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Old 06 April 2004, 02:17 PM
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What has that got to do with anything I've outlined above?

I don't dismiss your arguments or the facts (which I backed up with a link to an article) just because your an idiot do I?

I haven't condmened the "poor man" as you put it, merely some **** thugs.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:18 PM
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NACRO; a rational, honest democratic voice for decent people would be a start, as to the terrorists/ scum etc, sure there would be room for policy to tackle them.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:20 PM
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I don't think the BNP offer a rational, honest, democratic voice for decent people. they are a mouthpiece for hatred.

I agree though that such a thing is sorely needed.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by NACRO
I don't think the BNP offer a rational, honest, democratic voice for decent people. they are a mouthpiece for hatred.

I agree though that such a thing is sorely needed.
Totally agree, I just find it difficult to believe people actually cant see whats behind this kind of insidious propoganda.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:21 PM
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And white have never been intimidated? Never had **** through the door, had their graves desicrated, churches attacked (although religion and skin colour are 2 very different things), been attacked on the street for being white?

Yes the backroom boys for the BNP may be doing this to non-whites, but other groups are going round doing the same thing to whites.

Fine cry out about crime motivated by prejudice (and crime in general, there is far more non race related crime going on than racial I am sure) in whatever form that takes, but don't start being selective about it and just have a go at one small groups of them or you become as bad as they are by picking on a group for its beliefs and the actions it takes to "defend" those beliefs.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:34 PM
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So we are in agreement then ollyk? It doesn't matter who is doing the hating they are all the enemy, including the BNP. I look upon them as no better than the type of people that advocate strapping bombs to themselves and killing innocent people.

I agree there are attacks on white people in a similar vein to those on jews, muslims, homosexuals etc. All hate crimes are repugnant.

Some people on this thread however either fail to acknowledge the true agenda of the BNP or prefer to play it down for political reasons, just like Nick Griffin does.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:37 PM
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lol olly i agree its true u guys act like its your country but it aint like i said it belongs to all of us

and cel 88 my brother, i bet u recognise that u wanna be, u will always be a wannabe im pure blooded, thats something u will never be 88 is just symbolic for u but its the bad side in my blood

im proud to be a human not a race

and shrek stop attacking nacro he is an awesome person

and like im all for bnp but we need a extremist party for us to defend us against the red white and blue and give it back to them 10x fold never spare an inch they will take an arm, but chop of the hand that tries to harm u, thats my motto

bnp use sick things to get their way, trust me if their were more hindu;s, jews or blacks than muslims they will single out that single community who are the majority of the ethnic people and in this case its the muslim but they would do the same with other races and religions if they were a majority so dont be fooled by the ethnic liason, its the wolf in sheeps skin ideology

but hey were ready play with matches u will burn dont start what u cant win , u should learn what your white christian leaders of the world have done their terrorist policies in the world have made this world dangerous but not the coloured but the whitemans policy of imperialism has and look they can try to go to others lands and bomb them but they can never stop , as long as they oppress they will get far worse, so the bnp dont know what their doing, their creating a timebomb when it explodes they will suffer more than our coloured community

i hope u understand from my point of view, im using the whitemans speech here but i dont mean any harm to my white brothers and sisters who are humans, coz for me i dont believe in a race as me as a muslim their is no such thing as a race but one brotherhood

in that way im like hitler he wanted unity and brotherhood for the white race

i want unity and brotherhod for all my muslim brethren and non muslim brethren

its a stupid parable aint it coz i no way like hitler but in the idealogy of unity i am the same
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:39 PM
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olly their is a cancer its genetic its called the white mans burden as nelson mandela called it and others, u will have to live with that cancer that makes u hate others

no harm intended to my white bros and sisters ,i swear , just to the animals
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:44 PM
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Oh well with speak like that moses I doubt you really can apoligise. And if your 'brethen' go out and start bombing and killing Brits then me and my 'brethen' will go out and start shooting you.

It won't take much for this country to boil over at the moment. A couple of bombs and a few people killed will lead to riots.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:44 PM
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So we are in agreement then ollyk? It doesn't matter who is doing the hating they are all the enemy, including the BNP.
Be careful - your earlier quote "equally my right to despise them for their beliefs." is getting yourself very close to putting yourself in to your own enemy bucket

I don't have a problem with anybody having a view, even if that is a "racist" one, if they want to start taking thier view to another level and actually start doing something of a violent nature about it, then I have a issue with that.

So I don't have a problem with the BNP saying they would like to send all non whites back to their country of origin, I don't agree with it, but they have the right to that opinion. If they start bagging people up and dragging them to the docks at night, then I have a problem.

Some people on this thread however either fail to acknowledge the true agenda of the BNP or prefer to play it down for political reasons, just like Nick Griffin does.
I don't think too many people are in much doubt about the BNP undertones. What was being comented on, at least early on, was that some of their polices are actually not too bad, such as reducing polution, sorting out crime, better discipline in schools, ensuring pensioners are taken care of and so on.

I can't recall who, but somebody said if you take the racist overtones away and start up a new party with the rest of the policies you would be on a pretty good footing. In terms of what I would like to see happening I would tend to agree with that, I did however hold issue about how they would finance it!
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:46 PM
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SLightly off topic but during my schools RS lesson we were shown a video were a Muslim claimed that Muslims wanted to take over the western world. Ther policy was either agree or be killed.

As you can imagine that fuelled a lot of racial hatred for most of the people in the lesson...
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:52 PM
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sorry but bombs and riots are irrelavant esp if they are aimed at the normal populus, its only when an insurgence targets economic centres of power that any real notice is taken. Bin Laden, is the most astute exponent of this policy- and look at his background- weath & power.
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Old 06 April 2004, 02:54 PM
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Call a spade a spade
Nacro contradicing himself for a change. I seem to remember him advocating mass extermination of 'the underclass' on many occasions. That is a true white suprematist **** mindset.

The fact that he holds up Nicolas - all tenants are scum - Van Hoogstraten (sp) as his role model is a reflection his true contempt for his fellow human beings. For these reasons, I would dismiss anything he has to say on any subject out of hand.

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Old 06 April 2004, 03:01 PM
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yes unclebuck, well said, the nacro person does seem illogical, but he is a self confessed troll i hear. why does he bother posting with his troll name i do not know, perhaps he seeks acceptance from his peers or is simply posting to troll further.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:02 PM
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[QUOTE=**************]I dont get this racial hatred thing though with Muslims. Muslims are of one particular religion, not race. Muslims cover the Earth from this country across the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia, Asia/Europe/America every where you go there are Muslims. They are not one race but one religion. If you disagree with their beliefs then you are against their religion, not their race surely.

This was the point made by the 'BNP' guy in England Expects last nite, to explain the fact they were not racists.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:03 PM
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Uncle Buck- it seems you are unable to differentiate between a remark made tongue in cheek and some heartfelt views.

In any case even if there is some perceived contradiction in what I'm saying it doesn't in anyway make the truths of my argument any less valid does it?

I'd suggest that your inability to put aside your own personal agenda and actually look at the issues made in this thread puts you on the wrong side of the fence, in fact dangerously close to the kind of trolling behaviour you decry.

Dismiss the truth if you prefer to hide your head in the sand, it's your right. It won't stop me from commenting though.

Canon try to come up with your own stuff if possible, you only seem to exist for one purpose, to troll on threads I contribute to, feel free to do it but don't then try to play the "troll" card yourself, it's laughable.

Last edited by NACRO; 06 April 2004 at 03:05 PM.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:03 PM
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olly their is a cancer its genetic its called the white mans burden as nelson mandela called it and others, u will have to live with that cancer that makes u hate others
Mmmm - and blacks are not killing other blacks out in Africa? Asians are not killing other Asians? I don't think it is the burden of the "white man", just "man".

I take people as they come, I am not bothered what religion you are, what skin colour you have or which country you ancestors came from. Damn I don't have to go far back though my family lines to find Irish blood there, go back further an no doubt there will be French and Scandanvian as well, and further back Roman.

Britain is a mixed up place as far as race is concerned and has been for a long long time. We all need to try and get on a bit better. If you are a British citizen (regardless of route), then you should stand up for Britain IMO.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:04 PM
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Give it up moses. These people want to look out for their own kind then so be it. Okay, lets kick out all these foreign nationals and take their business elsewhere. And when the jobs dry up and the economy goes down the drain, they'll have themselves to blame. Mark my words. I was right when I said the war in Iraq will raise Optimax prices (see me looking out for the poor) and I will be right when I say the BNP WILL get elected and f*ck the country up good and proper. It'll be like South Africa was years ago with all the sanctions.

So Nacro, how much is a villa in France?


Fact: Univeristy fees are over 10k a year for foreign nationals

University prefer foreign nationals as they get to pay to study in the UK (unlike grants and student loans) hence the prestige of a uni comes from how many "away students" they have like in the colleges in Oxford.

A huge percentage of the UK money comes from foreign investments. It'll be fun to see what happens when foreign investors shun the UK and go for a better bet like the far east where theres money to be made.

How many British car companies are kept afloat by foreign car manufacturers?

How many of you drive a Japanese import like say a Subaru? If not, what are you doing here?

Last edited by Katana; 06 April 2004 at 03:11 PM.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:07 PM
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You can get somewhere nice for around €150,000, I won't be here much longer myself, I've got a tasty contract in Copenhagen to go to in the summer. Life is sweet isn't it
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:12 PM
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Blimey thats cheap Nacro. Even my semi detach costs more than that. But does the prices go up a lot though? I'm just bored with this place of mine.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:13 PM
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'the nacro person does seem illogical'

Indeed he talks more b*llocks than Tony Benn on his shoebox.

Can we ask ourselves why the BNP is getting more support? Isn't it just due to frustration at our government for doing nothing? Anyone who doesn't think immigration is spiralling out of control is a fool. And many muslims who I work with think exactly the same(I've put this to avoid being stereotyped as a BNP supporter). Does that make them racist too???
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:17 PM
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Whatever anyone thinks about the BNP, they shouldn't be taken lightly. Just look at how much Le Pen's NF party has grown in France.

At the last general election, in Southwark North & Bermondsey, even the NF got a worrying number of votes - in an area that I gather has a large ethnic population.

See here

With many viewing the BNP as less extreme (and therefore an acceptable alternative) than the NF, they will continue to gain votes until someone in power has the ba11s to confront the issues.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:17 PM
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you are unable to differentiate between a remark made tongue in cheek and some heartfelt views
Not at all. I know exactly where you are coming from, as I said. You consistently display all the arrogant right wing elitist attitudes which would make for a very neat fit with the BNP mindset. In fact, I feel sure that to them you would have all the makings of model citizen.

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Old 06 April 2004, 03:21 PM
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The problem is you can't tell the difference between a wind up and reality UB. Do you agree with my assertions or not? Or are you unable to comment because of prejudices of your own?

Katana the prices don't rise automatically the way they have done in England but the general trend is up over time. Here in SW France your £105K will get you a nice Bearnais/Basque villa with a view of the mountains and a swimming pool, detached with 6 bedrooms and a whole bunch of land.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:23 PM
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Jerome - looking at that link it shows that the bnp got 1.7% of the vote in 1997 then didn't put a candidate in the last election but the NF did and then got 1.7% of the vote. So no gain at all in the extreme right wing vote there then???
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:27 PM
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Hehe I'd rather be voting a party that would give power back to the upper classes. That way, you'd be judged by you status and wealth and not by your skin colour farmer.
All this judgement rubbish annoys the hell out of me. Who gave anyone the right to judge other people? Are we all so damn perfect?

What a totally stupid comment - that we should be judged by our wealth and our 'class'! Is it the case that everyone who has a low paying job is not worthy of having any say in things?

Don't judge them on their skin colour, judge them on how much money they have!! What absolute nonsense.

When are people going to start thinking with some intelligence? Underhand comments like the quote above, and digs regarding people's skin colour need to stop. They just incite more hate.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:27 PM
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I intended to vote for a BNP candidate last election, however, there wasn't one - and as labour were the only party with a local candidate (and probably one of the most secure seats in the country) I voted for them.

not next time - i might even vote tory, if anybody.

Blair needs a kick up his **** or he'll start taking liberties like the tories did when they won a 3rd term.
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:32 PM
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king ra as i looked at the good white man as my brother and straight away u split us and showed us the division when u mentioned my brothers will bomb and your people will shoot

yes their my brothers in religion but not im bombing and if your people shoot the innocents in my side, u think u will get gifts back or bombs .

u know why some british born ethnics hate british people coz u make us feel like immigrants when we arent, white man has created terrorism and became the biggest terrorist in history, i mean that as an answer to the bad ones

and bravo mate muslims dont want to take over the world but yes they do want others to be their muslim brothers

we aint like the white christian people they are the ones who want to take over the world and enslave africa and the middle eastern countries and milk their wealth and treasurses, pls my friend dont compare us muslims to the fanatical white man

bravo i luv u as a bros and i think u know it so peace

and yes in islam we aint a race their are more yello muslims than the brown, black and white muslim did u guys know that

and chechens, bosnia, albania khazaks, syrians and lebanese and others their all white muslims but we dont see them as whites we seem them as muslims
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Old 06 April 2004, 03:38 PM
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don't compare us muslims to the fanatical white man

don't take this the wrong way mate - but how many christian suicide bombers have you heard of?
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