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Lettuce 24 February 2013 08:51 AM

Some COCK has put a paving slap through my window!!!
Woke up this morning to this.....

and the offending object....

This sort of thing has never happened to me before, i obviously need a new rear window, which will have to be tinted as the rear sides are tinted and will look odd if the rear is not. What sort of price am i looking at for a replacement or is it best going through my insurance, think i have £250 excess but do have my no claims protected. Any recommendation for the bedfordshire area, is autoglass my only option i bet they wont do tints will they. Just after some guidance from member who may have gone through a similar thing before. So pissed off right now!!!

winston69 24 February 2013 08:59 AM

Makes my blood boil stuff like this! What have they achieved, tossers

chocolate_o_brian 24 February 2013 09:02 AM

What a Cnut :(

Drink related you think? Or has someone previous beef with yourself?

simb 2 24 February 2013 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Lettuce (Post 11002610)
Woke up this morning to this.....

and the offending object....

This sort of thing has never happened to me before, i obviously need a new rear window, which will have to be tinted as the rear sides are tinted and will look odd if the rear is not. What sort of price am i looking at for a replacement or is it best going through my insurance, think i have £250 excess but do have my no claims protected. Any recommendation for the bedfordshire area, is autoglass my only option i bet they wont do tints will they. Just after some guidance from member who may have gone through a similar thing before. So pissed off right now!!!

Really gutted for you mate! There's some scum out there!

If its just the window that needs replacing then you should be able to get it replaced under the windscreen/window section of your insurance. This will mean lower excess of between £50 - £100 and even better wont affect your No claims discount.

If there's interior damage and you want to claim for that aswell then your excess will be higher and no claims bonus maybe affected unless its protected.

Good luck mate


ditchmyster 24 February 2013 09:03 AM

Ouch, glad i'm not around you now, you must be ready to rip someone a new ar$e hole.

I'd contact the breakers on here and see if anyone has a tinted one and get a local one man band windscreen fitter to fit it, as even with fitting it's going to come in under your excess + tinting.:thumb:

good luck with it mate and i feel for you, these things are sent to try us.

Make sure you get a sympathy shag off the MRS.:thumb:

CharlySkunkWeed 24 February 2013 09:07 AM

Get it tinted before u fit the new window too , alot easier.

scoobygaz1 24 February 2013 09:10 AM

What complete to55ers as bove should be able to claim on your windscreen cover with out affecting your ncb!

scoobyrat 24 February 2013 09:14 AM

complete Cnuts! fcukin jealous wankres! dose my head in that low life scum do this

JonMc 24 February 2013 09:17 AM

What complete tossers - jealousy makes people do outrageous stuff:mad:

In terms of the replacement, if you have a factory tinted rear screen make sure you get another factory tinited screen, and if you can get the lightweight version - take the silver lining out of this cloud:thumb:

Lettuce 24 February 2013 09:27 AM

Yeah im soooo angry right now. God knows how the bit of concert found its way into the front passenger foot well. It has cracked a dash side panel near where the glove box is, it looks like thats a separate section and can just replace that panel by the looks of it?? The gear knob has been damaged and scuffed and so of scuffs on the dash also!! the car was perfect inside and now ive got these reminds every time when i get in the car from now on. Any ideas if i should claim the dash and internal damage on the insurance or can this dash side panel be found easily and cheaply??...i try and grab some pics of the dash

B4D HK 24 February 2013 09:27 AM


Moseley 24 February 2013 09:31 AM

Harsh, real harsh. I suppose you could look on the positive side that at least it wasn't on the roof or a major body panel as that would no doubt be a lot more costly.

If you can get it on windscreen cover, great, but be wary of claiming on your insurance as a separate claim as although your no claims are protected, your premium isn't. They can use the claim as an excuse to hike your premium next year, which may not work out cost effective for the sake of the price of the screen.

fpan 24 February 2013 09:36 AM

WTF is wrong with people? I hope there is Karma and the same or worse happens to them.

Did it end up at the front footwell being thrown from the back?!

If you don't want to claim from the insurance, Scott at Scoobyspares regularly breaks cars and you will find what you are after.

The Dogs B******s 24 February 2013 09:39 AM


stann01 24 February 2013 09:45 AM

this makes me feel sick with fury, out on my job seen same thing but on a brand new bmw. makes me think twice about coming back to scoobyville!
when i had my classic got it looking perfect and some knobjockey decided to key it all down the side......just wish i came out when they were at it.

mjharper 24 February 2013 09:45 AM

Arse holes, karma is a bitch!

chunkb 24 February 2013 09:46 AM

Got no time for these sort of tossers,hope who ever did that get aids and dies.

Lettuce 24 February 2013 09:53 AM

Yeah the bit of concert was in the front passenger foot well, i was looking in the back for the offending object and couldnt see a thing so was surprised to see it in the front. On closer inspect its actually a part of a concert post that indicates where the water mains are on the street!. I know where it exactly came from as the street across from my house has had load of road works just done and its left from that...council workers not tidying up after themselves!!!

Heres the damage to the dash etc....

Lettuce 24 February 2013 10:01 AM

The offending object...

I just dont understand how it found its way into the front foot well, considering the hole in the glass it fairly low down, there is no damage that i can see to the spoiler, boot or the back on the front seats. Unless he...she was able to throw it like a frisbee in between the boot and spoiler perfectly which is very unlikely.

Have phoned a few places and have been told that ill be looking at £500-800 for replacement!!!! So have phoned my insurance 1st Central who have glass cover, but have just got off the phone with them and says they cant find any stock of this glass in the bedfordshire area today being sunday but will phone about i MIGHT get it fixed tomorrow, on the plus side i only have £80 excess!!!

Any tips on how to weather proof this thing and secure it for today/tonight??

leecalcars 24 February 2013 10:09 AM

wanker$ no need ,you got something theyll never have because they cant get of there fat arse to get a job and buy there own ,i hate this sort of thing had a spate down our street seem to come down every couple of years to wreck other peoples property society is fooked !!!!

RUDDY 24 February 2013 10:13 AM

I can't see it physically possible to throw that from the back and it land in the front footwell? Could it have been flicked up by a car or a lorry?
And thank god those rusty bolts haven't ripped your STI seats!
I just don't think you could throw that heavy concrete that far through glass?
I don't suppose you will ever know whst exactly happened!
Gutted for you though.

irondrew 24 February 2013 10:14 AM

I would seriously consider emailing the council with pictures of damage and the object used to cause it. They have a responsibility at the end of the day. You never mate, don't ask don't get! Feel for ya! Still can't understand how the heck it found its way to the front though!!!!!!

rolexwrx 24 February 2013 10:24 AM

Hi had my rear window replaced at christmas
Would you belive my son lobbed a golf umberella on the parsel self and it broke the window.
took a week to get and relpace by auto glass (but was christmas week)
had to pay the £75 excess.
Asked the guy on the phone cost if not insurance
not sure if he bigged up the price but was told
it would have been over £1000 to supply and fit

Busterbulldog 24 February 2013 10:28 AM

Absolutely gutting thing to wake up to,pissheads probably,on the pop all day watching rugby....probably makes em feel macho the pricks.Surprised you didnt hear the bang.

darrenb87 24 February 2013 10:44 AM

Would it not be a good idea to contact the police as well?
Can't believe someone would do this to someone else's car.

RA Dunk 24 February 2013 10:45 AM

Fcuk sake, thats low!

There's some proper scumbags walking the streets nowadays, more than ever IMO.

matty4113 24 February 2013 10:45 AM

Jesus! This is absolutely disgusting. Hope you get it sorted soon. As a quick weatherproof fix, just put a couple of layers of parcel tape across the entire hole area, this will shelter it from the weather, or tape some bubble wrap over it.

Emmaroids 24 February 2013 10:48 AM

tossers, makes me so angry that there is no respect for peoples belongings :mad:

hope you get it sorted soon

salsa-king 24 February 2013 10:48 AM

makes you sick :(

have you reported it to the police?

stonejedi 24 February 2013 10:51 AM

Sorry for your troubles mate,but as said before I would contact the breakers on here who usually have Subaru rear window glass sitting on a shelf.maybe invest in some CCTV and point it at your car wired to a internal recording hardrive.SJ.

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