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Weaver 09 November 1999 06:14 PM

I may well come along but I won't be on the track unless I run on my own two feet 'cos I'm carless at the moment (waiting on a bank loan) but you could always take me out in your car to show me what a beast it is (or isn't)......

firefox 09 November 1999 06:29 PM

Hi guys..

Whats happening on the 21st ? of this month ? Day after Donno ?


firefox 09 November 1999 06:29 PM

Hi guys..

Whats happening on the 21st ? of this month ? Day after Donno ?


robski 10 November 1999 12:08 AM

Mike, in a previous thread you stated that Cosworth were the best engine builder, but then you say the RS500s had to be shipped to Tickford. Whys that, do de-tune them!?

Girls drive 4WD eh? Best you tell Ford then, so that they can switch their rally cars to 2WD. Maybe they wouldnt break down so much then, less bits to go wrong and all that!

When it snows, please come to Ipswich (if you can get here). Ive got something to show you, its called the Sierra graveyard by the locals cos they (and only they) get stranded in a dip between 2 hills. Not as funny as a few years ago, since most sierras are now taking part in motorsport (you know what I mean!!)


Stef 10 November 1999 12:25 AM

It's becoming apparent that you only want to run against cars you know you'll whoop!
As you've said yourself, I'll probably win 3, maybe 4 categories, and you'll probably win 3, maybe 4 categories.
It will be the only way we could run together and inject some competetive edge into it.
I've no chance of beating you over the fuull strip, and you've no chance of getting off the line as quick as me, so I reckon that's as fair as we're gonna get.
So are you up for it, or are you typical Cossie chicken poo?
Be warned though. If you lose, you'll be amongst the first victims to take pride of place in the 'obituary' section on my Cossie Killer website.
Take this as a gauntlet being thrown down or whatever, but I await your acceptance with eager anticipation.
Just be grateful my car hasn't got 380bhp like that 3dr though, 'cos then, believe me, I'd kick your butt!

Stef the Cossie Killer.

Stef 10 November 1999 01:09 AM


Perhaps they didn't teach him power application in his ROSPA lessons? How else can you explain the number of 'accidents' he's had so far?


Mike Rainbird 10 November 1999 07:43 AM

Dear Tiggers,
Sorry, but I just can't resist replying!

Ouch, I obviously touched a bit of raw nerve didn't I! But as the saying goes "if the cap fits" and all that... I think you should go to the back of the class and sit in the corner, or alternatively re-read my original posting. I don't think that I will be receiving any law-suits from Ford, because it is a KNOWN fact that they had nothing (other than financing) to do with building the engine and just because they put a Ford badge on the front of the car doesn't change that!

The reason why I popped a few shots off at you was due to the fact that you were "silly" enough to compare Ford's mainstream cars with the Cossies. It would be like me trying to say that just because Subaru produce the Justy etc, that they aren't capable of producing good cars (when the Impreza proves that this clearly is NOT the case). I just think that you should know what you are talking about before letting lose with verbal diarrhoea. Anyway, here's another little gem for you - did you know that the RS500 was actually hand-built by Tickford (as in off-shoot of Aston Martin) - I think their quality speaks for itself.....(but I'm sure you will beg to differ!)

With regard to my sometimes contrary stances - have you ever heard of a thing called "playful banter"? (I think you have probably heard of it, but have forgotten what it means!) And in case that you hadn't noticed, I actually own a Cossie - so it is fairly logical to assume by that fact that I will defend the marque...

What would be the point in agreeing with all you lot anyway - it would make for a bit of a boring thread wouldn't: Stef; "I think Scoobies are brilliant and Cossies are has beens"; Mike;"I agree!". Now where would the fun be in that!

Lighten up and get with the program....
PS I don't drink and I don't smoke......

Dear Stef,
That's not fair, you know you can measure my reaction time on a sun-dial! You're gonna beat me on reaction, 60ft, 330 ft and 1/8 ET (unless I can hook up a really good one!). All that leaves me with is 1/8 mph, 1/4 ET and 1/4 mph. I'll have to go down to the local arcade and start practising on those games where the things pop up and you have to hit them on the head with a hammer, to try and sharpen up my reflexes!

Dear Firefox,
How could you sware at me like that - 4wd (hoik spit!), no I have some other ideas - you'll just have to wait and see! But it doesn't entail transmission style changes (nor wheelie bars Kevin!), nor a drastic weight (700kg!) reduction to get into the 10s..... Also I would not take the piss if something serious happened to anyone's car, only if it was a minor (as in less than a few hundred to repair), as that would really be a nasty thing to do, and I'm not a nasty person (just a gentle piss-taking one), but as you can see I have Rhino-hide and can give as good as I can get (otherwise I would have left long ago!).....

[This message has been edited by Mike Rainbird (edited 10-11-1999).]

robski 10 November 1999 08:21 AM


I seriously was studying, post 23/11 I will make one of your events. As I pointed out yesteday I have only just got the scoob, and can see the potential, but I am trying to adjust to get used to it. I used to run a highly modified FWD celica, and its a very different beast to drive. Plus I really didnt love that car as much, I drove the nuts off it, as a few RS boys found to their horror (especially when one of them went off the road chasing me). So me showing you what she can do is going to be far from impressive. I will be going to donno etc etc after the end of this month, so will see you sooner or later, and as long as I am not tempted to go and see more fords loose at motorsport (speedworth again) I will gladly come for a ride in your car.


Craig H 10 November 1999 08:24 AM

Just sussed that the ROSPA Gold you've got isn't the driving organisation, but the
Rs Owners club Spare Parts Association!
Can't make it on the 21st - I'm going karting 'cos I like bends as well as straights.
With regards to Tiggers post - think you missed that as well.
Finally with regards to Tickford - didn't the do that "luverly" *******ised Capri?

Mike Rainbird 10 November 1999 10:17 AM

Dear Craig,
I'm afraid that sometimes my sense of humour is like your car (slow on the uptake!). Anyway, don't tell him about THOSE Capris, he was probably starting to get a little bit impressed until you had to go and mention that other "job" they did for Ford (quick get me a bag, I'm about to throw up!).

Dear Robski et al,
Hopefully I will meat (sic) you all in the flesh (so to speak!) at Donnington. You will easily recognise me - blond hair, loafers, white socks, speckled pleated trousers, pink t-shirt, white dinner-jacket and fake Rolex (oh and Duran, Duran will be blaring from the car stereo!). Alternatively look out for G888 GCL or M5 MJR....

[This message has been edited by Mike Rainbird (edited 10-11-1999).]

tiggers 10 November 1999 11:05 AM


Ha Ha Ha - haven't laughed so much in ages.

Knew you'd have to post a reply and knew you'd take it seriously despite the winking icon (be careful how you say that).

There's you telling everyone in this post to get a sense of humour when you haven't got one yourself. You really aren't able to pick up on some of this are you? And I was the one who was supposed to be thick .... well well well.

Keep wearing the baseball cap backwards,


Mike Rainbird 10 November 1999 11:12 AM

Dear Tiggers,
Tend not to always look at the icons - the words "hook, line and sinker" spring to mind.....
PS Any self respecting RS owner wears his/her cap sideways anyway!

Craig H 10 November 1999 11:17 AM

Hi Mike,
Doubt Tiggers was impressed - we were talking about fords, remember?
When we look out for you, is that on the road, at the side of the road or on the back of a breakdown?!

Mike Rainbird 10 November 1999 11:39 AM

Dear Craig,
Were you a woman in a previous life? 'cos you really need to be a bitch to have your sense of humour! I feel like getting my handbag out, beating you round the head with it, pulling your hair, scratiching your eyes out and saying things like, "Doesn't his bum look big in those jeans!"

Anyway, if you keep looking ahead (you might need some binoculars for this), you should just about be able to make me out some considerable distance in front of you (as always)! And by the way that's Ford with a capital F to you sonny!

By the way, how will I able to identify YOU so that I can avoi... er I mean meet up with you at Donnington!

Craig H 10 November 1999 11:57 AM

Hmm - is that why I've been called a woman before?
Spot on about the fat arse though!
Need Binoculars - only the ones that can see thru smoke screens I'd imagine.
You'll be able to spot me at Donington quite easily - I'll be the one pissing myself over your car.
Oh, erm, probably won't be alone in that respect.
Capital F? So should we say Ford Cosworth Pile Of C**p?
I may be at Donington. Got the karting on 21st - will probably stay with friends. I'd definitely be there if I could get track time though - but I can't.
If I am, look out for Grey Sti, with Grey wheels (pre-empting the rally cars) hope the RS lot won't get on that bandwagon though.
Won't park next to your car, so as not to embarass it.

tiggers 10 November 1999 12:31 PM


Nice to see you still here banging on about good old Fords.

Sorry I have been so long in replying, but I've been away for a few days driving - you know what that is don't you? - when you go out and drive your car for several hundred miles and it comes back under it's own motive power - not on a low loader. Oh Yes of course, you won't know about that will you?

In your previous reply to me (many days ago now) you referred to the fact that Cosworth has absolutely nothing to do with Ford (while alluding to the fact I was thick I seem to remember). Well I can feel a lawsuit coming on because I don't know if you've noticed, but they've been sticking blue ovals all over those Cosworths so Ford will have something to say about that when they find out won't they?

At the end of the day you can't disguise the fact that your cars are Fords and that's that. The engines/gearboxes may be special, but the rest of the car is Ford through and through. What is it they say - 'You can't polish a turd'. A bit harsh maybe, but you did call me thick.

The other point to note is the somewhat contradictory nature of your posts - on the one hand you talk about people enjoying their cars for what they are and as long as everyone is happy it doesn't matter what you drive etc. etc, but on the other you go into protracted (that means long by the way) prose about how you can thrash everyone on this BBS in the standing quarter and you've a multitude of timing slips to prove it etc. etc. May the two of you should see someone about your personalities.

Finally don't bother with one of you inane personalised replies as I will write it for you to save you the trouble:-

Dear Tiggers,

You've no sense of humour blah blah, not taken in the spirit it was intended blah blah, my Cossie is faster than a McLaren F1, Thrust 2 and Concorde blah blah, I've done 312 sub 3 second standing quarters and have lodged the documentation to prove it with both the FIA and the Vatican blah blah, my car can go round corners as well (in the dry at any rate) blah blah, Scoobies are cheap, manufactured to a budget, and very very slow to say nothing of unreliable blah blah, you're thick blah blah, Cosworth Engineering have never ever heard of let alone done business with Ford blah blah, the standing quarter is a true test of a cars ability as after all what's the point of being good in corners - there aren't any out there on the real roads are there? blah blah ......



P.S. You're right about one thing - 4WD is for girls - my wife loves my Scoob. For girls indeed - next you'll be telling us how much of a man you are because you can drink 50 pints without even taking a leak!

Stef 10 November 1999 12:34 PM

I'll gladly run alongside (not against though! at the Pod if I go on the 21st. I've got a feeling it's going to rain that day. In fact, I'm half hoping it rains at Donno 'cos I love the rain soooooooo much!
I'll tell you what though! As my car has little chance of beating you over the 1/4 mile, what with you having 170bhp more than me an' all, how about we contest the categories on the time sheet? There are seven, and the one that wins the most wins! I've got the advantage for the first half, you for the second, so it should be close.
How 'bout it Rainbow Man, feel up to it?
All in the interest of Scooby/Cossie relations of course. I've got no idea what you're times/speeds are but you have the advantage of seeing my best, on seperate runs though. Don't tell me yours, 'cos then I've got an excuse if I lose, not that I'm not confident or anything!
Seriously though, you'll probably still win, what with 170bhp and 200lb/ft of torque more than me, but at least it'll be closer.

As you've probably gathered, it's down to the Pod again the day after Donno. Gonna come down for support and stuff, or better still, take 'Firefox' on the strip?


Stef 10 November 1999 12:37 PM


You posted the same time as me so I've just read yours.
You're a funny guy! (nearly as funny as me!



firefox 10 November 1999 12:56 PM


If my car hasnt blown at Donno(waits for Mikes comments)... then I might pop down for a visit..

I'll remember to wrap up warm this time......I froze my nuts off... Yes... I am now "nutless" will be running a solid diff ? letting your tyres down a few PSI ? removing your alternator and power steering belt...(oops).... I assume by your comments about next years will be running with a 4x4 drive train ?


PS - Everyone is intrigued by my car.... I havent gone internal.... therefore I run the same boost as everyone... and hence I have the same power... chances are people like R19KET (Mark) or others have more power.... Please put more hope and faith in them....

PSS - I'm a ****e driver anyways...

PSPS - Mike ... there are 2WD cars running 10's... if they can do it..surely u can ?

Mike Rainbird 10 November 1999 01:11 PM

Dear Craig,
I think what you really mean is that you'll be "s h i t ting yourself over my car" knowing that you are in the presence of superior power / handling / build quality* (*I can't believe I really said that, now you'll NEVER take me seriously - not that you did....!).

Probably won't be in the Cossie then anyway, as I still haven't sourced a new diff for road use (and the solid one isn't too keen on corners unless you get it sideways ALL the time, and then its even more controllable than with the LSD - which is what I wanted to demonstrate to Robski last night!).

With regard to Karting how about getting a team of Scooby boys (and girl, Firefox - sorry I didn't realise) v Cossie boys together - would be a good laugh nes pas?

Dear Robski,
The RS500 was assembled by hand by Tickford, Ford provide the shell, and their suppliers (including Cosworth etc.) supplied all the best bits and Tickford put it altogether to make one of THE greatest cars ever. Just think, if it wasn't for the Cossies, there may not have ever been Scoobies (as no-one would have realised there was a market for such a car).

With regard to the whys and wherefores of 4wd on gravel we've already been there (look back a few postings). Anyway the car doesn't get used in poor weather conditions, it is just a weekend toy (but I somehow still manage to do 10-12000 miles a year in it). However, come the dry weather next year (when you won't have any excuses about running in), I'll take you out in mine and you take me out in yours.....

Dear Stef,
I know what you are suggesting is fair, but I also know that you are challenging me on the grounds that you know my reaction times are as bad as Mark's!. However, not one to shirk a fair challenge - I duly accept. However, I wish you did have 380bhp, 'cos we all know what your little 6" diffs would do with that amount of power (run and hide in a corner screaming "leave me alone - I can't cope with the pressure!"). See you on Sat and Sun.

Stef 10 November 1999 01:20 PM

The karting idea sounds good too. We're actually trying to arrange something at Daytona MK for December 5th (see thread in events).
It requires teams of two, and is a 1 hr race with practice/qualifying of course. Cost should be about £40 p/p. The karts there are very fast, and of course RWD, so should suit you. It's a fantastic outdoor circuit nearly a mile long so it's really worth it.
See if you can get a couple of teams together.
If that's too soon, we'll arrange something else later on, you can count on it!
A nice level playing field........hmmmmmmm, not something you Cossie boys are used to is it?


Craig H 10 November 1999 01:25 PM

Take "yourself" out of your sentence and it's about right!
Don't flatter yourself that the Cossie was responsible for the Scoob. Look more at Quattro, Integrale etc.
What we could say is the Capri is responsible for yours. That's fair.
I'd be up for karting. You can't whip us with double the power, so when it's equal should be a bit of a walkover.
With regards to diff's - don't think you've got room to talk.
All that's gonna happen is you get this super strong diff, put the power down and something else will go bang - followed by more excuses!!!

Craig H 10 November 1999 01:27 PM

If it's just a toy, bet you wish it was as durable as a Tonka, eh?!

GaryC 10 November 1999 01:35 PM

Afternoon mike!

Your comment about Cossies setting the 'mould' for Subaru doesn't sit quite right - shouldn't it be Audi Quattro initially fort a start, and then I believe, but stand to be corrected that the Subaru Legacy Turbo 4x4 pre-dates the 4x4 Cosworth. So who played catch up?........but you're welcome

Stef 10 November 1999 01:41 PM

Yes but come on, the Legacy isn't an Impreza is it?
If we're debating who invented 4WD (which Rainbowman hasn't even got!) I'm sure you'd need to go a lot further back than any of the cars mentioned so far.
I agree that the Quattro and Integrale are undoubtedly the original inspiration for the Impreza though, certainly NOT the Cossie.


Mike Rainbird 10 November 1999 01:58 PM

Dear Stef,
To save me wading through the site, where is the Karting place located? I may be able to get a few teams together by the 5th, it just depends on how far away it is....

But an OUTDOOR circuit on the 5th of December in THIS country, I'll just get me coat (thermals, hot water bottle, balaclava, gloves, scarf, waterproofs, wellies, etc.....!)
Best regards
Mike "water off a ducks back" Rainbowman

Stef 10 November 1999 02:04 PM

Oooh you're sooooooooo lazy!
Got to

Stef 10 November 1999 02:59 PM


Stef 10 November 1999 03:00 PM

....I've got to go now........

Stef 10 November 1999 03:01 PM I'll let someone else take it through the 300 mark.

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