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Steve Perriam 08 January 2001 03:55 PM

sorry, cant make this week at all cos its panto time !, 7:30pm everynite and sat and sunday afternoons !

let me know for future dates / times though and i'll try to make it.

if its a success then i think we need to try CS as well - gotta be a few on here who waste hours on that as well !!


Danny Fisher 08 January 2001 04:13 PM

Where can I get hold of a copy of this game?

All the local shops dont have it!


dsmith 08 January 2001 04:49 PM

Not really being into PC gaming but now intrigued....

What's required in terms of hardware & s/w

Is std. dial-up sufficient ?

What's the Minimum H/W spec. - my choices are newish laptop - 650Mhz 128mb Ram or Old desktop 200Mhz 96 Mb Ram (or even older 100Mhz 128Mb Ram but i don't think we'll go there....). Desktop is Win2k/Win98 Laptop is Win2K only.

What sort of game is "Unreal Tournament" - Just shoot each other or more strategy ?


DavidRB 08 January 2001 05:13 PM

Danny: My local EB has now started selling it in the budget range, so try looking there.

dsmith: It's like Quake, but with more emphasis on strategy & positioning, rather than running around shooting at everything. Also opportunities for teamplay, rather than just everyone against each other.

I would recommend the most powerful machine that you have, there are a lot of polygons in this game!!

Lee: Facing Worlds a favourite of yours??

Lee 08 January 2001 05:23 PM

hardware wise its a decent graphics card you need. Apparently voodoo's are more suited cos the engine was written for them. I've a GeForce2 Ultra which "nicely"

A friend runs it on his laptop, albeit in 800x600 with low detail.

Runs on Windows2000 (what I use). And having a modem is no disadvantage, my bro uses one and regularly kicks my ass.

Remember to buy Unreal Tournament and not just Unreal.

I dislike Facing worlds, just an excuse for campers with rifles !

password for server is sc00by

robski 08 January 2001 09:44 PM

Ive got to take my modem out of my net pc and put it in my games machine, or put my geforce 2 in my net pc.

Unless I can get ms network to allow the two to talk hmmmm....

I wonder if this will work, anyone done it?
I mean used 1 machine to make the net connection to allow another machine to use!?
Ive got the network sorted, just dont know if its technically possible


dsmith 08 January 2001 10:18 PM


Win2K and Win 98 SE (I Think) both have "Internet connection Sharing" which is designed to just that. I personally haven't tried it - but hey how hard can it be ?

Bought Unreal Tournement on the way home - £20 from PC world. The sneaky B*st*rds keep sneaking up on me and killing me !

Where's the "I surrender!" message .....


robski 09 January 2001 08:30 AM

Yeah I know you *supposed* to be able to do it, but its MS dont forget!

I will give it a try tonight


dsmith 09 January 2001 09:11 AM

So what are the secrets of success with UT then ?

I'm using the mouse for main control and keyboard for sliding left and right. I find it difficult to keep the target 'targetted' though in the few short seconds before I become part of the wallpaper. Are joysticks easier ?. I guess one of the benefits of a better frame rate is the smoothnes of the motion which should allow better targetting. Is there a key which gives the current frame rate. I could play with the options and experiment then.....

With the team games how are the teams picked ? Horrible memories of being the last one picked at school because I couldn't kick a footbal straight are starting to come back

Robski - If the MS stuff fails - A quick rebuild as a Linux dual boot would see you sorted - Its much easier to configure with the required NAT and routing. Of course it may be quicker just to move the modem


robski 09 January 2001 09:38 AM

I use the keys for movement, mouse for looking

never use the move sideways keys, they annoy me, show me someone who can run sideways that quickly!

you can turn the fos on from the menu screen, cant remember what the option is tho, sorry


ChrisB 09 January 2001 10:23 AM

I use the right mouse button to move forward, with the mouse 'motion' controlling my view / crosshairs. Clicking the scroll wheel gives me secondary fire, with the left button FIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE.

Strafe Left / Right and backwards I use the keyboard for with my left hand. One of the other guys here at work (who is a very good player) has changed to using the keyboard for movement and the mouse to look.

Try dropping the colour depth from 32bit to 16bit, should squeeze a few more frames per second. On the Tools menu (IIRC), you can turn on the FPS counter. When are playing, the FPS is shown on the screen (top right I think).


boxst 09 January 2001 01:20 PM

Hi Robski:

Did you get the Home Networking to work??

All you have to do is install it from "Add/Remove Programs" in Windows 98SE and Windows ME.


robski 09 January 2001 01:53 PM


forgot to mention, the golden rule for UT is dont not stand still!


longun 09 January 2001 02:01 PM

Just got Unreal Tournament from PC World but it is called total unreal and contains all the games from unreal to unreal tournament and a mission pack as well. All this for just £20 of your english pounds.

All I need now is a fast internet connection then you can count me in....

dsmith 09 January 2001 02:10 PM


But if I don't stand still I can't aim well enough to hit anything

Maybe I could be one of the flags !


robski 09 January 2001 02:23 PM


I was just warning you, stand still in UT, and your gibs are gonna be raining down all day long (boy!)

If your having problems with aiming, I would bet you need to change your control method, try main movement with keys, and targetting with mouse. Also try to use a weapon thats fast firing like chaingun.

You do know about alternate firing dont you!?


dsmith 09 January 2001 02:27 PM

Alternate firing is where I fire a shot and then wait for the opponent to fire back and then we carry on alternately - right

Sort of like battleships

[This message has been edited by dsmith (edited 09 January 2001).]

BryanC 09 January 2001 02:37 PM

Not actually played online with any of you guys yet, but I'm a bit of a dab hand at any First-Person Shooter... The classic control method used by world class players of these games is to set up the keys W,A,S,D as move forward, slide left, move backward, and slide right respectively, and have the mouse on "free look", so it determines where your cross hair is. Space bar is normally assigned to jumping, and then you have left mouse as fire, right mouse as alternate fire. Mouse wheel (if you have one) is normally assigned to scroll through weapons so you can change quickly without looking at the keys.
As to problems with hitting people whilst running around, that just comes with practise. Lots and lots of it. I used to play a *lot* of Quakeworld on line, (like, my phone bill was around £150 a month) and I used to be quite good. Then I rediscovered my life, and now I'm merely mediocre again

longun 10 January 2001 12:44 AM

Would someone playing on a modem slow the game down too much or can I join????

ChrisB 10 January 2001 12:47 AM

Most people will be playing on dial-up ISDN or a modem Longun.

I'm just debating about coming back into work to play over our leased line


dsmith 10 January 2001 08:45 AM

Doh !

This morning at Breakfast:

Girlfriend - Can you remeber what's happening this evening ?

Me - (thinking for once I know the answer !) You're visiting your parents and I'm going to blow some people to bits....

Girlfriend - Not exactly, You've forgotten thew appointment with the vicar haven't you !

Me - Doh !

The short version is I won't be allowed out to play tonight beacuse I have to go and make arrangements for forthcoming wedding. And I've spent two whole evenings practicing .

When will the next session be ?

Lee 10 January 2001 08:53 AM

Bring the vicar along, I've heard he's a dab hand on the Gothic level

We'll make it a weekly thing for now, so how about every wed evening ?

We also have a few RS boyz coming along heh heh lets see what that does for competitiveness

Lee 10 January 2001 02:12 PM

My Bro uses a 56k modem and it doesn't hamper him ! So far apart from chrisB we have one nutter who is going into work to use a dedicated 256k line.

Should I tell him I've set a bandwidth limit to make it fair ?

looks to be quite a few coming along tonight, some not until later though.

robski 10 January 2001 03:31 PM

It may take me a while to get there, if I cant get my internet sharing to work (didnt have time last night), im going to have to move my graphics card, and put up with a celeron at 525mHZ


DavidRB 10 January 2001 04:53 PM

Will try and be there tonight. Celeron 464MHz, ATI Rage Fury (128) and a modem at around 46k, when it's behaving.

Yesterday's test was not good with the modem cutting out due to noise on the line (again), so no promises on sticking around!

Presumably people are using their Scoobynet names for identification?

DBDOM 10 January 2001 05:12 PM

Ill be on tonight, what kind of level are we doing, How about a "Capture the flag" of some description??

Lee 10 January 2001 05:30 PM

Oh I should think a CTF will make an appearance

What will probably happen is that we all start off DM, then when we have an idea of numbers and stayers we can move onto other things.

ChrisB 10 January 2001 05:56 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Presumably people are using their Scoobynet names for identification?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nope! It's half the fun guessing who just fragged your ass!


robski 10 January 2001 08:15 PM

im in the process of rebuilding my pc to allow T to be played

it turns out that on 98SE supports internet sharing, so ive moved my graphics card

so I will be there, bt running like a dog
with mostly crap bits, and no sound


robski 10 January 2001 08:19 PM

oh yeah, and keyboard where the fcking
U key has to be stamped on to get it to work


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