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boomer 02 July 2006 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by Felix.
Besides most of the public I deal with say things such as


So do I ignore this set of people and go back to walking the street - or do I deal with the incident?

...but all of the above that you refer to are after an alleged crime has been committed - thus the damage has already been done :mad:

Wouldn't you feel more proud if you had managed to stop them all from happening in the first place - maybe by being visible and accessible in you local communities??


Felix. 03 July 2006 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by boomer
...but all of the above that you refer to are after an alleged crime has been committed - thus the damage has already been done :mad:

Wouldn't you feel more proud if you had managed to stop them all from happening in the first place - maybe by being visible and accessible in you local communities??


How does walking the street stop violent domestics? How does walking the street stop rapes, child neglect, walk in breaks, commercial breaks (unless you want us all to walk around a industrial estate all night. Missing from homes etc etc.

And then, by listening to the public and investigating the crime, how does being on foot beat assist in the enquires?

Yes, it would be nice to prevent all crime – but that isn’t going to happen

DCI Gene Hunt 03 July 2006 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by Felix.
How does walking the street stop violent domestics? How does walking the street stop rapes, child neglect, walk in breaks, commercial breaks (unless you want us all to walk around a industrial estate all night. Missing from homes etc etc.

And then, by listening to the public and investigating the crime, how does being on foot beat assist in the enquires?

Yes, it would be nice to prevent all crime – but that isn’t going to happen

Felix.... fook off and investigate something..... :rolleyes:

You're a typical plod... does fook all, moans about everything, drags everything out and then goes off work on long leave due to a trumped up medical condition.....

What a waste of fookin space.............:rolleyes:

Wurzel 03 July 2006 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by mart360
If i recall one of the US carriers, the Ronald Reagan, has the motto "Peace through strength".

Peace through superior fire power :D

Unfortunately it is not working in Americas case is it,

Vietnam 1:0 USA, Arse kicking by kids in pyjamas!

Afganistan v USA, USA still losing troops to rag heads with antiquated russian weapons and a few kilos of fertiliser.

Iraq v USA, see above.

The problem is the yanks rely so much on technology they have no idea how to do their basic jobs any more and when that technology breaks or doesn't work for some reason they are fooked because they have forgotton the basics of doing their job.

Similar to the Police, they seem to have forgotten the basics of doing their job.

phil_wrx 03 July 2006 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Fuzz
I believe we absolutely are allowed to defend our property.
However I also believe EVERYONE should be arrested at an incident like that and taken away to a calmer separate place where the truth can be found out and the real culprits bought to book!
As Tiggs and Felix says it's not as clear cut as the spin the papers put on it...


cant stand the police at the moment, 95% are arrogant tossers the other 5% are being retired. i got pasted off 5 coppers in town once because i told them they where out of order push some little guy around. cant remember the last time anyone said they had respect for the police.

i bet the police arretsed that granny and gave the kids a free KFC

Felix. 03 July 2006 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by mart360
Prehaps you could clarify the events reported in the last few days then felix..........................

The girl with the pinged bra……….. I have no knowledge of that one. At a guess will it be a complaint by a female of having her bra twanged by someone? If so, then if she feels strongly against what has happened, then it should be investigated with a view to prosecute. Is she not a member of the public?

Chasing motor bikes in police cars. A bit of background to this. A while a go, a bike failed to stop with two teenagers on it. Both with no helmets and no number plate on the bike. As it filed to stop, it was assumed that it might be stolen and a chase ensued. This resulted in the bike crashing and both teenagers killed. It turned out that the bike was not stolen in the end and there was a public outcry. Other incidents where bikes have gone off road and across pavements, child playing areas at speed whilst being chased caused more public outcry. From public support, it was agreed that bikes would not be pursued any more. Other incidents where lock up vans and dog vans have been involved in pursuit crashes have led most forces to only allow police cars to pursue. Again this was partly from public intervention and so you can say we are doing what the public want. We now tend to use air support to get them (oh and new laws)

Scrote sitting on the roof – I agree, I don’t know why he was giving anything and I would have starved him off. We can’t really be seen to be throwing things at him (as that would make us as bad as him) but there are lads on our shift who would have followed him onto the roof and dragged him off.

We can’t prevent all crime. What we can do is investigate these crimes with a view of getting the suspects off the streets and behind bars. If I had my way the sentences would be a lot tougher, but I have no say in this matter. If we were all on foot, the scrotes would have a field day, and would probably think nothing of burgling an entire street. As we are in cars, we have a faster response time to emergency calls. By the way, don’t police cars themselves serve as a visible deterrent – and cover more ground?

However, remember the calls we respond to. Violent relationships in which one party always returns back to the home - despite our advice. Burglary victims who always leave there doors wide open. Kids that constantly run away from home, false reports of rapes, robberies, burglaries. Parents who think its perfectly acceptable to leave 3,4,5 year olds in the house by themselves. All of these take our time up.

The visible deterrent of the army and navy is a bit different I think. How long did it take for them to respond to the Kuwait crisis – and I can’t recall them patrolling around Iran and Iraq. They are a reactive force and fine if that’s what you want us to be, then I can’t see what you arguments are based upon when we react to crimes.

The future of policing – who knows. It’s true to say that we need more officers – which we are slowly starting to see. Perhaps the sentences will become harsher, perhaps the red tape will be taken from us and CPS will be cut out of our loop.

By the way, I didn’t go to Hendon and the majority of motoring offences don’t brand you a criminal and don’t lead to a jail sentence.

DCI Gene Hunt 03 July 2006 10:26 AM

You're paid to do it.... (and pretty well considering you're all a bunch of dipsh1ts) you ain't doing it out of the kindness of your heart.... so fook off and get on with it......................:thumb:

phil_wrx 03 July 2006 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by Felix.
How does walking the street stop violent domestics? How does walking the street stop rapes, child neglect, walk in breaks, commercial breaks (unless you want us all to walk around a industrial estate all night. Missing from homes etc etc.

And then, by listening to the public and investigating the crime, how does being on foot beat assist in the enquires?

Yes, it would be nice to prevent all crime – but that isn’t going to happen

its called a police presence, u never see police patrol anymore

kingofturds 03 July 2006 11:06 AM


boomer 03 July 2006 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Felix.
How does walking the street stop violent domestics? How does walking the street stop rapes, child neglect, walk in breaks, commercial breaks (unless you want us all to walk around a industrial estate all night. Missing from homes etc etc. please tell us how you would stop violent domestics or rapes or child neglect - by driving around in your pandas, or flying around in your helicopters or sitting in the office planning new strategies??

Police on the beat could actually help in quite a few of your scenarios - pervies and known sex offenders would be less likely to wander around looking for prey. Potential victims could be warned about any risks (maybe they don't know a particular area) or even rescued (e.g. drunk single girl wandering aimlessly etc.).

Originally Posted by Felix.
However, remember the calls we respond to. Violent relationships in which one party always returns back to the home - despite our advice. Burglary victims who always leave there doors wide open. Kids that constantly run away from home, false reports of rapes, robberies, burglaries. Parents who think its perfectly acceptable to leave 3,4,5 year olds in the house by themselves. All of these take our time up.

Similarly, Police on the beat would be able to keep a first-hand eye on Mrs Absent-Minded Old-Person and remind her to lock her doors; and they could well spot Billy Runaway before he meets the wrong sort of people. They may even get local information that Mr and Miss (they won't be married) Chav are both down the pub getting wrecked whilst there kids are home alone playing GTO on their playstation.

None of us on the forum are saying that you should ONLY EVER patrol on foot, but you would pick up a lot about the real world and maybe just prevent things escalating from minor offenses to un-controllable crime (The Bill Bratton effect!).


Felix. 04 July 2006 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt
Felix.... fook off and investigate something..... :rolleyes:

You're a typical plod... does fook all, moans about everything, drags everything out and then goes off work on long leave due to a trumped up medical condition.....

What a waste of fookin space.............:rolleyes:

oooooooooo hit a raw nerve

You sound like a typical scrote

I have been in the police for about 6 years and have never been off work for a work related injury - even though I’ve been rammed by two stolen cars, hit with an iron bar, come at with a knife and been attacked numerous times

The investigations I do are prompt and effective - as would the letters of appreciation suggest.

If you're going to have a personal attack on me, then fine, but get your facts about me right before you start to type

Felix. 04 July 2006 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by boomer please tell us how you would stop violent domestics or rapes or child neglect - by driving around in your pandas, or flying around in your helicopters or sitting in the office planning new strategies??

The only way to deal with this sort of incident is a fast response. It’s no good if you're five miles away on foot. Domestics have a habit of being a very dangerous situation and normally require 2-3 units. Rapes set up a whole host of issues. We need to deal with the victim and have them medically/forensically examined. Due to cross contamination, another police unit will have to preserve the scene of crime (which may take more than one unit). And a different unit will need to secure the suspect. And then remember that after all that, most rapes are false reports.

You need to have the units mobile. Remember, emergency calls come in thick and fast and there are often not enough units to respond to the emergency calls coming in. And that’s not to mention the non emergency calls and investigations that each officer will carry

Originally Posted by boomer
...Police on the beat could actually help in quite a few of your scenarios - pervies and known sex offenders would be less likely to wander around looking for prey. Potential victims could be warned about any risks (maybe they don't know a particular area) or even rescued (e.g. drunk single girl wandering aimlessly etc.).

Pervies and sex offenders will probably drive around looking for prey, knowing that the nearest bobby is about 3 miles away on foot. Ample time for them to grab a kiddy from a school; or drive to the next school if there is a bobby close by. And the drunken girl wandering, what are we supposed to do - walk her across the other side of town, and what if an emergency call comes in. Or what if we get attacked? Would it not be better of we were in a car?

Originally Posted by boomer
...None of us on the forum are saying that you should ONLY EVER patrol on foot, but you would pick up a lot about the real world and maybe just prevent things escalating from minor offenses to un-controllable crime .).

I know you're not, and I’m not trying to rubbish your suggestions. I just get a bit hacked off with others (not you) who think that bobby's on the beat is the be all and end all and those who think we just drive aimlessly around all day. We need to be mobile due to the ground we cover, the volume of calls, the fact that the criminals are mobile, the nature of the job we do, the investigations we carry out. Neighborhood policing has its place, don't get me wrong and we do get a lot of valuable information from the street wardens and the PCSO's - but from a response policing point of view, we need to be able to respond to incidents, deal with those incidents quickly and efficiently and then go straight to the next. The only time we get involved with foot beat is during the town centre on weekend nights - but thats due to the volume of people down there. Now I can’t comment on each individual case, but I can make a suggestion as to why a particular course of action was taken – as was my involvement at the start of this thread.

DCI Gene Hunt 04 July 2006 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by Felix.
oooooooooo hit a raw nerve

You sound like a typical scrote

I have been in the police for about 6 years and have never been off work for a work related injury - even though I’ve been rammed by two stolen cars, hit with an iron bar, come at with a knife and been attacked numerous times

The investigations I do are prompt and effective - as would the letters of appreciation suggest.

If you're going to have a personal attack on me, then fine, but get your facts about me right before you start to type

Nope, you haven't HIT a raw nerve....

And your powers of deduction are, well let's just say 'crap', my point 'Felix' is that you are a complete waste of space...... what part of that didn't you understand?

Your 'investigations' receive fan mail now do they......:rolleyes: sounds like the only 'investigating' you do is with your boyfriend.....

Now fook off and get back to what you do best...... FOOK ALL :thumb:

Wurzel 04 July 2006 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by Felix.
The only way to deal with this sort of incident is a fast response. It’s no good if you're five miles away on foot.

Pervies and sex offenders will probably drive around looking for prey, knowing that the nearest bobby is about 3 miles away on foot.

Felix you really are a muppet on a wind up aren't you?

Nobody in their right mind would expect a beat cop to respond to a case that was 5 miles away, that is why you have your response cars, what we are saying and you seem to be failing to understand is "WE WANT COPS ON FOOT AS WELL AS COPS IN CARS!!!" there was that plain enough for you?

Felix. 04 July 2006 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Wurzel
Felix you really are a muppet on a wind up aren't you?

Nobody in their right mind would expect a beat cop to respond to a case that was 5 miles away, that is why you have your response cars, what we are saying and you seem to be failing to understand is "WE WANT COPS ON FOOT AS WELL AS COPS IN CARS!!!" there was that plain enough for you?

We do, local beats and neighbourhood policing teams. Like i say before, i am on the response teams.

So will people stop having a go at me ;) ;)

DCI Gene Hunt 04 July 2006 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by Felix.
We do, local beats and neighbourhood policing teams. Like i say before, i am on the response teams.

So will people stop having a go at me ;) ;)

Nope, maybe the 'respond to the kiitchen and make me a cuppa team' face it you failed in life..... :thumb:

Felix. 04 July 2006 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by DCI Gene Hunt
Nope, maybe the 'respond to the kiitchen and make me a cuppa team' face it you failed in life..... :thumb:

Nope - we don't have a kitchen.

Face what - i haven't failed in life. Or are you suggesting i should join your party

Leslie 06 July 2006 12:14 PM

You must be getting fed up with this thread Felix. 10/10 for persistence anyway. :)


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