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pimmo2000 28 July 2011 07:14 AM

A Scoobynet tale
Not sure how well this will work here, but worth a go. Basically you just write a few lines of a story, but you need to make it follow on from the last post and try to include forum members and forum topics .. so for example:

As he approached the junction PsLewis could hear the faint grind of metal on metal, as he applied more pressure the noise grew louder, could this be ..

and the next post adds the next few lines :Suspiciou :thumb:

NAF 28 July 2011 08:01 AM

his bionic hip finally giving up the ghost ?? He sat down heavily on the roadside and let his mind drift back to the terrible events earlier that week in Cairo ..

bigsinky 28 July 2011 08:17 AM

when his camel deficated in the middle of a busy city junction. With a police man screaming at him in Arabic, he wearily climbed down from his camel with his doggie bag and pooper scooper.........

what would scooby do 28 July 2011 08:19 AM

The End.

ditchmyster 28 July 2011 08:47 AM


Then as he bent down to shovel the poo the police officer sliped his man batton up his poop shoot and rode him like a camel in the sahara derby

Carlh 28 July 2011 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by ditchmyster (Post 10157278)

Then as he bent down to shovel the poo the police officer sliped his man batton up his poop shoot and rode him like a camel in the sahara derby


After being ridden for what seemed like days, and having a hole as big as a scooby exhaust....

Leslie 28 July 2011 12:12 PM

...his Dawes Device however remained totally reliable and enabled him to boost his efforts to the maximum with a weather eye on his Knock light.


Hysteria1983 28 July 2011 12:33 PM

....After what seemed like days alone in the desert, he happened upon a wonderful site.... A young man carrying a sheep, wearing nothing but the Welsh flag as a shawl. This man went by the name if Will, and he offered to give PS Lewis a hand....

Hanley 28 July 2011 12:45 PM

Will offered him exclusive use of his Cock Link to...

ditchmyster 28 July 2011 03:14 PM

kiss kiss bang bang the sheep..

Will 28 July 2011 04:19 PM


in exchange for a pair of velcro knee pads, that, PS Lewis, swears will last for 90,000 bums

madscoob 28 July 2011 04:43 PM

so after taking 2 viagra lewis started to road test the knee pads in order to demonstrate how good they where

Ant 28 July 2011 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by madscoob (Post 10157986)
so after taking 2 viagra lewis started to road test the knee pads in order to demonstrate how good they where

lewis then decided the viagra pill dimensions was 0.000001mm out of their quoted dimensions and decided to take them to court for a good bumming.

madscoob 28 July 2011 04:50 PM

the court case was thrown out after the camel gave evidence and proved that he did manage a boner . as per the scrape marks on the knee pads

joz8968 28 July 2011 04:54 PM

I've got nothing to add, as I'm ROFPML

madscoob 28 July 2011 05:04 PM

said the judge as he passed sentance for wasting the courts time . i do hearby sentance you ps lewis to spend the remainder of your years at sunnyside retirement home . your position will be head camel carer and gardener , your honda will be converted into a lawnmower in order to assist you in your duties

Hysteria1983 28 July 2011 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by madscoob (Post 10158021)
said the judge as he passed sentance for wasting the courts time . i do hearby sentance you ps lewis to spend the remainder of your years at sunnyside retirement home . your position will be head camel carer and gardener , your honda will be converted into a lawnmower in order to assist you in your duties

... Not my Honda screamed PS LEWIS!!!

I have acquired a sheep that will 'cut' the grass with no effort required, leaving me to spend all my time talking to all the lovely GILFS whom I can impress with my extensive knowledge of everything...

mamoon2 28 July 2011 05:38 PM

.... However Pete's time at Sunnyside was short lived, he was thrown out for masterbating vigorously at the 20 year old care assistant.

Dave the care assistant has since remaining on sick leave....

madscoob 28 July 2011 05:45 PM

he was last seen leaving sunnyside averaging 55mpg , clutching a restraining order , to not contact dave , however he was soon pulled over as a keen eyed rspca officer spotted the camel on his trailer

ditchmyster 28 July 2011 06:02 PM

With what looked like a set of false teeth stuck in one of the clagg nuts on the camels a$$, fearing the worst that pete could have been ingested by the votex vacume created by chomping on the camel and blowing bubbles up it's a$$ through his nose he pulled the car over only to discover

madscoob 28 July 2011 06:08 PM

a pair of hush puppies hanging out of the camels ringpiece , with muffled screams being ommited from same said hole , upon closer inspection of the car it was found to being driven by dave the care worker with a large grin embeded on his face , how can i help you officer ? said dave inbetween grins

joz8968 28 July 2011 07:30 PM

:lol: I...can't...breathe...

madscoob 28 July 2011 07:38 PM

said the police officer , how the hell did you get 55 out of this pile towing a huge trailer .and why the big grin ? dave replied ive just managed to get his average mpg down to 41mpg nailing it up that hill , is he still on the trailer i fear i braked to hard at the last roundabout

s70rjw 28 July 2011 08:12 PM

"Is this going to take long, officer?" asked the deluded pi*s smelling Lewis. " I was in the war you know. You Police are all pus*ies I'm the Scoobynet Daddy?
I need to be off to spout more of my self opinionated drivel on Scoobynet.
There's this new boy you see, Tony de Wonderful they call him. He's trying to catch me up, posting more shi*e than me on Scoobynet. And I need to drop the oil in this diesel Civic for some lawnmower spec dinosaur oil. I'll need to remove the crank sensor too, before starting her up. She's closely related to the Honda touring car you know. Anyway under the Brown government and before him the great Tony Blair you could......

joz8968 28 July 2011 08:18 PM


Shakespeare... Keats... Shelley... Byron... Wilde... Twain... et al...... They have nothing on the SN Massive! :lol:

my06 ppp silver 28 July 2011 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by s70rjw (Post 10158379)
"Is this going to take long, officer?" asked the deluded pi*s smelling Lewis. " I was in the war you know. You Police are all pus*ies I'm the Scoobynet Daddy?
I need to be off to spout more of my self opinionated drivel on Scoobynet.
There's this new boy you see, Tony de Wonderful they call him. He's trying to catch me up, posting more shi*e than me on Scoobynet. And I need to drop the oil in this diesel Civic for some lawnmower spec dinosaur oil. I'll need to remove the crank sensor too, before starting her up. She's closely related to the Honda touring car you know. Anyway under the Brown government and before him the great Tony Blair you could......

literally get away with murder:Whatever_

madscoob 28 July 2011 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by my06 ppp silver (Post 10158413)
literally get away with murder:Whatever_

look at me for example iv'e just had full bodied sex with a camel on a trailer whilst doing 55mph in broad daylight and no one has mentioned it

s70rjw 28 July 2011 08:44 PM

See my performance diesel can do 55mph. You're all so shocked at me pushing performance boundaries to a new level you're speechless. Oh hang on, my bag's full. Is it the smell of my sh*t that's..............

Hysteria1983 28 July 2011 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by s70rjw (Post 10158447)
See my performance diesel can do 55mph. You're all so shocked at me pushing performance boundaries to a new level you're speechless. Oh hang on, my bag's full. Is it the smell of my sh*t that's..............

... Getting the attention of all the teachers. We all know that they are full of it!!

'Anyway, officer I really must dash, if I want to snag myself a last minute trip to Benidorm before all those lazy teachers snag the chep flights.
As if they need to book a holiday now, they get enough of them anyway!!'

PS Lewis skips off in the direction of the closest holiday hypermarket...

Ant 28 July 2011 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by Hysteria1983 (Post 10158473)
... Getting the attention of all the teachers. We all know that they are full of it!!

'Anyway, officer I really must dash, if I want to snag myself a last minute trip to Benidorm before all those lazy teachers snag the chep flights.
As if they need to book a holiday now, they get enough of them anyway!!'

PS Lewis skips off in the direction of the closest holiday hypermarket...

but forgets he has trolley duty at asda, "Darn it" i'll ask my friend.....

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