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Jye 01 June 2004 09:46 PM

tiggers, the SN voice of 'reasonable' middle England :rolleyes: :D

unclebuck 01 June 2004 09:48 PM

I thought that was the whole essence of debate. You know - you think one thing, I think another etc... How dull it would be if everyone agreed.

You're right about one thing though my days work is done, hence I have time to chat. I would watch TV, but it's all rubbish ATM. Best let you get on....


Jye 01 June 2004 09:49 PM

Actually UB, just watched The Football Factory, but that's for another thread all together :)

davyboy 01 June 2004 09:53 PM

Fantastic Idea!

Keep all the poor people off the roads, it will make my drive to work in the morning all the more pleasant!

Lets have a "get petrol above £1 per litre" protest!


unclebuck 01 June 2004 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by Jye
Actually UB, just watched The Football Factory, but that's for another thread all together :)

Strangely enough I'm about to watch part 2 of the classic documentary - Football's Fight Club.


tiggers 01 June 2004 10:01 PM

Originally Posted by unclebuck
I thought that was the whole essence of debate. You know - you think one thing, I think another etc... How dull it would be if everyone agreed.

You're right about one thing though my days work is done, hence I have time to chat. I would watch TV, but it's all rubbish ATM. Best let you get on....


Sorry UB, debate is fine, but there's little point when neither side will ever be swayed. You say you find my stance confusing and wrong - well maybe that's down to you rather than me.

Anyway put simply my time is better spent elsewhere than trying to convince you of something that you will never be convinced of. As it is only lunchtime here my day is unfortunately not yet done.

As for the TV being rubbish what's the problem - it doesn't usually stop you ;)

All the best,


Jye 01 June 2004 10:02 PM

As they say UB, weird (spelling checked for Tel and the rest of the SN mafiosa :D )) minds think, emm, very similarly, or just coincidentally alike. Like... :D

Jye 01 June 2004 10:04 PM

tiggers, what's the best brand of pipe tobacco these days? I dunno about brands or flavours, just give me the low down. I'm looking for a pressie for the old man :D

mart360 01 June 2004 10:13 PM


i dont suppose you'd care to disclose your age???

after growing up during the winter of discontent, powercuts and getting bashed at school cos you wouldnt vote labour (ffs we were only 10/11 years old)

my parents saw the writing on the wall and we moved away from the mining and steel industrys!!!

i then spent my formative teens growing up with Margaret and her gov,and went on to own my own house!!!

yes we had a recession, and yes i was made redundant,, but not due to the recession, but due to blinkered management who couldnt understant the concept of competition i blame hmg......


Whynot...?? becuase,it was due to blinkered management who couldnt understant the concept of competition.

I used my time to follw the stock market & world markets,, i could understand the cyclic nature of the mortgage market and knew that a recession would not last forever.

I got of my arse and retrained and moved into sectors of employment that were stable.

yes margarets gov made mistakes, but at least she stood up and was counted.. when she went it wasnt behind a curtain of spin & smear!!

its funny when things a re going crap,, the gov always blames the last gov for creating the problems, yet when things are going right its always down to there initiatives!!!

given that tone is on his second term, the pervious govs excuse dosnt apply.

now that he has to use his cabinet what has he got...

i wont digress and argue the merits of the elected diktat (haha)

but i have to stand firm and say this gov has turned its back on immigration and law and order...

Tone has the biggest conflict of interests going. and its obvious who wears the trousers in his house....

if we live in a democracy why are we still tied into the human rights charter!!!!!!

and why no referendum on europe!!!

the problem is that tb has had his ego massaged, by strutting his stuff on the world stage, prhaps he should look to his own people...

if Russia couldnt sort out afghanistan and the yanks vietnam, what hope had we????

you cant even go to war (joke) without mrs tb letting loose the human rights lot!!!

if he makes the next general it will be a bloody miracle...

given that this gov was meant to be the turnaround, howcome all the so called laws and policys of the last gov remain???

we have sold off vast portions of our bullion reserves, which now means that we have a defecit... who will pick up the cost... hmg no chance??

if you are a gambling man have a punt on these...

1) TB will take us into the euro (he will do this if its the last thing he does)

2) pc laws will start to have people prosecuted for gender based talk!!

3) Tb will not become president of euland

4) the uk will have a revolution ..


Jye 01 June 2004 10:28 PM

And there does lie, the age old question, or 20 :)

Faire D'Income 02 June 2004 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by the moose
Riiiight, wasting your vote with the Labour Party, better off with the Conservatives.

So why is it that every Tory voter I've spoken to and heard from seems determined to vote for the UK Independence Party? Even the front bench, who just a few weeks ago were referring to "this so-called independence party" are now paying some grudging respect to the late Jimmy Goldsmith's mad fellow-travellers by calling it "UKIP". Given that no-one other than the UK Independence Party refers to itself in this way, I think it's fair to say that the Tories have the UKIP firmly on the radar screen and are ****ting bricks.

Basically, they're scared, and regardless of how good or bad the Labour Party may or may not have been over the last few years, it's going to be the Tories who get the floor wiped with their ballot papers rather than Tony's crew.

PS You didn't use to post on here as Holy Ghost, did you? The political slant and writing style are very similar.

Is this something you read in the paper or did you think it all up by yourself?

Quite how you can deduce my political slant from one paragraph is beyond me, but then judging by your first point perhaps I shouldn't be surprised. I have no connnection to your little friend Holy Ghost whoever he may be.

the moose 02 June 2004 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by Faire D'Income
Is this something you read in the paper or did you think it all up by yourself?

Quite how you can deduce my political slant from one paragraph is beyond me.

If you've read any prior posts you'll know I read the FT and nothing else. I listen to radio a lot, and follow news channels too, so when I see Tory spokesmen looking a bit shifty and giving credence to the UKIP, I take notice. Incidentally, if you *do* see any article you feel I've copied, please feel free to publish the link ..... as it is, there's no need for me to plagiarise when it's so easy to point out the hopeless inadequacies of the Tory riposte to this weaker-than-weak Light Blue government.

Incidentally, although this may astound you, it's actually very easy to see your political stance when you post something like

As we've now successfully hijacked this thread and moved it onto a favourite subject of mine - Labour bashing
Or am I missing something?

As for Holy Ghost? It was merely a question; there's no need to get exercised over it. He's not a friend, nor, indeed, an acquaintance, but it was possible to have a decent debate with him.

OllyK 02 June 2004 02:53 PM

As we've now successfully hijacked this thread and moved it onto a favourite subject of mine - Labour bashing

Or am I missing something?
Well I don't know his political leanings from that comment. It is unlikely that he is a Labour supporter, but then again, plenty of people who have voted for them for many years are feeling let down and are having a pop too.

Faire D'Income 02 June 2004 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by the moose
If you've read any prior posts you'll know I read the FT and nothing else. I listen to radio a lot, and follow news channels too, so when I see Tory spokesmen looking a bit shifty and giving credence to the UKIP, I take notice. Incidentally, if you *do* see any article you feel I've copied, please feel free to publish the link ..... as it is, there's no need for me to plagiarise when it's so easy to point out the hopeless inadequacies of the Tory riposte to this weaker-than-weak Light Blue government.

Then may I suggest you broaden your horizons a little and read other newspapers as the FT doesn't have all the answers, which is why I asked whether you'd read an article about the UKIP diluting Tory support or if it was your own view. The majority of Tories I know would not vote for UKIP for that very reason - it would be a wasted vote and not even valid as a protest because it merely dilutes the Tory's position and does nothing to challenge Labour.

The Tories are worried about the UKIP - wouldn't you be? Toney Phoney was so desperate for power that he completely discarded the Labour manifesto and adopted the Tory one, spiced up his campaign and played on the electorate's frustration at the late term incompetence and so called dirty tricks of the Conservative Party and people fell for it! Now, when the Tories are beginning to look like an effective opposition along comes the UKIP and starts to knick yet more Tory policies and ideas so I'm not surprised that Howard is pissed off - a sense of deja vu perhaps?

Originally Posted by the moose

Incidentally, although this may astound you, it's actually very easy to see your political stance when you post something like

Or am I missing something?

Yes, you probably are. I detest Tony Bliar and Labour with a passion as I cannot believe any party would be so desperate for power that essentially they adopt their opponents manifesto in order to be elected but that doesn't neccessarily make me a Conservative supporter. By inclination I'm a liberal but I'm realistic enough to realise that we they won't get sufficient support to win an election so I'll probably go for the nearest thing, the Conservatives in the hope that they can get this bunch of warmongers out.

Jye 02 June 2004 09:13 PM

Strange though, how someone who never actually posted in CWE's (under their current UN anyhow) even remembers HG....

the moose 03 June 2004 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Jye
Strange though, how someone who never actually posted in CWE's (under their current UN anyhow) even remembers HG....

Strange? How so?

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