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Gridlock Mikey 13 February 2001 06:45 PM

I am mightily confused,

I just went and had a look at the rsoc bbs and found a thread where someone was selling a scooby for a few quid.

The response that he got back was total drivel and IMHO inapropriate. I was aware that there was an element of banter between the two groups but that stuff made me resort to my old impressions of these to**ers i.e
Under 25, cant insure a proper car, drive round with at least 5 people in each car hunched up against the windows trying to look cool, ICE costing more than the car, efoff great backbox, massive wide bald tires(cos they r probably not working so cannot afford the basics), putting £5 in at the petrol station cos they need the money for board, Telling stories about how they burned off a scooby/TVR/Porsche/etc in thier massivley under/overpowered car or how they know a mate that can " get" some smart alloys for a NOVA.

I must point out that i am not for one moment tarring all rs drivers with the same brush here, but I honestly thought that I had lost this type of predudice but after reading the stuff that is posted on that bbs, I felt I had to let off some steam. Just incase, it seems that anyone who does not have an RS something or other, gets the same treatment.

I don't wanna start a war here or open old wounds, but does anyone agree/disagree with my point?

logiclee 13 February 2001 06:54 PM


Yes there is a Max Power element on the RS bbs who think their 1980 1.6 Fiesta is a Ferrari.

You will also meet a few of the friendly banter type chaps at Donnington on Sunday, Dingy, Jay, Mike etc.

As always the minority are very vocal and give the majority a bad image.


Puff The Magic Wagon! 13 February 2001 08:07 PM

Having regularly visited the RSOC bbs over the last year, I have found that the banter is excellent.

The thing to do (IMHO) is to filter out the cr@p (of which there is plenty ) & to enjoy the auto camaraderie. I think that the RS bbs is probably more known than scoobynet & may attract the MP types. However, if you ignore the drivel, you soon get to learn the diamonds (of which there are many ) & can have a good time. I have met & made friends with quite a few RS types - they're good people but just are mis-guided in their choice of car

To be honest, we probably all recognise plonkers sometimes on this bbs - but we have the muppet forum, which I think allows people an avenue to express their darker side

We all have a common interest in cars & it spices up the banter to defend your marque.

Oh BTW - have you noticed that their bbs is <B>slower</B> than ours - just like their cars really

Gridlock Mikey 13 February 2001 08:18 PM

Cheer guys,

Rant over, clean slate and all that.

Hope to seeya both a Donno


p.s Can't bloody wait

logiclee 13 February 2001 08:20 PM


Slower and crashes more often


stage 1 13 February 2001 09:07 PM

"Slower and Crashes more" LOL

Yours was much worse till your cossie owning leader took it over - wasnt it Si!

Mr Jobless cossie owner!

BOB.T 14 February 2001 02:05 AM

Me again, I've just been to the RSOC board, it seems everyone on ther has a problem with scoobnet. I'm not bothered about going back really, I much prfer it here!
Bob, Fiesta si, Ford employee.

When I was there I couldn't resist, someone was after a vented bonnet so I replied with, have you tried scoobynet! I'd best take cover!

47 NAT 14 February 2001 09:01 AM

There are signs of immaturity everywhere........


47 NAT 14 February 2001 09:02 AM

Well done you must be really pleased with yourself ......


Doc@IlsonIlson 14 February 2001 09:05 AM

The RS BB is a light hearted place to vent your boredom, if you wanna ask a question go to the problems section, if you wanna sell a car go to cars for sale, if you wanna have a laugh go to the general section.
The RS Moderators can`t stop people joining the BB who have Nova`s but then i cant remeber seeing anyone on there who has one.
Stop moaning and have a look, if you think we`re being harsh on Scoobies go there and stand your ground, we all have opinions at the end of the day.

dingy 14 February 2001 09:09 AM

I don't have a problem with scoobynet, your board seems faster.....As for you cars being faster.......

I don't think so...

I have met some good people on here and on the RSOC stop crying and go get your dummy....

The Zohan 14 February 2001 09:42 AM

Sad but true, there seem to be certain RSOC BBS members who want to cause trouble, i had a look at some of the posts put on congratulating themselves on how 'bad' they had been. So what, who cares, IMHO it is best not to rise to the bait, however they do disguise their intentions well, just have a look at the Colin McRae edition Impreza, The thread was a set-up to get a rise then the opportunity to badmouth Scoobs and their owners. Shame there are saddos who have nothing better to do. Nicely engineered, what a waste of talent!

Nothing against friendly good intentioned rivlary and banter - it's good for the mind and body.

Hopefully it will die down soon.


[This message has been edited by Paul Habgood (edited 14 February 2001).]

BOB.T 14 February 2001 12:40 PM

HEY, I've got a 1.6 Fiesta si but I don't think it's a Fizza, it's much better than that! I don't mind a bit of banter between marques but I'm not gonna sit here and say mines better than a scoob, I will however sit here and say I'd rather push my Ford than drive ANY Vauxhaul!!
I'll be at Donno, black Fiesta si, RSR's and clear rear light clusters, come and have a chat if you like

s2 rs turbo 15 February 2001 06:47 PM

Why do you have to be such babbies over this?
I don't know any of you but, you seem to be making it worse by these comments!! What do you really expect? Get a life and stop annoying people with these tatty conversations.

subverbal 15 February 2001 09:37 PM

IMHO if the RSOC was renamed the RS Cosworth OC then the world would be a friendlier place. As it stands the RSOC caters for not only 'proper' RSs i.e. Cossies (which I'm sure all of us that appreciate quick motors have respect for) but also Escort RS Turbos. Hardly the same planet let alone ballpark !


s2 rs turbo 15 February 2001 10:08 PM

Don't be a tit for god's sake!! Escort RS and Fiesta RS Turbo's with the right amount of modifying and power could put ANY car in the ground, power to weight ratio. I think you know that so put up or SHUT UP

logiclee 15 February 2001 10:22 PM

We do put up, but only three guys from the rs bbs will come and play on the track. Why?

Mike, Dingy and JayB do not drive FWD CVH engined Escorts either.

I had an ERST 12 years ago and that couldn't put 160bhp on the road, whats changed?


s2 rs turbo 15 February 2001 10:44 PM

I know it's not much - I have a 195bhp S2. I've been in and seen better. These are cars that are used every day and enjoyed
I just get fed up with our 2 boards slagging each other off, and, it's finally pi$$ed me off so much I thought to come on here and see what the people are really like. So far I have encounted 6 prats who slag off anything that isn't as powerful as thier car and that sucks!! Come on - don't be like that. Who cares anyway, we have fun in all of the cars anyone has ever owned, that's why we have got them - no?
There seems to be a few people on this board that care only about enjoying the cars and that's what really counts The rest of you - Well that's one for the sad cases

dingy 16 February 2001 08:14 AM

People with scoobs think there are powerful......

Thats the funniest thing i heard all mornin.

The may handle and have good brakes....but power..LOL

GranTurismo 16 February 2001 09:17 AM


You may find these threads somewhat enlightening.

dingy 16 February 2001 09:30 AM

GT i bet you were a scooby net fleece don't you........

Nimbus 16 February 2001 09:36 AM



Note to self: Must visit muppetdom more often....

logiclee 16 February 2001 11:23 AM


Come along to a track day we are a friendly lot.
Not slagging off your motor, I have owned one, plus a XR4X4 and even a XR3i back in 1988. Its just because I have owned them I know the limitations of the chassis and believe me a moddified ERST will not "put any car in the ground."
Try a 22B, Evo6 or Dingy's Mk2 and you'll see what I mean. Real roads not just timed drag strips.

First class M8

Have good brakes? Youv'e not driven an early Scoob with 2 pots then.


s2 rs turbo 16 February 2001 06:11 PM

I would come to track days. Can't afford it though
Car has still leaky gasket and getting hot quickly after getting repaired on Wednesday.
I get all the info on the RSOC by Mike. I was just saying an ERST witht he right amount of power - e.g. 300+bhp which has been done, can put you all up to the test. The peole on here that think their own scooby is the best one and nobody can pass it are loosers frankly
A car is a car and someone will ALWAYS come up with something better sooner or later.

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