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rob oneill 12 May 2002 12:02 AM

Cant believe this all happened in one day, not had any near misses in ages,

First up, I was driving at about 40 coming round a left hander, when some bloke in a people carrier decides to cut the corner coming the other way. Forced me up the kerb to avoid a head on and smashes off my mirror, then carries on going!.
I chased after him, he wasnt going to stop, and managed to corner him. Think he thought I was going to beat him up or something.
I was very calm and polite, he said he just paniced and he says hes going to pay. His car was worse im glad to say:D

Next,feeling a little shook up I carried on a bit slower than normal, doing 50 in a 60, when I see a woman in a BMW waiting to pull out of a side road. She does not look my way atall and pulls out on me VERY late. I only just stopped without hitting here, probably saved her from serious injury due to her own stupidity. And what does she do? Shakes her head at me disaprovingly as if Im in the wrong!!!

All this within hanf an hour.

I decided to put the scoob away after that.

Rant over!

pslewis 12 May 2002 12:07 AM

My mummy said there would be days like this!


Adam_K 12 May 2002 12:09 AM

count yourself lucky m8, somebody piled into the back of my car shunting it into the car infront (they hit my car at around 60mph), and then they fooked off never to be seen again and the police can't find them :(

so now i have 1 written off car, and no NCB, and a sky high insurance premium in the near future :(

rob oneill 12 May 2002 12:10 AM

My Daddy said that too:D

rob oneill 12 May 2002 12:11 AM

I feel lucky now Adam.
Sorry for you though mate.:(

rob oneill 12 May 2002 12:22 AM


I just hate the way that it can all be taken away from you in an instant, through no fault of your own:(

Adam_K 12 May 2002 12:27 AM

the bástard thing is, cos my car was on finance (which i took out when i was 18 about a year and 8 months ago) i will get fook all out of this cos the insurance company will give the value of my car to the finance company, and i will have outstanding debt to pay off on a car i don't own anymore :(

LG John 12 May 2002 10:45 AM

Rough!! Maybe he took exception to your modifications!! Good luck getting a replacement. Don't fancy a black VTS by any chance do you ;)

Dang, couldn't resist plugging the car :rolleyes:

Reffro 12 May 2002 11:41 AM

You weren't kidding about that smash, it looks like your alloy wheels got knocked clean off the car too...

Adam_K 12 May 2002 01:40 PM

if i could get insurance on a vts i would, but also i'm gonna go for some jap crap now i think.

catflap 12 May 2002 04:58 PM

Hey yehh, what happened to the alloys???

I hate it when people do stupid things on the road and then shake their heads at you! It drives me mad!

Ali (Mrs Caflap)

shunty 12 May 2002 08:12 PM

Rob - I get this fairly often,
example - on the way back from TSL with me new suspension fitted....
a standard mondeo wouldn't let me past, we then hit dual carriageway off a roundabout & he tried to match me on the bends:eek:
I stayed behind him for the entertainment value (f or a while;) ), me son thought it was hilarious...his motor was all over the place.
btw - the guy was about 45 with a suit on...amazing.

ps - get used to it unfortunatly:sad:


scooby555 12 May 2002 08:30 PM

You had my full sympathy until you said the words JAP CRAP now you can go and **** yourself and your piece of french crap [img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]


shunty 12 May 2002 08:40 PM

yeah Adam_k - bit stoopid saying "jap crap" on a subaru site...
maybe's a different thread with the cossy lads having a bit of banter;)


Adam_K 12 May 2002 09:40 PM

i think some people have misunderstood me. i wasn't meaning jap crap offensivly, thats just what a call jap cars. I'd rather have a jap car any day over the saxo which rattled over every bump and had bodywork equivilant to a roll of tin foil.

Adam_K 12 May 2002 09:51 PM

p.s i don't like fords, wouldn't buy a dagenham dustbin in this lifetime :D

Disclaimer :-

with all the political correctness on this site i feel i must say that i intend this post to be humorous and not cause offense.

DMB 12 May 2002 09:58 PM

"Bodywork equivilant of tin foil"


Have you seen the metalwork on a scooby? thats tin foil!!

Whats with the scoop and the wing on the other one? i hope it has an intercooler under that bonnet cos if not :rolleyes:

Ralf 12 May 2002 10:53 PM

You think that was a joke? Sadly no. Performance Car judged the ancestor of the VTS tha AX as "made of a choc bar wrapper"


DMB 12 May 2002 10:59 PM

Not a joke mate just made me laugh cos it's usually only scoobys that get the tin foil remarks

Adam_K 12 May 2002 11:10 PM

sorry, but people who can't joke about their own cars wind me up. nobodies car is perfect, no matter what they drive. i know the saxo ain't that great, but i was 18 years old when i got it, and would anyone care to disclose what they drove at that age?? most are in clapped out old novas so i don't think i did that bad.

if i could have any car right now it would honestly be a scooby, but being 20 and having 2 fault claims and 3 points really doesn't bode well with the insurance companies :(

scott22 13 May 2002 10:24 PM

Yep, I can sympathise with you mate...

Best thing to do is have a respray - bright yellow usually does the trick!

(I had a yellow type R a couple of years ago, and no-one could ever say "sorry, didn't see you!")

Downside; coppers spotted me too many times before I had change to see them! (became my best buddies after getting pulled over about 6 times in a week!)

Now I've got a blue Scooby, and a lot better now - but have to look out for the flamin' idiots again though!!


Adam_K 05 December 2002 12:17 AM

just to hit home, this was her a few days before it happened,

and then after,

[Edited by Adam_K - 5/12/2002 12:18:08 AM]

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