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DJFish 02 March 2001 02:42 AM

As I was watching the aftermath of the awful events at Selby the other day, the reporter was speaking of the efforts of the rescue services and giving the latest updates as they came in.

All of a sudden the reporter perked up as she announced that Mr Prescott M.P. was on the scene by lunchtime.We were then treated to yet more close ups of a politician being shepherded around by several people who presumably could have been better employed elsewhere.

I know it's a bit irrelevant considering what else was going on at the time but I remember thinking 'What the hell is he there for? What possible good could he do by being there? and would he have made an appearance if there wasn't an election looming?

Just call me Mr cynical.

Apologies for raising such a depressing subject at this late hour.


DocJock 02 March 2001 07:36 AM


Never apologise for pointing out what a useless **** Mr Prescott is...........


Chris L 02 March 2001 08:09 AM

Yep - have to agree with DocJoc - never apologise for having a go at 'two jags'. It's just political bullsh*t. If he hadn't been there, some wisearse would have accused the government / politicians of not caring. You can't win really.


DavidLewis 02 March 2001 08:38 AM

But you dont see them rolling out a senior member of government each time there are deaths on our roads.

AndyMc 02 March 2001 09:05 AM

I'll just start by saying it was a terrible thing to happen, and the driver of the car must be feeling terrible, but as I sat there watching the news last night I wondered if anybody would bring up the subject of speed and the fairly obvious fact it made the accident much worse.
I also wondered if anybody would talk about why it is OK for trains to travel at speeds where they cannot stop in the space they can see to be clear.
Surprise,surprise there was no one mention of speed at all and the hole crash was just a trajic accident according to the news.

Why aren't there calls by Transport 2000 and all the other lobby groups to reduce the speed limits on the railways to 20 mph especially considering the savings in energy and positive effects on the enviroment blar blar blar.

I could go on and on!

I never cease to be amazed at the different attitudes to the various forms of transport in this country.

Just don't forget cars are bad.
And trains are good.


Yex 02 March 2001 10:21 AM

Whilst the fat useless **** was at the scene he, and or his advisors, could have briefed the press liaison team on what to say and what not to say. To allow the release the headline grabbing line "driver asleep at wheel?" has caused the poor guy concerned, and his family, unnecessary grief. The incident was a complete accident and that is the way it should have been presented until all the facts are known.

Prescott is a complete and utter C**T who only does what Tony the Crony says, or what he is instructed to say by his so called advisors. He has no ability to think on his own and this is borne out by the number of times he makes a statement and has to retract it later.

Rant over


Blow Dog 02 March 2001 11:25 AM

LOL @ Yex.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Nimbus 02 March 2001 11:45 AM

What gets me is the way it's brought over in the news. All you hear is "police are not discounting the possibility that it COULD have been caused by the driver falling asleep" And??? It could also have been caused by a blown tyre, collapsed/faulty suspension/steering, Oil on the road, some idiot cutting him up... any number of things, yet the media always go for the one that makes the biggest headlines. Are they triying to prove this guy guilty of something before all the facts are in??? Makes me mad... I'm sure the poor guy is suffering enough as it is.

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