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grovesy 25 February 2003 12:00 PM

Try taking ephadrean(sp) tablets when you train that will help burn FAT. There a mild amphetamine, but I'm not sure how legal they are...

Also I have been told that a Teaspoon of glycerin before you train makes you swet buckets, this should also help (if it works)

TurboKitty 25 February 2003 12:03 PM

Incorrect health and fitness information on Scoobynet? Surely it cannot be so!!!

Tiggs 25 February 2003 12:16 PM

how unfit does the original poster have to be before ppl dont bother with sensible answers....this guy wolfs down pizza, crisp and to much beer and yet still he gets (some) genuine advice!

what if he was on Kilroy or similar as the wall of his house had to be removed to get his fat arse to the shops....would he still qualify for someone to pop up and go on about reps V weight or whether creatine should be taken with orange juice to create an insuline spike?


TelBoy 25 February 2003 12:19 PM

Tiggs, yes he would, on Scoobynet at least.

Because everyone likes to voice their opinion, misguided or not.

File under "human nature".... :rolleyes: :D

TurboKitty 25 February 2003 12:20 PM

Which part of my sigh was construed as useful then? :D

TurboKitty 25 February 2003 12:24 PM

Tiggs, don't forget that you mustn't do weights if you are trying to lose weight because the fat will turn into muscle and as muscle is heavier than fat you'll actually put weight on.


Someone actually told me that a couple of months ago and meant it.

I tried to explain the link between muscle and metabolism but she was having none of it...

grovesy 25 February 2003 12:26 PM

Tiggs "drinks to Much" he said he only drank once a week. How can that be to much ??

super_si 25 February 2003 12:45 PM

Work harder in the gym simple :D

Tiggs 25 February 2003 01:03 PM

he said it was to much himself

Richard Work 25 February 2003 01:20 PM

I read somewhere that the burning of calories depends on 3 things:
Metabolic factors - how fast your 'engine' runs
Thermic Factors - how intense your 'engine' runs e.g. burning wood not paper
Aerobic Factors - how often your 'engine' runs

Apparently the first 2 account for perhaps 70% of all calories burnt, whilst excercise accounts for teh rest. This means that if you have a cr@p metabolism and eat cr@p your body will not lose fat even if you are moderately active.

So to lose weight you need to:
Eat better food
- food your body has to work to digest e.g. protein, complex carbs, fibre etc. non processed and as natural as possible
Eat more often
- 4 or 5 times a day to increase your metabolism)
Increase muscle mass
- to ensure your body is burning claories for longer
- increased metabolism
Increase you activity
- to increase muscle mass do more intense weights but balance it with cardio stuff as well

I'm no expert and this is from memory, I think it was from Mens Health, but it seems to make sense. you can order a back copy from the website - I think it was last months issue.

Hope this helps,


Diesel 25 February 2003 04:17 PM

Forget the ephedrine type things - they made me ratty, shaky and edgy. Wouldnt want to lose a friend for a few pounds!

Take Xenical if you have a fatty meal, and 30% of the the fat passes straight on through. Nice!

Ohh and get a slightly over active thyroid! Just lost 2 stone with none of that wear your joints out sweaty costly gym bolloX ;) Bingohh!

yoza 25 February 2003 04:22 PM

4 Best results use Clenbuterol,sorry cant spell it and have no bottles left,Telboy may know how to spell it.

Godspeed Brakes 25 February 2003 04:39 PM

Yoza , the spelling is right , how many are you supposed to take of these , I have been using them for about 2 months now , I have been going to the gym mon-wed - fri for a hour , split 50/50 between running , rowing and weights and 2 hours on a sunday with swimming as well for about 4 months , and play 5 a side footy for a hour on tues and thought the weight would drop off , I eat a lot less than I used to , I can tell I have changed shape but I thought the difference would be very noticable by now ?Any other way I can lose 15Lb of ugly fat without cutting my head off :D

yoza 25 February 2003 04:42 PM

Its dangerous for me to pass advice on drug dossage so I wont,sorry ask your GP.

andrewdelvard 25 February 2003 04:47 PM

I can't imagine any GP offering any advice on tsking Clenbuterol. Generally men can take about 100-140 mcg per day. Some people have been known to combine it with Ephedrine although be prepared for some teeth grinding sessions.

ozzy 25 February 2003 04:54 PM


the point others have tried to make is that popping some 'fat reducing wonder pill' isn't the answer. The original poster needs to look at his diet first, then his aerobic activity before even considering any supplements.

I'm not a special case and the only supplements I take are a multi-vitamin tablet and some energy drinks before/during/after workouts. The rest is down to pure hard graft.

He may be exercising 4 times a week, but what sort of exercise is it and at what intensity. If he's running flat out for 30mins 4 times per week, his body will just burn glycogen (i.e. energy) stores and not fat. You need longer lower-intensity sessions for your body to get into fat-burning mode.

Take a Royal Marine recruits (nod) as an example. You get 3 square meals per day, including a fry-up for breakfast which totals between 3,000 and 5,000 calories per day. I've yet to to meet a fat recruit.

If he's not loosing weight, he needs to look at his diet and exercise and adjust accordingly. He doesn't need to waste money on fancy supplements; just get on with the basics first IMHO.

Why not go along to a dietrician and get some professional advice. That would be money well spent IMO.

If he tries all this and still can't shift it, then maybe there's a medical reason for it but that's a very small percentage of people. If you went to your Doctor and told them this story, they'd probably laugh in your face and just tell you to stop eating pizza's :)


[Edited by ozzy - 2/25/2003 4:56:50 PM]

yoza 25 February 2003 04:56 PM

Cant you enlighten me as to the dangers of mixing 200mg clenbuterol,4mls Deca decanoate,2mls Testex,150mg methandralone,and 2mls anivar over 3 months,this being a weekly dose.As you seem to be in the know.

Cheers Yoza

Godspeed Brakes 25 February 2003 05:45 PM

I can just imagine my GP's answer if I rang him up for advice on Clebuterol ...
I have them in tablet form , boxes of 50 , 0:02mg per tablet , what does that work out in mcg's as I'm fick !!

jhd 25 February 2003 06:06 PM

try cla - conjugated linoleic acid - help disperse body fats but needs to be used with a good exercise program
worked for me

Tiggs 25 February 2003 06:15 PM

lol- cant say that a subaru dealer is rubbish but we can discuss a bit of stacking!

yoza 25 February 2003 06:17 PM

We are only discussing it,hyperthetically speaking and all that.

FASTER MIKE!! 25 February 2003 06:40 PM

christ what have i started :eek::D:D
well i worked out my kals for today and it`s around 1500kal but thats not including drinks (4 mugs of coffee with milk and sugar). i think i mislead you when i said i want to burn fat off as such. one i`m not over weight(as statted 11.5 stone about 73kg? and 5feet 11) when i said burning fat there is a small layer around my stomach area, when my stomch is tenced its flat. i know that taking a pill will not slim anyone, just looking for a little asistance with burning off more while training. does this make any more sence?
as for what training i do, 2 nights sprint training, which lasts about 45min-1hour consisting of say 4 sets of 3x80meters at about 80% with 5 min between sets, so it quite intence. the other 2 nights i thai box for an hour on pads, sometimes with an extra 30mins of full contact but controlled sparing


[Edited by FASTER MIKE!! - 2/25/2003 8:03:26 PM]

nolistic$ 25 February 2003 07:17 PM

Check out this website for all your answers


[Edited by nolistic$ - 2/25/2003 7:17:44 PM]

andrewdelvard 25 February 2003 08:00 PM

Cant you enlighten me as to the dangers of mixing 200mg clenbuterol,4mls Deca decanoate,2mls Testex,150mg methandralone,and 2mls anivar over 3 months,this being a weekly dose.As you seem to be in the know
What is your weight/height/BFP ?

paulr 25 February 2003 08:05 PM

To answer the original question.......


Is there any other way?

Scooby_Loo 25 February 2003 08:53 PM

Get a George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Grilling Machine :D

Bl00dy excellent, my parents just bought me one at the weekend cos my granny swears by hers. Very effective.

What about a LBT (Legs Bums and Tums) Class at your local sports centre? :D lol


SHESCOOBY 26 February 2003 09:38 AM

Ok my verdic

I have been dieting for at least 4 weeks now
well i say dietng I mean eating better no eating between meals
I have a heathy brekkie and both lunch and dinner, after my dinner in the evenin i have been doing a 2- 3 mile run on the running machine, and yesterday have weighed myself and I have lost a stone
So healthy eating and plenty of exercise does help, I have even had the odd curry here and there.....

Dont deprive the body of stuff you like just limit them.


I still have another stone to go

Running machine where are you...........

CC 26 February 2003 10:25 AM

sorry to butt in!

yoza, thats a fairly big stack you're hypothetically taking there :D! It looks pretty advanced, deffo not for a beginner.

It would work well but expect some sides, have you got access to Nolvadex? Minocin/RetinA/Roaccutance?

That would be way over anything I've ever hypothetically had but it all depends on what level you're at now I suppose.

RE Ephedrine. It will make you a little on edge at times, the odd headache etc.

yoza 26 February 2003 10:34 AM

Apparently the side effects include....

Massive muscle mass increase :D
Large strength increase :D
Testicular disstrophy :(
Hightened agression :rolleyes:
Lower tolerance level,to loseing your patients :rolleyes:
Heart,liver,kidney,spleen damage :eek:
And your teeth wont meat up properly because your mandibil has grown a couple of millimeters :(
Als effects you spelling and grammar..............

TurboKitty 26 February 2003 10:35 AM

Als effects you spelling and grammar..............
Bwahahahaha, so it would appear! :D

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