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Jolly Green Monster 2 06 March 2002 02:33 PM

Due to the situation on car theft I am looking into home made security measures..

One of which is an electric fence unit... with bear wires and therefore shocks from wires under the door handles and around the window glass and bonnet scoop etc...

This is only a idea and I haven't looked into price yet.. but I think it is an option.

I remember years ago someone did something similar and was told to remove it when he parked his car on double yellow lines and as it was an obstruction a Police officer tried the handle to see if it was locked.. zap and he was asked to remove the system..

Anyone know what issues I'd need to consider regarding legality?

Probably return to my car to find the door kicked in after someone got a shock but at least it would still be there...

I think set up properly it would work rather well as the shock would take a small charge from the battery setting the alarm off at the same time... :)

Anyone else got any home made ideas?

ScoobyDoo555 06 March 2002 02:46 PM

I like the idea!!:)

Somebody mentioned about connecting the ECU or alarm to a pager, thus informing you if the car was nicked.

Surely there is some way of reversing it, so that by dialing the pager and sending say, a 4 digit code, the car could be shut down....

Or am I living in the future? ;)

The flamethrower device used in S.Africa has been combatted by the theives filling water pistols with petrol and spraying the car beforehand :eek:

I too would like to know of any other ideas...


Puff The Magic Wagon! 06 March 2002 02:48 PM

You could of course go and obtain some of that stuff they use to keep sheep coraled that bungs a nasty shock run from a 12v battery...

Would suggest that it was an "off street" parking deterent only ;)


Jolly Green Monster 2 06 March 2002 02:51 PM

That is exactly what I had in mind Puff... :)

Only a tickle shock... but enough for any wannabe theif to remove his hand quickly from the vehicle and think twice.

Some steering locks give out shocks so I suppose it is only similar...

There is a discussion going on about the pager/mobile system.

Puff The Magic Wagon! 06 March 2002 02:53 PM

Oh & I've just remembered "Garage Mines" - basically a trip-wire which sets off a 12 Bore cartridge (minus pellets :eek: ) if tripped :D

Those things are so legal that even after Sept 11th you can carry them on internal UK flights (packed in luggage or with cabin staff) with no problem. Do notify cabin crew of this beforehand BTW :eek:

I imagine that it'd scare the bejesus out of a scroate if activated :D :D :D

1 device, some wire & 5 "mines" for £20


Jolly Green Monster 2 06 March 2002 02:57 PM

I am thinknig about security when in a carpark for example..

I think the guy parking next door might get annoyed with this trip wire which sets off a loud bang whilst trying to get into his car..
Although it might make them not dent the side of the car with there door.

Good idea for the garage or driveway though...

I'll have to do a search on the net for the cost of the 12v Electric fence :)

Katana 06 March 2002 03:00 PM

How about this?

Use the mains and connect it to a step-up transformer. Then shroud the car with low resistance wires. Is this legal? :D :D

Puff The Magic Wagon! 06 March 2002 03:00 PM


Any supplier of farming equipment, horses etc etc.

reaton 06 March 2002 03:10 PM

There's loads you can do reagrding home made security :-)

As for legality and possible injury to third parties, be very careful though. From memory, I think someone got done for doing something similar to the electric shocker :-( It still seems crazy to me that you are the one that gets prosecuted when someone is trying to steal your car but there we go :-(((

Something I did on a previous car is dead simple but probably more effective than most immobilisers. You basically just cut the wire that feeds the starter solenoid, put both these ends through a relay that is triggered by your reverse lights/switch from gearbox. That way, the car will only start if you're in reverse :-)


Jolly Green Monster 2 06 March 2002 03:19 PM

That is a damn good idea... :)

chiark 06 March 2002 03:21 PM


A good security idea is not to tell everyone about any security that works through obscurity. Also, giving out your surname and location ain't too hot (email address?) ;)

That idea is damn good though. I'll do that myself. In all seriousness, I would keep it to yourself though!!!!!


ZIPPY 06 March 2002 03:30 PM

Had a friend wire his mains supply from the house to his motorbike forks hidden under the soil in the garden.He then removed the fuse on this cicuit and replaced it with a nail,hence when the thief returned to try to nick it he had a small shock shall we say.
So small it knocked him out with third degree burns to his hands,he then set his uncontrolable LARGE dog on to what was lying on the floor.
When the police did turn up they never asked what the hell had happened to him they just carted him off to hospital.
Serves the little b*stard right IMHO.


reaton 06 March 2002 03:43 PM


Point taken about my email address after the recent goings on and has now been changed, cheers :-)

As for obscurity by not telling anyone, agreed, but who says that is what I have done on my car ;-) Thats the beauty of this method, you can basically adapt it to use ANYTHING in the car that is switchable - be it a heater control, interior light, windscreen wiper, fog light, etc etc - you get the idea!

You could of course use a combination of things but you may get funny looks when sat with your hazards on while squirting the headlamps in Tesco's car park!


FreeT 06 March 2002 03:44 PM

Why cant the manufacturers do what sabb do - can only get key out when reverse engaged and like wise can remove from reverse untill key engaged.

Jolly Green Monster 2 06 March 2002 04:00 PM

FreeT - Yeah but everyone knows that.
The method spoken about here will only allow the car to be started if you switch something on... and no-one except you know exactly what it is..

I guess it would be wise to have an on / off switch somewhere under the bonnet so when you take it into the dealer for a service they don't fit a new start motor and then rewire it etc :)

I think I might have to give this a go... :)

Still possible to by-pass it but hopefully a delay / deterent..
and if someone has just stolen the key from you, you are sorted.

mccltd 03 June 2002 04:01 PM

I looked into this a few years ago when I worked for a vehicle security firm.
We were told by the local authorities that if someone was to touch it (Yes I know they shouldn't) but if they were and got a shock of someform which caused them to to die (ie they had a pacemaker or summin) the person who owns the vehicle would be liable for man slaughter.
I was looking into charging the vehicle body (when the system was armed )and not using it as an earth return for components within the vehicle.
This way anybody touches any part of the vehicle they would have got a shock.

[Edited by mccltd - 3/6/2002 4:02:54 PM]

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