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tiggers 26 November 2003 12:10 PM

Typically uninformed and ignorant opinions, as has become the norm on SN unfortunately.
Then if you think that why keep reading/posting?

SN is not that bad, there are a small percentage of idiots, but that's like any section of society (as you pointed out earlier - even the police - shock horror).

As for the plates why people don't just run with standard plates is beyond me - it's just a goddamn number plate that is supposed to be a standard size - simple as that.

As has been said the police have got better things to do (the fact that they rarely seem to do them is another story completely).


Phil Harrison 26 November 2003 12:13 PM

It's not the proper use that worries me, Talizman. It's the Ab-use. With Government, the end always justifies the means!


talizman 26 November 2003 12:21 PM

Then if you think that why keep reading/posting?
Simply because, it is a distinct minority that act like this and although annoying, I'm not about to stop using ScoobyNet due to the small band of a$$holes, since 95% of it is first class.

Its just the 5% that are plonkers that sometimes pi$$ me off.

Hardly reason enough to boycot the BS is it?

m18use 26 November 2003 12:22 PM

So you are a police woman then :D

Mercury 26 November 2003 12:23 PM

I agree with you 100% talizman, people find it so hard to understand that it's usually down to CID to track down & catch crims. The everyday copper on the beat or out in a patrol car is looking for offences which break the law and on call to attend any incidences.

The whole generalisation of grouping all coppers as 'one and the same' is like an old record getting stuck :rolleyes: There are so many different branches within each force, each with specific tasks to carry out.

tiggers 26 November 2003 12:48 PM

Not wishing to pick holes in your use of the English language, but the statement

as has become the norm on SN unfortunately
led me to believe that you did not think this was a minority issues as use of the word norm would normally imply a majority would it not?

With this sort of comamnd of the English language I'm very worried if you are allowed to write out statements that are later admissable in court :D :D

Seriously though if, like me, you think it's a small minority then fair enough!


[Edited by tiggers - 11/26/2003 12:51:10 PM]

medders 26 November 2003 12:56 PM

Give it a break guys - It's like being in a playground. You don't know Talizman and probably never will. He's trying to give you information and you're just trying to pick a fight.

Grow up.

yoza 26 November 2003 01:06 PM

Bring Burr over aswell, try and even the numbers up.;)

I must take some blame for this, I apologise.

medders 26 November 2003 01:11 PM

I post on here far more than the site you're talking about Yoza.

I just watched this post degrade and as usual I can't hold my water ;)

I don't know Talizman either, but the times I've seen his posts he comes across as a good chap and he knows what he's talking about.

Bravo2zero_sps 26 November 2003 01:12 PM

Why change your number plate anyway? I am all for modding cars but so the mods actually do something, whether performance or aesthetic. What is the point of changing your plates when its illegal and not going to give you any more performance and hardly change the look of your car?

My personal opinion is that all moddified number plates look sh!te and just make you look like some spotty little boy racer, there are far more better things to do to your car then change the bloody number plates :rolleyes:

I have both a scoob and an R1 both with illegal modifications but have never understood why either car or bike owners have to change the most obvious legal requirement on a vehicle and then wonder why they get in sh!t for it!

tiggers 26 November 2003 01:17 PM

I just watched this post degrade and as usual I can't hold my water
Due to a majority or minority of SN members? ;)

J/K :D :D


medders 26 November 2003 01:37 PM

You are a BIG part of this community Tiggers ;)

[Edited by medders - 11/26/2003 1:38:46 PM]

tiggers 26 November 2003 01:42 PM

Thanks mate :D

BuRR 26 November 2003 02:28 PM

Did someone call? Who mentioned my small front plate? :D

Bravo2zero_sps 26 November 2003 02:34 PM

A copper with a small front plate??? Now that does take the biscuit! :p

Have you ever been stopped for it and if so what was the outcome?

[Edited by ************** - 11/26/2003 2:35:07 PM]

talizman 26 November 2003 02:37 PM

Right, I've just phoned my old english teacher and she has given me some guidance on what to say, so its clear as to what is actually meant.... (for you tiggers ;))

When I said...

has become the norm on ScoobyNet unfortunately
I meant that on almost any given day, you can log on and read the same crap being spewed out on various posts on ScoobyNet.

This qualifies it as being "the norm"

The fact that it is a select few posters who contribute to the verbal tripe doesn't make it any less of the norm.

This just means that although the minority are responsible for it, it has still become the norm, and is more and more commonplace...


[Edited by talizman - 11/26/2003 2:42:36 PM]

Spoon 26 November 2003 02:51 PM

Medders- Threads only degrade when people like yourself come out with comments that imply there is aggression which just fuels the idiots.

Talizman is more than capable of holding his own but there will always be disagreements, even if the information is 100% correct but it's hardly a war.

Most posts can be answered in 1 or 2 replies, instead bullshít allows them to carry on for 3 or 4 pages. That bull**** also is actually believed to be gospel by a few and there is no-way that you will change their line of thought.

There has to be an allowance for the dim folk, otherwise why else would somebody have invented the "rolleyes" emoticon?

The threads are very repetitive, this one in particular has been done to death but you still get someone replying with the facts, only to be told they are wrong.

Burr- A small number plate with standard lettering and borders I presume?

medders 26 November 2003 03:05 PM

So it's MY fault that people where having a go at Talizman and slagging the police, becuase I posted that it was childish to do so (after the event) ????

If you say so ;)

I think you'll find after I posted there was only light heartedness and frivolity.

So boo to you Spoon.

talizman 26 November 2003 03:05 PM

Burr- A small number plate with standard lettering and borders I presume?
Thats what I got! :D kinda........

Spoon 26 November 2003 03:11 PM

Medders- No it's not your fault so stop sulking, :D but had there been more than only us few posting then I'm sure some díck would have butt in with some obsenity.

Anyway, I never saw Talizman being attacked, I read it as banter.

tiggers 26 November 2003 03:13 PM

Ah yes Talizman I understand your logic, but the real question is what matters most, the majority of posts or posters. If the majority of posts upset you so then the fact that they are made by a minority of posters is not relevant and my original question still stands i.e. why keep reading if the majority of posts annoy you? :D :D :D

As for the topic I still think people shouldn't get upset when they get stopped for having illegal paltes - the law is pretty clear on this (for once).



[Edited by tiggers - 11/26/2003 3:14:33 PM]

talizman 26 November 2003 03:23 PM

If the majority of posts upset you
The majority of posts don't upset me tiggers.

Its the sporadic posts by the monority that get on my tIts, thats all.

However, with regards to topic.... if folk don't want pulled, don't wear illegal plates. Simple as that.

If you do stick them on, don't complain when you get pulled/done. :)

tiggers 26 November 2003 03:28 PM

Amen to that Talizman.


-=Buzz=- 26 November 2003 03:36 PM

as for the "its the pages and pages of BS that keep the thread going" type comment I read...

Someone (stretching things here, I know) on SN could make the most obviosuly correct and sensible post ever, and we could all agree with it...... but then the thread would be over and we'd have to maybe go and do some work ;)

Quote from our office - "You are indeed correct and I know you to be so, however I just can't bring myself to agree with you no matter how hard I try. It makes me want to vomit." :D

m18use 26 November 2003 03:47 PM

talizman obviously you do your job well thats why you keep posting on here,moaning about no plates:D Get alife oh and get a proper job aswell :D

BuRR 26 November 2003 05:00 PM

...and my decat :)

Leslie 28 November 2003 11:31 AM

Can't think why there is so much fuss over plates. The law states letter size and spacing so that the car can be identified for all manner of reasons. That is absolutely reasonable. So why not just have legal plates instead of breaking the law just for the hell of it?

Phil Harrison also makes a very good point. We should really worry for the future when the control freaks have that much information on what we all do.


You seem to have a very childish attitude and also to be unable to say anything of value. You would do better to stop the unpleasant posts that do no more except to indicate your mindset!


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