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Justin 19 January 2000 12:30 AM

I dunno, the 'dunking of unfavourable or unpopular women down at the local pond' doesn't sound too bad either?!

Trout 19 January 2000 10:35 AM

I saw on teletext this morning that the Council for Protection of Rurual Environments has submitted a paper to HM Gov on rural traffic measures, including:-

40mph speed Limit on rural roads

20mph speed limit through country villages

Also a ban on cars on nominated country lanes that will be restricted to walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

Shortly, no doubt, this will be followed by:-

A requirement for a man with a red flag to walk in front of your car,

Small children to readopt the practice of working in mills and cleaning chimneys,

Taking of unfavourable or unpopular women down to the local pond and dunking them in it,

The unexpected arrival of the spanish inquisition for all users of the banned substance - Octane Booster

The return of Primo Nocta and Noblesse Oblige

etc, etc, etc



Ian Cook 19 January 2000 10:53 AM

The only one of these measures that makes any sense is the 20MPH limit in villages. But then i do live in a village, thats high street is used as a rat run by traffic, we often get them doing 60+ down a high street just wide enough for a bus just so they can skip a half mile of traffic queing for the M1.

MorayMackenzie 19 January 2000 01:09 PM

They would have to update the old witch testing methods, otherwise there may be a national shortage of ducks and large weighing equipment!

Not sure about the return of droit de signoir (sp), suppose it depends on your social standing as to your opinion!

Tim W 19 January 2000 01:26 PM

My Dad is a Parish Councillor in a small village in Kent, and they were asked for recommendations for restricted access roads by the County Council early last year, it's all been forgotten about now, because no one could suggest any sensible routes!

I still think Horses should be banned from metaled roads, as they've (the riding lobby, not the animal successfully managed to ban most 'Green Laning'.

I thought that the consensous was that lowering the national speed limit on rural roads to 40 mph would be unworkable. Mind you looking at all these 50 limits cropping up I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen

Ian Cook 19 January 2000 01:45 PM

The stupid thing is they use the high street as a rat run to avoid the by-pass we had built in the 70's ??????

NickM 19 January 2000 02:22 PM

My parents live near a small village called Brasted in Kent. The council decided to introduce some traffic calming measures a few years ago by extending the pavement in places and putting bollards in the middle of the road. What they effectivly did was create a couple of chicanes in the high street! The boyracers loved this and now drive down there even faster than before.

Bromley council also decided to put "rumble strips" on a well used and fairly wide country lane (60mph limit I believe). These things are UTTERLY pointless. Why? Well the faster you drive over them the less you feel them. The only purpose they serve, IMO, is to upset your braking should you find yourself having to slam on the anchors suddenly.
Saying that though I've seen countless muppets hitting the brakes to slow to 30mph before going over them so maybe they were designed for the not too bright...


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