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keyfob 13 February 2001 07:13 PM

Hi Chaps,

sorry to post under an assumed name (which I admit), but you do need to be careful

With the recent aggravated burglaries that have been reported on the board, where entry is forced to a house - is it possible for owners to obtain a "false" set of keys (and remote control) from their local dealer.

Ideally they would be identical to normal keys (may need a bit of pseudo wear and tear), but would not work the ignition of a Scooby (either physically, or via the immobiliser transponder).

Better still, they could force (the more recent Scoobies) into alarm mode, with a keypad-only disable.

Not much good if you live on a farm, but it might buy enough time if the Police have been alerted!

Yours anonymously,


p.s. Have any dealers or security companies got such information?

Mick 13 February 2001 08:38 PM

I understand that a 'proper key' costs ~ £60 from a dealer (I was told by a dealer £10 for the key and 1 1/2 hrs labour to programme!!!!!). You could maybe get a non transponder or non-programmed key cut that was different to your own. Leave that in a more obvious place than the real key. That might be a good decoy.

In fact put it somewhere out of the childrens reach and coat it with that poison from the back of an African Toad

( - well perhaps just a little over the top)


Luke 13 February 2001 09:58 PM

IF the thiefs have got it in them to break in to your house to get the Keys. DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR and let them have them.They might want to take the "matter up with you".

Also there will be no more Police answering 999 calls soon ,They will be stopping everyone on the motorway doing 72.MPH.
As the Goverment does not want them to stop real driving offences.
1.Driving whilst under the influence of drugs.Thousands of offences a day.

2.Driving without 1.MOT. 2. TAX. 3. INSURANCE
Thousands of offences every day

3.Passengers mainly children not strapped in

4.Running red lights

etc. etc.etc

But no. They dont want to help road safety just make money.

You will be on your own

Kevin Groat 14 February 2001 12:40 AM

Just to add to the worry, I bought a 325 TDS SE a few years ago. It only came with one key so I phoned a dealer in Edinburgh and all I had to give was the chassis number which can be read by anyone from the outside of the car !!. This wasn't a small dealership either, it was probably the biggest dealership in Scotland. Key arrived through the post the following day.


James Douglas 14 February 2001 10:01 AM


So you and your wife are held up at knife point by someone who wants your car. Your going to give them a false set of keys?

Doh! What happens when they cant start the car? If they've entered your house and held you to "ransom" they are soooo deep into crime they arent gonna worry about smaking you about a bit until you get the proper keys are they mate?

Would you give an armed mugger monopoly money?

Give them the keys and be glad your alive - ok mate!!

A cars just a piece of metal. Never put it before you or anyone elses life!!!


Boost II 14 February 2001 11:51 AM

Hmmmm, I have an ignition key and remote fob from an Impreza that has been scrapped. Never thought about selling them! Any offers?? Perhaps I should have posted this incognito as well but it is a real offer.

boomer 15 February 2001 10:14 PM


i can see the point of a false set of keys "downstairs", 'cos if the crims are "amateurs" then they may quit (less risk). Professionals, well you are back to square one!

Maybe an alarm that IMOBILISED your car for six or eight hours REGARDLESS would be an idea. You get home in the evening, hyper-lock your car, the have a few beers and watch Corrie! No matter what happens during the designated timeslot, the car WILL NOT START - PERIOD!

Even the most dedicated crims won't resort to hiring a crane to nick your car (well, usually!), so once the message was out, they wouldn't bother yer average Scooby driver!

Gotta be careful in the morning thought!


boomer 15 February 2001 10:28 PM




kryten 16 February 2001 12:19 AM

boomer, you can disable the keyfobs on the standard alarm (Sigma M30) so that it can only be deactivated by your code punched into the keypad. bit of a hassle though!

A while back, I had a separate keyfob for my clifford alarm which was wired up to a relay buried within the dash - no button press, no start!

Of course if they _really_ want the car, they won't mind beating the sh*t out of you/your family to get the keys so may be best to just hand them over...

DazW 16 February 2001 10:17 AM

What about a false fob that sets the alarm/immobiliser off when used or, a false ignition key that does the same....and then perhaps needs to be left an hour before it resets.


keyfob 16 February 2001 06:54 PM

Luke and James,

I agree that I would not want to do something to "upset" some nice man holding a knife to my throat, but it may give you some breathing space. The thieves will only come upstairs if they have to (they are not daft!), and they may not want to spend more time/risk re-entering a house to get the _real_ keys.


the "hyper-lock" idea sounds great - a bit like the time-locks on bank safes. And a panic-button that enables hyper-locking would be good in the case of the recent trend of car-jacking - like DazW suggested.


The trouble with the keypad-only disable is that the alarm goes off when you open the doors normally (thus p*ssing off the neighbours). Unless you live on a farm, in which case the thieves just come back and "ask" for the code.


p.s. I _love_ Mick's suggestion - African Toad

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