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Mycroft 08 May 2003 04:38 PM

Tractor... Pepper is dead... he just won't lie down and rot!... he just talks it instead!!!

Your assertion is wrong... you are just too dim to understand... but as you have decided to name yourself after a sh!t-kickers favourite form of transport... I shouldn't (we shouldn't) expect too much... bless!

Claudius 08 May 2003 05:22 PM

Lol Claudius, sarcasm is rather hard to convey over the web......
Tell the French Subaru Club about that: they banned me! :D LOL

I did get you, however
Hmm... are you sure ;) :D

Why didnt you reply then and tell them off? I cant be here 24/7!

Claudius 08 May 2003 05:23 PM

Tractor...Your assertion is wrong... you are just too dim to understand... but as you have decided to name yourself after a sh!t-kickers favourite form of transport... I shouldn't (we shouldn't) expect too much... bless!
LOL! :D MEAN as I like it! :D LOL he was nice to you and you bit him! :D hahaha! :D

Mycroft 08 May 2003 05:29 PM


Redkop 08 May 2003 06:48 PM

Oh God here we go again, straying way off topic! :rolleyes:

Please stay on topic because you know what will happen........the thread will be locked :)

Jeff Wiltshire 08 May 2003 07:01 PM

Limited chance of that when Mycroft and his 1 man fan club are involved.....

Mycroft 08 May 2003 07:37 PM

It is interesting that Japan is now the biggest 'importer' of car designers, all of them are at it... Toyota started this off and now they all do it... the sad thing is that we have reached the point in the design cycle where the 'Origami School of Car design' is dominant... and curves are out of favour... everything coming out of Europe is angular and quite ugly... the BMW Z4 typifies the razor-edge stuff... it stinks of fish... strangely just as everyones face is turned to Europe and these designs.. in the US there is a quiet more sexy design ethos building... 'animalistic' is the best way to describe it... I'll see if I can find some pics...

Tractor... little brown star-fishes! hahaha:D

MooseRacer 08 May 2003 08:45 PM

Glad you like your car Iain. Each to their own.

trollhunter 08 May 2003 10:28 PM

How the F**k can you say the Soarer influenced the design of the Aston/XK8 , if you look at them the side profile is allmost identical to a Supra , i know you have a bee in your bonnet about these but they are a stunning looking car in a chest wiggy sort of way , having seen a couple of soarers at the weekend i will concede they are an ok loolking car but they are nothing special which is fine if you want to slip around in a fast non descript car (bit like an automotive John Major) its the old adage 'walk quietly but carry a big stick'but if ive spent £10,000+++ on a car i WANT people to look /point whatever. Im sorry the soarer is a competent car but i doubt very much that it has ever influenced very much at all

Dracoro 08 May 2003 10:33 PM

Apart from the front end, the Soarers in the beginning of this thread look almost identical to the Nissan 200SX (or the other way round depending on which was designed first, who cares anyway :D). Try it, put your hand over the front end on the pic of the red one for example and the similarity is uncanny.

The Front end of the 200SX (esp the newer ones, R reg etc.) look OK. The front end of the soarer looks like some anonymous Yankmobile. That's it's market I suppose.

camk 08 May 2003 10:36 PM

Japan is a relatively small market and US/Europe takes a small subset of Japanese Cars and a good whack of European ones. Your misguided fundamentalism is based on pure sand. Sorry Jap Design is a ripple in a big pond with regard to design. Engineering wise Jap Manufacturers are no overall leaders, only exception is specifically electrical and electronic where they are up there(specifically reliability) and leading in some areas but that's the only area where they lead the Euro manufacturers.
Style and Design is still led by European Manufacturers, wake up and smell the Bier and Cappucino.
What club you off to this weekend :D

trollhunter 08 May 2003 10:38 PM

'One of the greatest problems facing designers in the late 80's was the new legislation concerning crash worthiness... to get this almost all the cars that were due for release in the early 90's were rather frumpy, ugly things... the technology to design a monocoque that was both svelte and strong was not about... we didn't have the ability/technology to design such things at that time... so all the 'new generation' of 90's sportscars looked really grim...'

and thus the Soarer was born

camk 08 May 2003 10:40 PM

PMSL...and thus the Soarer was born.....

trollhunter 08 May 2003 10:42 PM

I aim to please

camk 08 May 2003 11:02 PM

Still No Quote on which club you boogie down in though :rolleyes:...more likely a train spotters club...Possibly its a Local Club for LOCAL people :D

Sir Mycrotch, you are truely a Phantom of the first order....Got that Boxter yet ? PMSL ;)

trollhunter 08 May 2003 11:05 PM

''One of the greatest problems facing designers in the late 80's was the new legislation concerning crash worthiness... to get this almost all the cars that were due for release in the early 90's were rather frumpy, ugly things... the technology to design a monocoque that was both svelte and strong was not about... we didn't have the ability/technology to design such things at that time... so all the 'new generation' of 90's sportscars looked really grim...'

and thus the Soarer was born'

Says it all really doesnt it .

Adagio 08 May 2003 11:13 PM

Hi all, new to this site :)

I have to say that I find it hard to believe that any Jag/Aston was based upon or has taken cues from any Japanese car - I'm willing to be corrected though!

Mycroft - can you tell me the name of Ian Callum's book please?

Dracoro 08 May 2003 11:18 PM

'or the other way round depending on which was designed first'

I never claimed to know which was first hence the above comment :p

Even if I did get it the right way round, it wouldn't have been a first as I've been right before.........

.... I think. :D

Pepper 08 May 2003 11:28 PM

Adagio - If you're new to the site then you may not be aware that Mycroft is the biggest and most creative BSer in the world - the book probably doesn't even exist!

Ian_S 08 May 2003 11:48 PM

sorry but those soarers are damn ugly.

Claudius 08 May 2003 11:51 PM

everything coming out of Europe is angular and quite ugly... the BMW Z4 typifies the razor-edge stuff...
The ugliest must be the new Renault Megane! :eek: You guys seen that ugly thing!??

MooseRacer 08 May 2003 11:52 PM

Horrible looking car - and that's by far the most flattering picture I've seen of it :eek:

Pepper 08 May 2003 11:56 PM

Tis a DAMN ugly car.......and the Renault :D

Claudius 08 May 2003 11:59 PM

Yeah, it's from Renaults web site! :D LOL

If I take one on the street, you need a strong stomach! :D

Pepper 09 May 2003 12:06 AM

IMO the three-door version is even worse, some really weird sh!t going on with the rear quarter-lights, totally conflicting lines. Ugh.

J4CKO 09 May 2003 11:51 AM

Mycroft, you really love your Soarer, so if you won the lottery (I bet you dont play it as its for plebs) would you still drive it, dont get me wrong I think they are okay, not great, bit interesting, satisfactory as its not run of the mill but there are hundreds of cars I would rather have/not have so I can imagine even though you are a staunch of the Soarer that there must be something you hanker for ?

Its a good choice for 4/5 grand and nobody really had a bad word to say until you started spouting the gospel according to saint Mycroft (Patron saint of lost causes), apparently we are all inferior beings with less intelligence, money, animal magnetism and are all latent homosexuals, therefore if you feel the need to preach about the many virtues of the Soarer try and do it with a little more empathy to us poor sad deluded fools as,

Basically, whenever I see a Soarer on the road nowadays I think

"I wonder whether that is that knobber of Scoobynet"

Pepper 09 May 2003 01:01 PM

I agree, and considering the "normal" guys from the TIF are trying to promote their forum and invite new members, the kind of sh!t that this guy causes does not do them any favours at all.

If I were them, I'd not only remove the pathetic "debating" room that Mycroft has over there (purely for the purpose of arguing with people), but I'd boot him off the completely for giving them a bad name and tarring them with the same brush as he tars himself by being a complete c0ck-chomper on everyone else's forums!

I also look at Soarers and wonder whether the guy driving it is a complete pompous stuck-up tw@t, although in reality this is probably unlikely - just the image I have now thanks to Mycroft!

I hope you're proud of yourself Wilt.

Mycroft 09 May 2003 01:29 PM

Jacko, people often ask me would I have this or that in replacement if I had the money, I do have the money... literally if I wished to own and run any car available I could.

I could, if I wished, drive to the AM garage in Reading and buy a new Vanquish, frankly it wouldn't really have much effect on me financially.

I bought my DB7 whilst at the time owning a V8 Volante and a Bentley Turbo... and 3-4 other cars as well...

I have the 'choice' every morning I wake nothing has tempted me away [except nearly Durzels R33]... and every time I drive my Soarer I wish that when I went to buy that bloody DB7 I had known about them.
I would still owned the Aston, I'm a snob at heart and had to have one :D,
But I wouldn't have persevered for 3-4 years it would have gone after a year and the Soarer put in its stead.

That is part of the reason why I get invites to drive cars like the Vanquish/XKR/Masers/Ferraris'... I could buy one/two and that makes me a very welcome sight in any showroom!

camk 09 May 2003 01:32 PM

PMSL, Mycroft are you Terry Thomas or perhaps Rodger Moore , more likely Chris Eubank ? :D...I'd rather drive a 'TOYOTA' Soarer than an Aston, come on how much crap is that. FFS

Mycroft 09 May 2003 01:46 PM

Basically, whenever I see a Soarer on the road nowadays I think

"I wonder whether that is that knobber of Scoobynet"

And do you think I really care? hahaha :D

I am not trying to convert anyone, I want you to keep away, I really don't want the likes of you to buy one... all the people I have met who do own one has done so on their 'own account', the car has won them round no 'snob appeal' or 'badge' has done it...

All I want is for the peasants to stop getting in my way... they move over for an Aston but not for the Soarer... my 'mission' is to correct that situation, so you comment pleases me... it means I am succeding.

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