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WTF! Got done again!

Old 25 July 2003, 07:43 AM
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Think your'll be getting 3 points, anything over 57 and its a court summons, I know as I was informed that if I was another couple of mph more I would have been in court.(young and stupid in my old calibra).

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Old 25 July 2003, 10:34 AM
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It doesn't matter what car you are in or how much over the limit you were doing mate. The fact is that the big lump of metal you are propelling down the road is a missile and WILLkill.

I have been hit by a car doing less than 20mph, i was told that had he been doing the limit of 30mph i would be dead. A friend of mine wasn't so lucky and he was hit by a car doing 35mph. He survived but now has a re-constructed face, a limp and has only partial use of his rihgt hand. It devastated his life and he has problems working not to mention the psycological problems he had for years later and perhaps even now.

We have a conception of "being caught" and getting fines and points on our license. You MUST consider the impact you could have on so many peoples lives if you even injured someone and this includes your own.

Nothing is worth this, life is everything to everyone and the fact that your boss may give you a bit of ear ache doesn't even come close to the ear ache and heartache you would suffer in the knowledge of taking a persons life away. I have knowledge of this and it is sickening.

Like the guy's have said, you keep the speedy thing to the remote twisties if you have to and when you use your scoob for anything other than the fun factor (such as country twisties) you should utilise the car for the purpose you mainly bought it for such as getting you and your own from A to b safely.

The Impreza is a wonderfully weighted car and i think others on here get pi55ed when you flout the un-written rule of us being safe, conciencous drivers who save the performance for were performance should be used.

I hope you dont get banned but i also hope you DO learn and consider what i and other scoobynetters have said.

Rant over, sorry.

All said IMHO of course

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Old 25 July 2003, 10:49 AM
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Isn't it great that we are all so whiter than white folks?
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Old 25 July 2003, 11:00 AM
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Problem is that we tend to learn from our own mistakes or those of close friends. I haven't hit anyone, had an accident, therefore I'm not a bad driver or I'm not a nutter, speeding driver.

Not having experienced a major 'off' and never having clobbered a pedestrian or cyclist or been a passenger when it's happened, I never used to think about the consequences.

Now I'm old(er), I do think about it and slow down. It was bad enough when I hit a rabbit the other month and felt all of the little bones crunching through the steering wheel (I wasn't in the scoob.).

Selfishly, I've no desire to experience coping with the aftermath of mutilating or killing someone because of my driving.

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Old 25 July 2003, 11:07 AM
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Talizman- I think that everytime the apprentice Police in here type drivel.

Lets face it kids, stay off the kin road and you won't be hit!!

As for Buzzer above, wtf? The guy is cursed, him, then his mate!!
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Old 25 July 2003, 11:12 AM
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Why is speeding on country twisties more acceptable Buzzer? You could still kill others and yourself.

Speeding is dangerous. Period.

The thing is, we all do it and nothing anyone says will stop that. We drive performance cars for the very reason that they are capable of it.

I too have seen the devastation it can cause when I have attended RTA's and dealt with families.

The main thing is that people need to be sensible.
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Old 25 July 2003, 11:12 AM
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No-one is whiter than white mate. I think what i was trying to say at one point and others on here is that to drive at nearly twice the permitted speed limit in a place where there may be a lot of potential hazards is over the top.

Yes, we can all put our hands up and say "yes, i've done 35-38 mph in a 30!" and that is something that every driver has to admit to at some point in their lives. All i was trying to demonstrate was that a lot of drivers have a very cellular atittude to the Police and safety of others in that they feel they are in control of the situation which, is clearly not the case otherwise Turbohot would have noticed his speedo.
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Old 25 July 2003, 11:16 AM
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Devil's advocate:
I know we all harp on about hitting pedestrians, but does anyone really know how many pedestrians are killed/injured each year? And how many of them were drunk fools who wandered into the road on their way home?

BTW, I've been hit by a car and was lucky enough to walk away with nothing more than a broken watch. And it was my own fault - I didn't look properly before I crossed the road; it was a quiet, dark lane in Scotland at night. I wasn't drunk, but wasn't paying attention. I guess the person that hit me wasn't speeding as I'm still here now.
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Old 25 July 2003, 11:38 AM
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I wont be dragged into a full scale argument and your comments are Well noted.

I was hit by a car when i was 8 years old and admittedly my fault as i tried to cross the road.

Fact I would note be here if that driver was doing 30 mph.

My mate was hit by an RS 2000. He wasn't on the road, he was on the pavement. The car mounted the pavement because he lost control around a corner as he slipped on oil or something slippery.

Steve, i wasnt justifying it mate. Just from my personal experience there are places where i live that i know that i can drive/accelerate on country type roads at a much quicker rate than i can on a built up road. that doesn't mean i'm exceeding the speed limit as these are national speed limit rated and you would have to be crazy to get anywhere near these speeds. If i wanted a fast car for straight lining i wouldn't of bought the scoob, i bought the scoob for its cornering and acceleration capabilities.

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Old 25 July 2003, 11:41 AM
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Fact: 80% of accidents involving pedestrians were caused by the PEDESTRIAN.

Yet, the majority of speeding awareness is aimed at the drivers to slow down not the pedestrians to look where they walk.

Now, before you shoot me down, im not condoning speeding, especially in built up areas.

Limits are there for a reason and IMO 30 limits shouldnt be broken whatever the situation BUT we've all done it and we'll do it again. And just because someone has been caught doing it doesnt give us the right to judge.

Unless... you can honestly say, you wouldnt have have NEVER done it.

In 1999 i knocked a kid off his bike in a 30 zone, he came flying through a car park that led onto the road and straight out in front of me, i hit him head on, his head hit the bonnet and then he was thrown to the ground. He was lucky, only bumps and bruises. However, he had no helmet and didnt have a care in the world. If id have been doing anymore than the 25/30 i was doing, he may not have been so lucky.

So, whats right and whats wrong? Its wrong to speed whatever the limit and if you happen to hit someone and your speeding, then you have to accept to consequences.
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Old 25 July 2003, 11:46 AM
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Well said Boro

Totally agree with you.
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Old 25 July 2003, 01:50 PM
Paul Woodward
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There are some flowers by the side of the road on my way to work at the moment and to be honest I didn't take much notice of them. But I found out yesterday they were for the 17 year old son of a guy I used to work with, who was killed there the other day.

It certainly makes you think when it's someone you know!
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Old 25 July 2003, 02:18 PM
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OK OK I get the point Im not some nutter on the road as like some of you are making me out to be the cops were undercover by the way on the brow of a hill hiding behind a road sign again on the end of a dual carriage way which merges into a 30 on the outskirts of a built up area I was in the outside lane and could not / was not able to get in to lane as the people in front of me slowed down after seeing the cops and bunched all the trafic up which left me in the ****

I do not condone speeding but to me why arnt the cops by the important sites schools, blackspots etc in visable clothing to act as a deterant like i say i have drove on the same road for 3 years and its not just me there are plenty of people who have been done on the same road and i might add its easy to nick people straight after a duel carageway into a 30 its like shooting fish in a barrel!!

there is always people which like to say ohh you deserve it wait to you get the same.
the way its going at the moment it wont be long before you are in the same boat!
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Old 25 July 2003, 02:45 PM
mista weava
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time to change the name of this website to "self-righteous-net"

lay off the bloke ffs - he made a mistake, now he will be punished - kick him whilst he is down why don't you.

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Old 25 July 2003, 03:52 PM
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The thing that got me was the "Thanks for the telling off!" attitude, especially as this is the second time in as many months. What was he expecting, a group hug and a biscuit?

No matter which way you slice it, speeding (at over 50mph!) in a built-up area is irresponsible, especially in daylight when there's a school within half a mile. You don't really have much cause for complaint if you're nicked doing it.

Turbohot, I've got to ask: If you saw all the other traffic slowing down and pulling in, why on earth didn't you just do the same?

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Old 25 July 2003, 03:54 PM
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ok the bloke got caught speeding - he knows he fooked up..

We get three pages of replies saying what a bad boy he is & thats outrageous etc, so every sigle one of you self rightous idiots never speed? doesnt really matter if its in a built up area or 2am on an open motorway!

doesnt matter if it was 1mph over the limit or 100mph over the limit - its still breaking the law!!

god damn im glad I dont live in the same areas as some of you people, seems like some of you would grass me up to the council for the grass on my front lawn being a centimetre too long

you all speed, dont try & deny it, he's just a little more unlucky than the rest of us - at least he's got the ***** to tell everyone & accept hes fvcked up
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Old 25 July 2003, 04:33 PM
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Mista Weava and C, thanks for your understanding.You know it could be any of us any day driving a high powered perfomance car on British roads.
Greasemonkey,you did pick on the "Thanks for telling me off" ATTITUDE but you didn't take notice of me saying "I deserve it", "I am so stupid","I don't deserve Scooby" and "I am a k*ob" etc.,did you?You didn't see how embarrassed I already felt.
By the way,it's you who has a hole-picking attitude. Some people come on Scoobynet with "No Community spirit" but hole picking nature/ATTITUDE!
The reason I couldn't pull in coz of heavy traffic.No one would let me!I tried! I couldn't make out the congestion beforehand.Had I, I would have pulled in far before.Do you think I get a buzz of getting speeding fines and points?
Go on,PICK and HIGHLIGHT another comment of mine and walk all over me! And by the way,I am not a bloke,I am a woman.Slag me off a bit more for that too!
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Old 25 July 2003, 06:29 PM
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I noticed all the self-admonishment. I also noticed the comment that you "may" be more careful next time, plus the claim that you sped "unawarely" (sic). It was these that got my goat as it made it sound like you hadn't really learned anything.

As for "queue" of traffic in the inside lane not letting you in, I'm not surprised given that you were probably travelling at double their speed. Why didn't you spot them all slowing down and do the same yourself? It wasn't being in the outside lane that got you nicked, it was hooning down the outside lane at twice the prevailing speed limit that made you stick out like a sore thumb.

You're right, there's always a danger of this sort of thing happening when you drive a high performance car. The only answer is to take more responsibility for the way you drive, and, as has been said elsewhere, drive sensibly.

Your high performance car also has high performance brakes, and if you'd used them at the same time the traffic around you started slowing down, this wouldn't have happened.

[Edited by greasemonkey - 7/25/2003 6:36:41 PM]
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Old 25 July 2003, 07:12 PM
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The attitude in this thread is most unnerving.

Turbohot has already acceeded that he screwed up, admitted it, yet some of you on here seem hellbent on turning it into some nasty flamewar!

If Turbohot hadn't admitted he was wrong, then fair enough, but he did, and quite early in the thread admitted he was wrong, yet some of you 'holier than though monkeys' (for want of a better expression) continue to berate. Whats the point? He's admitted he was wrong, I think he gets the message, any further aggravated comments kinda defeat the object.

Speeding in a 30 is wrong, technically, speeding ANYWHERE is wrong (unless you are Jack Straw evading a 'perceived threat'!), it appears that Turbohot also knows its wrong, so why not lock this thread before a few more people demonstrate what a big **** they are?
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Old 25 July 2003, 07:21 PM
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These kind of threads always turn into a shambles. The self-righteous brigade should just STFU - the penalty point system takes care of persistent offenders, not the **** whingeing of holier-than-thou a-holes using the internet to tell everyone what a good and law abiding citizen they are.

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Old 25 July 2003, 08:11 PM
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hey Greasemonkey the guys are right put your own flamesuit on you nugget! I suppose you drive round @ 25mph with a traffic jam behind you buy yourself a micra!!!!!!!! and be done with it sad head!!!
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Old 25 July 2003, 08:27 PM
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>Turbohot has already acceeded that he screwed up
Turbohot has admitted that SHE is a WOMAN. Can't you read

Give HER a break, all of you. Everyone breaks the speed limit. Admit it.
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Old 25 July 2003, 08:43 PM
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No Mr Inforcer, I don't. However, if I see a change of speed limit up ahead at which all the traffic is slowing down, I figure it might not be a bad idea to do the same thing

As for whether Turbohot is male or female, it makes not the slightest bit of difference. Either way, if you live in the jungle that is Dickie Brunstrom's back yard, it helps if you learn to swing from the trees.
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Old 25 July 2003, 08:46 PM
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STFU monkey boy!Get a life! You need to buy a micra and a caravan!
whats it like in the slowlane of life!
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Old 25 July 2003, 09:24 PM
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greasemonkey warning us of the dangers of cars again

get a fekin mountain bike mr clean
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Old 25 July 2003, 09:34 PM
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Red face

ho ho ho! now i have an ally mr GM muppet!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 25 July 2003, 09:47 PM
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Hmmm, yes. You two didn't sit together in school by any chance?
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Old 25 July 2003, 09:51 PM
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Im not surprised at the kind of posts that have appeared on this thread, both with mixed views, myself included, although my post was more of a 'crikey twice in two months, and pointing out what the judges thought of my convictions in a slightly longer period of time, resulting in me being banned for 6 months'

Yes we all speed (at least most of us admit to it), and yes I have been caught many times, mainly in my foolish youth

There is no excuse for speeding, we all know the limits, and we all have speedos (however inaccurate they may be) to use as a guide

Yes we all love driving our cars, and like the odd blast, but I for one would never post on here that I got caught speeding (if I did) due to the reaction from most people

I try and learn from my mistakes, as Im sure Turbohot will, or at least not to post on a public forum, that you got caught

I agree this thread should be locked, and future speeding threads be locked (or just dont post), to avoid any aggro, and the constant bickering that ends up happening, and dragging SN down

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Old 25 July 2003, 10:15 PM
AliWrx Mk2
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Unlucky mate.
Ignore the do gooders.
They never speed, they have their scoobs and never ever break the speed limit.
Wise choice of motor Eh!
May as well buy a Micra
Hope it gets sorted for you.
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Old 25 July 2003, 10:18 PM
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why not reply! freedom of speech not allowed on scoobynet then sorry I do not agree Im getting banned from using a fooking computer now then and speaking my mind! sorry typing my view on a public website.

Ever thought of a career as a cop or a politician! no one asked you to open this thread did they!
dont enforce a law you did not introduce!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ftfbo GM.Which school did you go to and what did you read at school?I tell you what-Junglebook!!!Monkey boy,you haven't even got any mates!Go on and get on with your cleaning!
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