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MATTeL 25 March 2003 07:59 PM

Oh you all missed the big ones:

"Gold wheels are they in or out?"
"Firemen deserve to earn a £100k a year and have a Scoob each."

Not such big ones:

"I start my car and I hear a repetative burbaling noise... has the MAF/Lamda sensor gone?"
"Will taking my car over 4000 rev blow up the engine after I have run it in?"
"Will suspension changes and geometery really improve the handling, because my mate who owns a Saxo (that suffers from fuel surge) says it won't and he is an engineer for Prodive and has beaten Solberg round the Prodrive test track and has overtaken a Ferrari Formula 1 car on the track and is my only friend and is invisible but everyone likes him more than me."

davyboy 25 March 2003 08:00 PM

- Despite other cars having more bhp, a scoob will always be quicker for some bizzare reason I have yet to fathom.

johnfelstead 25 March 2003 08:00 PM

The entire concepts and practices of scoobynet can be altered at the whim of the webmaster as he see's fit, regardless of what the rest of the community wants.
Your scoobynet plus packs will be with you SOON.

Carl Davey 25 March 2003 08:07 PM

Not to mention the mandatory weekly, "How do I get smilies" thread. :D

TurboKitty 25 March 2003 08:10 PM

And what does LOL mean?

davyboy 25 March 2003 08:17 PM

- Girls will get a lot of males offering friendship which later becomes unwanted attention and advise even when they have a boyfriend.

- Being threatened with violence.

- Bullying by certain members.

- People registering usernames just to have a dig at others, but forgeting to change the user name and hastily editing, thus giving away who they are - Idoru?

- The muppet forum falling out with each other daily. lol

.....I'll think of some more of my experiences soon ;)

nuclear_pond 25 March 2003 08:55 PM

- Can I buy the bits to turn my Sport into a Turbo?

astraboy 25 March 2003 09:02 PM

all revenge threads must have the following words posted in them:
"Paging astraboy"

to qualify for full board membership you must have been wound up by PS lewis at least twice.

Turbokitty must be banned from the board for five days a month :D:D:D:D:D
*runs away*

TurboKitty 25 March 2003 09:04 PM

LMAO AB, if only it were that easy, have you not noticed by now that I am a stroppy cow all the time, not just 5 days a month??!

BuRR 25 March 2003 09:10 PM

Scooby Regular
Posts: 5308
From: somewhere not good enough for

Lol :D - what's all that about then? :D

astraboy 25 March 2003 09:16 PM

Still cant get in mate :( All I want to do is ask a question as well :D

astraboy 25 March 2003 09:20 PM

<have you not noticed by now that I am a stroppy cow all the time, not just 5 days a month??! >
well, I wasnt going to be the first to say it, but.....
*puts on tin hat*
heres somthing to calm you down though...

BuRR 25 March 2003 09:21 PM

We disabled the yahoo / hotmail accounts, etc. These should now be available again.

I've also enabled all blocked ip's again (sorry to go off-topic)

astraboy 25 March 2003 09:27 PM

Bwhahaha!!! suka!!! I'm off to wreak havoc!!!

only joking, cheers mate.

TurboKitty 25 March 2003 09:35 PM

heres somthing to calm you down though...
That might help if it were only a 5 day a month thing, being as it isn't, I think you need to direct me to the latest cannabis thread. ;)

Brendan Hughes 25 March 2003 10:24 PM

OMG what have I started :eek:

Si, it looks like you had a few stored up over the years :D

HEY - nobody mentioned;

Members posting from the Eastern part of the Mediterranean are allowed to log on with six different username variants of P1, and constantly ask which Subaru is the best.

(Remember him?)

Huxley 26 March 2003 12:39 AM

Pmsl @ Brendan Hughes

PSlewis reserves the right to wind anyone up, and particularly newbies

Read new guidlines digest then ignore them and go back to the way it was:rolleyes: or use the ones in this thread.

I was so much better:rolleyes:

NotoriousREV 26 March 2003 08:17 AM

Anyone admitting racing on the street will be told to "save it for the track"

Anyone driving aggressively on track will become a pariah and shunned for being mental

Scooby vs * : The Scooby always wins, although it is up to you to prove whether the other driver was trying or not. As a guideline, that Porsche driver using his mobile phone is probably NOT trying. If * = decent motor, racing is fine, if * = hot hatch, the hot hatch driver is an idiot and boy racer.

Scoobynet isn't like it used to be, I remember when the drivetrain forum was all fields.

The image of the Impreza has slipped (from being a rich boy racers car to being a reasonably well-off boy racers car)

Whenever a strong opinion is aired, it is mandatory that the opposing viewpoint be offered immediately, no matter how extreme.

MATTeL 26 March 2003 08:57 AM

No matter what the topic someone will always turn it into a bun fight/soapbox.

Now about the Duck-billed Platypus... ;)

philc 26 March 2003 09:18 AM

threads I have read (often)

.... caught speeding, anyone know a good solicitor

... MK roundabouts

.... starting a thread on excessive road speed will attract the attention of [fill in the blank]

....trying to lose weight

... trying to gain weight

.... trying to give up smoking

.. can someone make this clicky

And I love them all :)

SiPie 26 March 2003 09:26 AM

But how do I get my orange wedges out ? ......... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D;)

bros2 26 March 2003 09:30 AM

[Edited by bros2 - 7/3/2003 11:28:47 AM]

ice man 26 March 2003 11:36 AM

And my favourite Why do I never get spotted

Actually why do I never get spotted :D

Jay m A 26 March 2003 11:49 AM

Big BHP claims must always have reference to PE's rollers being generous, irrespective of how and where the BHP was measured.

Well established members will sign off, usually citing a change in atmosphere on SN, only to reappear a few months later.

'What cars have you previously owned' threads must be started by members with less than 100 posts. Regularly.


wilf 26 March 2003 12:16 PM

How about at least once a week

what's happened to scoobynet


scoobynet aint as good as it used to be

Floyd 26 March 2003 12:26 PM

'How much do you all earn?' is a must, and 'Are all members IT specialists?'

All sycophants to suck up to SDB at every opportunity and laugh at all his jokes whether funny or not ;)


S55 HOT 26 March 2003 12:29 PM

Anything posted in 'For Sale' is to be immediately observed as too expensive.

and whatever happened to my wiper blade from the Swissol group purchase ?

speedking 26 March 2003 12:46 PM

This thread is now the long awaited Scoobynet FAQ :D
All newbies to be directed here first, that should put them off :):)

ex-webby 26 March 2003 01:25 PM

- Stating the obvious is a vital and worthy part of any conversation.
- Whenever anyone mentions the words "24,000 members", you should immediately say "not all of them will be current, and some will be duplicates, so it's more like 1!"
- Everyone has EXACTLY the same viewpoint as everyone else, so it is obviously a conspiracy if someone disagrees with you
(OK... a bit of a dodgy one follows!! :D)
- Any security guards should portray themselves as police firearms officers and everyone should believe them for at least 12 months.
- The only way to enjoy a track day is to mount 47 cameras to your car
- When drunk you should make seemingly important and valid points that nobody understands or cares about
- the webmaster is definitely up to no good, and one of these years we'll find out!


bros2 26 March 2003 01:28 PM

[Edited by bros2 - 7/3/2003 11:29:01 AM]

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