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Markus 18 August 2003 08:56 PM

Why do I always want to vomit after reading one of Markus' posts on women or relationships
is that a rhetorical question? :D

Please explain young man, I'm kinda curious.

I want to point out I am NOT claming to be an expert on either women or relationships, far from it, a shark I might be, but a shark usually ends up eating a O2 cylinder and then getting shot at and blowing up, or chomping on a power cable, so therefore I'm not exactly Mr Relationship-or-love-doctor Shark, much as I wish I was. well, wish I was more Cassanova shark, but hey ho :D

TelBoy 18 August 2003 08:57 PM

Are we running short of bandwidth yet?! :D

Markus 18 August 2003 09:01 PM

AC - another good point there. If a friend suggests it, think twice, or thrice before considering it. Personally, if a friend said it when sober, then maybe, but if booze is involved, forget it. I'd rather walk around with a loaded gun than mess up a good friendship.

Oh, another thought here, if it's just a shag that is required, one could go the 'professional' route, thus no mad bunny boiling problems, and no 'do I want to see them again' type problems either. However, the 'cheapness' factor might be multiplied a bit by doing this. not sure.

Markus 18 August 2003 09:03 PM

That aimed at me. Tel? (lack of power here means my brian is only 1/100000 charged up :D)

Markus 18 August 2003 09:05 PM

Oh, and you can all ignore everything I've said, as I've been told by a good friend of mine "your ****e with birds!" Hmm, maybe she has a point? :D lol

sexy wrx69 18 August 2003 09:05 PM have a brian????

where do you get one of those from???

how much is he to buy?? rent???


Markus 18 August 2003 09:08 PM

ooh you cheeky thing! yes I have a brain, well, a brain cell :D

how much is he to buy?? rent???
do you mean how much is a brain to buy or rent, or me? If it's me, well, my charges are pretty reasonable ;) :D

bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:08 PM

Fcuk it I'll bite! :rolleyes:

Firstly please explain the meaning of "shark"! :confused:

My understanding of this phrase is someone with the exceptional ability to "pull" loads of women and get plenty of horizontal jogging on the go!

Does this describe you? If so then well played fella! ;)

Personally I think you talk a load of patronising wishy washy bollox but TBH I'd argue with myself at the mo if I could get the mirror to talk back! :D

STi VII 18 August 2003 09:10 PM

I could do with some of this as I am climbing the blinking walls at the moment and I have to do a hand stand lol to go the loo in the morning :(

sexy wrx69 18 August 2003 09:10 PM your previous post... ;)

in true mark and lard styleee.....
i think you'll find that there you have a "brian".

i was just wondering what or who brian was??....a rent boy?? boyfriend??? gimp you keep in a cupboard????


bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:10 PM

I'm Brian but will have to deny all knowledge of Markus! :D

sexy wrx69 18 August 2003 09:11 PM


bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:12 PM

How u doin? ;)

sexy wrx69 18 August 2003 09:13 PM

BEW....are you flirtin' with me???


bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:14 PM

Well it was you or Markus! ;)

Not much of a choice really! :(

Markus 18 August 2003 09:14 PM

ahhhhhhhhh, and there I was going to make a comment about 'brian' and I never really bother to read my other posts, as it's all wishy washy tosh :D

Bew - ah, the shark thing... gimme a mo....

ah, here we go

to give a proper answer.

Being a shark indicates that you are on the prowl for an unsuspecting viticim to unleash yourself upon (read what you will into this ;))

it's just coincidence that Markus rhymes with Sharkus.

Somone sees a post about a female who has done something most people consider odd, and thus people lay into that female with the usual "you sad git" type comments, you know what it's like. This someone does the same, then has a change of heart after reading a few things about the person, and realising they are quite normal (as normal as any muppet ever trully can be! ;)) and this someone stands up for them, and makes murmerings about getting this female along to a few meets as they are obviously car mad, especially about impreza's. This someone then gets this shark tag applied to them as most others assume that this someone is a big old shark out crusing for this female. This shark, sorry, someone ;), denies it, and gets even more grief (the "me think he doth protest too much" syndrome) when he is just being friendly to the female.

There you have it. the "shark" thing laid bare (oo-er ;))

Markus 18 August 2003 09:16 PM

damn, bew, and i thought you'd like me ;) :D hehehehe

I do know my posts are, well, girly, to say the least. But that is kinda the real me. As anyone who actually knows the real world me knows, I am a soppy big hearted sod, which really does not do me that many favors. I guess I'm a hapless romantic at heart, or should that be silly old sod? :D hmm, silly old sod, yup, more accurate :D

Is Miss Right out there? Yes, she is, but she's not returning my calls or emails, and she's got something called a restraining order with my name on it :D

[Edited by Markus - 8/18/2003 9:17:38 PM]

bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:18 PM

AH I see! I made the silly mistake of thinking that phrase had the same meaning in the "normal" world as on SN! ;)

We got all off track there:has TK had her comfort f**k yet then? :D

bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:20 PM

Seeing as you like to post up your personal life: you porked many Canadians yet? ;)

TurboKitty 18 August 2003 09:23 PM

Actually, no. The reason I asked is I am interested in other people's opinions.

The question arose because I'd arranged together one night this week with someone I met at the weekend, knowing it'd be a casual thing. There's chemistry there, and I think there's potential for a lot of fun, but nothing beyond that; no real mutual interest. Today I decided that it showed a fundamental lack of respect for myself and told him I'd changed my mind.

My decision was already made before I asked the question, but I was wondering what everyone else thinks.

[Edited by TurboKitty - 8/18/2003 9:24:42 PM]

bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:26 PM

Tis a very personal thing TK so a bit puzzled why you sought others opinions and didn't start a dam good slagging match from it for the entertainment point of view! ;) :D

Nixs 18 August 2003 09:30 PM

I do know my posts are, well, girly, to say the least.




;);) :D :D

Sorry Markus - Coudn't resist!

TurboKitty 18 August 2003 09:31 PM


1) since starting yoga classes, I am a serene oasis of tranquility and have no need of slanging matches. ;) :D

2) having made a decision on this subject today, I am interested what other people think.

3) I have decided that many of the users of Scoobynet are just idiots and since it's usually these people I end up in slanging matches with, I can no longer be bothered to waste my time. ;)

Markus 18 August 2003 09:32 PM

subtle BEW, very subtle. At present one has not done the horizontal congo with any Canadian girlies, but then I've not exactly be sharking any girlies, well, not in a ruthlessley dedicated way. the odd joey like "how you doing?" :D However, one might do a little light sharking in the near future

I do post the occasional thing about my relationships, but I try to keep things as vauge as possible on some points, mainly as they are personal and effect not just me but other people, and it's not fair if they can't comment on what has been said. I know, I know, very wishy washy, but think we have established that is me :D

Oh and I'm not having a go here. see a :) not a grrrrr or anything :)

bug-eyed wonder 18 August 2003 09:33 PM

Top banana!

Was a nice lighthearted thread about a very personal subject,nearly at the level of muppets of old!:D

BEW,sentimental old sod! ;)

Markus 18 August 2003 09:35 PM

Thanks nixs, big kisses to you too sweetie!

Suprised it was not GAYBAR actually!


Em - on issues like this SN does throw up some interesting comments, and no, not referring to mine, you could probably have guessed what I would have said about it all. lol :D

Nixs 18 August 2003 09:42 PM

ok then Markus


Markus 18 August 2003 09:45 PM

Thank you! :)

And there you were commenting on your infrequency of posting on here :D

carl 18 August 2003 09:54 PM

but a shark usually ends up eating a O2 cylinder and then getting shot at and blowing up, or chomping on a power cable
Er, maybe in your warped and twisted reality, but here on planet Earth I suggest that neither of those are the most common form of demise for a shark. Maybe the Discovery Channel tells it different... ;)

Markus 18 August 2003 09:58 PM

carl - very true, normaly sharks just wither and die of old age, kinda how I'm feeling at the moment! lol :D

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