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Old 24 June 2005, 10:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Soulgirl
lol - yes - ooops But only up until I remembered your trampolining post - I don't remember everyones usernames/real life being Besides, if you saw photos of me as a gymnast/trampolinist you would have thought I was a boy
Why ?? have you got a **** ?
Old 24 June 2005, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by jods
Why ?? have you got a **** ?
i thought you were going to try playing nicely..
Old 24 June 2005, 11:02 PM
Deep Singh
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Originally Posted by little-ginge
No you cant comment cause you are not even worthy enough for me to wipe my feet on. You do the profession of medicine an injustice.

If you bothered to read my post you will see that i posted this..

admittedly there are some very fine doctors who do know what they are doing and do care and take the time to investigate and then we have the others..

It shows just how backward a thought process YOU must have .. At NO time did i say that if it had been caught earlier he would have 'been cured just like that' - you are making unjust assumptions. The maxo consultant was an absolute star and even he said that it should have been picked up by the GP... Obviously if it had been look at properly to begin with, it would not have been such a huge operation - it's partially thanks to the stunning work of the conusltant that my dad is here today. And yes we did thank him - who wouldnt, tw*t??

It was the doctor & nurses fault that he contracted MRSA - dirty, soiled bandages left for days on end on an open wound which in the end i had to get the patient liason guys to intervene in as they just werent doing their job..The consult was furious when he found out what his staff members had let happen. Dirty syringes left lying around and not disposed of in the sharps bins. Jesus, in the patients toilets, faeces samples were left for 5 days.. this was cleared up only when we intervened & complained.
Just because you have a load of letters after your name does not a) make you gods gift b) mean you are right... to me you are a smug arrogant b*stard of the highest order.

You are right you don't own the NHS... you are only the EMPLOYEE, there to provide a service. If you don't provide it then expect to be complained about. Why should we keep quiet about things like this..our lives in hands of people like you.

I honestly don't expect someone like you to give care or give a toss..your sort never do. It's more than likely a money thing.
Why do I even respond to such nonsense?

I'm not even good enough for you to wipe your feet on? Thank you then please d'ont

Because I have letters after my name I am gods gift/always right. If you read my post I've stated that we are human and therefore make mistakes. I never implied or believed otherwise

' I honestly d'ont expect someone like you to care or give a toss, your sort never do.Its more likely a money thing'
I think your unjustified nasty comments to someone you've never met show your thought process which is angry, finger pointing and illogical.
As for my sort, I wonder what you mean by that? Whats my sort?
As for money, believe me medicine is not a career to make money. I could have done much better financially, I did have other options.

To be honest you sound a bit bonkers

I am an employee and if I d'ont get it right expect to be complained about. I accept that entirely. Luckily I've got it right so far, hence no complaints after 15 years. So why are you having a dig?

Uncleanliness/dirty syringes. Do you think Drs should be cleaning the wards or treating patients?

Your original ranting post to me specifically implied that Drs **** ups were DIRECTLY responsible for your father being fed through a tube and a friend of yours dying. Now you are back tracking on it as you probably realise how stupid your comments were

As for you refusing to be treated by someone like me. I would suggest it would be the other way round. I would invoke my right to refuse to treat you. You may have difficulty in finding another suitably qualified consultant, I will never have a shortage of patients. Most of them thankfully are not as bonkers as you

btw you never told us whether your father smoked. If he does/did then 100% of the problem is his making. You should be thankful there are people around to pick up the pieces of other peoples bad lifestyle chioces
Old 24 June 2005, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by little-ginge
i thought you were going to try playing nicely..
Sorry Miss.

I ask for your forgiveness
Old 24 June 2005, 11:07 PM
Deep Singh
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It would also be interesting to know what you do for a living just to see how much of your caring, considerate personality is put to everyday use
Old 24 June 2005, 11:09 PM
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Originally Posted by jods
Why ?? have you got a **** ?
No, like most men though... I also displayed no breasts till I was 17
Old 24 June 2005, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Deep Singh
btw you never told us whether your father smoked. If he does/did then 100% of the problem is his making. You should be thankful there are people around to pick up the pieces of other peoples bad lifestyle chioces
Whilst sticking up for you wholehearteldly, that was a bit desperate. Like sticking the knife in and twisting it really.

Irrespective of what illness anyone dies from you as a consultant and no body else in reality can actually say for certain whether smoking caused death.

There are far worse things in everyday life above smoking
Old 24 June 2005, 11:21 PM
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"Just wondering if anyone has had to make a complaint about their GP and what was the outcome."

Yes you can make a complaint, ask for details from the practice manager. You should receive a written acknowledgement and then a formal reply. The complaints should then be discussed at the GP's appraisal and possibly as a critical incident review by the practice. There are various levels of recourse after that to the Primary Care Trust, health ombudsman, MP, through the courts or the General Medical Council.

"My son was diagnosed with asthma when he was a baby"

Quite difficult to make a diagnosis of "asthma" in a baby. Most would not give a child this diagnosis until considerably older. The calibre of the airways in a young child easily produces wheeze in response to respiratory infections, and whilst the treatments can be similar to established childhood asthma, the problem often resolves with age.

"Up until now, he's suffered from realy bad hayfever this year and it seems to be affecting his chest, he's had a lot of bouts where he's been coughing, breathless and vomiting a frothy mucus caused by the coughing bouts, so i tried to get an appointment at the doctors but there was none available until 3days, so the reception said for me to take him after surgery for an emergency appointment."

Routine appointment in 3 days is not bad, and being offered the emergency appointment you were sounds like a reasonable service.

"Waited nearly an hour for him to be seen, which turned out to be a complete waste of time, he couldnt even be bothered to examine him, he simply asked what i was given him for the hayfever, which i said Piriton which wasn't working so he prescribed a bottle of Neoclariyton. I said my concern was his breathlessness and explained about him having asthma as a baby and if the hayfever could've triggered it off again, he replied with "he would need a full assesment to see if the asthma had returned, and didnt have time to do this" and i would need to make another appointment to bring him in to do this, ( the assesment is a case of blowing into a tube to check the oxygen levels which takes all of 2minutes) i was so appauled at this, i was lost for words."

The wait of an hour obviously doesn't help the situation. Sounds like the GP cut to the chase to prescribe a suitable antihistamine and the complaint of breathlessness and concern over asthma was not dealt with to your satisfaction.

A full assessment for asthma is not unreasonable as long as the emergency situation has been resolved. Doing a full asthma assessment in an emergency appointment would be substandard in terms of quality.

"So i had to go back to the reception to make another appointment with a DIFFERENT doctor, which i got for tuesday afternoon of next week, which i have now had to cancel because my son was rushed into hospital 12.30am this morning with another attack. After a quick examination a few puffs on an inhaler and a couple of hours wait just to make sure his breathing was back to normal we were allowed to bring him home at 3am this morning with a diagnoses of chest related hayfever ( an attack brought on by pollen on the chest)."

Continuity with the same doctor is difficult when you are sinking under government targets.

"I am just so angry with my GP and i knew the inhaler would have helped from the start, if he had bothered to examine him in then first place there would have been no need for my child to go through something as scarey as this."

It is easy for memory to be coloured by benefit of retrospect. It is easy for a patient's agenda to be swept aside in a pressured emergency consultation. It doesn't help that the emergencies are swamped by inappropriate non-emergency demand.

"So i'm just wondering wether it's going to be worth making a complaint or is it something that'll get brushed under the carpet."

As noted above it cannot be brushed under the carpet. You cannot be removed from the GP list for simply making a complaint. Stating facts and taking a positive approach in a complaint will be most useful and may improve practice.

Having been working as a doctor for seven years, a GP for three, I have received one written complaint which has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties and resulted in improvements to the workings of the surgery. It was very interesting to see the catalogue of errors that had occurred from the patient's perspective, most of which I was unaware of, having involved miscommunication, poor results handling, holidays, delayed laboratory results, bank holidays and a genuinely difficult diagnosis to make that was blindingly obvious in retrospect and not so easy at the time. It is particularly annoying when hospital doctors comment adversely on a GP's treatment. Before I was a GP I felt that there were instances where I wanted to comment but held back. I'm glad I did, because on the other side of the fence in GP land, pathology presents earlier with no "filtering", very short consultations, and lost in the mass of the worried well with their multiple symptoms (how realistic is it to expect 13 potentially complex problems to be dealt with in 10 mins LOL), along with demands to be a dentist, an agony aunt, a pawn to use to get a letter to blag something from the welfare state or time off work, someone to dump social problems onto (especially to displace family guilt about old people on Friday afternoons or weekends), grannies selling their valiums etc etc. Never mind the parents with two cars in the drive who drag you out inexplicably for a child with a cold because they insist they can't bring it out when it has a fever, then want a prescription for paracetamol for it and want their own ingrowing toenail looked at "whilst you are here"...

It is not uncommon for me to have mountains of notes for callbacks etc. Some city surgeries can have literally 50 people for one doctor to see in an afternoon.

Unfortunately, none of all this is a defense against poor practice, but the pressure does get to you. I would be surprised if the GP is lazy or negligent, but perhaps all the good things that the Royal College of GPs advise about covering patient's ideas, concerns and expectations as well as unearthing all their hidden agendas simply cannot be done in emergency appointments, and sometimes I miss things as well because I simply don't prioritise what I need to do in the time available, or don't examine the right bit.

A "full history and examination" by the textbook takes about an hour. In an ideal world every patient would have this, along with availablility for any test immediately without delay or budget considerations. On top of that there would be review of chronic diseases, and health promotion/risk factor control. The quality that could be delivered if you had even 20-30 mins per appointment would be far superior.

Last edited by john banks; 24 June 2005 at 11:26 PM.
Old 24 June 2005, 11:23 PM
Deep Singh
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I did'nt mean it to be below the belt. However in my experience often(not always) those who shout the loudest have a guilt factor element.Whether someone smokes or is obese etc does not affect the way I treat them . Saying that the person who has the most responsibilty for a patients health is the patient not the Dr. Its no good smoking for 30 years then shouting at the Drs when the inevitable big C happens.

That may sound tough but thats life. Little minger/ginger has held nothing back when shes spoken to me. Read back through her comments shes accused me of being a incompetant, uncaring, money obsessed Dr who she would'nt wipe her(size10 bunion ridden) feet on
Old 24 June 2005, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Soulgirl
Whilst sticking up for you wholehearteldly, that was a bit desperate. Like sticking the knife in and twisting it really.

Irrespective of what illness anyone dies from you as a consultant and no body else in reality can actually say for certain whether smoking caused death.

There are far worse things in everyday life above smoking
Someone who talks sense from the medical representative on here.

I honestly cannot be fecked to continue this discussion with you Mr Singh..however, it's all got a bit out of hand. I've said things which maybe were a little outof line, and so have you.That isnt an apology though.

You have tarred us with the same brush by saying we have all made comments about doctors being feckwits..they were your words right?

I said some not all. How many times do i have to say it b4 you take it in?

face it. you work in a profession which is deeply flawed

..I hope if and when someone close to you gets a life threatening diesease they are treated correctly and in a timely manner - but as you are a 100% no complaints guy, i'm sure you can get them to jump the treatment queues etcand no in answer to your question he doesnt smoke.

and as for the way i've spoken to you? speak to me like sh*t you get it back..tough aint it?

Last edited by little-ginge; 24 June 2005 at 11:26 PM.
Old 24 June 2005, 11:24 PM
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Old 24 June 2005, 11:25 PM
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Perfect and balanced reply
Old 24 June 2005, 11:26 PM
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perfect and balanced corner as well
Old 24 June 2005, 11:27 PM
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pmsl you ss!
Old 24 June 2005, 11:29 PM
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ello darlin ;hi ya karen
didnt need me then?
Old 24 June 2005, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by DS
Originally Posted by Deep Singh

btw you never told us whether your father smoked. If he does/did then 100% of the problem is his making. You should be thankful there are people around to pick up the pieces of other peoples bad lifestyle chioces
Hold your horses there DS. I get a little nervous when I hear comments like that. It isn't against the law to smoke. Also I don't think that you are qualified to make that sort of assertation.

I know that that sleasy tw at in #10 is trying to force through a culture where people will be denied medical assistance based upon so called "Lifestyle choices"

Fat fukka turns up with problem heart = **** off and stop eating ****e
Smoker turns up with lung disease = sod off and give up
Rally car driver breaks legs = Not covered it's your own fault

Not a society I'd want to live in. The only people eligible for treatment are those grey dullards who don't drink, don't smoke, don't **** around, don't take risks - You probably know them better by their collective name.

Old 24 June 2005, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by little-ginge

face it. you work in a profession which is deeply flawed
LOL - I think you will find it is the whole human mass that is flawed, not individual doctors.

The profession is not flawed in the way you intimate... it's the publics interpretation of what they expect that is flawed.

Weigh a pound, pay for a pound.... trouble is, most people weigh a ton and expect to pay for an ounce.

I empathise with you over your relatives medical problem but tarring the whole profession with a narrow-minded brush is by no means fair.

Negativity is a pet hate of mine... what went wrong for one person is not a harboured continuity for the whole community.

Blinkered responses to personal injury will be the demise of public funded care... you mark my words.
Old 24 June 2005, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by sarasquares
First time I've been under your **** sara
Quite a nice view as it goes :P

Last edited by jods; 24 June 2005 at 11:36 PM.
Old 24 June 2005, 11:34 PM
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You cheeky bugger take that back. Nothing wrong with us accountants.
Old 24 June 2005, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by jods
First time I've been under your **** sara

lol, good init
Old 24 June 2005, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by jods
Hold your horses there DS. I get a little nervous when I hear comments like that. It isn't against the law to smoke. Also I don't think that you are qualified to make that sort of assertation.

I know that that sleasy tw at in #10 is trying to force through a culture where people will be denied medical assistance based upon so called "Lifestyle choices"

Fat fukka turns up with problem heart = **** off and stop eating ****e
Smoker turns up with lung disease = sod off and give up
Rally car driver breaks legs = Not covered it's your own fault

Not a society I'd want to live in. The only people eligible for treatment are those grey dullards who don't drink, don't smoke, don't **** around, don't take risks - You probably know them better by their collective name.

Your jocular summarisation will in fact become reality very soon... for the NHS cannot afford to keep treating the general public for every ailment. In will creep other top-up private insurance policies and out will go the blanket cover we readily accept, expect and enjoy.

Why should we pay for someones Bat Ears.... why should we pay for the excision of a birthmark that does not present an acute illness, why should we fund the tummy tuck because the fat individual is depressed about their looks?

Pesonally, I would much prefer to pay as I go along, because I would be a cheapo spender

The term Take Advantage come to mind with many people in the uk...
Old 24 June 2005, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Soulgirl
LOL - I think you will find it is the whole human mass that is flawed, not individual doctors.

The profession is not flawed in the way you intimate... it's the publics interpretation of what they expect that is flawed.

Weigh a pound, pay for a pound.... trouble is, most people weigh a ton and expect to pay for an ounce.

I empathise with you over your relatives medical problem but tarring the whole profession with a narrow-minded brush is by no means fair.

Negativity is a pet hate of mine... what went wrong for one person is not a harboured continuity for the whole community.

Blinkered responses to personal injury will be the demise of public funded care... you mark my words.
thought i would take singhs example and tar with one brush, everyone in exsistance..anyway thought we had agreed to disagree..
Old 24 June 2005, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Mrs WRX
You cheeky bugger take that back. Nothing wrong with us accountants.
So Mrs WRX

A few questions :

1) Do you smoke ?

2) Do you Drink ?

3) Do you **** around ?

4) Wanna take a risk ?

Help me with a "Fat Return"
Old 24 June 2005, 11:44 PM
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1 - No
2 - No
3 - No
4 - What are you offering??
Old 24 June 2005, 11:45 PM
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Red face

Originally Posted by Mrs WRX
1 - No
2 - No
3 - No
4 - What are you offering??
What you Want ??

Last edited by jods; 24 June 2005 at 11:49 PM.
Old 24 June 2005, 11:58 PM
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I could take a peek at your ledgers if you wish, or would you like to see my spread sheet?
Old 25 June 2005, 12:07 AM
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I think that my interest would accrue with a double input to your bottom line

God !! - Smutty accounting quotes - What has it come to !!!

Last edited by jods; 25 June 2005 at 12:46 AM.
Old 25 June 2005, 12:10 AM
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It must be the weather! A serious thread degenerating into ****!
Old 25 June 2005, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Mrs WRX
It must be the weather! A serious thread degenerating into ****!
Hey - You started it !!

I suppose you'll lose interest if I make an early withdrawal from this thread.

Last edited by jods; 25 June 2005 at 12:18 AM.
Old 25 June 2005, 12:17 AM
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pmsl..what are you 2 like? get a room!! then you could admire each others figures..


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