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LanCat 14 February 2001 12:37 AM

Am I really the only one who has an old fridge full of beer the garage ?

MarkCSC 14 February 2001 12:43 AM


Nope! Big fridge, lots of Stella and carpet in the garage which the Scoob and the Porker like very much.


GEJL 14 February 2001 12:56 AM

Sounds like I've been lucky enough to get a new house with a decent sized garage. Or was it that I bought a decent sized garage with a reasonable house...? Managed to fit a Caterham, Elise and Impreza into a double garage (though the Caterham was a bit of a bugger to get in and out - sideways on at the back, in front of the Elise). But now the Caterham is gone and the garage is filling with children's toys. Strange. Wonder if there's any connection...

What I don't undestand is why the bloke over the road parks his (£90K!) Merc, S-type and Freelander in the driveway, while the (double) garage contains.... a mini.

[This message has been edited by GEJL (edited 14 February 2001).]

AWD 14 February 2001 12:57 AM

Our garage contains 2 motorbikes, 4 wheels, various bottles of wine , and a clothes dryer.

No space for any cars - but then again it is a garage in Hammersmith (i.e. very small even without all of the above in it).

PeteC 14 February 2001 11:09 AM

Well, the Scoob lives in mine! I only use the car at the weekends, and even then the car gets put away at night. Round my way though, that seems to be a real exception, as most people seem to use their garage as a large walk-in cupboard! Or as a skip!

Walking through my estate late last night, I was thinking about the recent spate of scooby thefts, and break-ins to nick the keys, and it occurred to me seeing all the cars parked on the drives that to the thief it must look like a car supermarket, with all the goods on display.

Obviously not everyone has a garage, but if you do, it seems daft not to use it. It must at least reduce the temptation factor!

What do people think?

GCollier 14 February 2001 11:19 AM

My garage was used as a big storage cupboard until I got my evo, now it gets parked in there every night (much to my girlfriends annoyance, she'd rather use it as a storage cupboard!). I know what you mean though, people driveways nearby are full of nearly new mercs, bmws, saabs etc (even the bigger houses which have double garages) - enough to make a thief's mouth water.

Strangely though, my insurance company offered no additional discount for garaging the evo, so other than my own peace of mind, there's no other incentive to put the car in the garage.


Bajie 14 February 2001 11:24 AM
The average garage is too narrow for the muppet who needs to park his car in it.

Shut up Fisher

GP 14 February 2001 11:31 AM

exacly the same round here.. Beemers 'n Mercs and all sorts out every night, garages full of junk (even the doubles, it seems) - mines full of astra and workshop though - which as I'm sure some wit will point out, is no different - the Vectra sits out on the drive.

seems the only cars that get put away are those people seem to actually care about - i.e second/weekend/hobby etc.

I can see why though - garages nowadays are barely big enough for anything above a small car - the house builders know that most people won't use them so build the smallest ones possible - then people are even less likely to put their cars away....catch 22

hutton_d 14 February 2001 11:32 AM

I resist the tyemptation to use mine as a storage cupboard. The Blade plur two other bikes stay there. Plus the cycles, tools, etc. Scoob stays outside (live at the very end of a close so safe enough) - insurance company said no extra discount for garaging in my postcode (RG41).

Too bloody narrow to get the car in AND then open the door anyway - and that's with a 4-bed detached house tacked onto the side of it..... Do you think house designers ever bother to add door length to car width so that they would then come up with a usable garage...?? (Rhetorical question...).


PaulL 14 February 2001 11:33 AM

Amuses me that most people lock all their junk safely away in the garage, and then happily leave 10's of thousands of pounds worth of car out on their driveway...

hee hee

(scoob garaged every night...)

ndouglass 14 February 2001 11:35 AM

Unfortunatley I don't have a garage, my Scoobs is left on the driveway over night. I park it close to the wall and block it in with my Girlfriends car so they'd need a helicopter to get it out.

Could do with one though, the other week I was fitting a new rear spoiler and it was cold. I took the boot off and into the house, started drilling it in the living room watching T.V. Infact I may just convert the living room into a garage.

The Zohan 14 February 2001 11:37 AM

I use my garage as a mission control when i i make my plans for world domination. I have maps all over the walls, an Ikea desk and matching chair and a low voltage reading lamp, nothing to good for me!
I am currently digging a 60' deep silo for a ex Russian ICBM which i hope to sneak home on a roofrack in the middle of the night!
I am installing a state of the art satellite control system cunningly disguised as a sky dish to enable me to control the world's TV broadcasts and allow me to make my demands so's the whole world can watch!

Now if i can just get the remote up and over door closer to work, NURSE.............

[This message has been edited by Paul Habgood (edited 14 February 2001).]

PeteC 14 February 2001 11:45 AM

I know what you mean - the garage on our current house seems to be a lot smaller than the one on our previous house (built in the mid sixties). The scoob will go in OK, but it's a bit of a squeeze getting in and out ( - I must go on that diet!) I don't think I could get anything larger in though without chucking things like the lawn mower and toolbox out.

GCollier 14 February 2001 11:46 AM


I know what you mean about garages being narrow in modern houses. When looking to change cars, there were several models I had to dismiss, simply because they would not phyisically fit.

To protect the car door when I open it, I've glued a load of cork tiles onto the wall of the garage.


BarryK 14 February 2001 11:46 AM

We have just put up a dartboard, which means I have to move the car out of the way whilst on the oche.

At game over car gets hidden away again.

Totally agree about bone idle sods leaving cars outside, even if they've got a drive some park halfway on the pavement facing downhill. Might as well just leave the engine running really. And every morning I see empty cars outside newsagents doing just that!!

GP 14 February 2001 11:58 AM

the correct location for building engines and world domination schemes is the garden Shed (workshop #2) - mine's within painful crawl distance from the patio doors, in case of accidents with plutonium/piston ring compressors (after getting annoyed and it popping off for the 'nth' time)

Mr Bian 14 February 2001 11:58 AM

Good point Pete, I recently made the effort to turn my skip back into a garage and now scoob lives in there everynight without fail, makes me worry less about it.

What the eyes can't see the theiving scum can't steal!

Dave T-S 14 February 2001 01:17 PM

....I bet i'm the only one whose got TWO Scoobs in their double garage.....

Oh, and two mountain bikes, three tons of logs, a fridge (no beer, that's what the house fridge is for, barbecue, 8 spare wheels/tyres, large bench, garden tools,'s all a bit of a tight fit!!

Mandi 14 February 2001 01:52 PM

I have a garage but leave the scooby on the driveway. I did try to put the scooby in the garage when it was broken into and had no window in the back door. My husband drove it in as far as it would go and I closed the door. Only to find that the door had just caught the wing and chipped it. This was a standard wing. Now we have a bigger wing there is no way it would fit in there. Plus you need to be extremely slim to be able to open the door and get out without banging the door on the wall.

AWD 14 February 2001 02:01 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Dave T-S:
<B>....I bet i'm the only one whose got TWO Scoobs in their double garage.....[/quote]

Is that 'cos its a barn Dave?

harj 14 February 2001 02:06 PM

My Garage houses some of the best Scoobies in the world oh and it has carpet too which gives it that homely look

ian/555 14 February 2001 02:06 PM

My garage has not got a Scoob in it!

The Zohan 14 February 2001 02:10 PM

Would you be the Mandi that i was talking to in a certain Bank @ Weston Favell with a Red WRX per chance?


[This message has been edited by Paul Habgood (edited 14 February 2001).]

The Zohan 14 February 2001 02:13 PM


You gonna have enough room on the drive for Stef's and my cars this Friday?
I'll be expecting the red carpet treatment.


Dave T-S 14 February 2001 02:24 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by AWD:
<B> Is that 'cos its a barn Dave?[/quote]

No, i'm just good at packing loads of crap in...........

Dave T-S 14 February 2001 02:26 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Dave T-S:
No, i'm just good at packing loads of crap in...........


Come to think about it, just like my 2073 or so posts.....

Oh!! - there's another one.....

harj 14 February 2001 02:28 PM

Paul the red carpet is in the garage actually lots of room for ya mate including Mat Oz and his Beemer, so who's paying for the Curry?

Biffo 14 February 2001 02:29 PM

Don`t lie!
you use your garage to keep ya dinner in
See ya on Sunday.

rsquire 14 February 2001 04:15 PM


That's not a garage... It's a smoking room..


Mandi 14 February 2001 04:18 PM


No I have a Dark Blue Mica 95 WRX. I will probably see you at Donnington on Sun, I will say hello. Not driving just spectating.


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