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New_scooby_04 27 September 2006 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by Vapid
Has anyone said that people invariably buy the dogs as an ego boost? I certainly haven't. There are a proportion that do though, you know the type,gold jewellery wearing shaven headed tracksuit wearing thugs and that's only the wives.

"How many more have to be maimed and die before the ego cripples have these symbols of their impotency banned for good?"

Isn't that what the opening post implies mate? :wonder: Maybe UB just isn't being very clear and that should read, when will a certain class of individual be banned from owning large dogs?? Although how that'd be enforced, I'm not sure.

Banning anyone on the dole from owning such an animal would be a good start though!!! :D

BTW I know the type unfortunately!


J4CKO 27 September 2006 02:48 PM

Fat lad at school used to get battered all the time (not by me and mainly for bullsh1tting), saw him a few years later, slim, well into kickboxing with a Rottie in tow !

darlodge 27 September 2006 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Abdabz
Agreed. I have already emailed the bbc regarding their irresponsible journalism re this topic.
Dogs bite kids every day but since the horrific death of the child at the weekend at the the hands of a rottweiler the media have become "dogmatic". :cuckoo:

The media would have us believe that since the introduction of the DDA, not one dog of ANY breed has ever mauled a human being... Until this weekend...When aliens took over the minds of rottweilers and made them all blood thirsty mentalists :rolleyes:
There are tens of thousands of responsible rottweiler owners who will be sh1tting themselves now because of the public furor that the likes of our illustrious thread starter and the media are generating.

Last time when staffys, pit bulls and alsations were the target, the splendid media representation of the breed led to innocent owners having abuse shouted at them and being threatened.

I suppose as a few humans kill people, WE should all be neutered too? :rolleyes: :cuckoo:

I normally don't reply to these threads but I'm with you Abdabz.


unclebuck 27 September 2006 04:43 PM

Ooo... look another one - 4 year old this time. Needing 200 stitches.

tut tut... :nono: how irresponsible of the BBC to again bring people's attention to such unimportant day to day occurances. They are clearly not newsworthy and we should not be persecuting dangerous dog owners in this way.

PG 27 September 2006 04:48 PM

They didn't seem to think it was quite so newsworthy on the 14th when it happened though did they ?

Abdabz 27 September 2006 04:49 PM

UB it happened ages ago and has been dredged up by the BBC Sensationalism Department...
Wasnt even a rotty this time but another an "american" bull dog...FFS....:rolleyes:
Based on this link we should all be in mental units, just in case :rolleyes:

DCI Gene Hunt 27 September 2006 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by Abdabz
we should all be in mental units, just in case :rolleyes:

I imagine some on here already are................:D

unclebuck 27 September 2006 04:53 PM

I think the local area news is reporting on the court case that began today. Not that you feel it should be allowed to of course. Best these things are swept under the carpet and we all enjoy happy shiney news.

I didn't know you were a caretaker.

austen_wrx 27 September 2006 07:00 PM

As far as i'm concerned all of these types of dogs should be banned!! I cannot understand why anyone would want this type of dog as a pet!! I aknowledge that any breed of dog can be viscous if bought up wrong, but these types of dogs are naturally nasty and should all be destroyed!

GaryK 27 September 2006 07:27 PM

Agree with austen and UB Im afraid, these dogs arent pets FFS, the journo's sensationalising (sp?) it? It wasnt a kid tormenting a dog that turned (plenty of cases and its gonna happen) they took a fooking baby out of its cot.

If you're a parent just think who you would feel if it's YOUR son or daughter mauled to death, if you're not a parent shut the fcuk up because you havent got a clue.

davegtt 27 September 2006 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by austen_wrx
As far as i'm concerned all of these types of dogs should be banned!! I cannot understand why anyone would want this type of dog as a pet!! I aknowledge that any breed of dog can be viscous if bought up wrong, but these types of dogs are naturally nasty and should all be destroyed!

Most terriers are naturally nasty, especially westies but because theyre incapable of causing too much damage does that make them ok to society? Some very small minds in this thread.

J4CKO 27 September 2006 07:47 PM

No, I got bitten by one of the nasty little fookers, it tried biting out 4 year old and nearly got disembowled with a kitchen knife, lucklily it just got his fleece (his jacket, he isnt a sheep).

GaryK 27 September 2006 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt
Most terriers are naturally nasty, especially westies but because theyre incapable of causing too much damage does that make them ok to society? Some very small minds in this thread.

No but as far I'm aware two of them havent dragged a baby out of its cot and mauled it to death, lets deal with the facts rather than your opinions of other posters on this thread shall we?

The Snug Rhino 27 September 2006 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by davegtt
Maybe Im reading your post wrong but I disagree, you cant say a rotty is more likely to bike that say a jack russell,.

no - but you are using two dogs both as likely to enjoy a fight as the other - however.

the fact is certain dogs are more aggresive by nature than others. Its no different to any other animal type on the planet.

To think that the natural behaviour of different breeds is all the same and only guided by their training is stupid. I have owned many many Bull Terriers, some trained to a high level, some didnt even know what "sit" meant...........ALL of them would love a good fight given a chance.....if another dog went for them they would do their best to kill it.

I currently have two lurchers and they would run from a fight with a hamster......i couldnt train them to kill anymore than i could train an EBT to dislike a ruck.

Jamo 27 September 2006 09:40 PM

my daughter and our rottie.

sarasquares 27 September 2006 09:52 PM

its a bladdy good job i had my chiuhuaha's teeth removed a few weeks ago. she had one set too many..

could have had someones eye out:eek2:

unclebuck 27 September 2006 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by shaggy1973

That reminds me of the guy who posted a picture of his son in the bottom of a huge sand hole they had dug on the beach.

darlodge 27 September 2006 10:04 PM

And his son was fine was he not?


Jamo 27 September 2006 10:12 PM

I think what happened to that 5 month old child is horrendous, and to be truthful made me feel sick, but to say that all rotties are bad is stupid, im sure its in all of them to bite and maul, as it is in every humans power also to kill and torture, but at the same time you must accept that not all of them choose to do it.

sensationalising things like this just make you look petty and small minded in my opinion.

something I have never thought of you before this. (aimed at ub)


The Snug Rhino 27 September 2006 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by shaggy1973

ahhh, thats ok then.

why not post a pick of your kid strapped to the roof of your car at 90mph and see if they will do away with speed cameras?

Jamo 27 September 2006 11:32 PM

anyone else for the bandwagon? jump on now with all the other pc idiots.

Generic User 27 September 2006 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by austen_wrx
As far as i'm concerned all of these types of dogs should be banned!! I cannot understand why anyone would want this type of dog as a pet!! I aknowledge that any breed of dog can be viscous if bought up wrong, but these types of dogs are naturally nasty and should all be destroyed!

You can't typecast breeds like that. It just doesn't work like that. Rottys aren't "naturally" nasty, no more so than other breeds. The argument that they are big and strong bodes, but you would have to apply the same rule to Labradores, Alsatians, Dobermanns, Retrievers, Great Danes, St Bernards, Large poodles, Boxers etc.

There is a Rotty next door at work which is supposed to be a guard dog. Damn thing is only good at emptying bins and slobbering all over you.

Bloke at our local garden nursery also has one, roaming free, spends most of the time sleeping, except whilst I was paying at the til;, he plodding along and laid down right behind me. I took a step back and accidentally trod on said rotty. What did he do? Bite my legs off and savour my head for afternoon tea? Nope he yelped and ran off.

Point being, they aren't naturally nasty, no more so than other breed. Any dog, on evading their terriotory or provoking them will go on the defensive and will snap if they think you remain a threat. No more so than my neighbour's retriever that bit his son (admitedly he was pulling her ears :rolleyes: refer back to me treading on a rotty) Or my Uncle's golden spaniel that has bitten him to the extent he needed stiches in his arm (5 IIRC) and also my Aunt, luckily he never went for the kids. The latter dog was never even teased or tormented either (dominance/territorial problem, I belive) - (refer back to me invading a guard rotty's "territory") .

You can't just judge it black and white, Rotty = bad, Labrador = good will not resolve the problem. No matter what breed specific "tendancies" most breeds have the same basic insticts.

Optical Race 28 September 2006 12:00 AM

Here's my Hounds:

Painting them all with the same brush is rediculous tbh. These 2 are as stupid as stupid things. They love company and love our friends children when they come to see us. My son has a hamster that these pair clean and play with. Never worried nor will I start to worry. Not all Rotties are dangerous and its a damn shame that eveyrone seems to be in the thought train of "Well its a rotty, its got to be dangerous"

FFS just because someone is built like a brick toilet with muscles on muslces does'nt meant hey are gonna open a large can of woopass on everyone they see.

Unfortunate cases in the media of late, but Isolated incidents and media hype. Check and see how many Poodles, Jackrussles and terriers have attacked their owners, probs more than rotties have thats for sure.

unclebuck 28 September 2006 12:08 AM

F*ck me... I'm off before it goes mental.... :eek:

Optical Race 28 September 2006 12:11 AM

:p :p

2000TLondon 28 September 2006 04:11 AM

A four month old baby was attacked in it's home by it's fathers police dog, in Houston, last week, and was horribly injured.

Let's ban police dogs................

StickyMicky 28 September 2006 04:15 AM

any muslim dogs out there?

Jamo 28 September 2006 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by StickyMicky
any muslim dogs out there?


austen_wrx 28 September 2006 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by The Snug Rhino
ahhh, thats ok then.

why not post a pick of your kid strapped to the roof of your car at 90mph and see if they will do away with speed cameras?


davegtt 28 September 2006 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by The Snug Rhino
no - but you are using two dogs both as likely to enjoy a fight as the other - however.

the fact is certain dogs are more aggresive by nature than others. Its no different to any other animal type on the planet.

To think that the natural behaviour of different breeds is all the same and only guided by their training is stupid. I have owned many many Bull Terriers, some trained to a high level, some didnt even know what "sit" meant...........ALL of them would love a good fight given a chance.....if another dog went for them they would do their best to kill it.

I currently have two lurchers and they would run from a fight with a hamster......i couldnt train them to kill anymore than i could train an EBT to dislike a ruck.

OK I do see your point but its not always true, there will be Lurchers out there that are agressive and enjoy a fight, Ive owned 2 Bulldogs, the first was a nutter and would attack at any sign of hostility towards it, hated other dogs and would even try to dominate me on the odd occasion, his younger brother on the other hand who we bought after the first dogs death is a complete softy, exact same sire and dame, He was attacked whilst I was walking him by a collie and all he was doing was trying to hide behind my legs... 2 completely different dogs with similar upbringings from the same background. Any dog is prone to random attacks whether its dangerous or not. Just like Humans, you could have the best up bringing available and still be a complete jack ar$e (look at PSL ;) )

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