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Knowlesy 22 February 2002 12:12 AM

Nice to see many new faces & thanks to Rob for organising it, food was pretty good & that Dutch guy did a great impression of the "stopppppppeh" advert.

Nate thanks especially for not dribbiling on Jen, (Jen hope u got home safely)

April for taking Pete & Stu home (April drives quite fast!!! Though that is compared to me!!)

Phil for getting the scoring right & doing the next meet (with help from me)

Mike, Chuckster, Mark, Neil, Ed, Richard, Kate, Mousse, Toby ((nice noise from that zorst especially under that tunnel)

Scott, I'll get my scoop before you (in 8 hours!!)

And everyone else, Cheers a great night.....& I think a well done to Disco-John for winning.....unless the scores were altered!!

RB5SCOTT 22 February 2002 12:16 AM

:p ;)

Nate-old 22 February 2002 12:33 AM

Scores.......... Hmmmmmm , RobMo won (Hmmmm) followed by his best mate Kev (Hmmmmm even more) :D

Top night ......Food was better than HH (pizza was MASSIVE), and they actually had chicken in their chicken dishes ;) Well organised Rob , I reckon you should be put down as area rep for ALL events ;)


Phil 22 February 2002 12:43 AM

Yeah a great night

thanks to

Rob - For Organising

Pete - For the Prizes

Kate + Jen - For proving good looking girls do like scoobys

Kate - For beating Rob (well actually everybody beat Rob) ;)

Rob,Kev & Disco - For Winning :(

Knowlesy - for organising next months ( :) )

Nate - For well being Nate

Great Night

Look forward to next month


chuckster 22 February 2002 07:39 AM

V cool, well done Rob fine evening :)
Good to meet so many new people, and see you next month!
Back to the Halfway house and the second Thursday!

Disco 22 February 2002 08:06 AM

Excellent night out, really enjoyed it!

Big thanks to Rob for a great job on organising, especially when you consider what else he's been through this month.

Sorry Knowlesy, I know I should have won, but the scores weren't altered, I just collapsed ala Greg Norman:([img]images/smilies/mad.gif[/img]

Well done to Kev and Rob for winning, and everyone else for having a go. Ed and Phil for trying to prove that smashing the pins to pieces with torpedo bowls is more effective than knocking them over:D Chuck for being the best fanclub and Stu for putting me off (I'll getcha back mate;))

Much respect to Grey for his excellent film footage, cant imagine what that young lady was thinking about whilst riding that horse:D:D

Good to meet all those new faces I haven't met before, its great to see the nights growing, they should be fantastic come the summer!


PS: Great grub too!:D

B4 Boy 22 February 2002 08:08 AM

Couldn't make it I was nights but I believe you all sang Happy Birthday to my other half!!!
She was there, only cottoned on at the last minute that you were meeting there. Hope to make the next one to meet and introduce ourselves!!

(p.s. she said all the Scoobys looked amazing parked together!!)

Knowlesy 22 February 2002 08:20 AM

B4BOY - not with her on her birthday (cardinal sin!!) but worst still leaving her to be with 30 other men owning Scoobies.......

Your either MAD (I was going to say bad) or very secure about this relationship!!!

Happy Birthday was OK but CONGRATULATIONS too...............Our lot are definately not singers!!!

B4 Boy 22 February 2002 08:39 AM

Dont worry, I'll be paying for months for not getting time off on her birthday!!!

Dr Lurve 22 February 2002 09:53 AM

A especially big thanks to Rob for all the organisation (the worlds most unflusterable man or what!) and also - based on my bowling performance - thanks Rob for not giving me the prize of the slowest ball to go down the alley.

But really thanks to you all, I had a really fun evening and it was great to meet everyone and to feel really welcome. We need more ladies!

Those scoobs did look a mighty impressive sight.

Great fun!!!! See you all soon, Jen.

Velryba's chick 22 February 2002 10:10 AM

As above, we had a great night, once again I did beat Robert :D
Top people, and yes Jen we do need more ladies.....

Thanks to Rob for doing a great job organising this !!!! and thanks for everyone for turning up and making it a great night, once again.

Hope to see you all soon.


Velryba's chick 22 February 2002 10:15 AM

Oh and put some pics someone, Nate you had a camera didn't you???

Rob Mo 22 February 2002 11:01 AM


well, I must admit I was impressed, it was such a high percentage turnout, as in, almost everyone who said they could or couldn't make it did or didn't...????????:rolleyes:

numbers : 25 to eat ( and without making too much mess, even Nate the pizza slinger!!!! )

20 to bowl, now lets be honest, none of us are exactly, well any good (glad I sent that ringer in for me!!!! - sorry!)

one apology, John Wiz, the set up of the bowling kinda got away from me a bit, was even more sorry I had to give you your money back (even more so when I won....gloat.....)

I would especially like to thank Pete Croney and SCOOBYSPORT. On first mention Pete offered a sponsorship to help me make this one an interest generator. The bowling prize was substancially upped on the night, which generated a prize fund of £145.00 - thanks Pete, quite something I thought.

right, suppose you lot want to know the final positions.........

170 points - Robert (Verylba (did I get it right for once?))
171 points - Neil (tried hard to bwl as fast as Phil and ED)
172 points - Pete (ensuring h didn't win any of his own money)
174 points - Mark (is that sqwint?)
175 points - Kate (lets face it robert,its not the first time she whooped ya!)
181 points - Terry (should have been concentrating on this mee for longer !)
184 points - Ed (8/10 injured pins, but tht just made em more stubborn)
190 points - Jen ( Very very respectable...couple of nice strikes i noticed...tink even nate mentioned your pins!!)
197 points - Lajos (foreigners...huh, they get our NHS, Support etc....ten bloody beat us at everything....;)..well done mate!)
197 points(yep tie) - Jonesy ( thanks for not drinking too much, didn't want knowlesy on to you about your100% urine octane booster )
203 points - Stu (cosumed a few, might have helped bowl...not sure if i'll let you do anything to me car today!!)
210 points - April (our top lady, Pete's disguised attempt to save face, and get his money back...)
214 points - Grae (last months holiay certainly affected your bowling)
222 points - Nate (too many women to concentrate on...bowling suffered)
224 points - moos? (looked as hard as he 6!!)
238 points - Phil (looked odds on with 3 strikes in a row + a spare....blew it tallying up all the scores,lost concentration (also need to try and chuck the ball hard s ed!))
241 points - Sampers ( a controlled and steady rhythm, blew it at the last, careful you don't do it to yer turbo!!)
243 points - Disco (mate....what happened, have to mention the 141 first frame score...looked odds on!!!, shame you go warmed up to return to normal...;))
248 points - Kev (what a star, tlk about consistent, winner of the bubbly first time, think cash last time, and now this..handicaps required next for sure....!)
254 points - Me (well, I was as surprised as the next bloke, somebody was pressing the buttons leaving me one to get in the middle all the time....a ringer maybe....or maybe it was the remote control, sorry peeps, I guess you just get lucky sometimes).

right, well, thanks again, a great night, I enjoyed all of your company toroughly...

for future meets, if we are all gonna take it in turns, then ideas would be a good thing, if anybody has any contacts for events, like karting, paintball, shooting, golf, football, netball/rounders/ a course on loading dishwashers(one for the laydees lol).......D:D:D, lol sorry just a joke..

anyway, look forward to seeing you all again soon,

Nate, Robert, Kate all have great holidays.......


edit : due to this fecking keyboard mising letters again....I started typing this when I got home last night........

[Edited by Rob Mo - 2/22/2002 11:05:58 AM]

sempers 22 February 2002 11:16 AM

Guess I'm just going to say what everyone else said.

First meet, top fun. Even if I should have won the bowling :D

Full marks to the organisation, and special thanks to Pete & Stu for talking shop/looking at my motor on an evening off.

Essex rocks :cool:

johnwiz 22 February 2002 11:25 AM

Nice one Rob! Even if I didn't bowl I got to wear the shoes for an hour or so :-)(only joking mate) I turned up late (as usual) & found an equally confused Jen in the car park.Where were all the Scoobs? Then I remembered something about parking at the rear of the car park & there they were,a fine sight.Then fellow Green 97 man Mark? turned up,also Velrybas' posse.Walked in to F&B's & of
course recognised Pete C(tks for the beer) & Stuart.Thanks to Knowlesy,Toby,Scott,& Chuckster(hope you sort another bike out soon mate!)& everyone else for making this newbie feel welcome.
What kind of action will Nate film next month???
Cheers John

Velryba's chick 22 February 2002 12:42 PM

OMG, I completely forgot about the two lovely ladies riding the horses !!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets see a pic Nate, don't be shy, we all know you took some....loads.....


Nate-old 22 February 2002 06:53 PM

Me............ I'm not pervy .... That was Grare getting the 'Riding' of those horses action (looked great didn't it guys !! ;) ) , if someone can tell me where I can post footage , I will , as the fine lady was riding well :D :D :D :D :D :D

Next months piccies won't be by me , can't make the meet :( , but am going to Rome :D woo hoo , destroy some gladiators !!


ps , will post pics over the weekend , V. busy , again ... Top night!

thecirsch 22 February 2002 09:07 PM


Thanks for organising a great night, 25 people sitting down to eat, you are the Delia Smith of Essex (and you've got nicer legs too ;)!) Also, well done at getting the wheels, you can stop questioning SOMEBODIES parentage now can't you?!!!

I'm not very happy at my score. HOWEVER, I think next time I'm gonna wear my own trainers and use that 10lb ball all the way through. Even if I don't get a decent score, at least I can try to kill some of the pins whilst trying. Although, I don't think pink is my colour!

Scott, do you think that those two trucks were a rolling road block set up by Essex Plod. I think they were impressed that your rear spoiler was actually higher then their trailers. Plus, the bloke on the bike, was he on a death wish or what??!!


Nate-old 23 February 2002 02:10 PM

Well people ...... Hers a pic of us at the table having our meal ...

And one of (Starting from left) Chuck , Disco , Kev , Rob and Ed ...

And heres a few pics of RobMo's new boots ( I told him he'd get 18's !! :D ) Technomags Detroit , aren't they Rob ?

I think they look very 'Handsome' Rob


PS at least you can go round corners now!! ;)

Rob Mo 23 February 2002 02:55 PM

Handsome wheels, for handsome

nah, need something about the car to stop people looking at me....

balance of full s/s exhaust being fiteed in 2 weeks....oh look at that, just afew days before the next meet....:D:D:D:D:D

was a laff the other night wasn't it!!!.

sorry, but gotta do this..... Tony / Scoobysport, thankyou very much for 'helping' me with these brand spanking 18's, shame the 17's haven't been available, not your fault I know, such a shame I had to have the 18's in the end ....;), (seriously, I am happy now I have them, was very worried).....

now, what's ne9xt, oh yeah thats it, win some more bowling, earn and save some more money to chuck at the wagon....


Phil 23 February 2002 03:18 PM


Nice pic's by Nate

Next Mod must come before the full SS exhaust



Looking forward to seeing them in real life

BTW Nate had the Splash Guards


velryba 23 February 2002 05:04 PM

Rob man, no u didn't get it right :) again :D:D:D
I'm not that dificult or am I ? ;)

BTW imagine what a nightmare it would be if I win over Kate -> divorce papers on the table, half of the scooby etc etc. :D:D:D

thecirsch 23 February 2002 05:56 PM

I'm NOT happy about those pictures, it makes me look even uglier then I really am, can someone cut and paste a new face, Brad Pitt, George Clooney or someone similiar (even Lassies arse would do!!)

Rob, boots look fine. I know THAT car park very well, is that where you work??


Phil 23 February 2002 07:05 PM


Who was that big fat B*****D sitting opposite you?

I really must start that diet


Nate-old 24 February 2002 11:10 PM

I did particulary pick a phot that I wasn't in :D (Grae took the dinner table pic) !!!!


thecirsch 24 February 2002 11:28 PM


Tell him there's a couple of 'big boys' who'd like to speak to him down a dark ally one night!!!!! What d'ya reckon Phil???


Nate-old 25 February 2002 06:54 PM


Would that be a bowling 'alley' :D :D ????


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