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Hamish69 14 May 2003 11:35 AM

Just to put the cat amongst the pigeons, if you want a 10sec car, buy a Skyline! Or does it have to be a Scooby? I used to be mad on Pulsars (had 2 of them) but decided it was eventually time to change. With the money you're spending to get to the elusive 11s mark, think of what you could do to a Skyline? There, I've said it!


T-uk 14 May 2003 11:46 AM


I am guessing that the huuuuugggeeee figure you quote :eek: includes the uprated box,clutch,brakes,fmic as well as everything else that is non-standard on your car(soon the only standard bits on your car will be the shell,seats and windows:rolleyes:. )

moses 14 May 2003 11:56 AM

hamish for a lot less u can take a evo to the 10 secs mark

skylines need alot of money to do that but their cool cars

if anyone just wants a drag car get a westie or a tiger

u want a car u can enjoy round bends and on the straightline , u can only have that fun with a evo, scoob or a pulsar and some others

john banks 14 May 2003 12:14 PM

Yes it is the whole lot not just the engine.

Engine, gearbox, clutch and flywheel work out about £8000.

FMIC and turbo say £2000.

Then there are the other bits like brakes, wheels, suspension, injectors, regulators, fuel pumps, exhausts, inlet pipe, induction etc etc. They all add up.

JVSImpreza 14 May 2003 12:17 PM

Hamish is right. A 10 second Scoob would take more money than i would like to mention. A skyline with a few quid spent on it would still struggle to make anywhere near 10 secs. The Jun Skyline could not do it in the UK. Keith Cowies beast will give it a shot but these are cars with mega bucks spent on them in Japan, tuned by experts with the best of parts readily available at there disposal. Andy F's car is a truly fast Scoob. 11.8 is a VERY respectable time for an Impreza. How far can you go though? Scoobs are blowing up left right and centre with only mild mods - I mean who here is not on there 2nd....3rd...4th Engine!!!!????!!?

Anyway good luck to everyone who goes to Crail and puts there money were there mouth is. Great fun. I will see you all there very soon (The new toy is in the UK On Sunday ;) )

Hamish69 14 May 2003 12:25 PM

To clear up some confusion there seems to be in this thread, a '10 second car' is one that runs in the 10s (i.e. 10.00 to 10.99 secs) right? Not one that can do 10 seconds dead? There is a world of a difference!


moses 14 May 2003 12:32 PM

well said jvs :cool:

so that leaves evo's do em cheap :D

jocce superevo does it in 10.5 secs with longer gearing for 180 mph with a shortbox it would do it 10.2 or less

the jun yellow 5 does it in 9.4 secs and emanual go's evo tme does it in 10.8 with only 389 torque he has stripped it and its very light and has carbon bits

norris designs does it in 10.9 with longer gearing too again with short box it would be low 10 secs

well im going for the above with a shortbox

new strong diff needed
shotpeened box
already on the order a quartermaster twin plate sold the cusco one cant handle the power
25 turbo i already have but not rollerbearing will be laggy so would need to use anti lag
launch control to set upto suit
stroker cant afford till later spent too much fixing the car
bought evo 7 pistons so i can run 1.8 bar or so just for a lil while till i get my stroker

i have the jun cams 272 with whole kit and 10.8 timing will time for torque.

and many other things then maybe i will be close to low 11's but once i get my stroker i hope i do it under 11

JVSImpreza 14 May 2003 12:55 PM

Hamish, I know what you are saying.

Moses, I will see you on the strip!!!! ;)


john banks 14 May 2003 01:20 PM

My personal aim is to get something reliable otherwise all the fun goes out of it.

So far my only problem (apart from a turbo which was over-rated which blew up) has been the stock gearbox.

LG John 14 May 2003 01:22 PM

If John Banks feels he can get 450 out of his car and people are accepting the possibility of this then why are Martin and I being laughed off
The last time I saw your car it was a LOT slower than Johns - so you've a big mountain to climb! Considering its UK gearing Johns car goes like stink! That's not to say I dispute your times, 12.3 is great and I'm really pleased for you. One thing does concern me though: When I was at Crail two weeks ago my car was setting better times than yours for most of the day, so you turned the boost up and improved them to low 13s/high 12s (from memory). Now, only 2 weeks later your getting 12.3s which is OVER 1s faster than before. That is a huge difference and I'd stress that if you've achieved this by cranking the boost up more and more you're going to blow the thing to bits long before you break into the 11s!

I love seeing fast cars do their stuff and don't descriminate against you, John, Andy or even (dare I say it) Moses in his EVO. I just hate seeing the, 'my car blew up today posts' :(

Good luck :)

moses 14 May 2003 01:33 PM

jvs sure meet u in on the strip i need a biatch :p :D to hang by my side when i collect the trophy :D

edited im the corner master :p :D and hello kenny your cars faster than mines , last time i saw u done 0 to 60 in 1.5 secs :D

[Edited by moses - 5/14/2003 1:33:59 PM]

LG John 14 May 2003 01:37 PM

I did :eek: When was that :D

moses 14 May 2003 01:46 PM

lol in my dream saxo boy was very fast boy :D and u pi55ed all over us all :D and j banks was squeeling lol :D and the motto of the dream was we all gonna be saxo kennys bitches soon :D so your on the right track :cool:

LG John 14 May 2003 05:06 PM

Ok.... just smile everyone :)

moses 14 May 2003 06:04 PM

lol it shall be fulfilled kenny will rock :D

Andy.F 14 May 2003 06:39 PM

How far can you go though? Scoobs are blowing up left right and centre with only mild mods - I mean who here is not on there 2nd....3rd...4th Engine!!!!????!!?
Er....JB and I both run our original std internals engines at well over 400bhp with no "blow ups" :)

It's poor tuning (cranking boost) that kills most of them off, that and duff MAF sensors.

An early scoob can run in the 11's with 350bhp, a skyline needs 550bhp to do the same time (ask Keith)
To run 10's a scoob will need around 500 and a skyline 800+ in my opinion.

Oh, Russell, remember to add a dog box to your budget ;)


moses 14 May 2003 06:53 PM

andy is right , like his time when he only had 355 bhp he done it in 11.7 secs we can only dream of that :D and even now look at kevs car he has nearly 600 bhp and has nos and he just managed now with a dog box to do it in 11.5 so its hard work, but i do it all the time coz i just talk :D

Hamish69 14 May 2003 08:29 PM

I reckon with a really good driver (i.e. not me!) my car (Skyline GTR33) could possibly squeeze into the (very) high 11s. It has under 500 bhp. 550 bhp would be easily in the 11s I think.

moses 14 May 2003 09:17 PM

with that power it should do mate, what clutch u using hamish
edited again sorry it should do it under 12 secs easily anyway hamish what seems to be the probs

[Edited by moses - 5/14/2003 9:18:24 PM]

kevin sharp 14 May 2003 09:57 PM

and even now look at kevs car he has nearly 600 bhp and has nos and he just managed now with a dog box to do it in 11.5 so its hard work
moses... i did 11.8 or 11.5 @ 127 mph not inc reaction time and that was running a standard box:D
can i whack half a second or maybe more off that with the dog box
and some stripping out? well i think so anyway but we,ll have to wait and see!:)

moses 14 May 2003 10:00 PM

fecking cool :D but u did need alot of power and nos to get their, what im telling the young dudes it costs money and its hard work and our kev knows doesnt he :D u spent loads and suffered loads and so have alot, it costs money if people want u can get a nova to do it under 11 secs just need to spend 25000 but nova;s arent worth it

kev see the dog box u got can it be modified to fit a evo

kevin sharp 14 May 2003 10:06 PM

alot of money... err you could say that... i have been considering a cheaper hobby like train spotting or something!LOL

dog but if you buy an evo one i can guarantee it
wont need modified to fit ;) :D

teknopete 14 May 2003 10:28 PM

1st up JB, it looks like for the first time EVER m8 we are in agreement about something :) As I keep tellin folks the smart peebs learn from other folks mistakes n wallet ache ;) Yeah I`m
with u lets get a team 2gether n crack this nut ;)

JVS as Andy said it`s not 2 much of a problem getting the power out of an early scoob, it`s the drivetrain that doesn`t cope 2 well. (BTW for reference my series 1 WRX engine went bang after 100,000 miles and 4 years of kickin the life outta it on 1/4 miles and a few Knockhills)

Hamish, yip u r right fella a 10s car is 10.0 - 10.99 s 1/4

Saxo, now u r gettin the idea m8, u r bang on. Mega boost isn`t mega power, just mega wear on the engine. (i.e. presently i`m only runnin 14 psi with the new setup and the car feels very similar to the previous setup which was running 24 psi) similar results jus different routes to getting there ;)

Moses, shock horror :eek: i wasn`t aware that u could actually talk sense :p So much so I keep a tiolet roll in the car for on the off chance i meet u. So u can wipe u r mouth :D :D
But hey good info above bud, keep with the program m8 ;)

Kev, that just confirms whats been said though eh, scoobs dont need rediculous power to get the fast times in. I think Andy was only running around 350bhp & 340 Lbft when he did the 11.8s (correct me if i`m wrong there Andy please)

Russell, no ones doubting u fella, we all know it can be done.
It`s just that none of us despite all our different & combined approaches have achieved it YET. But how u think it can be done for a reasonable cost is what I`d say we`re all interested in. So u gonna spill the beans ?


[Edited by teknopete - 5/14/2003 10:32:09 PM]

LG John 14 May 2003 10:33 PM

Saxo, now u r gettin the idea m8, u r bang on. Mega boost isn`t mega power
Funny you should say that :D Today my car was hitting 1.25 bar in 4th and 5th and it was a warm day so I figured I should reel her back a little and accordingly turned down the dawes. Afterwards it was hitting 1.2 in 4th and 5th and felt slightly smoother and as fast - probably just shows that the extra 0.05bar was just pointless hot air or worse still forcing the ECU to retard. The only time I've ever felt extra boost make a difference was one night with JB when we had her up at 1.4bar (briefly) and feck me did she go. Of course if we'd kept that up she'd have detted her tits off but it was a hoot in 4th gear :eek::D

kevin sharp 14 May 2003 10:37 PM

Kev, that just confirms whats been said though eh, scoobs dont need rediculous power to get the fast times in. I think Andy was only running around 350bhp & 340 Lbft when he did the 11.8s (correct me if i`m wrong there Andy please)
yep.. fair comment pete... cossies are heavy and gearing is
wrong for decent quarter times

andy was your 11.7 run with or without reaction time?

moses 14 May 2003 10:55 PM

kevs post
alot of money... err you could say that... i have been considering a cheaper hobby like train spotting or something!LOL

dog but if you buy an evo one i can guarantee it
wont need modified to fit

lol how about barbie collecting live ones mate :D and yeah lol :D i should go for a evo one maybe not yet im skint :D

lol pete i know a lil just dont brag about it, i dont just post crap everytime u know ;) i do read knowledgable stuff :D

and cheers for the good words :)

kev that was at crail and it was 11.75 andys time when he only had 350 bhp and big cars with loadsa bhp should be ashamed they cant get it :D , andy held the record at crail and only a 800 bhp something jun skyline as in dave jones yellow one beat it and managed 11.2 and then 10.9 , andys car done very well

Hamish69 14 May 2003 11:23 PM


The clutch is up-rated but is not full racing spec. I think it's the clutch cover spinner and the release bearing that have been uprated, although I'm not 100% sure. The problem I had was just lack of experience. Only did 3 runs at Crail and had problems on all. Really bogged it down in the first 2 runs and totally missed 3ed gear in the last one! The best run (13.6s) was the second run but I also hit the rev limiter changing from 2nd to 3ed, losing all boost! I need to practice I think.


kenny.c 15 May 2003 02:53 AM

do does all the timed runs at crail recorded on their web site ??

WUZ 15 May 2003 04:13 AM


with ref to kevinc cars time of 11.5 seconds - the Ecos has always had bigger drivetrain looes than an Impreza so that covers that

Andy, 2nd hand rebuilt Possum dog box via a connection in the States in in the process of being "got":D

We'll keep you all posted on the project - assuming we aren't slagged to death B4 it's finished!


moses 15 May 2003 09:22 AM

all the best wuz when u get it :)

and hamish i have the same prob sometimes mate, im gonna fit a superlight flywheel and i hope it helps

but the power u have u should be in the 11's anyway , i hope u get their soon

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