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hojkoff 03 December 2006 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Ask him how many hours he works .... then ask how many hours he ACTUALLY DOES ANYTHING!

You will probably discover that he's on £1000 a bloody hour!!

To be honest mate if my house was burning down and I was trapped inside I'd happily pay that for professional help. I think most people would.

Originally Posted by pls
In the case of Firemen ...... MOST days are a breeze!!

Mate there are plenty other jobs out there that are just as easy but pay twice as much money.

Originally Posted by psl
I had arrived at the scene at this point and took control as they were clearly way out of their depth

Ha ha ha! What a complete load of ****! Got any more stories that make you the hero? I don’t believe that for one second! What a nob!

Originally Posted by LUCKO
i hope your smoke alarm fails :freak3:

and your brakes...

2000TLondon 03 December 2006 06:07 PM

Ha ha, the trolls try and take over another good thread! :hjtwofing

I am currently a VOLUNTEER Ambulance Driver in Texas, and have just started classes to qualify as an Emergency Medical Technician.

A top qualified, long serving paramedic here will be lucky to be on more than $60,000. They work either 12 or 24 hour shifts, and there are days you don't actually get to go to the station. It is not a job you can do for material gains. When I start getting paid as an EMT next year, I shall be on a whopping $8 an hour! COUNT IT! ;) KER-CHING!

There is a huge level of enjoyment, satisfaction and reward from helping people, so it is not a thankless task, however, the vast majority of the population don't realise what we / they do, otherwise THEY WOULD GET THE F C U K OUT OF MY WAY WHEN I AM RESPONDING TO AN EMERGENCY WITH LIGHTS AND SIRENS ON!!!!! ;)

In the several months I have been volunteering, I have helped to save at least 8 people who were very close to death. I have seen two people die, and I have seen two dead bodies, one minus a head. I have also been to help dozens of old people who have slipped or fallen over, I've been to crime scenes, abused people, and drug raids, I've been to nursing homes, car wrecks, house fires and a gang fight. Most people don't even bother to thank you when you help them, which amazes me, but the feeling of kowing you really have made a difference to someones life, whether they know it or not, is second to none! :thumb:

I do love the job, which is why I get up at 5am for free! There will always be people who don't appreciate or recognise the sacrifice people in emergency services make, but these are the people who are ignorant enough to not look at the bigger picture, and lucky enough not to have needed EMS or FIRE for themselves or loved ones.

Also, I think a great punishment for drink drivers would be to make them ride along with the police or an ambulance crew for the night!!!

Lord Shrek 03 December 2006 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by 2000TLondon
Ha ha, the trolls try and take over another good thread! :hjtwofing

I am currently a VOLUNTEER Ambulance Driver in Texas, and have just started classes to qualify as an Emergency Medical Technician.

A top qualified, long serving paramedic here will be lucky to be on more than $60,000. They work either 12 or 24 hour shifts, and there are days you don't actually get to go to the station. It is not a job you can do for material gains. When I start getting paid as an EMT next year, I shall be on a whopping $8 an hour! COUNT IT! ;) KER-CHING!

There is a huge level of enjoyment, satisfaction and reward from helping people, so it is not a thankless task, however, the vast majority of the population don't realise what we / they do, otherwise THEY WOULD GET THE F C U K OUT OF MY WAY WHEN I AM RESPONDING TO AN EMERGENCY WITH LIGHTS AND SIRENS ON!!!!! ;)

In the several months I have been volunteering, I have helped to save at least 8 people who were very close to death. I have seen two people die, and I have seen two dead bodies, one minus a head. I have also been to help dozens of old people who have slipped or fallen over, I've been to crime scenes, abused people, and drug raids, I've been to nursing homes, car wrecks, house fires and a gang fight. Most people don't even bother to thank you when you help them, which amazes me, but the feeling of kowing you really have made a difference to someones life, whether they know it or not, is second to none! :thumb:

I do love the job, which is why I get up at 5am for free! There will always be people who don't appreciate or recognise the sacrifice people in emergency services make, but these are the people who are ignorant enough to not look at the bigger picture, and lucky enough not to have needed EMS or FIRE for themselves or loved ones.

Also, I think a great punishment for drink drivers would be to make them ride along with the police or an ambulance crew for the night!!!

i think most people realise the sacrifices the emergency services make without you pointing it out

the ones i respect more are the ones - unlike yourself - who arent in your face about how much respect and praise they should be furnished with

they dont make a big deal about the job they do

there lies the difference

Lord Shrek........i respect my i fuk :thumb:

2000TLondon 03 December 2006 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Curse of the Rushing Gimp
Sadly i have to agree with P.Lewis alias the troll. One of my friends is a fireman and he's become an expert at playing pool and mattress testing. 90% of his callouts are chavs burning cars.:(

But you're looking at it the wrong way....... What is the fireman supposed to do? If the fireman never gets called out, THAT IS EXCELLENT in my opinion because there are no FIRES or CAR WRECKS so there is NO-ONE GETTING HURT AND NO-ONE GETTING KILLED! Superb! I wish the firemen and the Medics NEVER WENT OUT AT ALL, and we paid them to sit around ALL THE TIME!

The fact is, there will be a time when that fireman, or at least a fireman in that disctrict, will have to put himself at risk to save someones life and the vast majority of people (and trolls) would not be able to overcome their instincts of self-preservation to do that......

2000TLondon 03 December 2006 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Shrek
i think most people realise the sacrifices the emergency services make without you pointing it out

the ones i respect more are the ones - unlike yourself - who arent in your face about how much respect and praise they should be furnished with

they dont make a big deal about the job they do

there lies the difference

Lord Shrek........i respect my i fuk :thumb:

f c u k off shrek, you useless prick! I've responded to a relevant thread where w@nkers like you are selling short the work ermergency services do! I don't make any claims usually and I don't expect or demand anything, I EVEN DO IT FOR FREE you cock!

In fact, I don't even know why I am giving you the pleasure of a response as I know you are just a sad, lonely wind-up merchant, the most important thing you've probably ever done is open another scoobynet account so you can rub your balls whilst arguing with yourself! You're pathetic!

Lord Shrek 03 December 2006 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Shrek
i think most people realise the sacrifices the emergency services make without you pointing it out

the ones i respect more are the ones - unlike yourself - who arent in your face about how much respect and praise they should be furnished with

they dont make a big deal about the job they do

there lies the difference

Lord Shrek........i respect my i fuk :thumb:

wipe the froth from your mouth you mad man

i said 'most people realise the sacrifices the emergency services make without you pointing it out'

if you crave praise then here have some for free ' you do a wonderful job'

Lord Shrek.....some people just need to feel important :thumb:

firesorter 03 December 2006 06:29 PM

we all make choices in life which path to follow, i chose the one that allows you to pay me to play cards and snooker and watch telly, but through doing this i have also lost 2 colleagues who tried to save 3 people from a fire in their property, all for 25k a year.

Mr Lewis please explain in plain english what you do and for how much?

LUCKO 03 December 2006 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by firesorter
Mr Lewis please explain in plain english what you do and for how much?

<awaits obscene amount of bullsh1t>

me this, me that, me me me i'm older & wiser blah blah blah

he rides horses by the way :D

2000TLondon 03 December 2006 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by firesorter
we all make choices in life which path to follow, i chose the one that allows you to pay me to play cards and snooker and watch telly, but through doing this i have also lost 2 colleagues who tried to save 3 people from a fire in their property, all for 25k a year.

Mr Lewis please explain in plain english what you do and for how much?

Mr Lewis is a troll, which means he has a lot of time on his hands, no friends, in fact very little human contact at all, and devotes himself to inventing "cyber-personalities" to battle each other on internet forums. So his professional title would be sad loser geek, he may soon graduate to become an animal abuser, which will then no doubt lead to him becoming a serial killer.

He would like to tell you he messes around all day with missiles working for the MOD, but in reality the only missile he gets near plugs into the wall and goes up his arse!

firesorter 03 December 2006 06:41 PM

Dr Strangelove?

Flaps 03 December 2006 06:58 PM

Lewis, if you are a man of your word, then someone is still spreading bad reputation claiming to be yourself, signing the comments ' - Lewis'

pslewis 03 December 2006 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by 2000TLondon
f c u k off shrek, you useless prick! I've responded to a relevant thread where w@nkers like you are selling short the work ermergency services do! I don't make any claims usually and I don't expect or demand anything, I EVEN DO IT FOR FREE you cock!

In fact, I don't even know why I am giving you the pleasure of a response as I know you are just a sad, lonely wind-up merchant, the most important thing you've probably ever done is open another scoobynet account so you can rub your balls whilst arguing with yourself! You're pathetic!

SHUT UP FFS - you are a PRETEND one :rolleyes: And they are WORSE than the foookin REAL ones wanting praise and all that bollox!! :rolleyes:

pslewis 03 December 2006 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by firesorter
Mr Lewis please explain in plain english what you do and for how much?

I do LOTs and for £120,000 a year .......... what difference does THAT make?? :confused:

Firemen are Firemen cause they can do little else except play with their likkle hoses ...... :rolleyes:

Those who do, do - those who can't quite manage it - join the Fire Service!! :D

Lionel Hutz 03 December 2006 08:18 PM

And then we come to the Firemen, bloody useless in my experience ..... my wife was trapped under a fallen tree in her car a couple of years ago - Fire Services arrived and blocked the road - then they farted about not knowing what to do - I had arrived at the scene at this point and took control as they were clearly way out of their depth it was pathetic! I, and another member of the public, told them what to do

i would imagine getting the black guys cock from out of her mouth was a tricky operation which hampered their rescue efforts :norty:

C_B_B 03 December 2006 08:31 PM

Well it looks as though 2 members of our local fire service have been killed in the line of duty this afternoon...

BBC NEWS | England | Southern Counties | Fireworks depot blaze 'kills two'

pslewis 03 December 2006 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by C_B_B
Well it looks as though 2 members of our local fire service have been killed in the line of duty this afternoon...

BBC NEWS | England | Southern Counties | Fireworks depot blaze 'kills two'

Thats not good news, I feel for their families .....

10 people have died on the roads in the UK today .....

Many others have been killed in their jobs in the past 24 hours - 14 chinese miners earning 10p a week have died today .......

Many more will die at work tomorrow - do we sing praises for them?? NO!!

ScoobyWeb 03 December 2006 08:57 PM

Some of the posts in the thread from the likes of Mr lewis & co make a complete mockery of the hundreds of firefighters that died when the twin towers collapsed on 9/11. It doesn't Matter whether theses guys spend most of their time sitting around waiting for the next call out or not, In my book If anyone of these people help to save just one life whilst risking their own then they are worth every penny/cent that they are paid.

Tuts bird 03 December 2006 09:03 PM

Interesting thread. I take it Mr Lewis doesn't like firefighters then.

I get paid £22.5k per year for (amongst other things) having people try to hit me, people swearing at me, getting blood/vomit/faeces on my uniform, wiping arses/noses/mouths, telling relatives that someone has died, intubating and cannulating and giving drugs to someone while reassuring their relatives and trying to work out how the hell I am going to get the patient down 3 floors and into my vehicle, carrying 18 stone people covered in varying body fluids down stairs, doing CPR on babies with the parents watching...

I work 12 hour day and night shifts, most of which is spent off station risking my life, my crew mates life and the lives of anyone else who is out on the road by driving with lights and sirens.

I get a decent amount of holidays, I work with some fantastic people (in our service and police/fire and at the hospitals) and I love my job.

I don't expect people to give me admiration but a thank you every once in a while goes a very long way. And we get very few.

And I meet more people like Mr Lewis than you would think. It gets very easy to spot an idiot on the wind up.

pslewis 03 December 2006 09:09 PM

Originally Posted by Tuts bird
I don't expect people to give me admiration but a thank you every once in a while goes a very long way. And we get very few.

Well a BIG thank you from ME!! :thumb:

Would you like to thank all those who work on defending this country through their intellect and skill??

Maybe a thank you for the care worker who, at this moment is wiping **** off someones arse FOR HALF your pay!?

Could we extend a massive thank you to Teaching Assistants who work the same hours as teachers but get paid £8000 - these people take care of the most challenging children so that teachers can teach the rest.

How about the sewage workers walking about in **** and the rest making sure that we can all use the loo safely?

PLENTY of people deserve praise and a thank you .... it's just you hear the Emergency Services crying that they don't get enough!! :rolleyes: When EVERYONE praises them!!

They are too full of their own importance - and thats the painful truth ... I have the balls to say it!

Lionel Hutz 03 December 2006 09:25 PM

you forgot a BIG thank you to the manwhores who service your wife because you cannot

pslewis 03 December 2006 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by Lionel Hutz
you forgot a BIG thank you to the manwhores who service your wife because you cannot

Thats the SECOND time you have suggested my wife is struggling to get satisfaction ...... YOU are the one who is such a weak kneed, weasel, cowardly tosser than you haven't the balls to post in your own name! :rolleyes: You are a disgrace to the human race!

And when have you been talking to my Ting-Tong??

ice maiden 03 December 2006 09:36 PM

Sorry but the Care workers you keep going on about.....

Do they put their lives at risk for others??? nope I dont think so!!!!!!

I have a great deal of respect for the people who do that, but they usually do that due to a lower interlect and they arent able to do something better.....

ADILM 03 December 2006 09:42 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
Thats the SECOND time you have suggested my wife is struggling to get satisfaction ...... YOU are the one who is such a weak kneed, weasel, cowardly tosser than you haven't the balls to post in your own name! :rolleyes: You are a disgrace to the human race!

And when have you been talking to my Ting-Tong??


2000TLondon 03 December 2006 09:43 PM

Lewis, you're a cantankerous fcuking cnut! That's the last I'll say on the matter.

ADILM 03 December 2006 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by 2000TLondon
Lewis, you're a cantacerous fcuking cnut! That's the last I'll say on the matter.

why are you taking it SO seriously?

pslewis 03 December 2006 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by ice maiden
but they usually do that due to a lower interlect and they arent able to do something better.....

What like? Playing some water on a fire? Taking orders? Singing BEE-BAA-BEE-BAA?? :rolleyes:

I have got 6 Reds and 7 Greens due to my stance on this - which isn't very good ... would have expected about 10 FOR and 3 AGAINST.

pslewis 03 December 2006 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by ADILM
why are you taking it SO seriously?

Because I OWN him and he hates it thats why ....... he cannot help himself but to read my every post and spout vile on each one. He is one lonely, sad, faggot! ;)

ADILM 03 December 2006 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by pslewis
What like? Playing some water on a fire? Taking orders? Singing BEE-BAA-BEE-BAA?? :rolleyes:

I have got 6 Reds and 7 Greens due to my stance on this - which isn't very good ... would have expected about 10 FOR and 3 AGAINST.

You are the clown of SN man!!:lol1: :lol1:

ice maiden 03 December 2006 09:46 PM

No I was generalising.....I am sure there are lots of jobs that these people would love to be able to do ....but cant

2000TLondon 03 December 2006 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by ADILM
why are you taking it SO seriously?

Well, why not? I'm not sitting here crying with rage, I know the majority of what the trolls do is to try and get a rise out of people, but at the end of the day cnuts like Lewis should show some respect, whether they are joking, being ironic, or whateverthefcuk it is he thinks he's doing.

There are two men who have just died trying to save others.

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