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BOB.T 10 November 2008 07:36 PM

BBC News
Rant alert! :eek:

What is it with the BBC news teams, do they think that we're retards?! :Suspiciou

To be fair it could be all news teams but I only ever watch the Beeb.

It's the video clips that really get me. Tonight for example, there was a feature about alcohol and its pricing. The chap says 'I'm going to a supermarket to find out more'. The video shows him at a checkout whilst the checkout woman scans some beers...that's it! No actual prices, no chat with the manager, nothing of any use! I know what a supermarket is, I know how to buy beer...why can't he just say that from a studio, in fact why does it even need a second presenter?!

By far the worst I've seen was a clip of a shower, with the 'Reconstruction' showing in the bottom corner. I KNOW WHAT A SHOWER IS!!!! :mad:

nnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! :mad:

oldsplice 10 November 2008 07:38 PM

You should listen to Terry Wogan in the mornings Bob, he's always moaning about this! :lol1:

tanyatriangles 10 November 2008 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by oldsplice (Post 8259594)
You should listen to Terry Wogan in the mornings Bob, he's always moaning about this! :lol1:

Wogan? That Irish tw@? Don't the same BBC pay him big bucks to talk crap?

Abdabz 10 November 2008 08:21 PM

Tonight the BBC have well and truly lost the plot. Our local news (North West) was ludicrous.

This is how it was reported...
Top Story was about an Ipswich town player who had crossed his arms after scoring a goal and said it was to show a friend he was thinking of them. Now apparantly this must have meant he was showing support for the nob goalkeeper who killed to the two kids and is now in prison as the crossing of the arms must have symbolised handcuffs and therefore the north west news must go to the family of the deceaseds house and ask them their thoughts... The player concerned has said he'll write a letter to the family - and Ipswich have fined him and offered some cash to charity...
In short - there was no story here and woeful editing.

Then next up was the fact that the bellringer who allegedly shot and killed Rhys Jones drew pictures of guns when he was in a youth offenders institute some time ago... Well, I am now pooping my pants in case someone in my home town gets killed, because I too used to draw pictures of guns when I was younger :eek:

Then there was the article where the tram timetable from Manchester forms part of A level English Language... Yes, as do many short texts which are analysed, but they were inferring this was to be used on the curriculum in an English lit way like Dickens...

I won't even start on The One Shows retardedly one sided expose' on "attack dogs" :lol1:

cossie-nutter 10 November 2008 08:22 PM

Its another scam to make us pay more for beer IMHO If they can't make the money from the pubs they are going to try and up the prices from the super markets and stop the offers!

BOB.T 10 November 2008 08:28 PM

We got the footballer guff on our local news too, Look North, Yorks and Lincs. Look North seem to be able to find the most tenuous links to the main news too! :rolleyes:

Saw The One show too with the dog thing, pffft! :rolleyes:

oldsplice 10 November 2008 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by tanyatriangles (Post 8259695)
Wogan? That Irish tw@? Don't the same BBC pay him big bucks to talk crap?

Yeah, I love it! It's just like being in here! ;) :lol1:

CrisPDuk 10 November 2008 09:13 PM

Try listening to Five Live or Radio 4, the BBC standard of Journalism was once envied throughout the world, but it has gone right down the toilet in recent years :(

Wogan is one of the BBC's greatest assets :thumb:

oldsplice 10 November 2008 09:14 PM

Bob, try this! :D

Torquemada 10 November 2008 09:17 PM

Wogan is hilarious :lol1:

On the news thing though, I know what you mean, my telly has dents in it from me throwing things at it.:lol1:
Must book those anger management sessions.....

BOB.T 10 November 2008 09:56 PM

Good work oldsplice...

Thing is, if you pick a fight with a random there's always the chance that they might have more than one brain cell and/or a decent left hook, whereas one is not only justified in flooring an idiot – you can guarantee it won't have the intelligence and therefore the presence of mind to react in a disagreeable manner until you are well out of their way.

oldsplice 11 November 2008 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by BOB.T (Post 8260027)
Good work oldsplice...


You're welcome. :D :lol1:

phil_wrx 11 November 2008 09:55 AM

yep the beer thing is a joke they have sgtarted on fags now its beer . stupid country we live in, i mens problems are caused by women so can they be banned?

stilover 11 November 2008 09:59 AM

Originally Posted by BOB.T (Post 8259588)
Rant alert! :eek:

What is it with the BBC news teams, do they think that we're retards?! :Suspiciou

Both the BBC news and ITV's news programs are utter tosh.

Only decent news program to watch is Channel 4 news. Where the BBC/ITV spend 2 minutes on a given item, with minimum facts and rubbish interviews, Channel 4 news will spend 15/20 minutes and interview people who actually know what they're talking about.

And the way the BBC & ITV remind you of the headlines EVERY 15 FECKING MINUTES gets right on my t1ts. :mad:

oldsplice 11 November 2008 10:16 AM

I hate it when they have the headlines running across the bottom of the screen while they're reporting on something else. Does my 'ead in! :mad:

STi wanna Subaru 11 November 2008 10:23 AM

This thread is probably a good one for my rant.... it's news related after all. The thing I hate about this country at the mo is the fact every news story is blown out of all proportion. Some of the coverage nothing events get is ridiculous! It's obviously down to a need to fill the 50 24/7 news channels out there and all the websites pumping out the same gossip.

Leslie 11 November 2008 10:27 AM

I agree that the reporting leaves a lot to be desired-it has all gone very "tabloid" these days and the accuracy is no longer to be trusted.

Terry Wogan has a clever if gentle sense of humour, never needs to use bad language or "lavatory humour". He is one of the real assets I reckon.


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