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Markus 14 August 2000 11:16 AM

just read the thread a bit more.

'AGM mins won't be posted on the net'


Let me guess:

'not everyone has email so it won't be fair on the rest'

Ahhhhhh, poor old peeps with no computers, can't have us techno wizzkids getting our hands on the info before anyone else can we, be a total crime wouldn't it. The club would colapse.

Just out of interest, and this does NOT mean I'm going to do it. Who would be interested in an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the next true grip, downloadable from a website???

Also, what would happen to me if I re-typed the AGM mins and posted them on my website, so the 'elite core' could view them??

Sorry for the nasty attitude, but I came out of the AGM thinking that a new internet aware SIDC might have been born, seems I was wrong.

If someone has the AGM mins in a text file then I'd be happy to HTML it up and put it on my own website, seeing as the SIDC can't be bothered to do it.

Jeez, I won't even start on the 'non social' issue with the SIDC.

Markus 14 August 2000 11:24 AM

Ok, nearly there, had to pop over to 22b to read the thread there.

Interesting point raised that Dick Grimes would not use internet 'as a point of principle'

Anyway. I was with Colin Berry, in fact I was one of the three wise Burger Kings (if you were at the AGM you'll know what I'm on about), and Anders did come up at the end and say to Colin that he felt a great bit of progress had been made in the internet side of things at the AGM, helped by Colin's words, and also by Mr Croney saying that he want's more emailable info.

Ian Cook 14 August 2000 01:17 PM

Markus, It doesnt say anywhere that the minutes wont be posted on the net, i just said they will be included in the next true grip!!!!!

You seem to be saying they cant be bothered to do it, but you havent given them a chance yet !

A lot of progress was made at the AGM, all it needs is a little patience now!

JohnS 14 August 2000 01:35 PM

I wasn't going to make any comments, but I there's a few things I'd like to say:

E-mail notification: I think it's a good idea, but would still like to get flyers delivered by post. Firslty it lets my wife know about the event (and that I'll be away for it, and secondly I can show them to the many new owners and prospective club members that I meet. A printed e-mail would have less of an impact.

From experience of arranging events in Scotland, up to 30% of those taking part have found out about the event via the flyers/True Grip, even though many have some access to the internet (some have friends and family who could let them access the Internet, so they don't have their own e-mail address). The big difference is that flyers are delivered to your door, and you don't need to go actively looking for info on events on web-sites such as this and the SIDC one.

Regarding the timing of postal and e-mail notification of events, the only time this causes problems is for events such as track days where spaces are limited, and allocated on a first-come first served basis. For other events such as meetings/BBQs etc, a few days difference in delivery times makes no difference whatsoever

Apart from the AGM (see other threads), when was the last SIDC event held which wasn't advertised on the IWOC/I-Chat mailing lists, or on this BBS and the one at

robski 14 August 2000 01:52 PM

I agree with Johns summary

Some people seem to be developing e paranoia
if its not e its not worth doing

post is fine for some stuff, but email is cool for other stuff. TRue grip is much better printed, cos I dont get moaned at for sitting reading, but if I spend too much time on the pc... winge ... winge ... winge
(those of you married know what I mean!)

right, I want to go to essex for this training, aint seen anything in true grip!?


Colin Berry 14 August 2000 02:35 PM

I have not read all this thread because Im at work but I HAVE A FEW POINTS TO MAKE:

As the person who rasied the internet issue at the AGM then I think I am best placed to explain how it was put across and my interpretation of the reply.
In the accounts I believe that about 5k was spent on postage and I suggested that an awful lot of money might be saved if flyers were sent out to those THAT WANTED THEM VIA THE INTERNET. I do not, and did not, request that those who chose the postal service as a delivery mechanism be excluded, it is merely a matter of choice.
Why on earth Dick might decide to resign is beyond me, my whole intention was to save him and his dear wife work and save the club some money.
What is all this rubbish about being an Internet club??? Are we a Royal Mail club now for gods sake. The net is just a means of delivery of information, be it post, internet, pidgeon or whatever. It has no bearing on the club as a whole.
I suggest that those who do not use computers stop throwing tantrums and those that do just pay some thought to those to whom a computer is a bit of a mystery.
Its all so simple. Send out a POSTAL flyer which states 'Do you prefer flyers by e-mail or post?'
I will call Dick tonight and attempt to get to the bottom of this issue because at the moment I wish I had never mentioned it!

[This message has been edited by Colin Berry (edited 14 August 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Colin Berry (edited 14 August 2000).]

Markus 14 August 2000 03:16 PM

Ah, the leader of the three wise (burger) kings speaks.

robski 14 August 2000 04:01 PM


seeing as it was your bright idea, I hope that you are going to re-imburse the club for the postage costs!


Stupot 14 August 2000 05:13 PM

Hello Mum

[This message has been edited by Stupot (edited 14 August 2000).]

SPIPE 14 August 2000 09:40 PM

Just as a matter of interest, when was the last edition. I havent had one for a long time?

COF139 14 August 2000 09:57 PM

Well it seems this one is going round and round with people generally agreeing on the same proposal ie. give people the choice of mail or post. Seems sensible just in terms of potential postal savings.

Colin, I hope you get some joy in preventing Richard's resignation, and perhaps we can all forget about this quickly.

Stuart No 46

Chris L 14 August 2000 10:03 PM

Just read this thread again and I have to agree with John Felstead. I am confused as to what we are arguing about. Surely the SIDC is about the cars and driving them?

The Internet / postal system are simply ways of delivering the information. If you want post - fine, if you want to use the net - fine. The fact that there are over 3000 people subscribed to this site is a testament to the power of the Internet. Personally I would not want the club to be totally Internet based as I like reading the club magazine (the same reason I subscribe to Evo etc).

Putting my techy IT hat on for a moment, I know that there are loads of IT people on this site and I'm sure that there would be some who would be more than happy to help out with the SIDC site and perhaps improve it a little (web design is not really my thing, but there must be a few out there..)

Richard is fully entitled to his opinion, but I don't think that in this day and age you can realistically ignore the influence of the Internet (it should be possible to strike a balance between traditional and high-tec views of running the club).

Surely this should be the time to work together to improve things rather than trying to drive a wedge between the 'pro' and 'anti' Internet lobby?

Chris (still somewhat confused)

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