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OllyK 14 October 2005 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by Robbie T
I fcukin hate this, if they're not on holiday here they should be speaking english i don't give a **** where your from your here now LEARN IT OR FCUK OFF :mad:

I bet they aint got valid insurance either, most "minority" drivers round here just use one of a few cars which they all chip in for and use as pool cars with just one person insured. If they get pulled over they just give their name as the person insured, i think the old bill should take a photo to go with a producer cos the desk clerk they predict to won't know who was actually driving at the time

Which arm do you have your swasticker tatoo on??

Dracoro 14 October 2005 03:27 PM

The 'pool' car is a good idea though. Saves cash, time, money, congestion etc. Surely it's not too much to have them all as named drivers etc. maybe they do already, who knows. Anyway, the principle has to be encouraged.

alcazar 14 October 2005 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Robbie T
I fcukin hate this, if they're not on holiday here they should be speaking english i don't give a **** where your from your here now LEARN IT OR FCUK OFF :mad:

I bet they aint got valid insurance either, most "minority" drivers round here just use one of a few cars which they all chip in for and use as pool cars with just one person insured. If they get pulled over they just give their name as the person insured, i think the old bill should take a photo to go with a producer cos the desk clerk they predict to won't know who was actually driving at the time

What a coincidence. Talking to my 19 year old, who "gets about a bit" now;) today, he mentioned that quite a few minority drivers he KNOWS of have one insurance, and one license between about 5 of them, maybe more.

If given a producer, they give the name on the license/insurance.

He won't give me any names though, nor the names of the quite a few youths, (not minority), he knows who are driving sans insurance, license etc etc.

I've tried pointing out WHY we need 'em off the roads, and what will happen to his nice shiny car if one of 'em hits it, but he's adamant. You don't grass:rolleyes:


Brendan Hughes 14 October 2005 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Robbie T
I fcukin hate this, if they're not on holiday here they should be speaking english i don't give a **** where your from your here now LEARN IT OR FCUK OFF :mad:

Hey Robbie. I know of a number of Brits living in Portugal. If they have a car crash, how much do you expect the husband to start jabbering to the wife in Portuguese? Or if they don't, maybe they should FCUK OFF back to the rainy UK?

scoobynutta555 14 October 2005 04:37 PM

When I was at college a favourite moneyearner among Asians (no other ethnic group) was doing driving tests. Some of them took dozens of tests at different driving centres for hopless drivers. All this was before photo ID driving licenses.

OllyK 14 October 2005 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by scoobynutta555
When I was at college a favourite moneyearner among Asians (no other ethnic group) was doing driving tests. Some of them took dozens of tests at different driving centres for hopless drivers. All this was before photo ID driving licenses.

It's hardly new or unique to Asians - or even driving tests come to that.

turboman786 14 October 2005 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by Poor Guy
aye. used to go to school with the driver. devout, non talk to the white people, muslim type.

Don't think theres any need for making sweeping generalisations like this my friend.

Poor Guy 14 October 2005 06:24 PM

alcazar, sorry to say this, but I think your lad needs a nice a swift kick in the arse. If I knew of anyone uninsured Id have no worries shopping them. My mate used to cane round on a moped uninsured before i could drive. I told him I WOULD shop him so he flogged it. These retards dont seem to realise how important it is. And if someone who hit me wasnt insured, I'd have no problem whatsoever in getting them beaten to within and inch of their life if they didnt pay up. Imagine being hit and crippled and having no help in te future with aid due to the ******* not having insurance.
i also think in any country in a car accident you should speak the laguage or FCUK OFF! these brits in portugal who dont speak portugese should too. If I hit someone in Italy I'd be right out with the apologies.
and what is it with asian women in these long robe things. almost got the scooby taken out by another yesterday chopping on a roundabout. My car was also almost taken out by another one by changing lanes while i was in it. I beeped and she kept on coming but wouldnt listen. Stupid the lot of them, and why are they always talking and not looking at the road. There should be one female per car only. that should reduce accident rate. Ive noticed it with most women, always chatting, but these foreigners really know how to.

Poor Guy 14 October 2005 06:27 PM

Don't think theres any need for making sweeping generalisations like this my friend
devout muslim, being that she only spoke to the other long robe wearing types in their language and not to us white types. How do I know? cos i went to school with her. Spoke to a friend today who was in her health and social care and she commented on the fact she only spoke to he teacher. Not a sweeping generalisation old bean, just specific to this person.

the moose 14 October 2005 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by turboman786
Don't think theres any need for making sweeping generalisations like this my friend.

Of coure there's a need for it. One of the Scoobynet rules is that by post #30, whatever the problem is has to be blamed on a foreigner. Who might be from the UK, but is definitely a darky, not that I'm racist, no way, one of my best mates knows someone who might not be white, but anyway them Asians can't drive, they're all nicking our jobs and stealing our women. And they never get insurance, and they're terrorists.

Because all white folk are inherently trustworthy, obtain insurance cover, and drive without reproach, as we well know.

I really despair of this place at times.

Poor Guy 14 October 2005 06:36 PM

Because all white folk are inherently trustworthy, obtain insurance cover, and drive without reproach, as we well know.
and as we also well know, some dime bars dont read the full thread, also describing the disgraceful tactics of white brits.

the moose 14 October 2005 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by Poor Guy
and as we also well know, some dime bars dont read the full thread, also describing the disgraceful tactics of white brits.

Agreed. Did you read post #30?

Poor Guy 14 October 2005 06:48 PM

yup. But we have also discussed the bad things that whites brits do two, so its not all one sided, and post number 30 does have factual basis unfortunately. Me old mum works for the police and the amount of uninsured/licensed foreign types out there is digusting. But the Police can only do so many or else they get disciplined for racial harassment and all that PC bull.

scoobynutta555 15 October 2005 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by OllyK
It's hardly new or unique to Asians - or even driving tests come to that.

Who said it was, its just what I saw at college.

alcazar 15 October 2005 02:36 PM

Poor Guy: I can understand your point re my lad not grassing up the lads (and lasses) he knows driving w/o licenses, insurance, or while banned. Especially since HE was hit by an unisnsured driver, (we assume, as the b*stard fekked off and my lad was too shocked to get his plate), and his own insurance is over a grand a year, (first decent car, no ncd).

Unfortunately, as a family, we don't trust or like the police. Sorry to all who can't understand it, but there are quite a few reasons. I won't say "good reasons". I'd personally call them disgusting reasons, but there you are. None of us would go so far as to AID a crim, but as to "helping the police"? Forget it. And asking THEM for help? Don't make me laugh:mad:



Ben WRX Bug-Eye 15 October 2005 03:03 PM

Sorry to hear all your hardwork has been ruined thanks to someone like this. Be grateful it didn't happen in one of their 'areas'. My mate got crashed into and literally out of the wood work loads of them appeared, threatened him and told him he had to admit it was his fault. He's no tart this bloke but he did feel in danger with all the talking in a foreign language, finger pointing and broken English ranting. When the police turned up all of them blamed it on him, saying they had witnessed it, despite it being obvious that it couldn't of been his fault. The police could see he wasn't to blame thankfully. Nightmare.

scoobynutta555 15 October 2005 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by Ben WRX Bug-Eye
Sorry to hear all your hardwork has been ruined thanks to someone like this. Be grateful it didn't happen in one of their 'areas'. My mate got crashed into and literally out of the wood work loads of them appeared, threatened him and told him he had to admit it was his fault. He's no tart this bloke but he did feel in danger with all the talking in a foreign language, finger pointing and broken English ranting. When the police turned up all of them blamed it on him, saying they had witnessed it, despite it being obvious that it couldn't of been his fault. The police could see he wasn't to blame thankfully. Nightmare.

This happened to my brother in a place called Bury Park in Luton, non white area. Some prick reversed out onto a main road straight into oncoming traffic, my brother. Two of them have become 5 of them and all had serious whiplash etc etc. Ongoing claim for about 2 years now.

Listy 15 October 2005 06:35 PM

Originally Posted by Poor Guy
tuesday was no other day.
got up, washed, dressed in jeans and tshirts and down to the motor. Started the throaty beast and went on my way to college. I was very happy with the fact I'd just put in my new gearbox, uprated o/d, ally backplate, uprated orgainc clutch and plate, GRP tunnel, modded selector and swanky new guage.
stormed into town like a hamster from heaven (taking sure my new gearbox was worn in properly). Pootling along through the traffic.
Got to lane 2 and went passed all the stationary traffic on my left.
BRAVA PULLS OUT!!!! oh no, brake! let him out and on his way.
Brava heads through amber light at which I stopped.
Then boom!
fuel and temp gauge!
more pressure on the brake.

I was hit from behind by a red fiat punto.

Went through it. 2nd lane off carr house rd onto 2nd lane trafford way past the police station roundabout, 2nd lane upto traffic lights, BRAVA out, hit brakes, accelerate, lights, mirror, brake, stop, *FLASH*, 30ft from where i stopped.
Hit by some foreigner blarring away in whatever language to the passenger in the car. went up to the car and said "INSURANCE DETAILS, OUT NOW!"
wouldnt get out
locked the doors

coppers turned up.
I was happy/shaking/crying.

Called me old man and got him down there, and told him to get a camera*
Ambulances turned up and 3 police cars. They wanted to cart me off to hostpital, but declined.
Interviewed in a 206 (which i had to lay in as i was over 4ft 2in)
Then had t drive my wounded classic 1/2 mile to my mates palce to get picked up. Gave a ferocious tear away from the scene with blue rubber smoke from the rear psngr arch.

* All this to say, although you were unlucky, thanks for the advice of taking photos at the scene of the accidnet to lessen the chance of someone not taking responsiblity via insurance comapnies.

upset Phil

Dude it's a shame about the Motor and I'm glad you're OKish....

But I didn't understand a Fooking word of what happened......??????

Deep Singh 15 October 2005 06:59 PM

I've heard that most of these asian muslim types actually use the blood of virgin white women mixed in with the petrol. It works a little like octane booster. My mum works at a petrol station so its true.
The authorities know about it but are too scared to stop the massacre of white virgins in case they are branded racist.

Bubba po 15 October 2005 07:06 PM

That's shocking, Deep. :D

Daz34 15 October 2005 07:13 PM

I noticed they were taking over all the petrol stations but I didn't realise the extent of the conspiracy :eek: :)

recopish 15 October 2005 07:18 PM

Can you get me one, Ive been dying for one of these ,

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
I've heard that most of these asian muslim types actually use the blood of virgin white women mixed in with the petrol. It works a little like octane booster. My mum works at a petrol station so its true.
The authorities know about it but are too scared to stop the massacre of white virgins in case they are branded racist.

Turbohot 15 October 2005 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by Poor Guy
Me old mum works for the police and the amount of uninsured/licensed foreign types out there is digusting. But the Police can only do so many or else they get disciplined for racial harassment and all that PC bull.

Sorry to know about your accident,PG.:(
Can't quite understand why police can only do so many but not all with uninsured/licensed foreign types or non-foreign types.Law is a law for black or white-full stop! Specially when there is a lack of documentation rather than just a verbal abuse or something,police can do everything within the law to teach them a lesson.Shouldn't really make any difference.

GC8 15 October 2005 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Deep Singh
I've heard that most of these asian muslim types actually use the blood of virgin white women mixed in with the petrol. It works a little like octane booster. My mum works at a petrol station so its true.
The authorities know about it but are too scared to stop the massacre of white virgins in case they are branded racist.

What bollocks! You find me an 18 year old white virgin in Doncaster ffs!

alcazar 15 October 2005 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by GC8
What bollocks! You find me an 18 year old white virgin in Doncaster ffs!

18n year old white virgin in Donny? Muahahahahahahaha!

The fekkin 14 year olds are all pushing twins!! And most of 'em are mixed race.

And the 13 year olds are expecting. Awful place. they ALL smoke like chimneys too:(


Turbohot 16 October 2005 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by alcazar
18n year old white virgin in Donny? Muahahahahahahaha!

The fekkin 14 year olds are all pushing twins!! And most of 'em are mixed race.

And the 13 year olds are expecting. Awful place. they ALL smoke like chimneys too:(


Mixed race- nothing wrong about it.
Rest- not right.
Youth of the Great Britain need educating.

Poor Guy 16 October 2005 02:43 AM

Can't quite understand why police can only do so many but not all with uninsured/licensed foreign types or non-foreign types.Law is a law for black or white-full stop! Specially when there is a lack of documentation rather than just a verbal abuse or something,police can do everything within the law to teach them a lesson.Shouldn't really make any difference.
I dont understand this stupid crap either. Its PC gone loopy again. Apparently a lot of the older coppers go along with the "dont persecute the illegal foreigner" because they get a cushy posting for towing the line. This countries police is a disgrace when i comes to things like this.

scooby_matt 16 October 2005 09:15 AM

Thought it was in Donny, recognised the road

J4CKO 16 October 2005 10:04 AM

So, is the car fooked then ?, real shame if it is.

Also, it does seem that a lot of immigrants drive round without the correct documentation and I suspect its true for many reasons, like, cant be arsed, language barrier, high insurance, lack of money. Its no excuse and loads of British scrotes do it as well but lets try not to turn this racist. Anybody needs to be dealt with severely for this wherever they are from.

Brendan Hughes 16 October 2005 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Bubba po
That's shocking, Deep. :D

In fact, Deeply shocking.

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