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Bye bye Scoobynet!

Old 12 March 2002, 12:03 PM
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A quote from Andy Tangs alias i beleive,to me on the reason he is leaving:

You get the blame because you are a stirrer and an attention seeking ****!

The muppet forum would be a better place without arseholes like you!

People like you give every other muppet a bad name!

My alter-ego has stop posting here as you continue to do so!

[Edited by Big Mouth - 3/12/2002 12:21:36 AM]

[Edited by Little Miss WRX - 3/12/2002 2:13:28 AM]

What a nice chap Andy is.....he goes on about racist issues the reason for him leaving,but it appears to be me....this was edited because the attack was so my dear friend a little condradiction..on your part....
Old 12 March 2002, 12:34 PM
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All I can say is
Old 12 March 2002, 01:01 PM
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With 11,000 on this BBS its pretty much guaranteed that a few handfuls of people will say something you dont agree with. With it being a BBS you dont have to read or agree with it. I dont agree with a lot of things said but I just ignore them and post on the threads I do have an interest in.

If someone said something u took offence to in your local pub - would you never go back? Im not questioning your decision to leave as I dont know you from Adam - its just seems that the easy option is to leave and do nothing.

Old 12 March 2002, 01:08 PM
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If the whole atmosphere of your local pub changed you would consider swapping locals is a more apt comparison I think.
Old 12 March 2002, 01:25 PM
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Not if the same 3 sexy barmaids were still working there I wouldnt
Old 12 March 2002, 01:27 PM
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It's ironic but your post in and of itself is a good example of the types of posts that are dull on here. sorry, mate, don't know you so don't really care whether you like the board or not and don't need to know that you no longer wish to read the threads.

The perfectly santised board that you seem to be looking for either doesn't exist or will only exist if heavily cenosored. There is a real cross section of society on here - not everybody will feel as strongly about certain issues as you do but that doesn't mean their views aren't equally valid. Be more open minded.

let us know which fabulous virtual universe you choose to inhabit next.

Old 12 March 2002, 01:50 PM
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Never spoken with you but have seen you are a valued member of the community here.

Having lived in Hong Kong for some period of time (and no not in an overpaid expat way - I was a delivery driver, and then a handyman's assistant (for Chinese / Korean companies) I am quite familiar with the term gweilo. I don't find it offensive despite its meaning, even when directed at myself.

Just curious to know whether you have ever used it.
Apologies if I'm being presumptious in assuming that you speak Cantonese.

Old 12 March 2002, 01:55 PM
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Gordo, I find it rather sad that you consider some of this communities oldest and most respected members are leaving due to the decline of attitudes/morals are 'dull' posts.

Perhaps when theres nobody left at all to ask about repairing/fixing/modding your car you'll realise just how important those people were.

The sad fact is in the last 12 months or this board has been in freefall in my opinion (and from talking with friends ive met through this board im not alone in that thought), what was once a place where you could ask for help and read useful info seems to have deteriorated into
'x car is better than subaru'
'my subaru is the best thing on earth'
'x has ripped y off'
'name and shame'

As a result its extra quantity in people terms seems to have led to a serious lack of 'quality' posts and instead of being something that was fun and useful to read, is full of attitude and not much pleasant reading.
I don't think you can accuse tango of not being open minded when you don't know him or been part of this board for very long.

Something i have noticed about the net is that people feel safe to attack when they are hiding behind there keyboards in a nice warm office/home yet those people would probably not speak with half as much attitude in person - am not aiming this you at btw, just a summary of what i've seen based on the people i know and the length of time ive worked with and surfed on the net.
Old 12 March 2002, 02:41 PM
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Andy very sorry to read this, very sorry indeed.
Old 12 March 2002, 02:49 PM
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Ptholt. good to see you again.

I posted my comment to express a valid view - if I had posted a 'sorry to see you go mate' post that would have been ok for you all but quite insincere as I don't know tango, hence I don't need to know he's leaving. Lots of back slapping posts are dull and fundamentally pointless.

I agree with you and also dislike the 'my car is best' threads etc. the lack of technical chat on the main board is for two reasons 1) it's easier to filter and divert to a specialist thread (which surely helps you if that's what you're looking for?) and 2) there is less demand for it on the site (a lot of people use this as a social forum as well as those looking for help). I believe there is nothing wrong with a frank and open discussion about suppliers/ individuals.

Do I mind if 'older' and 'respected' members leave? Yes and no. Yes if we're really losing valuable and interesting input, no as there is a natural churn anyway. Your moral stance and expectation that I haven't been on here long is both condescending and redolent of the attitude that this should somehow be some kind of old boys club. You don't know me or how long I've been on here.

There is a lot of nonsense on the boards and this is exactly why people need to be a little more robust in expressing their views. surely a bit of robust discussion is much more interesting than mundane chat? If you're offended then respond to articulate why but prepare to be robustly challenged rather than taking your ball home if people think differently.

I'm rambling now.....

Old 12 March 2002, 03:03 PM
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One of the few good men I have met from the "scooby scene"

Andy, your a formula one, premier league 1st class bloke. I sent you a mail.

Hope to see you soon
Old 12 March 2002, 03:05 PM
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You can't go m8. Your contribution to the bbs has been very informative for me and I'm sure for others too. I have always looked up to you and enjoyed posting in the same threads as you, for eg the thread where you let me know if you found any difference with your standard ECU and boost controller as opposed to your previous PPP and booost controller and many other topics, especially in the tech sections.

I used to open every topic once upon a time. Now I'll be lucky to open 10 in general, another 10 in drivetrain and less in the other forums. The quality has dropped and my post count has lessened dramatically from say 5 posts a day to 1 every third or fourth day. I have always posted in drivetrain and the informative type topics in general and the other forums. I have always stayed away from the less serious topics. Look at the topic title and if it interestes you open it. If it's the crappy, my car this and my car that, keep away.

Just because the quality has dropped doesn't mean you have to leave. It won't make me leave. I have met many people from here and because of this bbs a scooby club has started in Greece with over 100 members now.

Mate, reconsider. At least hang out for the important threads.


Old 12 March 2002, 03:21 PM
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a number of people on here are being boring and distinctly not fun 'cos they're busy moralising and harping on about what fun it used to be in the good old days - 'am not aiming this at you btw'


Old 12 March 2002, 03:27 PM
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Some threads deserve the respect of serious contribution.

Others can be treated with more joviality.

That's how I see it anyway.
I would really miss the laughs if everyone was completely serious all the time, but there's a time and a place...

Old 12 March 2002, 04:02 PM
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point well made. the distinction is subjective, however, and suggests that my last point was not serious. It was.

Old 12 March 2002, 04:12 PM
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Nothing wrong with fun topics. Like you say it would be boring without them. However the my car is better than yours, etc, are crappy. They are the ones one can choose to stay away from.


Old 12 March 2002, 04:21 PM
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I,ve only met you once at PE the other Saturday, and found you helpful and easy to talk too. So was everyone else there that I met and it was my first meet. I was thinking of getting rid of the car but after meeting people like yourself and others I realise it's not just about the car it's the people that come with it that makes it fun to use the bbs. I don't think you will every agree with all the stuff on here but that's life. But the most important thing is not to let a few people destroy it for you. You can see from the amount of posts that people have put up so far, that they want you around as someone they either call a friend or for your knowledge of impreza's.
Seems to me it would be a shame if you gave it all up.
Old 12 March 2002, 04:25 PM
Scott W
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It will be a shame to see you go.

However, I'm sure I will continue to see you at all the local meets.

I also have to agree with you on some of the reasons why you are leaving, as this board has certainly changed over the 15 months or so I have been reading it.

Old 12 March 2002, 04:27 PM
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Andy, I've been called Paki, ***** and all the names under the sun due to my superior mixes of heritage. But funny thing is, I don't give a damn anymore. Perhaps its because I'm from the "Generation X" category being only 24.

Easy, if someone in real life makes a racist comment to you, go near your car, press the button on your remote and say to them, "at least I can afford one of these, so how's public transport faring?"

If someone calls you by a racist name here on scoobynet like someone did to me a few weeks back, ignore them. They're probably inbred anyway..
Old 12 March 2002, 04:44 PM
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I've been an addict reading Scoobynet for a while now and am somewhat stunned and sadened that any form of racism however trivial exists on this board. Yes I think Scoobynet has gone downhill at a rapid pace recently and maybe its time for a more strict approach from the Gods above to improve the situation. Maybe either no response or locked / deleted threads should apply to any topic that is not in the "spirit" of this BBS.
Old 12 March 2002, 05:27 PM
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I don't have an axe to grind here, but seeing as we're supposed to be in a democracy, I'll add my views....

Are there racists on Scoobynet? Probably - 'cos they're everywhere else. Is Scoobynet racist? Of course not

When the going gets tough.....why do the 'tough' just pack up and leave....?

Old 12 March 2002, 05:32 PM
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Don't go m8, m8 you've helped me out no end over the last few months without your help I would't have bought the car I have got - If you do decide to go I understand, I too find comments like that offensive due to my background.

andrew6321 take it you've never had any racist comments directed at you in your lifetime then m8? I can see why Andy has decided to leave, sometimes its best to walk away from things...his decision.
Old 12 March 2002, 05:44 PM
Jolly Green Monster 2
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Will be sorry to see you go Andy.

Also sorry that you have been upset by people on here and by the way Scoobynet is currently going.. it is swings and roundabouts..
things will return to how they were and continue there cycle again.
Some people prefer it as it is and other don't.

I am sure you will leave and pop back from time to time and like everything in life you get bored or too used to things and I am sure when you pop back and the Scoobynet bug will catch you again.

At least you are going to be here for another couple of days (best change the times on your plane tickets) as you have a lot of long replys to read to this thread, which says it all really!

You'll be missed but you have to do what you have to.

See you around I hope

Old 12 March 2002, 06:22 PM
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Dont do it, ive never met you but you sound a top bloke.

dont let a small number of idiots get you down, they ain't worth it


** lets have a 'Stay Andy' vote **

Old 12 March 2002, 06:28 PM
Steve Whitehorn
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Hi Andy only met you once
But you were very very helpful when I had engine problems
Really appreciated the time you took and the contacts you gave me.
Racism eh... I **** f*ckers like that before they can blink ... and perhaps you think I am joking!!!
Very nice to meet you
take care
Steve from Brighton

Old 12 March 2002, 07:03 PM
Andy W
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I would be sorry to see you go!
Old 12 March 2002, 07:20 PM
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Sorry to hear this Andy.

Must be pretty bad for you to leave altogether.
I'm sorry you've been subjected to offensive postings.

Old 12 March 2002, 08:20 PM
Danny Fisher
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Andy, I agree with what MOST of the people have said already. Your one of the nicest blokes about, and a real gent. You SHALL be missed.

Catch you soon at a Peel and Curry night. One coming soon.

Old 12 March 2002, 08:54 PM
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Hi Andy....

Dont know what to say!! Just DONT GO!!! Never met you but you seem like a top bloke! And people like you are needed round here atm!



Old 13 March 2002, 11:06 AM
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This is pointless in my opinion.

All social / cultural / sexual / political etc. groups are going to have their share of detractors, be these groups snobs, trailer trash, black, white, jocks, honkies, frogs, limeys, straight, gay, dog lovers, cat lovers, essex girls, essex lads, east enders, tories, labour, and so on, and so on

In the specific case of nationalities pretty much ALL nationalities have shortened slang terms. Its just some take offence more than others:

Irish - Paddies
French - Frogs
Australians - Aussies
English - Limeys
Americans - Yanks
Chinese - ******
Welsh - Taffs
Scottish - Jocks
German - Krauts

and many more

And as for being offended by a Chinese Takeaway being referred to as a Chinky, get a grip. Thats just part of the language now. Its not meant to be offensive and 99% of people who use the term (most people I expect) don't mean it in an offensive manner.

Sorry if this post itself is offensive but its getting a bit tiresome now.
I appreciate that some areas of the country have racism problems but some people seem to expect a completely sterile society with no swearing, no slang etc.

Well thats never gonna happen

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