wrestles your head around the room straining to crack your tooth out and rip it out. I would say definately get a general as even as a teenager it put me off dentists for life.

AudiLover 28 March 2007 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by MOK79 (Post 6782898)
My 4 yr old boy has got to have 2 teeth out. They want to give him a general and my immediate reaction is wtf ??? For a tooth.

Would you let your 4 yr old have a general just for a tooth to be taken out. He did have a general last summer when he dislocated his elbow. But they want to give it him in the dental clinic not the hospital.

Opinions please

no dont do it. Dentists have a record of fookin things up and people not waking up!

Deep Singh 28 March 2007 11:30 PM

My god! What the f is going on here??? People giving advice about the safety of GAs(even quoting mortality rates) and complications/indications/overnight stays etc. Some because they have relatives who are dentists????

Stop it! You have no idea what you are talking about so stop giving this poor guy advice based on your desire to pretend to know something about everything.

MOK, feel free to pm me and I'll try to advice

Midlife...... 28 March 2007 11:34 PM

DocJock beat me to it and sums it up 100% :)


Midlife...... 28 March 2007 11:40 PM

Deep... mortality and morbidity rates for dental GA's are well known and quoted in the Poswillo report and elsewhere.


Janspeed 29 March 2007 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh (Post 6790945)
My god! What the f is going on here??? People giving advice about the safety of GAs(even quoting mortality rates) and complications/indications/overnight stays etc. Some because they have relatives who are dentists????

Stop it! You have no idea what you are talking about so stop giving this poor guy advice based on your desire to pretend to know something about everything.

MOK, feel free to pm me and I'll try to advice

Don't make me laugh muppet!

I think it is great to get various opinions, and no-one will die because of that, but going under the whole way for two teeth will kill you faster!


Janspeed 29 March 2007 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh (Post 6790945)
Stop it! You have no idea what you are talking about so stop giving this poor guy advice based on your desire to pretend to know something about everything.

MOK, feel free to pm me and I'll try to advice

Says the moron, who then does the same thing!!!! :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

I can just imagine what you look like, thanks to a lot of things that you have said before, shame that you are so full of yourself and feel that other people cannot help each other unless you say so......pathetic:razz: :razz:

moses 29 March 2007 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by MOK79 (Post 6782898)
My 4 yr old boy has got to have 2 teeth out. They want to give him a general and my immediate reaction is wtf ??? For a tooth.

Would you let your 4 yr old have a general just for a tooth to be taken out. He did have a general last summer when he dislocated his elbow. But they want to give it him in the dental clinic not the hospital.

Opinions please

mate can they no jag him , aww he is too small, gas is bad i dont like it

poor lil boy

try some clove oil tae numb the pain mate, my mum used tae rub it on my gums and all

stara 29 March 2007 01:05 AM

guys, the man is worried about his son, so try not to turn this into a slagging off oppurtunity, the man came on here for perhaps some personal experience, and that is what he got in the main, if he wanted to PM a doctor or anaesthetist (your are in the medical profession, right Deep Singh.?) then he would have asked his GP. I have 2 young children and would NEVER allow GA in a dental surgery for reasons posted earlier, if things do go wrong, (and things do go wrong in dental surgeries and hospitals albeit on very very rare occasions), then the best place to be is in a hospital, not in a dental surgery waiting for an ambulance, a CHILD who receives GA in hospital is USUALLY yes USUALLY kept in overnight. I don't think anyones intention here is to scaremonger, but as a parent MOK79 has a very difficult decision to make, and is asking for other parent's opinions on wht they would do in his situation.

DocJock 29 March 2007 06:16 AM

You do know that most dental GAs are non-intubated, right?
The vast majority of GAs for dental extractions are therefore NOT overnight admissions.

If intubation is required then the child will be referred to the local hospital list.

Otherwise, a specialist clinic, with an anaesthetist visiting from the local hospital, using an operating area with full recovery suite and trained staff can carry out the procedure.
To describe these as dental surgeries is rather misleading, these are not your regular dentist just deciding to put some kid out to make it less hassle. They have spent a lot of time and money on equipment and training to set up and there are very few of them around.

Deep Singh 29 March 2007 06:55 AM

Originally Posted by Janspeed (Post 6791096)
Says the moron, who then does the same thing!!!! :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

I can just imagine what you look like, thanks to a lot of things that you have said before, shame that you are so full of yourself and feel that other people cannot help each other unless you say so......pathetic:razz: :razz:

Janspeed you are the biggest muppet on scoobynet. In this thread you have not given general opinions but made specific comments made to sound like informed knowledge about anaesthesia. Perhaps based on the fact,in your mind, that you are qualified to do so because you have family who are dentists.

I take it you don't have a medical degree?

I take it you have never given an anaesthetic to a patient?

I thought not. So shut up and stop talking ****. I quote from you;

General one?? Are they mad?? Don't go down that road, I know what I'm talking about considering that I have 3 dentist/surgeon family members in the first degree.

Need any info, just ask.27 March 2007 12:40

'I know what I am talking about' Don't make me laugh. You have lost insight into your own stupidity if you really think you can offer advice on something that has taken others 15 years to train to do.

You will have no answer to this so you will do your usual thing of either posting rows of these:razz: :hjtwofing or throwing random insults like you have before ie accusing me of being a kiddy fiddler (on a thread about C class MBs) or making comments on my appearance though you have never met me.

You are without doubt the biggest pillock on this site. Bigger than Audilover, at least he doesn't give bad advice on anything other than cars!

MOK79 29 March 2007 09:39 AM

Ok guys. Apparently this "Dental Clinic" where it will take place isn't just a dentist it is a proper clinic that has all the necessary equipment and has visiting anaethesists (if thats how you spell it) from the local hospital which is 5 mins down the road.
So if this is the case i think i will feel a little easier, but would still prefer it to happen in the hospital.

weapon69 29 March 2007 10:04 AM

no dont do it. Dentists have a record of fookin things up and people not waking up!
Unfortunately, i agree.

Personally, i would not let my dentist even think about extracting my son's teeth -i would be one of those nightmare parents that would demand a maxillofacial surgeon in a hospital. :lol1: I do not envy you.

Janspeed 29 March 2007 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh (Post 6791211)
Janspeed you are the biggest muppet on scoobynet. In this thread you have not given general opinions but made specific comments made to sound like informed knowledge about anaesthesia. Perhaps based on the fact,in your mind, that you are qualified to do so because you have family who are dentists.

I take it you don't have a medical degree?

I take it you have never given an anaesthetic to a patient?

I thought not. So shut up and stop talking ****. I quote from you;

General one?? Are they mad?? Don't go down that road, I know what I'm talking about considering that I have 3 dentist/surgeon family members in the first degree.

Need any info, just ask.27 March 2007 12:40

'I know what I am talking about' Don't make me laugh. You have lost insight into your own stupidity if you really think you can offer advice on something that has taken others 15 years to train to do.

You will have no answer to this so you will do your usual thing of either posting rows of these:razz: :hjtwofing or throwing random insults like you have before ie accusing me of being a kiddy fiddler (on a thread about C class MBs) or making comments on my appearance though you have never met me.

You are without doubt the biggest pillock on this site. Bigger than Audilover, at least he doesn't give bad advice on anything other than cars!

:wonder: :wonder: :wonder: :wonder: :wonder: :idea: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Janspeed 29 March 2007 04:50 PM

I stand by what I said, I did not order anyone to do something, never would.

The fact that my Father-in-Law is only the director of a hospital, a surgeon (not going to give some muppets the pleasure of saying which area...) and deals with these things on a daily basis......

Anyway I hope it all sorts itself out.

If it were just possible to post without having the usual trolls spoiling it all, would be nice.:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

TopBanana 29 March 2007 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Janspeed (Post 6793174)
The fact that my Father-in-Law is only the director of a hospital, a surgeon (not going to give some muppets the pleasure of saying which area...) and deals with these things on a daily basis......

YOU don't deal with these things on a daily basis. You can't pass off family members' qualifications as your own.

And there's no such post as 'director of the hospital'.

dsmith 29 March 2007 06:39 PM

I thought Hospitals were now either a trust in their own right - or part of a larger NHS trust ?

Certainly my local hospital is a trust and has 10 Directors.

"The Trust Board is the governing body of the Trust, consisting of the Chairman, five Non-Executive Directors and five Executive Directors"

Deep Singh 29 March 2007 08:41 PM

TopB and Dsmith are on the money. Its obvious that Janspeed is nothing but a liar and b8ll****ter. Its really sad that someone here has an issue with their child's health and you come on here and lie through your back teeth you snake in the grass.

You stand by what you said? Offering advice and putting yourself forward as an informed opinion because you pretend your 'Father in Law is ONLY the director of a hospital'. Your statement doesn't even make sense.

As someone who has been in hospital medicine for 15 years your lies are obvious, you should be ashamed of yourself

Brendan Hughes 29 March 2007 08:53 PM

Guys, he didn't say hospital in the UK.

dsmith 29 March 2007 09:08 PM

Errr Deep Singh I was pointing out that "director of a hospital" is entirely possible !?!?

If we're being pedantic over the exact wording of "Director of THE hospital" then lets be clear about that. I'm all for pedantry but its more fun if you point it out.

S'horpe 29 March 2007 09:15 PM

I can't see a problem with the child going under. For heaven's sake, on the one hand everyone is up in arms about the intrusiveness of the H&SE and on the other going on a complete paranoiac trip. I doubt the child will be under for more than a couple of minutes, and will benefit greatly from improved future dental health.

TopBanana 29 March 2007 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by dsmith (Post 6794013)
Errr Deep Singh I was pointing out that "director of a hospital" is entirely possible !?!?

No it isn't possible - there's no one called the director of a hospital. There's a chairman / chief exec and a number of directors, only one of whom is medical. There are also clinical directors for each department.

dsmith 29 March 2007 09:48 PM

So are we being pedantic about "the director of the hospital" ...or... "the director of the hospital"

We're all agreed you can be "a director of a hospital" so it must be the specific use of the definitive pronoun thats causing a problem.

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