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Chip 04 March 2002 06:41 PM

Rang NU Direct today to get a quote for new Sti prodrive. Told me they will not insure this car. Told them a mate was insured with them from last week with same car. After checking with the underwriter I was told that in no way will they insure this car and was advised to tell my mate to phone them ASAP as he would be running around uninsured. He has this afternoon spoken to them to be told that his insurance was invalid. So anyone with a policy on this car please phone NU Direct ASAP.


scoob_dood 04 March 2002 06:42 PM

Insurance Companies = read legalised criminalism !

. o O ( flame on ! )

Dave T-S 04 March 2002 08:02 PM

Sorry, that's bollox about your mate. Provided he made a full correct declaration when he filled in the proposal he IS insured. All NU can do if they made a mistake by insuring it when they didn't want to is to give him 7 days notice of cancellation. It's law, all embedded in the Road Traffic Acts.....

Chip 04 March 2002 09:17 PM

T-S, All I can say is what the girl on the end of the phone told me. So either shes talking crap of you are. I dont know. All Im trying to do is help others if they are in this situation.


Rum* 04 March 2002 09:26 PM

It would appear that since the ABI categorised the STI Type UK (circa 26/02/02) as a Group 20 (!!), quite a few insurers have decided that they don't actually want to provide cover anymore...

...its just a shame that certain insurers don't spend time researching these sorts of things before providing quotes to members of the public.

At the risk of "blowing my own trumpet" (and yes....for those that know me....I have a large one....hooter that is)...I (well we...John, Dean and myself in the office) starting researching this the day he STI was 1st known to us (quite a while before the press got hold of the info :D) and by the time the car was launched we had terms agreed and in place with a major composite insurer.

Not only that, we had agreed some superb replacement vehicle cost and parts costs which all assist in the reduced premium quotations...

ALL our quotes from November 2001 to date stand and there will be no issuing of 7 day letters to any of our client....why....cos we have carried out the research and not just jumped on the bandwagon...

Its not surprising that our industry gets/has a bad name!!

We knew EXACTLY what the vehicle was, EXACTLY what premiums we (and the underwriters) wanted to charge and as such are able to offer what I consider to be an excellent package...

(not to all....tho we do try....but as I've said can't always get the business...)

Sorry rant mode off now...been a long day and it just p1$s@5 me right off when certain large carriers jump in and then manage to cock things like this up....if only they carried out a little "traditional" research!!!

As Dave says...all they can do is issue a 7 day notice of cancellation to your M8....suject of course to the details he originally provided as being correct etc etc...


Dave T-S 04 March 2002 09:31 PM

Oops - in case I didn't make myself clear, I meant NU were talking bollox, not you.

Why, that sounds so good, I might insure me and Missus T-S's STi Type UK's with you....hang on, we already did:D

Rum* 04 March 2002 09:35 PM

*LMAO*....Oh you did Dave!! :D:D:D

Chip....and apologies if we haven't got back to you as yet....I promise that one of us will get back to you tomorrow at some point....alas....whilst I was out playing...John was left in the office doing the quotes...(Dean had a dodgy tummy this morning due to no doubt eating one too many poppadoms at the weekend :D:D:D)...

Once again apologies for the delay...I just couldn't resist a play...


Puff The Magic Wagon! 04 March 2002 09:41 PM

If you've seen Rum's photos of his new liveried motah, then you know where all your premiums go :eek: :eek:

Worth every penny I reckon :D

Keep it up, old boy :D


(About time you started coming up with decent premiums for modded UK Wagons ;) :p )

KenG 04 March 2002 09:42 PM

I had the Pru virtually hang the phone up on me when I told them I was moving to the STI. After over 20 years with them they just didn't want to know.

A nice chap in Leeds who now drives a well stickered STI sorted me out. Nice to have such good neighbours.... thanks Tom.


Rum* 04 March 2002 09:44 PM

Yo cuz.....stop cussing me ... :D:D:D... I'll get ya business eventually :D:D:D:D ... even if it does end up with a family discount!!! NOT !! :D:D:D:D

Ken...thanks for the comments...appreciated :D:D:D


MARK MORRIS 04 March 2002 10:37 PM

i tried nfu direct for my p1, they said they dont do group 20 cars

Dave T-S 03 April 2002 07:03 PM


:rolleyes: Motor insurance - a subject you are well informed on, then :rolleyes:

[Edited by Dave T-S - 3/4/2002 8:04:22 PM]

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