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davyboy 12 April 2002 11:56 AM

Was passenger in a car today that was behind a car that hit a dog (not a nice thing to see :( ). I think the guy stopped, not too sure?

What should you do? Who should you contact?

Not so sure I would have stopped, nasty blood stuff!

Dirty Wrong'un 12 April 2002 11:58 AM

I think for dogs, deers and badgers you have to report it to the police. I know when my bosses dog got ran over the other bloke didn't report it and got taken to court for it!!!

divecon 12 April 2002 12:02 PM

I hit a dog a few years ago and the least you should do is contact the Police as the owners may report it missing. If there was an accident because of the impact then the Police need to be involved anyway but generally it is a requirement to tell them.

This stretches to all animals protected by law; Deer, Swans, Adders (believe it or not).


Dunk 12 April 2002 12:03 PM

A dog, is that it ? I've gone one (or possibly two) better & hit a horse. (To clarify it actually it hit me, before I get a visit from Rolf Harris & the ALF.)

According to the plod when I reported the horse incident, you should report all incidents involving "domestic pets" starting with our canine friends upwards. (No requirement for our feline friends.)

DJ Dunk 12 April 2002 12:09 PM

Think I'd probably vimto :(

seejay555 12 April 2002 12:13 PM

The law says that if you are involved in an accident which causes injury/damage to someone other than yourself (as driver) you must either give name and address of you and/or car owner (if it's different) to anyone who has "reasonable grounds" for asking you i.e injured party, passenger, witnesses, plod, or if you don't do that you must go and report to plod. If you don't do either you are committing an offence that carries points and a discretionary disqualification. The law makes no distinction between cats and dogs but plod usually only get worried if it's dogs or anything larger. Obviously the police force is staffed by canine lovers (not surprising, then, that they haven't introduced sniffer cats yet...)
Hope that helps.

Richard Askew 12 April 2002 12:16 PM

I'd sue the dog owner for damages caused to my car by their negligence.

Not worried about flame suit..I just dislike animals ;)

Reffro 12 April 2002 12:36 PM

Scoop the body into a plastic bag, after removing the collar and drop it into the police. Let them deal with the idiot owners after all we all know dogs can't be trusted to be out on their own.

MRK 12 April 2002 12:39 PM

I'd give it a good kicking for being a stupid smelly animal and to make sure its actually dead :

Then I'd sue the as equally daft owners for neglect and the damages to my car.

EBRWRX 12 April 2002 12:40 PM

How about reverse to make sure ????????

On a serious point, you should stop on a humane point, if it is very seriously injured but still breathing I'd put it out of its misery. (Done it with a squirrel). If it is just injured I'd be looking for 1) contact details on collar 2) phone or take to vet myself 3) Phone plod - in that order.

Shock does a funny thing to animals, they may not look seriously injured but often are.

The law says you have to stop and report, but doesn't go on to say eventually when they can be bothered they'll turn up.

andrewjlane 12 April 2002 12:43 PM

I had an old mk2 escort - my first car about 18 years ago. Hit a dog in it. Got out to see if it was alright whereupon it simply got up ran off and left me with bumper pushed onto bodywork and buckled first car, what fun! It lost engine compression when it reached about 95k miles so I always had to park on a hill so I could bump start it!

Hit a deer as well in a Nissan 200sx. It came out of adjoining fields in the pitch black. I was doing about 60mph when it hit the front wheel arch and bounced all the way down the drivers side. £700 damage and a real struggle to open the dented door...mmm venison, as Homer would say

Sbradley 12 April 2002 12:45 PM

FWIW, you don't have to report cats because you don't have to licence them andso they are considered, legally, as not being of any material value.

Everything else listed is either classed as livestock, is protected by law or is licensed. Livestock and licensed animals are considered to have a value and are also recorded as being owned by someone.

And yes, if the dog was loose on the street and this was due to the negligence of the owner then you do have a case against their (house) insurers. An ex girlfriend's horse escaped and headbutted a car. It was fine, the car was a write-off. And her parents' insurance got a seriously hefty bill...

yoza 12 April 2002 12:54 PM

I would pull it out of my bonnet scoop,see if i could find the owner and sue him for damage to the car and mental stress!

Reidy 12 April 2002 01:04 PM


You must assist - put the dog in the boot and get to a vets ASAP at best and call a local VET straight away if you feel you can't.

You should also wait with Hazard on or something to prevent another car hitting it again.

I hit a dead cow a few months ago in a company car. I reported it to the plod who said "yeah we know!", so fat lot of good they are!

Reidy 12 April 2002 01:07 PM

I'm sorry to rant but some of you are absolute twats on here - the responses after Richards are worse than his.

Bunch of tossers.

This is not funny in the least - reason why I do not visit these boards as much as I did.

Wankers, not funny.

There, finished. Feels better.

Reidy 12 April 2002 01:13 PM

Can we have a new thread - "what would you do if you hit a kid" to see whether these people are just completely f@*#ing stupid and ignorant?

Would we get people that would rip there mashed bodies out of vents and then sue parents?

There now, finished.

Richard Askew 12 April 2002 01:13 PM

Important - Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of ScoobyNet or any individuals directly or indirectly involved in this website or the companies and individuals associated with it. No responsibility is taken or assumed for any comments or statements made on this or any associated or relating bulletin board. Your personal information will be kept private except to comply with applicable laws or valid legal reasons.
...we all have the freedom to speak our thoughts without being called "fools" "wankers" or a "bunch of tossers"..I have expressed my views. I have not taken the pi55 out of anyone for stopping to assist an injured cat, despite being tempted, as I'm a believer in each to their own..

Fosters 12 April 2002 01:17 PM

Some of these responses may have come from people who haven't had a knock on their door to be faced with their beloved pet of x years at best dead and in one piece, or worse still... well you can imagine what cars can do.

It's happened to me and it's not funny. I appreciated the fact that the lady who hit my cat had spent 20 minutes to find me to give me it back. I would do the same.

Guys, think about what you're saying.

Reidy 12 April 2002 01:23 PM

If I can freely express my thoughts as well then you won't mind me adding that in my opinion these views are ignorant, inconsiderate and those of people I would never wish to meet.

Thanks for pointing this out to me.

Richard Askew 12 April 2002 01:25 PM

Reidy - to liken running over squirrels or cats to killing a child is ridiculous.

Unfortunately I may have upset a few people by saying I would sue a dog owner if they were negligent. I stand by this statement. I dont apologise for my views as they are something personal to me. I respect other peoples views on animals hence the ;) in my first post..

Its not like I run over animals on purpose :rolleyes:

tony1979 12 April 2002 01:28 PM

And why shouldn't Richard sue for damages to his car? What's wrong with that? If the dog had an owner, then WTF is the dog doing roaming about in the first place????

wilf 12 April 2002 01:29 PM


Bit over the top in choice of words but I agree. If this thread were about hitting people or children then it would have been moderated a long time ago.

Its a sad reflection that people find inflicting violence on animals funny. I find it hard to believe that some people actually drive into animals on the road when they see them - says alot about them and probably reflects also on their concern for human kind.

Most people grow out of pulling legs off flies when they are about 2 years old. I guess others just never grow up.

Reidy 12 April 2002 01:32 PM

Why is it ridiculous to compare running over a kid to a pet?

Do you have a kid or a pet - Do you have both, can you confirm that in any way that you are qualified to make this suggestion?

I find this amazing. Of course they are not the same thing and at the end of a day a pet is an animal that lives for 10 years and you cannot put a price on human life blah blah sodding blah.

You take any committed dog owner (with or without a kid - or worse still - unable to have a kid!) and see whether this is a comparison I could draw for Christs sake.

wilf 12 April 2002 01:33 PM

Tony, agreed but I was talking about indivs who swerve to hit the animal not the other way round. There is a difference.

tony1979 12 April 2002 01:33 PM

Wilf. Sorry - misunderstanding.

JGRIFF 12 April 2002 01:36 PM

The Road Traffic Act requires you to stop / report an "accident", if damage is caused to an "animal". For the purposes of the Road Traffic Act an animal is any Horse, Cattle, Ass, Mule, Pig, Sheep, Dog, or Goat. These are the only animals where there is a requirement to stop / report, anything else is none reportable.

Richard Askew 12 April 2002 01:36 PM

In my PERSONAL opinion, an animals life is worth far less than a humans life.. my PERSONAL opinion I would sue for damages to my car should the owner be negligent..

I'm glad of freedom of opinion and speech in the UK, I should be able to put my PERSONAL point of view across without being called a "fool", "wanker" or a "tosser"..

Anyhow I'm off for lunch.. I do hope its meat ;)

tony1979 12 April 2002 01:41 PM



It's unfortunate, but these things happen. The majority of animals/pets that are run over are genuine accidents - the animals step out from behind a car/bush or whatever. But to be getting uptight because Richard says he would claim damages from the owner is a bit unfair. Why should anyone have to pay for damages out of their own pocket, when the animal should have been kept under full control anyway (assuming they have owners)? Before insurance comes into it, a lot of peoples excess is higher than that of a possible repair bill (like my excess! :)).

wilf 12 April 2002 01:45 PM

My concern was the way others seem to enjoy running things over and find it funny. I would also claim against an owner if they had been negligent in looking after their pet.

Reidy 12 April 2002 01:46 PM

Thanks Richard.

Your personal opinion is one I'd agree with on a lot of things I'm sure but on this occasion I hope you understand that your comments (along with others on here) in this case could be (and have been) viewed by people (me) as offensive. As a person with a sense of humanity you and your cronies disgust me.

Animals are generally not allowed to roam freely around the highways in this country and chances are if you hit a dog, (which the thread was initially about) it was in your way by accident and the owner did not intend for it to be hit by your prescious sodding car.

In my opinion an animals life is worth more than a cars - this is the point that seems to have been lost in this thread.

I sign off now and will not be reading on.

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