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ajw 01 December 2001 05:42 PM

In my opinion, anyone that puts their brakes on when a car is right up your bumper - is inciting more road rage. Far better to maintain your speed and avoid eye contact. I often drive a little close to the car in front in a futile attempt to speed them up - when they dab the brakes - it drives me mad! Anyone agree?

Kenny 01 December 2001 06:24 PM

NO I don't agree, that sort of attitude drives me mad. I'll be driving down the local motorway to work, in traffic (if we're doing 70 it's a good day). And people like you sit hard on my tail. Like I say I'm in traffic, it's moving, there's traffic in the inside lanes also. Where the f%ck do you expect me to go?

Don't be suprised when people brake test you in situations like that. Learn to be patient like everyone else.

KF 02 December 2001 01:19 AM

"In my opinion, anyone that puts their brakes on when a car is right up your bumper - is inciting more road rage"
(my emphasis). Good - like it. Drive around in a rage, getting so close to the person in front that they feel threatened and then get more angry when they react in the rather predictable manner by reducing speed. Some people should have their licences removed.
Come up behind me, and I will indicate left and pull over at the next opportunity, either waving you past or giving you the international sign for "wanker" out of the window.

TonyBurns 02 December 2001 02:08 AM

Well when some git is sitting 3 inches off your bumper and you need to brake cos something runs out infront of you you try telling the guy that its cos he was too close to you [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]
The point is, is that the tw@t that was 3 inches off my bumper was trying to force me to go faster than what i wanted to, no indication to overtake me, just bullying me to go faster, so if you feel that i should have indicated (which in my opinion would have meant nowt to the guy behind me as he had no intention of overtaking me) it would have been pointless....
If i was in the scoob i would have left this @rsehole for dead, but being in a van with no abs, cr@p tyres (ever heard of camac? me neither until they fitted them and trust me, its like having avons on your scoob, not good) you can get intimidated, but if something or someone would have been a hazzard to me i would have killed them due to the irrisponsible driving of the car behind me, distance and manners are a part of driving, if you cannot control these then you dont deserve to be on the road, this guy didnt, he was a bully cos he drove an audi, thought he was god, thought his car was better and tried to push mine to the limit [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] anyone like this ar5ehole shouldnt be allowed on the road [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img] and if you think that dabbing the brake lights was nothing, it was daytime, my fogs dont work unless ive got full headlights on, which i didnt by the way, there was bends in the road and at that speed i dont like to take them too quickly in the van (with camac tyres on!! it slides at 40mph let alone at 70! :eek: )
If i did that to you, what would you do???
exactly the same as i would have as he couldnt see sweet fa around my van!!!!


TonyBurns 02 December 2001 02:12 AM

PS, giving the guy an international sign for w@nker would have meant he would have slammed his brakes on infront of me, that way i would have hit the back of his car and not vice versa! [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


KF 02 December 2001 01:50 PM

Tony, mate. Re-read my post. I was agreeing with you. :)

MichelleWRX1994 02 December 2001 01:57 PM

KF I don't think that was directed at you mate :)

TonyBurns 02 December 2001 03:49 PM

Not directed at you KF ;) ta for the support :D:D:D:D

Tony :D

Robertio 02 December 2001 04:04 PM

Sorry for what happened to you Tony :( you are right that people like that shouldn't be allowed on the road.

But, as other have said (albeit perhaps badly worded ;) ) is that, as you are taught in advanced driver training, you should slow down and pull over to the side of the road to let them past. If this means you have to become stationary before they go past you, so be it. It is better for you to add a minute or so to your journey than risk your own life.

Alas 02 December 2001 05:10 PM

Yeah - thats right about the theory test in letting them past. It's basically to avoid an accident as any other option could cause one involving yourself.
About the road rage - deffo report him. I don't want to meet him still doing it.

scooby555 02 December 2001 05:17 PM


sulli 02 December 2001 05:24 PM

I sometimes wish someone would drive that close to me - i'd slam my brakes on, he'd hit me, write my car off and i'd get loads of money for the car and whiplash - haha (Nelson Style) :D

Seriously, if someone tailgates me I will purposefully slow up to piss them off more - not big or clever, just funny, then hopefully they will try and race me and i'll win - hehe :P

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