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Maz 01 August 2013 02:26 PM

Having just had back surgery I've now been diagnosed with DVT.:( Post surgery on returning home I started developing pains and swelling in my right foot/calf almost immediately. Initially I ignored it and put up with for a couple of weeks. After some nagging from her in drawers I saw the GP. I actually started off discussing other things and casually mentioned the swelling and leg pain.
The doctor immediately sent me to A and E with a letter (deja vu:Suspiciou). After an ultrasound I was diagnosed with two clots, one in my thigh and one at the back of the knee. I suppose I can consider myself lucky to have been seen before things got worse. I've been on injections since Tuesday (day of diagnosis) to thin the blood. I've also been prescribed Warfarin. I will also need daily blood tests for the next week or so to monitor blood levels.
Sat typing this I am angry and upset. Angry because the issue of DVT was not discussed on my discharge after surgery. I was not given any information or advice. Upset because I already have weakness and numbness in my left foot/calf and now my right leg is absolutely killing. This pain is horrible and makes me feel sick. If I was an animal they'd probably put me down!
Has anyone any experience of DVT and is there a possibility of recovery and relief from the pain.:)

Dingdongler 01 August 2013 03:31 PM

Einstein, sorry to hear of your problems.

To be fair you probably were told about the possibility of a DVT because it's one of the standard complications we mention when consenting for surgery. However there is so much information to take in and it's a stressful time so people don't remember it.

I'm guessing of course, you may not have been told. In my hospital everybody having anything other than minor surgery is told. It's because of the risk of DVT we have you wearing those funny stockings and the physios try and get you moving as soon as possible.

Anyway, you'll probably be on the Warfarin for about 6 months or so and it will settle.

You'll need some regular blood tests to make sure your blood is 'thin' but not too thin. Whilst on the Warfarin make sure to take care and not do anything that might cause bleeding ie DIY, contact sports etc.

Look on the bright side, the DVT could have got dislodged, ended up in your lung and killed you.

Seriously though, I hope it settles.

Btw did you have the numbess/weakness on the operated side before the surgery or did it develop after?

Maz 01 August 2013 03:56 PM

Thanks for the kind words Ding. I did wear the stockings whilst in hospital but they were removed upon discharge. To be honest I can't recall any specific info/advice relating to DVT risk post discharge. Anyway all that's by the by and I'll just have take things as they come. My blood level is currently 1.3 and it needs to be between 2 and 3 to be in the safe zone. So I'm taking 10mg of Warfarin today and going for another injection and blood test tomorrow.
I did have some numbness in the left foot prior to the surgery but it's a lot worse now. It's an angry, aggressive sort of numbness. I have been told it should settle but will take time. To be fair that's not really a concern now, I need to get over this DVT malarkey! Once again thanks for the advice Ding.:)

Chip 01 August 2013 04:07 PM

Can't help on the DVT but hope all works out OK and you make a full recovery.


john banks 01 August 2013 04:19 PM

If if helps, looking on the bright side, getting a DVT after surgery has a much better prognosis than getting one without provocation. Good luck with recovery.

Dingdongler 01 August 2013 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Einstein RA (Post 11166228)
Thanks for the kind words Ding. I did wear the stockings whilst in hospital but they were removed upon discharge. To be honest I can't recall any specific info/advice relating to DVT risk post discharge. Anyway all that's by the by and I'll just have take things as they come. My blood level is currently 1.3 and it needs to be between 2 and 3 to be in the safe zone. So I'm taking 10mg of Warfarin today and going for another injection and blood test tomorrow.
I did have some numbness in the left foot prior to the surgery but it's a lot worse now. It's an angry, aggressive sort of numbness. I have been told it should settle but will take time. To be fair that's not really a concern now, I need to get over this DVT malarkey! Once again thanks for the advice Ding.:)

No probs.

The injections you are on are called clexane (enoxaparin), it's a blood thinner as well. Since it works quickly it is used as 'bridging therapy' until the Warfarin kicks in ie until your INR reading (blood test) is above 2. The INR is a measure of how thin your blood is.

It takes Warfarin 3-5 days to kick in (as I said until your INR hits 2) and at that point the injections can stop.

Warfarin has many interactions with other commonly used drugs, some will exaggerate it's effect others will reduce it. Read the product sheet carefully to make sure you are aware of these. And as I said make sure you are careful not to cause trauma to yourself ie contact sports, DIY etc.

Hope you feel better soon mate and feel free to PM me if you want.

Turbohot 01 August 2013 05:01 PM

Sorry to know that, Maz. Rest well and get well soon.

JTaylor 01 August 2013 05:09 PM

Yep, as before, get well soon, mate.

Matteeboy 01 August 2013 05:10 PM

That must have sh4t you right up?

Hope it naffs off soon - the SN doctors will sort you out ;-)

greenonedave 01 August 2013 06:11 PM

Keep off the booze and vitamin K and cranberry juice:nono:

rich0375 01 August 2013 06:17 PM

I got a dvt too after my motorbike accident last year, got one right at the top of my leg, been on warfarin for near on a year, had another scan recently and got another clot behind my knee, doctors have told me to stop taking warfarin as they are happy I wont get anymore!? told me it will be at least 2 years before it starts to get better. I got the impression they were just guessing everytime I saw them. my leg is worse now than it ever was. Don't know what to do about it. I've got to wear them stupid stockings for years.

bustaMOVEs 01 August 2013 06:49 PM

Sh1t maz your really not having a good time of it ATM.
All I can say is get well soon fella and I hope your back on your feet soon, As you look like a fit and healthy giant :D:thumb:

warrenm2 01 August 2013 08:38 PM

Not knowing much about it, but if there's a clot in a specific location, why not just operate, open up the vessel and yank it out? Is there a problem with accessibility or maybe closing up and sealing the blood vessel?

Dingdongler 01 August 2013 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by warrenm2 (Post 11166531)
Not knowing much about it, but if there's a clot in a specific location, why not just operate, open up the vessel and yank it out? Is there a problem with accessibility or maybe closing up and sealing the blood vessel?

You will cause more harm

zip106 01 August 2013 10:31 PM

Einstein - if you need more stockings, I'm sure Ding will send you some of his fishnets.


dpb 01 August 2013 10:40 PM

Girlfriend has spent time in hospital with this, ten years plus ago , when she was thirties maybe, on the long flights back to SA I thought maybe she really ought to be moving around. No problem so far

Sorry to hear your problems

dpb 01 August 2013 10:43 PM

Now I think about it she gets big cramp in her foot, but i don't think it's the same limb :wonder:

need4speeduk 01 August 2013 11:18 PM

Chin up Maz. It could've been a lot worse, e.g PE. Numbness is not uncommon post spinal surgery and it doesn't mean it won't improve with time. Nerves are funny things.

Positive mental attitude mate. It goes a long way. It may seem like a long road to recovery right now but YOU WILL get there.

Maz 02 August 2013 12:11 PM

Thanks for kind words folks, it means a lot. It's going to be a long road but as Matt says there is light at the end of the tunnel. Onwards and upwards.

David Lock 02 August 2013 12:51 PM

Sorry you are poorly old son.

The standard blood INR test can be usually be done at your GP surgery and many now have a neat machine that will analyse a drop of blood and give you an instant reading. The hospital will then advise you if you need to change your Warfarin dose. A target of 2.5 is pretty standard. I get an email from hospital with any changes required and when to get tested next.

If you have any dental work then let dentist know you are on Warfarin. Try not to forget taking the Warfarin but don't panic if you do forget.

I've taken Warfarin for years without problems (touch wood).

I try not to bang my head and start an internal bleed off :Whatever_


GC8 02 August 2013 07:11 PM

Hope that you feel better soon.

Maz 05 August 2013 02:29 PM

Five days in since diagnosis and it's a hard slog.:( The swelling especially around the foot and ankle has noticeably lessened. My INR level was over four on Friday so the Warfarin has been pegged back to 2mg. I don't mind the constant blood tests (daily and two on Friday!) but it's the calf pain that's hard to bear. It's absolutely horrible and hurts like mad all the time. I've taken some Cocodamol and sitting here typing it's just about bearable.
Hopefully as the treatment progresses the pain will lessen. I'll have a discussion with the consultant regarding painkillers in the coming week.

Leslie 05 August 2013 03:22 PM

Very sorry to hear about your problems. Glad to see that it seems to be improving now. I hope they get it fully sorted soon.


Torquemada 05 August 2013 04:34 PM

Hope it all gets sorted mate.

As mentioned, sounds like it could have been worse. A mate of mine was in a horrific go karting accident years ago and had a heart attack after his surgery due to clots. Good to hear that yours have been caught before any major damage.

All the best for recovery :)

Maz 06 August 2013 10:29 AM

Once again thanks for the kind words.:) It is scary to think what could have ensued had I not gone to the GP. I am now under the care of the Warfarin clinic as an outpatient so things are going as planned thankfully. :)

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