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Diablo 05 November 2003 02:57 PM

Its a lot easier to buy fireworks legitimately than steal a car....

fast bloke 05 November 2003 03:00 PM

Not if you are living in Northern Ireland :D

What about getting drunk, driving and then killing someone. The same argument you are using to ban fireworks would lead to a ban on alcohol in this case.... if there were no fireworks no-one could use them illegally... if there was no alcohol no one could drink drive.

ProperCharlie 05 November 2003 03:03 PM

accidents with fireworks are called accidents as well. setting off fireworks illegally is banned already, just like drink driving. like fb said - your argument is that if something has the potential to be misused, it should be banned.

i'm not that bothered about fireworks, but i just think that banning everything is not the right solution. i can see the day when some **** inspector will knock on my door to tell me that my stereo is illegal is it can generate more than xx db @ 1m.

bring back the nanny state :rolleyes:

TurboKitty 05 November 2003 03:06 PM

i just think that banning everything is not the right solution.
I agree. However, I think restricting fireworks to organised displays is the right solution.

ProperCharlie 05 November 2003 03:09 PM

TK - i don't mix with the great unwashed ;)

fast bloke 05 November 2003 03:09 PM

How do you plan to enforce that TK?

The people who use fireworks illegally will still get them

ajm 05 November 2003 03:13 PM

I think we need to make the distinction between ACTS (people) and ITEMS (potential weapons)

Certain ACTS are banned. e.g. the act of drink driving is illegal, however alcohol is not.

The ACT of setting off fireworks in a public place is illegal and should be enforced.

Wether or not fireworks are banned is not the main issue here. The reason I started this thread is that if they ARE banned it sets a precedent where culpability is taken away from PEOPLE and placed on ITEMS and I think that is a dangerous precedent.

Imagine a culture where people roam the streets feeling they can do what they like so long as they don't use a banned item because society doesn't see you as the problem, just the weapons you use.

Now that IS dangerous.

Diablo 05 November 2003 03:14 PM

em , no, I just think fireworks should be banned period..

You countered with other examples of things which can be abused..


Hobo_Jojo 05 November 2003 03:17 PM

difference between as u were saying those "potentially explosive" things and fireworks is that fireworks are meant to explode violently

TurboKitty 05 November 2003 03:27 PM

Sorry ajm, I see banning fireworks as something that would have a positive effect on me. I see banning smoking in public places the same way.

If fireworks were banned, kids would not have been setting them off in the park behind my house until 3am this morning. They're not allowed to, by law, but they do it anyway. So, IMO, it should be made as difficult for them to get the damned things as possible.

CraigH 05 November 2003 03:32 PM

I think they should ban people from letting fireworks off from a moving vehicle ;)

Surely the onus is on the shopkeepers and parents?

People get injured at private displays, they should get prosecuted. Lift the age to buy fireworks to 21.

Little fvckers who hang about letting fireworks and those goddam whistley rockets off, send a Big Bertha or similar their way. that'll get rid :D

Poor Guy 05 November 2003 03:39 PM

if fireworks are banned

people would buy from dodgy guys on the street.
young chemists like my self would try and make our own.
the government will lose a nice bit of tax. (not a lot but it all help)

so feckin petty.
just so the government dont look bad and the police dont have to worry about working.

Boro 05 November 2003 03:41 PM

young chemists like my self would try and make our own.
Your mum must be sooooooo proud! NOT!

ajm 05 November 2003 03:50 PM

Sorry ajm, I see banning fireworks as something that would have a positive effect on me. I see banning smoking in public places the same way.
Yes, but not neccessarily for everyone else. There is an alternative to banning that doesn't have a negative effect on anybody, and that is to enforce the laws that are in existence already, but no one thinks of that, they just start baying for bans!!!!

If fireworks were banned, kids would not have been setting them off in the park behind my house until 3am this morning. They're not allowed to, by law, but they do it anyway. So, IMO, it should be made as difficult for them to get the damned things as possible.
Quite possibly. However they would have been lobbing bricks or bottles or cat **** instead. Remove the source, remove the problem. The source is the perpertrators NOT the fireworks..... pleeeeease try to understand!!!

Boro 05 November 2003 04:05 PM

However they would have been lobbing bricks or bottles or cat **** instead.

If this was the case, they would be "lobbing" bricks, bottles or cat **** for the other 11 months of the year? I dont know? Do they TK? My guess is no.

ajm 05 November 2003 04:22 PM

The point I am trying to make is that they COULD do because the cause has not been removed.

Banning fireworks does not guarantee they will behave, all it guarantees is that innocent people will lose out.

Punishing them properly for breaking the law (i.e. setting off fireworks in the street) will be more effective and will have no ill effect on the innocent.

civictyper 05 November 2003 04:53 PM

I don't see how banning fireworks will stop bad kids being a menace to society. Bad kids need turning round like all kids.

If my 3 year old daughter is really naughty I don't take her toys away, I look for ways to positively change her focus (now I'm opening up a can of social worms :eek:).

Sith 05 November 2003 05:04 PM

Too many people nowadays are not prepared to take responsibilty for their actions.

A firework for the large majority is safe. In the hands of a numptie it is dangerous. We need to change the numpties into more sensible people or if they are always upto no good then teach them a lesson.
Why have things got to be banned just because a small minority mis-use or mis-behave.

There are tighter gun laws. But gun crime is on the rise. Well, of course the crims are going to hand in the guns. NOT! Banning the majority of sensible people from owning has not resolved the problem.

Banning Fireworks is just a typical kneejerk over reaction.

The item is not the problem. THE PERSON IS.

TurboKitty 05 November 2003 05:21 PM

Hang on a sec, I'm not saying that the kids that do this shouldn't be dealt with and laws should not be enforced. Of course they should. However, I am sick and tired of fireworks going off every night for two or three weeks either side of Bonfire night. It's not just kids doing that.

I would be entirely happy to see fireworks limited to organised displays held on a few set days, such as Bonfire night itself and the Saturday nearest to it.

People should not have to keep pets in and deal with frightened animals constantly for a period of 4-6 weeks.

Hobo_Jojo 05 November 2003 05:36 PM

i totally agree with turbo kitty through this thread 100%

unclebuck 05 November 2003 05:43 PM

I agree with TK on this one as well. Basically it is just anti social behaviour and *very* selfish. People who behave this way deserve to have their 'toys' banned.

jasey 05 November 2003 05:51 PM

The ban culture works so well - how many times have you read about tossers getting 15 year bans because they were caught driving while banned and without insurance. After Dunblane we stopped tens of thousands of law abiding people from using their legally held firearms to prevent gun crime from getting out of control - now we get two kids in the past few months being shot.

Oh yeah - the banning culture works so well.

They've banned dropping litter in Singapore and it works - coz you get horse whipped if you get caught !

I could stop these little ****ers from being anti-social and it wouldn't cost the tax payer a penny - infact I might even pay for the pleasure ! but if I did it today I would be arrested !

And if fireworks were banned I for one would be devastated - nothing quite as effective at getting 3-4 year old to cry as a well placed firework :D.

ps Diablo - how do you feel about banning dangerous dogs - which serve absolutely no purpose whatsover - except for keeping Humans happy !

muppet paster 05 November 2003 05:52 PM

Basically it is just anti social behaviour and *very* selfish. People who behave this way deserve to have their 'toys' banned.
But what about people who treat them with respect and use them responsibly. Why do they desevre them to be banned.

As for kids lobbing them around at 3 in the morning, i don't blame the fireworks for that, i blame a lack of parental control.

NotoriousREV 05 November 2003 05:55 PM

I agree, let's ban culture. Bloody opera, it does my 'ead in. Them paintings are bloody useless an' all.

Hobo_Jojo 05 November 2003 05:58 PM

yeah most of those painting dont evenlook like anyfink

civictyper 05 November 2003 07:14 PM

Thanks ajm :D

Did anyone watch "Grumpy Old Men" the other night ;) That's you lot that is ;)

To be honest I was cursing the noise the other night but then thought 'you miserable old git'. I reckon I live in a decent area so my neighbours should be pretty decent people too. They surely just want to have a nice time with their kids so what's wrong with that ?

From the stats I don't see that a few thousand injuries in a population of 'x' millions is as bad as people make out. Of course we need to educate the few and catch the troublemakers but more people are having a good time than not.

If we really want to help the taxpayer and aleviate the A&E departments then we need to ban DIY and all the numpties that think they know how to use power tools and carry out structural/electrical/plumbing work on the houses we purchase ;)

ajm 05 November 2003 07:19 PM

If we really want to help the taxpayer and aleviate the A&E departments then we need to ban DIY and all the numpties that think they know how to use power tools and carry out structural/electrical/plumbing work on the houses we purchase
Oh thats a shame.... you were doing so well.... I love power tools more than fireworks!

Out of my thread please! ;)

Boro 05 November 2003 07:27 PM

My four year old has gone to an organised display with his mum and some friends. My one year old is too young as the noise would scare him $hitle$$.

So i said id stay home and baby sit. Not a problem.

What happens? 5 sets of neighbours decide they would have their own fireworks display. Can he sleep? Can he fcuk!

I see the government has said its going to ban fireworks that are louder than a jumbo jet at take off (120db). WOW, thanks a lot :rolleyes: Cant wait for the ones that are only 119.5db to be made.

Popped into my corner shop on the way home and noticed he wasnt selling any fireworks. So i asked him why? He says "Id feel hypocritical as i have a dog that goes frantic whenever he hears them, so i decided i wasnt going to sell any". Morals before profit, my kind of guy.

unclebuck 05 November 2003 07:31 PM

It's like feckin' Baghdad around this way ATM:rolleyes:

Shock and Awe(ful)


Diesel 05 November 2003 07:31 PM

I know I aint going to get much sleep tomight as my dog is going ballistic - most dogs do...

If they just stopped at 23:00 it might be ok - but there is always some **** with a banger and a bottle of cider out at 01:00.


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