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pslewis 05 March 2001 12:01 AM

Well all my wife and lovers say to me is, "If you ever turn queer and want some Gold Wheels we will all leave you!!"

So, what can I say??? (I am actually a cupboard gay with pony-tail and work in the IT business and would looooove Gold Wheels - but that would ruin my security clearance)

Please bear with me


mattski 05 March 2001 12:08 AM

oh dear... Mr Lewis is on the case

Jolly Green Monster 05 March 2001 12:51 AM

My wifes comment when I received an email today from Markus saying "Was it you on Saturday that waved" etc...
was reply with "Yes it was me I am sad and spend all my lunchtimes on Scoobynet and work in IT"
She better have my dinner ready when I get in from work tonight or there'll be trouble!
But then it was amusing when she had to cut the phone call short because after saying the above comment our daughter threw up everywhere!
I am lucky in that she never does more than makes comments and still allows me to do what I want... so Gold wheels it is then..
why is it that women don't understand the gold wheels?

jasonp 05 March 2001 11:26 AM

For the short time I've been partisipating on this here bbs I have noticed that there have been a few unfortunates that have given up the scoob for the love of a good woman. Fair enough couldn't argue with that. However how about those who have support form the good lady. Surely they deserver the occasional mention!! Like my own dear wife, whilst returning to the scoob in the car park comes out with " Don't look right without a fat exhaust....." well of course I'll have to get one now seems only fair..

So heres to those good ladies who share the love of all things scoob...


JohnD 05 March 2001 11:56 AM

I started a thread a while ago about the "other halves" who dont appreciate our toys, and the subtle and not so subtle comments they make. Girlfriends are not so bad but wives (especially when you`ve been married as long as I have!) are not always so understanding! Maybe search back for this thread?

jasonp 05 March 2001 01:26 PM

Crums all hail my wife she loves the gold wheels. Wants a fat exhaust Private Reg *** WRX type thing and loves burning off the boys at the lights. Wait a minute perhaps she's a bloke and I've married a gay after all yes I work in IT....


Fosters 05 March 2001 01:41 PM

My missus loves the scoob and only gets ar5ey when she's trying to pick something up from the passenger footwell when I'm in full boost mode! very funny though.

tokyo_steve 05 March 2001 02:09 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Fosters:
<B>My missus loves the scoob and only gets ar5ey when she's trying to pick something up from the passenger footwell when I'm in full boost mode! very funny though.[/quote]

Yesterday I discovered the fun you can have on wet roads with 280 BHP & 3 LSDs. Nano seconds later I discovered the hazards of doing this with the wife in the car!


Fosters 05 March 2001 02:35 PM


crime bunny 05 March 2001 03:16 PM

Gold wheels huh? I have heard women say that they go with under chassis lighting a la chris Ewbank. Is it that they make one look like an Essex boy? Do they mean that gold wheels are the white stilettoes of the auto world? Apparently, gold wheels make you look like a market trader and I don't think they mean young men in brightly couloured jackets shouting buy, buy, buy! More your Accrington stall holder offering two acrylic cardies for a pound. The woman in my life says gold wheels are naff. And as she didn't raise an eyebrow when I spent our food ration money on P1 brake discs for my wagon, what she says goes!

AndrewC 05 March 2001 06:07 PM

Crime Bunny - LOL!

WALKER 05 March 2001 06:26 PM

When i picked up my first Scooby with PPP, the wife actually quite liked it. Then i found this BB and after a while she started to make comments like `you`re a sad anorak` and the likes.

Well, then she used to moan like mad when i started the mods, spending house money on various exhausts and induction kits, really used to moan, like only a wife can.

Then i had this great idea, she takes over my car and i go out and buy a lurvley Type R.
I couldn`t beleive it, she agreed. Cool or what

She even wanted me to leave the Magnex back box on, because it did make it sound `meaty` in her words.

Well to top it all, last Thursday she picked up her very own spankin new P1. Talk about calling the kettle black. Can`t fault her now, she turned into a right Scooby nut

So now when i say `im just gonna spend x on this for the car, she actually says `do you think it would be worth getting one for mine`
Excellent or what!!!!!!!


Mick 05 March 2001 08:32 PM

After I managed to casually write-off my M-reg Legacy Turbo and the insurance money came through I started looking for a replacement. It was a great car I was really looking forward to more than 2 months of ownership this time (I had to make do with a Cavalier WITHOUT Koni suspension meanwhile )

The wife said 'Hey we've got a bit of spare cash, hows about going for an Impreza instead"


hutton_d 05 March 2001 09:56 PM

Hmmm. Not sure about the other 'arf at the moment... Been seeing her just over a month and the first thing she did when she saw the car (Japanese Racing Green UK 96 saloon) was take the Mick out of the gold wheels! And they're SuperT Evos as well....

But she is *relaxed* about my driving. Thinks I'm 'fast but safe'.. phew.... But then she also thinks I'm a sad muppet 'cos I was scanning some bike articles for a guy I know from my bike alias in the US.

More education definitely needed there - as she's Brazilian and needs help with her English...

Hee hee...


B-B 05 March 2001 10:59 PM

My hubby sold our Scooby out from under me - sob sob. Just cos it wouldnt start one morning when he needed it in a hurry.

Get a taster of the smile factor when I meet up with my lover pslewis but only as a passenger, he wont let me drive his baby can you believe that??......BUT if you get GOLD WHEELS Pete its all over OK?? Ha ha ha


Mr Footlong 06 March 2001 12:06 PM

Loved one is always apprehensive about the cars that I buy and didn't want to test drive the scooby, despite the fact that she drives my cars as much as me. Bought her anyway and let the old girl have a go. She never swears. I got her to floor it and all, she said was 'f**k me'. She isn't fussed what I do to her now... I always know best


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