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OllieC 18 August 2003 09:02 PM

Aha but you admit to waving a bit :D

Toonman1 18 August 2003 09:02 PM

sunday in thirsk?!
Saturday in Thirsk? Silver 02 WRX PPP

Previous Wednesday in Thirsk? Reddish Blue 03 GX Sportswagon

Toonman1 18 August 2003 09:10 PM


I don't mind waving back - I'd feel I was being rude if I didn't. I don't see why others who maybe aren't so enthusiastic, should be pilloried if they don't. Being a Scooby owner, doesn't make you a member of an exclusive club anymore.


OllieC 18 August 2003 09:24 PM

Even though they're on the increase, they're never "just a car". It's fairly hard to end up with one unless you specifically want performance for your £ and the chances are you know what you're buying. There's a whole community thing going on; when you're surrounded my mundane "sensible" cars, or cars concerned more with image than performance it's great seeing another Scooby.
That's why people should wave and people that don't are miserable sods.

[Edited by OllieC - 8/18/2003 9:25:25 PM]

Toonman1 18 August 2003 09:34 PM

"people should wave"

Get real Ollie! Do you work for the bl00dy Government or something? People can do what they want!

I was in Newcastle today, and guess what? Loads of people in Newcastle Utd strips; not one of them waved... :rolleyes:

st33ly 18 August 2003 10:26 PM

I'll Wave to everyone!!!!

korky 18 August 2003 10:48 PM

I do!


i8gtmf 18 August 2003 11:05 PM

Yep me to i wave at everyone ,everyone so far has waved back except one women driving a bugeye.Got a wave today from a MY03 who was absolutley flying heading the other way still he had time for a wave.

Jza 19 August 2003 01:41 PM

Oh god here we go again.... a few muppets don't wave so you blame us all... ****ER!!!

I always wave!


spyr0 19 August 2003 01:49 PM

i always wave but only had a nod so far...
unless he was sneezing and i mistook that for a reply

misty 19 August 2003 04:20 PM

You people are going to give me a complex! every thread on this site someone is calling the New Age either, ugly or, bug eyed. Please leave me alone, or I might be forced to unleash a tirade of vitrious diatribes upon you!
Whats a tirade?

scoobycar60 19 August 2003 05:38 PM


"Why dont bug eyed impreza drivers wave or flash?"

I dont know many impreza drivers with bug eyes and would be concerned if they started flashing, with this strange eyesight affliction I suspect they are concentrating more on driving then anything else!


misty 19 August 2003 06:01 PM

Please, someone give us a picture of a bug eyed driver!

OllieC 19 August 2003 06:54 PM

Toonman, the reason nobody waved was probably because none of them were in a Scooby. Don't know much about footie I'm afraid, so can't really help you with your apparent dismay. I'm guessing that two Magpies meeting in London would nod at each other. Might be a start.

Oh, and if I did work for the Government it would be law, yes.

Toonman1 19 August 2003 07:06 PM

it would be law
Thought so. More dictatorial claptrap from someone else who can't keep their nose out of other people's business... :rolleyes:

When he resigns, you should apply for Alistair Campbell's job with Tony and Co. You'll enjoy the pontification...

I can see the Headlines now:

Unimportant Euro Debate Shelved!

Essential New Laws Introduced

Non Waving Subaru Drivers To Be Jailed!
Cheers ;)

casper555 19 August 2003 07:34 PM

they always say the owners look like there cars .lol how ugly can a bug eyed driver be ???? opened a can of woup ass now

OllieC 19 August 2003 07:34 PM

You are spookily close. I was hoping for something along the lines

Harrasing Scientsts With Beards Until They Top Themselves Shelved!

Ikea Shelves Shelved!!!

Non Waving Subaru Drivers To Be Given Waving Lessons
Although I don't think Tony would want me now that I've resigned from the Labour Party. Ho-hum. Have to make it on my own.

Anyway, you're right... "should" is a tad too strong... how about "might like to consider"?

Oh, and there's no need to call me a dic ;)

Spooks 19 August 2003 07:43 PM

Its Official
Classic drivers dont bloody like me LOL.
I know not all know about it but Im startin to take it personally
So to the green classic 5 door I saw tonight :p

Toonman1 19 August 2003 09:57 PM

there's no need to call me a dic
Wouldn't dream of it Ollie! ;)

Cheers :)

wakeboardar 20 August 2003 10:39 PM

02 drivers are more refined,have a better understanding of things cool,better looking ,bigger in lunchbox,have a far more regal wave.
and as harry enfield would say,

"far more richer than yaw"

wakeboarar waits for someone to rip his quotes and post em not realising its a joke.

Wiganer 22 August 2003 10:14 PM


I'll be in scotland from tomorrow in a sports classic & i'll wave if I see you!

ST AYE 23 August 2003 10:10 AM

Just got back from cornwall, saw 5 Scoobs (all classics) none waved back. Saw 2 Evo's both waved first!!!
Mines a JDM MY03.

16vmarc 23 August 2003 10:49 AM

I drove past an Evo @ traffic lights and he turned his head other way!!!!!

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