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daniel p smith 09 January 2007 03:06 PM

just spoke to adam at scoobyclinic sorted! thanks again for the replys

scoobynutta555 09 January 2007 03:12 PM

I for one will never leave keys downstairs. Why make it any easier? You'll be out warming it up for them next.

Stick a disklock on the steering wheel.

daniel p smith 09 January 2007 03:13 PM

gap security are good i have never used them but i know people who have and i have spoke to scoobyclinic and they fit them aswell and they know scoobs pretty wel, don't always go for the cheapest my mate had one fitted and they messed up his electrics

bagpipes 09 January 2007 03:23 PM

I had the blackjax on my escort cosworth and it was a pain in the ass if you forget when driving, I would stop and pick someone up and start driving and before you no it the car would die and the alarm would go mad holding up all the traffic then you would have to punch in your 4 digit pin before you could move.

PPPRob 09 January 2007 03:24 PM

I like the idea of the ground anchor and I might get one of these but my advice to you mate would be if you're that concerned about it then its time to sell.

Theres plenty of things to lose sleep over in a lifetime and a car shouldn't really be one of them.


borat52 09 January 2007 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by PPPRob (Post 6528237)
I like the idea of the ground anchor and I might get one of these but my advice to you mate would be if you're that concerned about it then its time to sell.

Theres plenty of things to lose sleep over in a lifetime and a car shouldn't really be one of them.


Don't agree with this, the only way we will win back this country is if we all stand up for ourselves and support each other in doing so. Selling your car means they have intimidated you into surrendering your freedom. This wont go away by selling your car on, but just shift to someone else's car.

PPPRob 09 January 2007 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by borat52 (Post 6528426)
Don't agree with this, the only way we will win back this country is if we all stand up for ourselves and support each other in doing so. Selling your car means they have intimidated you into surrendering your freedom. This wont go away by selling your car on, but just shift to someone else's car.

Its a nice idea mate but in reality, he'll get his car nicked, get paid out by the insurance and end up with a shopping car. He'll be really bitter about the whole subaru ownership, will never have another and won't be able to afford one anyway.

And his 'new' car won't even get looked at let alone nicked. So he'll be happy again.


2 good friends have been there, both with 3 series BMWs which seem to be 1 of the most nicked round here.

Ryo 09 January 2007 05:18 PM

I had a few nights of paranoia when I first got my scoob. I was ok till I came on here and saw regular posts about break-ins, keys nicked, car gone.

Do what you can to make yourself feel safe, and then try and forget about it a little.

Mines garaged and / or disklocked, its only a UK Turbo anyway so not real rare of desirable, but still nickable.

I hope you get something sorted that makes you feel more at ease. Its horrible not feeling comfortable with subaru ownership.

Anyone ever heard of a subaru with disklock fitted being nicked? Loaded on a trailer?

scoobfan 09 January 2007 05:27 PM

Take a look on any car forum and you'll see cars being knicked.

If it's causing you and your good lady concerns, it's not worth it.

Sell it and get on with life, it's only a bloody car !!!


noobscoob 09 January 2007 05:51 PM

Car theft is something all performance car owners have to be weary of. but to stick your keys down next to the door and just basically tell the crim to bust down the door and help himself..not a chance.

it sounds like bravado but if some skally pulled out a gun and threatened me for my keys i would take my chance on it being a blank firer and tell him if he wants the keys..go find them..and lob them as far as i could into the undergrowth opposite my house. sorry but i didnt save my hard earned and make sacrifices for some toerag to waltz in and help himself.

the best thing is to be vigilant..stick up a camera and some buzzers and a light and get some kip and if it happens deal with it when it does because you are going to end up a nervous wreck being a curtain twitcher all night long.

powerman1 09 January 2007 05:54 PM

its just a car,take a few sensible precautions and dont take the keys to bed but just hide them downstairs eg under the settee, the last thing you want is gang of loonatics charging in to your bedroom demanding the keys. Your insured and thats why you pay it and for fooks sake dont get involved with any violance it will cause you more grief in the long run

Johnny E 09 January 2007 06:09 PM

I park on my driveway and as I only use the car of a weekend I take of the front wheel and leave on a axle stand. Takes a couple of mins.

If they do come with a spare wheel the buzzer on my cctv equipment will be making that much noise it will wake up the dog and he doesn't like being waken in the middle of the night:nono:

PPPRob 09 January 2007 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Johnny E (Post 6528888)
I park on my driveway and as I only use the car of a weekend I take of the front wheel and leave on a axle stand. Takes a couple of mins.

If they do come with a spare wheel the buzzer on my cctv equipment will be making that much noise it will wake up the dog and he doesn't like being waken in the middle of the night:nono:

I can't believe you actually go to that length :eek:

You seriously REMOVE THE FRONT WHEEL every time you get home :eek:

Jeez you love your car :cuckoo:

ROOBY_ROO 09 January 2007 06:33 PM

but he only drives it at the weekend so its not like he does it everyday, i used the take the rotor arm off on a dimma i used to have, theyd never have started it.

octain 09 January 2007 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by Dazza01 (Post 6528073)
if someone wants your car Mick a buzzer won't put them off, as kicking down your door will make more noise than a buzzer, then as they threaten you with a gun a put a knife to your wife/childrens throat what good is your buzzer ?

Tracker monitor and fit one of those blackjack boxes then you can sleep easy knowing the car will stop on them about a mile away and there is fook all they can do about it :D

Good point apart from they dont know wot i have waiting for them, im no mug and would take any action i could to defend anything and anyone who belongs to me, some of these scum live on the fact they will scare you believe me i would scare them first :thumb:


Dr.P 09 January 2007 06:46 PM

This sounds like its becoming a real problem as in between Xmas and new year some little cock's tried kicking my front door in to get my keys for my car until they saw me standing there in a pair of boxers (and if you know me I'm sure that's not a pretty sight), he then **** himself and ran back to the waiting Honda civic which was later dumped for a seat Leon.
I have a disk lock and a Clifford concept 650p with blackjax which i have just had fitted by scoobyclininc, no damage to the car just a damaged panel in front door, we all work hard for what we've got so please all take extra care.:thumb:

EdwardH 09 January 2007 06:47 PM

- good house alarm and physical security
- bright external movement detection lighting
- physical security in scoob (dipol, disklok)
- look out of your front windows from time to time
- perimeter intrusion alarm

No zero risk scenario but you can knock down the odds and there will always be an easier target

donutman 09 January 2007 08:44 PM

That gun is a a paint ball gun. It looks good and them paintballs don't half come keen (even more so if you freeze them)

bob r 09 January 2007 11:16 PM









donnas roo 10 January 2007 12:34 PM

this is all fine, but once you have been in the siuation your view changes.
I love my car but there is no way on this earth i would put myself or my family at any risk.
If you are so afraid of them getting the car, get rid.
Security of the car is fine, but if a gun is pointed to yourself or a family member and you are asked to switch it off you will.
I have got the alarms on the car and house, cctv on the house shoot bolts on the doors, wire on the fence, anti- hyjack/blackjack disc locks etc....

It has cost me a small fortune, but if some-one knocks at my door i will hand it all over as long as my family is safe the car can be replaced IT IS NOT A LIFE.

daniel p smith 10 January 2007 01:15 PM

thanks everyone for the replies there is alot of mixed views i am sorting out some cctv and the buzzer and see how it goes i talked with my girl she said keep it do what you can if it gets nicked then it does thats what you pay insurance for , i am going to enjoy it thats what i bought it for so if anything does or doesn't happen i will post back thanks again and i will be in touch

Scrappy9 10 January 2007 01:44 PM

I see you live at Tamworth.

I had my P1 stolen from Drayton Manor theme park last May, I had the keys in my pocket. There was no window glass on the floor and the car was never seen again.

So I reckon it would be best to invest in some added security.

daniel p smith 10 January 2007 01:49 PM

its alarmed,tracked and got a disklok,makes you wonder how they get in if you had the keys

Janspeed 10 January 2007 02:11 PM

Security measures can always slow the muppets down, but a garage, a gate + nice big dog, can always help them seriously reconsider the challenge.

The fact that most of the stupid dumbass muppets that steal these cars cannot drive to save their lives, scares me more sometimes!! :Suspiciou :Suspiciou :Suspiciou

I know it is not common practice to have a wall/fence with a decent height, a proper gate and garage in the UK, but considering how things are 'evolving' socially, if I were to live there again it would only be with a big part of the above mentioned measures.

Makes you wonder that with so many speed cams and cops all over the place, how something as big and as flashy as a Scooby can just simply vanish! Guess they only see what they want!

bob r 10 January 2007 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by daniel p smith (Post 6532477)
its alarmed,tracked and got a disklok,makes you wonder how they get in if you had the keys

How do you think the AA get into cars? Or a low loader.

daniel p smith 10 January 2007 02:16 PM

it is behind big gates in my back garden haven't got a garage,wish i had, i remember years ago by my parents house a man had a brand new astra sri(f reg)along time ago about 10 men picked it up off his drive and put it on a trailer never seen or heard of it again,if someone wants it there gonna have it!

Janspeed 10 January 2007 02:25 PM

10 guys? Jesus! If they put their mind into starting a new company or anything else legal, they would probably make a few bucks!

Dumbass criminals! :iamwithst

Lydia72 10 January 2007 04:03 PM

Apparently it was a gang of 10-12 blokes who stole mine a few months back - never to be seen again. Not all car thieves are teenage joyriders wanting a blast in a fast car....CID told me straightaway that my car would be halfway to Moscow.
Having said that I had an attempted theft of a Ford Orion a few years back, my Dad had his Ford stolen.... you can get paranoid reading posts on here about Subarus being stolen but if you read the local newspaper there are cars being taken every night no matter what make or model.
Just make sure you take sensible precautions to try and lessen the risk.

daniel p smith 10 January 2007 04:10 PM

where abouts are you from lydia, did you have your scoob stolen by all those men,

bob r 10 January 2007 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Lydia72 (Post 6532989)
...CID told me straightaway that my car would be halfway to Moscow.

:lol1: :lol1: :lol1: Absolute rubbish.

Darren..........chill out mate, yes Scoobs are nicked alot but it seems you can't live your life without being over paranoid. Take the advice given already and you'll be right.:thumb:

Put it to bed mate and crack on enjoying the car(while you've got it):D

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