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moses 03 February 2005 11:12 PM

u gettin coldfeet bud :D where has the british bulldog inside u gone heehee

unclebuck 03 February 2005 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by moses
u gettin coldfeet bud :D where has the british bulldog inside u gone heehee

he went to the fidge, and cracked open a cold one... or two...

that's what we decdent infidels do of a thursday night.


scoobchrissy 03 February 2005 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by moses
whatever chrissy

I'm not dishing you moses i agree British and USA should'nt be in iraq let them solve there own problems, but that saying was a bit harsh IMO

moses 03 February 2005 11:16 PM

no probs chrissy when im angry i can be harsh sometimes, but i will leave it their , God bless :)

and ub yeah u guys like a drink dont ya, its a pity i wish their was a halal version of guiness and stella artois, it looks so good with the adverts and all :D

unclebuck 03 February 2005 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by moses
yeah u guys like a drink dont ya,:D

In moderation, of course, why not. :) I mean, at the end of another long day, it's nice to unwind with a slow drink and let all the ills of the world wash over you for a spell.... no?


moses 03 February 2005 11:28 PM

not for me bud :D to chill out i go out at night with my wife and lil girl, we have a shopping centre near us its open till 9pm braehead indoors shopping, u dont need to buy anything just go and walk and look :D haha or maybe have a wee meal

when my evo was here before i sent it to simon, i used to go out everynight and race the local asian and non asian gangs in their cars :) nice

fast bloke 03 February 2005 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by Puff The Magic Wagon!
You see, for all the drivel that moses posts sometimes, I would click that link to find out another point of view. It is through information that an informed decision or opinion is made & it is essential to balance up both sides of an argument or point of view.

Puff - I would have thought having Irish roots you would know better.

2 * propaganda does not equal truth under any circumstance

Puff The Magic Wagon! 04 February 2005 12:03 AM


You can't change years of inbred bias if you are born/brought up that way but you can be prepared to have an open mind & listen to both sides of the argument however petty so as to prepare your own opinion.

IIRC living in Belfast/Derry (oops should I say Londonderry or City of Derry?) in the 70s the actual reality was never quite as portrayed on BBC News, let alone the American versions. We had yanks come visit us that were convinced that if they stepped inside the 6 counties they'd be shot/blown up :rolleyes: so they'd take the extra 150 miles round by Donegal Town (extra boggy bog roads too :D ) just to ensure they were in no danger...

fast bloke 04 February 2005 12:10 AM

:D I was brought up as a presbafenian. You know probably me, you, Big Stinky have roots acroos the baricade. What abooot big outside party in ma hoose sumnite :D

jasey 04 February 2005 07:45 AM

Anyone else missing "Current World Events" - This thread takes me back to the good/bad (delete as per your view) Old Days :).

Moses - I thought Muslims were supposed to oppose all forms of violence etc - at that the "infidels" will get sorted out at the gates to "Heaven/Hell" ??

MJW 04 February 2005 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by ajm
You are right moses.... the Iraqi people were better off being ushered out into the desert by sadam's cronies and having a bullet put in the back of their head before being rolled into a shallow grave... ;)

Everyone seems to forget that this happened...........
Everyone also seems to forget that Saddam was one of the west's bosom buddies and was supplied with weapons, training, financial aid, etc. despite knowing full well the atrocities he'd committed. Funny how the moral high ground only becomes an issue when it suits ...

MJW 04 February 2005 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by jasey
Anyone else missing "Current World Events" - This thread takes me back to the good/bad (delete as per your view) Old Days :).

Yeah bring back CWE !! :)

Taff107 04 February 2005 03:13 PM

I can't understand why they got rid of it in the first place - a lot of current posts in NSR would have been in CWE.....

moses 04 February 2005 07:34 PM

well said mjw, the weapons he used against the kurds and iran were from the usa and it was the americans who told him that u need to sort out the kurdish problem, their allying themselves with iran in the gulf war iraq vs iran. no one batted an eyelid when he massacred them

Petem95 04 February 2005 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by MJW
Yeah bring back CWE !! :)

Would be a good plan, would get the islamic extremists (no names mentioned....) posting somewhere other than off-topics.

moses 04 February 2005 08:02 PM

pete u mixer u :D why do u do that , its getting boring now, maybe use some different words :D now instead of the same old

Leslie 05 February 2005 11:36 AM

If the truth was known, we would probably find that most world leaders don't give a stuff about soldiers or civilians losing their lives on either side when they are persuing their careers, unless it might affect their votes. Especially stupid "passe" Generals trying to get a bit of cheap popularity by trying to appear ever so "manly".

Yes I know it is a cynical view but I bet its not that inaccurate.

Les :(

moses 05 February 2005 07:13 PM

mate soldiers are like a number for the goverments and politicians, thats all

all u get is a wee letter and then its forgotten about and i was shocked when i read in the papers that if our soldiers die their families get only 24,000 pounds, a man can make that in a year if he has a good job, sickening

dsmith 05 February 2005 07:34 PM

Why is it sickening - you've clearly siad they deserve to die ?

moses 05 February 2005 09:27 PM

i said the americans do :) they get over a 100.000 each

dsmith 06 February 2005 04:31 PM

You're one f**ked up religous bigot :o

dsmith 06 February 2005 06:05 PM

The bizarre moral world of ScoobyNet.

Suggest people have the right to shoot anyone for any reason on their property = OK
Suggest "iraqis have every right to chop american soldiers heads off" = OK
Suggest people have the right to kill/harm/discourage stray cats that sh*t on their garden = Thread Vaped.

Redkop 06 February 2005 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by dsmith
The bizarre moral world of ScoobyNet.

Suggest people have the right to shoot anyone for any reason on their property = OK
Suggest "iraqis have every right to chop american soldiers heads off" = OK
Suggest people have the right to kill/harm/discourage stray cats that sh*t on their garden = Thread Vaped.

For once I agree with you!

moses 06 February 2005 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by dsmith
You're one f**ked up religous bigot :o

thanks and your welcome :) u calling me a bigot dont make me one but your welcome to call me that :D

edited to add

u can call me the fuhrer or adolf moses if u like if it makes u happy ;)

moses 06 February 2005 08:04 PM

one more thing

i try to practice my religion but im far from religious, if i was really religious i wont be talking about shaved vAGINAS AND beautiful womans feet etc

jasey 07 February 2005 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by moses
shaved vAGINAS AND beautiful womans feet etc

Careful moses - this thread will get vaped if you continue with descriptions about female body parts. Get back to telling us how it's OK to cut off people's heads ;).

ps You're not a bigot you're a poof from the jungle ;)

pps Mods the line above is a reference to Moses's preference for a $hite football team and a long lost area of thier home ground (Tym Park) not a racist / homophobic slant on his or anyone else's character :)

moses 07 February 2005 08:00 PM

hahahaa :D we stuffed the teddy bears my friend and next time will make it easier and use ky jelly hee hee bellamy bellamy bellamy is gonna get u :p :D

hail hail the bhoys are here and will walk over u billy boys now and forever :D

Brit_in_Japan 08 February 2005 02:19 AM

Why oh why do people post without engaging their brain first. Referring to the original post by moses, the Aljezerra story was taking it's story and quotations directly from an NBC affiliate website in the US. Aljezeera were not making anything up, they were quoting accurately from the story source. You can find it here:-

Maybe people should keep an open mind and listen to different sides of the argument and not just give the same old lazy knee-jerk reaction.

It is true that soldiers get a buzz out of battle, usually the "executing the battle plan effectively" type of buzz, not usually doing the killing. I am sure all armies has it's share of psychos, but it does seem to be more prevelant in the US army, especially the marines (?).

War has become abstracted. It's often fought at greater distances. Precision weapons mean you don't need to be as close (or even with range of the enemy) to strike at them. You can use drones to fly overhead and relay live pictures back. You can get weapons systems to work in harmony to provide overwhelming destruction of a small area. It's a cliche, but wars are becoming more and more like video games.

And as with all wars, the enemy is demonised so your own troops can remain dispationate about the job they have to do. But the US military does seem to be more gung-ho about the way they conduct warfare, the language they use, the whoops and hollers and high fives, the higher number of friendly fire incidents....

An interesting question is why we should regard a beheading as so much more abhorrent than sending a precision munition into a building from a range of tens of kilometers. Is death any less painless if you are caught by shrapnel from a megabucks precision guided missile instead of a knife? Is life of an Iraqi worth any less than any other nation?

Every soldier must be prepared to kill, but to tell an audience of 200 people including reporters and TV crews that you enjoy doing it is disturbing. This guy leads Camp Pendleton's 1st Marine Corps Division in Iraq and is responsible for Marine Corps combat development. His men will take their lead from him and he says its fun to kill.

jasey 08 February 2005 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by Brit_in_Japan
Every soldier must be prepared to kill, but to tell an audience of 200 people including reporters and TV crews that you enjoy doing it is disturbing. This guy leads Camp Pendleton's 1st Marine Corps Division in Iraq and is responsible for Marine Corps combat development. His men will take their lead from him and he says its fun to kill.

Surely that just makes him the "perfect" Soldier. That's their Job - If they enjoy it then that's good isn't it ?

zilch 08 February 2005 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by jasey
Surely that just makes him the "perfect" Soldier. That's their Job - If they enjoy it then that's good isn't it ?

not really, Yes soldiers are trained to fight and it has to be part of it sometimes no doubt, but I do not think the majority would get a kick out of the kill, or enjoy it (not from people i remember who i served with for 9 years) ..just the odd phsyco .Enjoying it does not make you a better soldier, most probably the opposite, as it says to me, there is some instability, and therefore potential liability to those around (hence why the yanks have quite a high rate of friendly fire no doubt).. being concious of what you are doing would suggest you are able to reason, and therefore can apply yourself in any given situation, hence that makes for me a better soldier, not just some gung-ho **** who gets pleasure from it and just wants to add notches to his M16



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