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Josh L 26 September 2001 07:07 PM

A number of things that immediately spring to mind............

1. Personally, I think that the volunteers do a tremendous job, and the way some people appear to making this whole thread into an import issue is an insult to those who put in so much work.

2. Unfortunately, the club can't be all things to all people. It's the club's duty to cater for the majority first, but not at the expense of the rest.

3. Although I don't drive on track the improvement in the way the track days are organised since Stef was put in charge is very obvious, and the ****e he puts up with is riddiculous.

4. True Grip has developed into a superbly edited and produced magazine. However, there really does need to be a little more input from others, otherwise it will loose it's appeal. How many people really want to see another 'Pix by Josh Levy' or 'By Peter Croney/Stef/Neil Micklethwaite' by-line. After 15 years, I still get a great deal of pleasure seeing my pix published, but I'm not the only snapper on the BBS, and I'm sure most members can write.

5. On a negative note. Greg makes a very good point. I seem to remember we lost a few members when we decided to notify members about events by email, yet we have'nt done that with the AGM. I can understand withholding trackday spaces for those who are not 'on-line', but there is no reason for not giving out the AGM date, even if you didn't mention the karting.

Just my opinion.

Great job SIDC


Spudgun GTR 26 September 2001 07:28 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by chuckster:
<B>. Imagine having an import in Essex and not being able to take it to scoobysport, what would you do?
[This message has been edited by chuckster (edited 26 September 2001).][/quote]

you'd take it to dragon autosport, as many others do

oh, forgot to mention, personally i think £25 is worth it for SIDC, £25 doesnt even get you a night on the p155 these days

[This message has been edited by Spudgun GTR (edited 26 September 2001).]

StanS 26 September 2001 07:34 PM

Not aimed at anyone - just my 2p worth.

Since when has any organisation, company, club (or even car) been perfect ??
OK - so SIDC make the odd mistake - doesn't everyone ? We need to take a look at all the positive and good things that the club offers - if you can't take advantage of them for whatever reason is your problem.
SIDC continues to get better, mainly due to the time and effort put in by the committee and other ENTHUSIASTS who do their best for free.
Thanks again guys, even though I can only get to about 2 events per year (my fault) I think its well worth it.
Hope you ignore the moaners - they are free to take their enthusiastic support elsewhere if they are so dissatisfied with the SIDC.

John Catlin 26 September 2001 08:09 PM

Having just got home and in my mail I have received True Grip. This now tells me the date of the AGM and also any items for the Agenda must be to the Secretary by the 30th. September. This does not give me much time to send anything or get support.

I am not sure if this is the right place to raise anything, more like DIDC Forums should be the place.

I would suggest that for next year the date of the AGM is agreed at the October AGM, in addition the Treasurer looks at the finance side and proposes any increase now as opposed to later.

If funds are high one can always reduce subs for the following year at the AGM.

I would point out that I am not getting at anyone, I ran a motor Club for many years and understand the amount of unpaid work people put into the Club.

I have alraedy renewed my subs as I feel it is good value fore money.

At the same time I always like to try and attend AGM's to giv eviews and at the same time it allows members also to express how they feel.

I hope the above is trying to be constructive and at the same time members can see how I feel.

I seem to remember a number of members were asking for the date a number of months ago all to no avail.

I do understand that we have too sides to membership, those that have E mail / BBS and those that do not.

Does any one know the proportions of one to another ?

Enough said, I will try and go to the AGM, but at the moment work commitments may noy allow it.

All the best,

John Catlin

The Saint 26 September 2001 08:14 PM


Its all very well to p*iss and moan from the comfort of your comfy armchair.

Get of your fat backside and do something other than complain if you want to make a contribution.

The Saint

Ian Cook 26 September 2001 08:24 PM

Hmmm, I wasnt going to post here but f*** it !

Having been a committee member I know how much work is involved, and the crap the committee members have to put with !

I have renewed my membership after being scoobless for a while !

I cannot use the discounts because the new car is a Jap WRX RA ! although it has visited Prodrive on its roundabout trip

I cant always attend events, but then who can ! But i do attend any events i am able to get to !

I doubt i will use the track days ! But i still go and watch !

I renewed knowing this ! I have no complaints ! I put 35-40 quids worth of petrol into the car far more regularly than i am sure is healthy ! and think 25 quid for a years membership is not exactly going to break the bank ! The magazine, well i havent seen the latest edition yet, but have seen a copy of last months and was impressed !

Complaints about the magazine not having enough content can only be blamed on the membership for not contributing !

So not rejoining has helped in what way ? you now cant attend the AGM (even if you were able) and cant make your points to the committee and membership ?

So you want driver training ? ok thats easily done ! but then i guess everybody wants it included in the 25 quid ? If the club was able to provide training but it cost 100 quid (theoretical figure plucked out of cyber space) would you still do it ? I know i probably would ! I just spent 300 quid 'ish on a rally course because it is useful to me !

Oh well, will probably upset somebody with this ! but what the hell !

muddy 26 September 2001 08:56 PM

Slightly off topic!!!!!!!

When was the last True Grip sent out and also when was the renewal date!!!!!!.



GavinP 26 September 2001 08:59 PM

I have just renewed and the £25 is good value but I would agree (and have said the same in the past) that it is too focused on UK/EU cars.

It would be interesting to know the percentage of "greys" which make up the membership although I can appreciate that the club wants to maintain a good relationship with Subaru UK.

One item in the "True Grip" I received today does irk and that is the stuff about grey imports having inferior security and then goes on about Toyotas...
For the life of me, I can't understand what this is doing in the magazine.

I think the criticism of the organisers is unfair and not warranted. Picking on Pete for not offering a discount is not on - he could always put his prices up 10% and then offer it which I'm sure would create a lot more complaining.

Maybe it is worthwhile publishing some guidelines for potential authors as rolling road days, drag meets etc are conspicuous by their absense in the material published. Obviously content can't be "conjured" up - if people don't write it, it can't be included.

Just my 2p.



ptholt 26 September 2001 09:25 PM

another one slightly off topic, but if IM had one iota of common sense and counted the number of jap imports they could be charging for servicing for, it amazes me they havent done it yet!!

I'm sure if mitsi uk can do a double take then so can IM!

Lets all send them a stroppy letter threatening to take our dogs for walkies across there office car park or something

Am not gonna waste time expressing my views on the other items, been aired enough.

Sith 26 September 2001 09:42 PM

Received my latest copy of True Grip this morning along with my reminder for membership.

I like the mag, stickers etc. With the discounts at the dealer ships I more than recover the joining / renewing fee.

I shall be renewing and would like to thank all those who put alot of effort into running the club.


lpitt 26 September 2001 11:15 PM

Totally agree Sith,

True Grip is a good magazine, you should see some of the tat produced by pop or sci-fi fan clubs.

The events are fun, even though I can't always go they are there and it's my choice.

The discount is great. I got well over £100 discount last year from my garage. Happily covers the cost of membership.

I've renewed this year (and got True Grip in the post this evening).


DocJock 26 September 2001 11:51 PM


Think it's good value.....

Committee doing a great job......

No complaints....

Nuff said


CharlieWhiskey 26 September 2001 11:56 PM

I agree £25 is not a lot to ask for a superb magazine etc. & I'm as guilty as the next man for not contributing to it! [I keep meaning to though]

Even the 'Scoobynet' based meets I organise have a lot to do with the SIDC even if not advertised as such. We work with Neil & others to ensure the highest driving standards and best routes!

I admit import owners may see the discounts as thin, but then again I have never used a discount yet on my UK [& 'chelle can blag a much bigger discount by herself!]

So keep up the good work & I will be at the AGM if I'm not working!


Steve Lawson 27 September 2001 01:36 AM

Referring to some of the comments about the discount scheme when I initially proposed the idea to the owner and parts manager of the company I was working for at the time it was decided that we(past tense) should word the advert in such a way that it would not upset the hierachy at IM.
Now I don't know if they actually read True Grip or not but my hope and that of the parts manager was that people would read between the lines and see that it was a PARTS and service discount not needing to be used at the same time so hopefully attracting non UK cars.
I can't comment on whether this is still the case or not as I am banned from my former place of employment
As far as the conflict between the SIDC and SNet why not combine the two?
I only ocassionally take a look at the SIDC forums(probably once a month)but then I'm not a SIDC member and I think most things get covered here anyway.
Not wishing to get too controversial but how many Subaru related BBS's do we need?Yes the SIDC website is fantastic and should stay but as people have pointed out it seems that the notification regarding the AGM was a little late hence my suggestion to combine.So prehaps it may be worth having another forum,password protected somehow for SIDC members only?

Anyway just my 2pence worth



Flame suit on and fully zipped up

chuckster 27 September 2001 07:28 AM

Whether a member gets £25 worth of 'goodies' is not my point. In a pure 'value for money' sense the SIDC is and always has been worth it's £25, and I have argued to that effect in previous threads.
At least this thread has generated some debate and made people think.
As to people who think I'm cheap because I wont pay? Anyone who knows me knows that £25 really is an inconsequential sum, and has no bearing on my decision not to join, which is purely down to the principle of the matter, I couldn't have my say during my subscription year, I can't go to the AGM as notice was very late and I think the club has the responsibility to take up larger issues than it has previously.
Encourage the members to join the ABD. Encourage them to partake in futher training - publish the Advance Driver Training contacts in the Mag and on the website.
Get a volunteer working party together to lobby IM into publishing in writing that it is OK to get a service book stamped by a non Subaru franchise garage - some non-SUK dealers already claim this is a fact, it would be good for dealer and scooby owner alike if a definitive statement could be taken from IM.
Encourage them to slow down in the autumn, leaves are flippin dangerous! LOL
I also have to say I think it is imperitive that the SIDC gets letters out to notify non-internet members know the date of the AGM published in TG is inncorrect
My first post was a knee-jerk reaction to the news of the AGM date - especially as it differed from that in TG. Apologies again to the guys who run/support the club that it was misconstrued as a dig at the effort they put into doing their choosen roles.

Jza 27 September 2001 08:53 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Shaun:

I can understand how you may feel, even if I don't own or subsribe to the SIDC.

Buy a Ford and then you can get these benifits!!!!

..........for £30 pound a year you get track days, a national day, local group show interest, magazine every 2 months, discounts at ALL Ford dealers, discount on RS insurance scheme (Which is 5% each year of membership, upto a maximum of 20% discount :eek - this also includes TRACK COVER for ALL official Club Track Days, a £10 voucher to spend at the Regalia Stand, Special events by the Owners club (like going to Gaydon not long ago, to see the press launch of the RS Focus)....Oh, and a club BBS!!!

You lot.......the cars and the bbs maybe crap, but I thinks this must be the best run members car club in the world!


But what about the costs of having to drive around in a ******* Ford all the while????


Yex 27 September 2001 09:32 AM

I find the SIDC a good club to be a member of, particularly the meetings organised through it and the track days when I can get a day off to attend one

The positives outway the negatives heavily, even if ar$eholes like The Saint appear to jump to conclusions without knowing the facts fully The £25 membership fee is IMHO a bargain and is frankly less than a round of beers

The only negative comment I have is the AGM. The date published in TG is wrong, and the late notification disadvantages many people who want to attend This in my part is on the social side as I race at Whilton Mill in my kart series and the track is the best in the UK as far as I am concerned A bit better communication on AGM dates is needed and can be addressed by the committee at this AGM. Perhaps two dates can be selected for next year and as soon as a suitable venue has been confirmed for one of these dates this is communicated to members via email, snail mail, BBS's etc.

If that's my only gripe things can't be too bad can they


KimA 27 September 2001 09:32 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by muddy:
<B>Slightly off topic!!!!!!!

When was the last True Grip sent out and also when was the renewal date!!!!!!.




Got our True Grip yesterday, renewal date is 1 September

BarryK 27 September 2001 09:36 AM

Twenty five quid to renew?

Be rude not to.

I'm way past the renewal date. Am I supposed to pay proactively or wait til I'm asked?

Jerome 27 September 2001 09:55 AM

Mmmm, where to start...

Firstly, a few years ago I attempted to organize an indoor go-karting evening for people at work. The amount of time and effort it took was significant. I also had lots of people letting me down. I still organize social events at work, but have vowed to never organize anything involving money ever again. Respect to the people at SIDC who organize events - including the ones not involving money.

Secondly, I spend £25 in less than a week in ciggies (a mug I know!) without even getting into the spend on London priced drinks. I think SIDC membership is a bargain. I haven't attended a single SIDC event (yet) mainly due to laziness or clashes with other things (mainly the TA). I also rarely use discounts for anything - I had to be threatened with death to have a Tesco reward card thingy (which I only use when she's looking).

Although feedback is vital for the club to continue successfully, it is also important to realise that the club cannot be all things to all men. Missing the AGM isn't the end of the world if you have something to raise. I'm sure a new thread starting on the SIDC BBS would still bring whatever point to the fore.

I probably should point out I'm an import owner (and still happy to be an SIDC member).

I'm not having a go at anybody here, but this subject does seem to crop up on a regular basis.

Blow Dog 27 September 2001 10:23 AM

Jesus guys, when are you gonna understand? It's not about the £25.00 cost of membership, as Chuck says, it's inconsequential.
It's the way decisions are being made that's making people a little edgy.

Nothing to do with the damn joining fee.

BarryK 27 September 2001 10:50 AM



Mo 27 September 2001 02:35 PM

[rant on]

Sorry chaps but I'm going to post before reading all of it - I will revisit and read it later tonight, snd I apologise if I have repeated anything said already.

My personnal reason to join the SIDC is to take advantage of the fantastic track days they arrange - <B>for us.</B>

Anything else, to me, is a bonus.

I think that certain people are taking a very selfish view on what the commitee do for <B>us.</B> Perhaps these people would like to step forward and <B>give up their own personnal time</B> to improve on what we have already.

[/rant off]


The Saint 27 September 2001 07:31 PM


You have lots of mouth, and advice for others.

My advice to you? The best way to change an organisation is from within.

Go on, join SIDC, and go on the committee.

Or is is easier just to rant from your comfy
armchair ?

Give it a rest, plonker.

Mike Tuckwood 27 September 2001 08:48 PM

Apologies in advance as this will be a long one.
<B>I post this as a SIDC member, not as a dealer!</B>
Now I can't believe for even one second that I'm the only one who realises;
A) What Chuck means.
B) What Cem means.

It's not so much the fact that anybody objects that particular decisions are made... it's the fact that we are being (SIDC Members) taken out of the loop.

Last years AGM was a fiery one as I recall prompting the demise of Dick Grimes.

The AGM is a VERY important part of the Club calendar.... if anyone thinks things are crap or being done badly it is <B>THE</B> opportunity for the year to voice their thoughts.

I found out by accident that the membership fee has gone up! That's against club rules.... WE as SIDC club members should be involved in decisions like that. I'm not arguing against a rise, I've already discussed the reasons behind it and they make sense.


The committee DO NOT have the authority to do this without a consensus at an AGM. Why do we have rules, should we just bin them or re write them?

Re-election of members..... How can anybody with the drive and enthusiasm to promote the club hope to be elected onto any post on the committee, when not given enough notice that the opportunity will arise?

I'm sure Pete would love to extract himself from the awkward position he is in as it is easy to imply (as has been done) that as the owner of a commercial company selling to (almost exclusively) members of this club that his position leaves himself wide open to accusations of "serving his own interests".

This is a reason why I would not accept a position on the committee, I have been asked several times now by members wanting to propose me for a committee post and have expressed clearly that I would not want to be seen as having conflicting interests.

Pete is also correct in saying that there is little room (if any) to discount services/goods that are already cheaper at other places.

IM approving Import servicing would benefit only a few people, as Religously Dealer servicing charges are substantially higher than "specialist" prices.

I don't think that this is the place to air all of these opinions, that place is the AGM.... unfortunately that has now been "put out of reach" of people who wanted to/would like to attend and contribute.

I think that serious consideration should be given to Postponing the AGM until we can organise one properly?

That is not meant as a dig at anyone in particular BUT as representatives of the club this should have been planned and confirmed 6 months ago and should have appeared in EVERY ISSUE of TG since (Excellent quality work in TG by the way).

I Thank the club members who gladly give up their free time, particularly the ones who work behind the scenes taking payments and doing all the boring admin type stuff; BUT remember, this is YOUR club SIDC members and don't feel agrieved if you think someone has not done the general membership any favours.

Postpone the AGM and sort it out properly?

Markus 27 September 2001 09:06 PM

Blimey Mike, that was a long one

Good point though. I was at last years AGM and was accompanying those who made a lot of noise there. As you say it is the place to air grieviences with the club, and as some may know I've aired my views on this bbs and mentioned I may well air them at the next AGM.

however, as many may know, I'm in the usa until october 20th, and as the AGM is on the 21st (correct?) I won't be attending, why? well, I'll be tired, plus I'd actually like to spend some time with those I've been away from for a month, so going to the AGM is out of the question. silly excuse maybe, but it's the truth.

I did vote to move the AGM to october, as the reason given was valid. But I'd like a little more than at most, a months notice.

Ok, so TG was held up, but even still I'm told it's got the wrong date in it anyway. What about the flyer system? I've not had ANYTHING from the club via email,again I elected to have flyers via email, and they DO have a vaild email address from me so that can't be an excuse.

I did notice the member fee increase but it did not click that this had to be aproved by the members.

Whilst we're on the subject of this type of thing, and I'm gonna get toasted here, At last years AGM someone (can't remember who, and my TG's are back in the UK so I can't check) was elected as motorsport events type person, ie; Stef's position, but it was not Stef, a lot was said at the agm about Stef wanting to be motorsport events sec. but Dick said that no-one had voted for him,etc.... then someone said that they had spoken to Stef and Stef had said 'maybe next year'. Anyway, Stef then becomes motorsport events secreatry (or whatever the position is)

Now, I am NOT, repeat NOT belittling Stefs work on behalf of the club, he does an amazing job.

What I'm getting at is, should the members not have voted on this (would have been unamimous to vote him in anyway I know) or at least been asked about it?

if I have my wires crossed then I apologise.

Markus 27 September 2001 09:07 PM

drat, drat and double drat!!!

double post

[This message has been edited by Markus (edited 27 September 2001).]

Mike Tuckwood 27 September 2001 09:32 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Markus:
<B>Blimey Mike, that was a long one

Hey, I don't get comments like that very often!

No you are correct. I spent a fair amount of time on my feet as you may recall at the AGM, and it was me who had originally proposed Stef after speaking with him on the day. This was refused as a valid Proposal as he'd not been proposed in sufficient time (there's a deadline)!

Consequence, Stef ends up doing the job anyway! (Nice one Stef)

Also, you may recall, I attempted to clarify Committee Status for Lee Christie, who has ended up setting up and hosting the club web site. (Nice one Lee).

I have not received any notification of the AGM via Email, or very little else via E mail either, has Lee's exclusion as a committee member contributed to this?

ALL the sort of things that should be being discussed AT THE AGM?


chrisp 27 September 2001 09:46 PM

I am an SIDC member (for a few years now) and have a badge in the car One of the reasons I brought another scoob (grey import this time) is the club is good and the following is big. I didnt join because of discounts etc. but I have got discount off bits and peices in the past. It is also nice to take you car in to a garage and the garage know you are serious about your car it also goes hand in hand with my scoobynet sticker

Perhaps a solution at this years AGM is setting a preliminary date for next years meeting and possible venues (2002). If for some reason this changes during the year then the change is printed in True Grip.

Just an idea,


[This message has been edited by chrisp (edited 27 September 2001).]

Stef 02 October 2001 04:29 PM

The committee has had to make a few important decisions regarding some important issues otherwise certain things won't be happening in the future, which will be discussed at the agm.
Sometimes members just need to trust the committee to make the right decisions on their behalf. It may not be totally 'in the rules' but what the heck! I'd like to think that most people would think what ever we do is in every members interests.
The agm is an important event and there were soem errors in announcing it, but that's what htey are...ERRORS! Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes (yes, even me! ) but we just need to progress the best we can.
The club is going through a huge transformation which will hopefully see the next year as the best ever. It would help if our members got behind us now and agian for a change instead of screwing about politics all the time.
The deadline for subjects on the agenda at the agm has been extended and all members will receive notification of this in due course.
I hope the agm is used as a constructive means for members to get their views across, and not some platform to start continual slagging. Otherwise, you know what you can all do!


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