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BBB3 19 April 2011 11:42 PM

think its time to sell my impreza and purchase this baby -

i better buy this before one you lot make an offer :thumb:

Henrik 20 April 2011 06:59 AM

I think it looks like an interesting car, to be fair... Yes, it's just a saxo, but lots of work gone into it by the looks of things :)

Norman Dog 20 April 2011 07:06 AM

You have to respect the engineering that went into it, but it's a Saxo.
380BHP in a tin can like that must be genuinely fcucking scary. :eek:

astra_dave 20 April 2011 08:29 AM

that is seriously cool Saxo or not :-)

B0DSKI 20 April 2011 08:35 AM

No mention of the spec on the brakes. Hope they are better than the OEM items, gonna be quite a heavyweight with 2 engines in there

wazzawrx 20 April 2011 08:56 AM

Got to respect the amount of work thats gone into that !

Carlh 20 April 2011 09:40 AM

Its still a saxo at the end of the day and everybody hates saxo drivers as they are knobs, and a central driving position... you prob cant have anyone in the back so it'll only ever be yourself who would enjoy the car. Everything would have to be declared (if you wanted to be legal) and I cant imagine what sort of insurance that would bring - probably more than your scoob I bet. Its a nice car, but not very practical. Think before parting with your hard earned cash bud! :)

Littleted 20 April 2011 10:05 AM

it would royale piss u off if that blew u away and u had no idea what was under the hood

looks nice, some1 should buy it for their 17 year old then have a bez yaself :)

Carlh 20 April 2011 10:10 AM

Yeah, and 380bhp sounds impressive but its going to be weighing an awful lot..... and I bet when you've got two engines on, its going to be a thirsty biatch and also, services are going to be a lot more unless of course you can do it yourself.

With all that weight, I wonder how good it is at cornering..... Might be fine on a track but down lanes with sharp turns.... Think it would let you down if you didnt end up in some hedge or a farmers wall lol

Brun 20 April 2011 10:54 AM

Yeah, and 380bhp sounds impressive but its going to be weighing an awful lot
Not really imo. What does a Saxo weigh? 950kg. Add an engine / gearbox @200kg and a body kit and other stuff, another 100kg maybe? What have you got = 1250kg with a power to weight of 304 bhp/ton. What else has that sort of power - Caterham Superlight R300 jumps to mind. A Hawkeye would need 425 bhp to match it.
Sounds like a hoot to me :thumb:

m@t STImulation 20 April 2011 11:14 AM

the effort involved with the interior alone

wrx fifer 20 April 2011 11:40 AM

WOULD BE NICE TO SEE WHAT IT HANDLED LIKE oops caps and to feel the torque

Rob Day 20 April 2011 12:02 PM

I bet this handles like a dream....... moe like a fcuking nightmare!!!

The Saxo's have reliability issues, never mind when you have doubled the "issues" up on one car.....

Also who built this up at a staggering 25k!!!!!!!!! hmmmmm 25k Saxo or a 8yr younger Spec C Litchfield with around 8k spare...hmmmmm


wrx287 20 April 2011 12:11 PM

The central driving position would take some getting use to:cool: A definate sleeper though:D

TonyBurns 20 April 2011 12:17 PM

Converted to 4wd so will handle pretty well I expect ;) plus 2 gti-6 engines, pretty reliable units, so its going to be quite a sleeper :D


fastmike 20 April 2011 12:23 PM

Shame the standard look wasnt kept as much as possable...... Can you imagine the fun in scareing Ferrari and Porsche drivers away from the traffic lights.

I think the work that went into that is fantastic its a great technical achievment

CREWJ 20 April 2011 01:52 PM

That's a really cool concept, well done to whoever has made it happen.

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