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Floyd 25 March 2002 09:51 PM

How do some of you spend so much on cars?

There are those people who seem to change to the latest car at the drop of a hat and those who seem to have the latest performance mods. Worst of all there are those who do both with 2 cars at the same time!!!!!

Some have spent thousands on mods and have huge loans as well, these people seem to be at all the track days and events - how is it done?????

Do you not have kids, a mortgage, a wife?????

It's sour grapes on my behalf as I want to do the same, but due to the above commitments I just can't find the disposable income. I don't even have a car loan (paid for outright from the start).

So how's it done, are you all loan'd up to the hilt, drug dealers/bank robbers or what? You can't all be in IT 'cos that bubble has burst long ago.


scooby_si 25 March 2002 09:56 PM

Personally i'd paid 4 me scoob outright in cash!:o & it hurt untill i got 2 drive it away;) then it was all smiles:D Basically how? I'm young with no ties & i have a degree in economics which means i no how 2 b a right tight basturd which i've had 2 b for the past 2 years just so i kud get a scoob.
Trubble is i now have 2 sell me arse 4 da insurance (not really u understand)
Ho hum tis all good although only just startin on da mods so i fink me credit cards r about 2 take a kick in!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

ian_sadler 25 March 2002 09:57 PM

No I'm just skint :D


fazack 25 March 2002 10:02 PM

Got the house, two kids in nursery (which costs more than the house) and a loan for the whole amount to buy an import. I think the cost of borrowing is so cheap it ain't worth saving. If I had any spare cash I'd put it into property that is almost guarenteed to appreciate as opposed to a car that will certainly depreciate. The one thing I have learnt is never own a car that is worth less than what you have outstanding in finance - a mistake made by many people who buy finance from the same people they buy the car from.

fazack 25 March 2002 10:04 PM

And another peice of advice, marry a yorkshire lass - they're cheaper to run than a Justy.

P1Fanatic 25 March 2002 10:18 PM

Im single and on £30k and I still cant afford to get a damn scoob at the mo. Admittedly still paying off student loan, grad loan and current car loan so once that lots sorted Ill be £500 better off a month - WOOHOO. No idea how my dad or anyone manages to run a family, house, 2 cars etc on not much more. Must be all these damn gadgets I keep buying :)

Floyd 25 March 2002 10:24 PM

But do Yorkshire women go better than a justy? ;)

Look, I've tried to do the sums and it's scarey. If I'd bought a brand new MY01 from a dealer then spent a further £6k on mods, that's £26k with a discount say, add in the interest then swap the car 10 months down the line for an STI (another £8k+ to change over?). Stick on the extra insurance and you're gonna need to be seriously wedged up to afford it all. Surely it's got to be a company car fiddle (I hope!).


Chris Barn 25 March 2002 10:49 PM

Work up to the car you want and be careful what you buy. I started with a Golf Gti and sold it for more than I bought it for, Then a Seat Ibiza Cupra, kept fpr three years and traded it in for my first Scooby for £10K + £10K loan (Scooby was an ex-demonstrator). Ordered Sti got £13K for 3 yaer old scooby + £10K loan + £3K cash, lower interest rates mean that my STi is costing less per month than my MY99 Turbo.

I had modded the MY99 but only mods that could be removed and sold (induction kit, exhaust etc) which I sold on here for about 75% of the new cost (There are some mugs on here).

mattski2 25 March 2002 10:50 PM

I've just done the sums and don't even wanna think about it ... gulp. Although light is at the end of a very long and very dark tunnel...

Harry_Boy 25 March 2002 10:57 PM

Got wife plus dogs, but no kids to drain the pocket. Therefore been able to save over the last year or so to buy the Scoob cash. Wife's Scénic has a loan on it though. That might have to go so we can afford to extend the house. Or, at least that what the wife's telling me - Yorkshire lass and all!!

Ray_li 25 March 2002 11:14 PM

Can I do it?

im a final year student studying product design. when i finish, i should be going in to a design job starting around 18k-22k im happy living at home with my folks and im looking to buy a 10k scooby, insurance will be £1800.
can i afford one?

PS i have a girlfriend (more money gone):D

RichiW 25 March 2002 11:17 PM

Stay single, all the money you need :D


mattski2 25 March 2002 11:17 PM

good luck :)

You should be able to, although remember servicing can be expensive and if you've got a misses then you might as well forget it! (holidays, meals, yadda yadda)


DMB 25 March 2002 11:18 PM

Ray go for it. It just means you won't ever go out anymore ;) It's easy if you earn a good wage and don't have too many ties

Doc@IlsonIlson 25 March 2002 11:23 PM

Ray, you will afford it easy! Just stay single and stay living with your parents unless you wanna live in your Scoob :D

BTW to answer the post, I dont own a Scoob and I dont modify my FRST, the insurance alone is enough repayments for me IG16!! 24yrs old
One day maybe a Scooby or mmm maybe a Cossie ;)

Ray_li 25 March 2002 11:29 PM

tanx guys.

i hoping to acheive my childhood dream of owning a fast car. but it looks like im going, to have to choose between a scooby or my girlfriend.
scooby- yes "voom voom!!!"
girlfriend- yes "harder harder. im coming" :D :D :D

oh well. looks like im gonna to have to get the scooby and do her in the scooby :D :D :D

DMB 25 March 2002 11:29 PM

Doc @ 24 you should have the scoob or cossie. You only live once and a scoob is only group 17 so no great differance to the rst :D

Doc@IlsonIlson 25 March 2002 11:32 PM

If my current "situation" was different I probably would have ;)
I`ve not long bought a house and just got a loan for a conservatory (the misses won that one) after the financial storm has settled, we shall see :D

MARK MORRIS 26 March 2002 04:48 PM

i pay £97 a week for my p1, £1676 for insurance, plus the morgage etc, all on a postmans wage

simon_prickett 26 March 2002 04:53 PM

I save a lot by buying bits on here, keep watching the For Sale forum. Having said that, Impreza ownership may not go beyond this September's insurance renewal - no crashes ever, no claims ever, clean, and will be pushing 29 then, but other muppets keep on pushing the premiums up :(


Vinesh 26 March 2002 04:55 PM

Savings and a generous father. :):):)

Chris_S199 26 March 2002 04:57 PM

(Jen using Chris' computer...)

Have a bloke/wife who understands... :D

Oh, and don't go on holiday...ever... ;) :)


zoog 26 March 2002 05:00 PM

I work hard, its the only thing you can do unless you've been born into money(...or are a footballer;) ).

ScoobyK 26 March 2002 05:06 PM

Work bloody hard, and don't holidays....oh, and if you're short of a read, buy the book "Best Year Yet" by Jenny Diztler - it'll help you understand what's important in your life, and enable you to focus your efforts on what you want to achieve.

Mine were 911 by the age of 30...Ferrari by the age of 40.

Achieved the first, and since then have fallen in love with the Scoob and won't be selling to buy a Ferrari in 7 years time !!

Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal etc - GO FOR IT !


sillysi 26 March 2002 05:11 PM

Get a girlfriend who want's to go to Uni' and then use the grants she gets to buy your dream machine. She won't have to pay the money back until she is working full time and then it is a pathetic interest rate of almost nothing :-)

PELHAM 26 March 2002 05:16 PM

Work hard and play hard! You only live once - just buy that Scoob and enjoy it - if times get hard you always sell the house and get a flat!

3times 26 March 2002 05:19 PM

Have a copy of said book, it does work! as per ScoobyK

I didn't think i could afford my car as wife (non working) 2 kids and a mortgage limit the net disposable, so done the following;

1)Do i deserve it - YES
2)Can i afford it - no,
3)Worked out what i would have to do to afford it.
4)Realised this was achievable.
5)Went and bought it.

I found that once i had made the commitment i increased my income accordingly so are now in the same position financially as i was before i bought but have the car as well.


[Edited by 3times - 3/26/2002 5:21:56 PM]

ScoobyK 26 March 2002 06:54 PM

3times....glad to see you've read the best book published !!

Just for the record, I have an ex wife and 3 kids, 2 mortgages, a new partner and have just been made redundant....will I sell my scoob, way ! As you say, just need to work things out, and then go and sort it.


JamieMacdonald 26 March 2002 09:46 PM

I'm 22 and have had my (MY97)Scoob for about 6 months. I used to have a Golf GTI and it doesn't cost me much more to run than that. I go skiing once as year, on a summer holiday once a year, clubbing about once a week and I am managing to save a deposit to buy a house soon. How do I afford all this? I'm single and..... I still live at home :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I think I'll stay at home for a few years or at least until I get my EVO ;)
Do it, get one!

Cblack 26 March 2002 10:26 PM

I'm 24 years old and still live with my folks . I work away from home for two weeks a month and drive RB5 162 insurance is only £700 so no great problem. some small mods but I don't have the B@lls to change a LTD edition.

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